Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 534: Xu Feiyang

The fourth-rank nine-layered spirit pill refined with high-level spiritual essence corresponds to the effect of improving the cultivation base of the earth element.

A special version of the fourth-rank nine-layer spirit pill can allow a person to directly increase the level of the triple cultivation level in the Earth Element Realm.

Of course, the same as before, the level of this promotion can only be promoted to the seventh level of the Earth Element Realm.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng only intends to promote Geng Qiutong to the fourth level of the Earth Element Realm.

As long as they have been promoted to the fourth level of the Earth Element Realm, and then after taking a special version of the fourth grade nine-layer spirit pill, they can directly soar to the seventh layer of the Earth Element Realm.

This is very important to Qin Shaofeng.

On the seventh day after entering the dungeon secret realm, the first person who was promoted to the fourth level of the Earth Element Realm appeared.

It is the little fox Shirayuki!

The little guy was promoted to the third level of the Earth Element Realm by Qin Shaofeng's experience fruits. After seven days of killing the demonized monsters, the little guy was finally promoted to the fourth level of the Earth Element Realm.

As soon as the little fox reached the fourth level of the Earth Element Realm, Qin Shaofeng asked everyone to stop and rest, and casually asked the little fox to take the fourth stage nine-fold spirit pill to increase his level.

The little fox took the Fourth Stage Nine Layer Spirit Pill, and after just using it for one night, she smoothly ascended to the seventh stage of the Earth Element Realm.

Family members: Bai Xue (Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox)

Level: Early Stage of the Seventh Layer of Earth Element Realm

Occupation: Bishop

Elemental power value: 330,000/330000 (the seventh layer of the earth element realm has 30,000 points of elemental power, the 3rd level of Yi Jin Jing increases eight times, and the psychedelic eye increases three times)

Talented Spiritual Root: Nine-Tailed Demon

Talent skills: Seventy-two changes, dark charm, five elements spirit fire

Skill 1: Yi Jin Jing

Skill 2: Dancing in the sky

Skill 3: Xiao Li Fei Dao

Skill 4: Beiming Shen Gong

Skill 5: Write round eyes

Familiar: None


After being promoted to the seventh level of the Earth Element Realm, the little fox has a vitality value of 30,000 points, but with the addition of the 3rd level of Yi Jinjing and the psychedelic eye, her vitality value can directly soar to 330,000 points.

However, for Little Fox, the biggest change, the most obvious improvement is not the value of this vitality, but her mental power.

The seven-layered little fox in the Earth Element Realm had a much better mental power than before.

If the little fox at this moment confronts that Qiao Yihai, if he is unprepared and uses the psychic storm skill of the psychedelic eye to use the dark charm, I am afraid it can confuse him for several breaths, even more than ten Breathe.

Of course, the premise is that Qiao Yihai is not prepared.

After all, once the powerhouse of the holy origin realm is on guard, it is just the little fox of the earth origin realm that can still confuse the opponent.

As soon as the little fox was promoted to the seventh level of the Earth Element Realm, it was a great help for everyone.

Because the seven-layered little fox in the Earth Element Realm just dealt with ordinary demonized monsters, one dark charm would be able to confuse two to thirty demonized monsters.

And taking advantage of this confusion, it was enough for Qin Shaofeng to kill several people in and out.

After that, the speed at which everyone killed the demonized monster beast was two or three times faster than before.

However, the situation of the little fox was that Qin Shaofeng had already promoted him to the middle stage of the third stage of the Earth Element Realm, so he quickly rose to the fourth stage of the Earth Element Realm.

As for the Tiger Lord, he just reached the triple level of the Earth Element Realm, and if the Earth Element Realm Triple Level was upgraded to the fourth level, it would take 3 billion experience points to convert it into experience.

Therefore, even with the help of the little fox, when Lord Tiger was promoted to the fourth level of the Earth Element Realm, it was already the thirteenth day of entering the dungeon secret realm.

In the same way, everyone took a rest this day, and then Lord Tiger also spent one night and was promoted to the seventh layer of the Earth Element Realm.

Family: Tiger Lord (Tiger of Thunder, Light and Darkness)

Level: Early Stage of the Seventh Layer of Earth Element Realm

Elemental power value: 210000/210000 (Earth Element Realm Triple Layer has 70,000 elemental power points, and Level 1 Yi Jin Jing is tripled)

Talented Spiritual Root: Light of Thunder

Talent skill: Light of Thunder

Skill 1: Yi Jin Jing

Familiar: None


The Light of Thunder of Tiger Lord possesses the spirit roots of four major attributes, so it possesses a lot more energy than the little fox.

The Seventh Layer Tiger of the Earth Element Realm, his own vitality value reached 70,000 points, so even if it was only the 1st-level Yi Jinjing with triple the vitality value, in the end Tiger Lord’s vitality value exceeded 200,000. , Reached 210,000 points.

This allowed everyone's team to once again add a powerful boost.

At this time, Geng Qiutong and the three of them all reached the triple cultivation level of the Earth Element Realm one after another.

The vitality value that the three of them possessed at this moment also exceeded the 60,000 yuan power value currently possessed by Qin Shaofeng.

Moreover, under this situation, the three of them will be able to upgrade to the fourth level of the Earth Element Realm for a maximum of ten or twenty days. At that time, they will have a fourth-rank nine-fold spirit pill, and the three will be the same as the little fox and the tiger. He was directly promoted to the Seventh Layer of the Earth Element Realm.


When Qin Shaofeng and others continued to kill the demonized monsters in the dungeon secret realm, the outside Thousand Mountain Sect was on the peak of the Divine Sword.

At this moment, more than half a month has passed since Xu Tianyang was killed.

As soon as Xu Tianyang lost the news, Xu Feiyang naturally noticed.

But Xu Tianyang went to besie Qin Shaofeng, he didn't even tell him, but ran away by himself.

Therefore, Xu Feiyang didn't know at all, where did his son go and what did he do?

In fact, during this period of time, Xu Feiyang was specialized in cultivating Tang Qijian, especially the amazing kendo talent of Tang Qijian, Xu Feiyang was very excited.

It seems that God has finally opened his eyes and let him meet such an outstanding disciple.

However, in order to firmly control Tang Qijian, Xu Feiyang specially prepared a kind of control, even a pill to enslave others, its effect was more than ten times more powerful than Yu Nu Wan.

But Xu Feiyang didn't even know that even if it was on the powerful Yunuwan, it would definitely not have any effect on Tang Qijian.

The reason is simple, because Tang Qijian is Qin Shaofeng's family member!

The family members transformed by the super demon pieces of the super **** rank are, seriously speaking, the highest master-servant contract.

Even Xiaoqiuqiu said, it has never seen or even heard such a powerful master-servant contract.

Forcibly change the race of others and directly accept them as their dependents.

It can be said that this is the creation of a brand new ethnic group, and only Qin Shaofeng is the absolute king of this ethnic group, and everyone else's people are just dependents. To put it crudely, then slaves.

It's just that Qin Shaofeng didn't treat his dependents as slaves.

However, it is precisely because of this that it is useless for other people to commit slavery to Qin Shaofeng's family members.

Xu Feiyang naturally didn't know this.

He thought he had taken Tang Qijian, which he had specially prepared for the pill, had been completely enslaved by him.

Therefore, Xu Feiyang exhausted his thoughts on the cultivation of Tang Qijian.

Even in order to improve the cultivation of Tang Qijian, Xu Feiyang deliberately spent a lot of resources to open the secret realm of Shenjian Peak, the most mysterious and strongest sword, and bring Tang Qijian into it to concentrate on guiding Tang Qijian's cultivation.

The secret realm of sword at Shenjian Peak is one of the three secret realms of Qianshan School.

The Five Elements Realm of the Five Gods Peak, the Thunder Prison of the Thunder Gods Peak, and the convincing secret realm of the sword are the three secret realms of the Qianshan Sect.

The three secret realms not only possess extremely rich spiritual power, but there is even this kind of mysterious spiritual power, which can allow people to cultivate in them tens or even a hundred times faster.

Not only the speed of cultivation, but if you practice in the three secret realms, your perception ability can also be greatly improved, which makes it very easy to break through the realm.

But in the same way, such a powerful mystery requires a great price to open nature.

Xu Feiyang's opening of the Sword Secret Realm this time not only consumed a huge amount of resources, but even after it was opened this time, the Sword Secret Realm could not be opened again within 20 years.

If it hadn't already felt that he had completely controlled Tang Qijian, Xu Feiyang wouldn't have paid so much.

After Tang Qijian's practice stabilized, Xu Feiyang took the time to come out of the secret realm of sword.

But as soon as he came out, he found that his son was missing.

This made Xu Feiyang feel furious, and immediately sent several great Saint Yuan realm experts to find the trace of his son.

It's a pity that after searching for seven or eight days, the Saint Yuan Realm powerhouse still has no results.

This made Xu Feiyang finally feel that something was wrong.

However, he did not think about Qin Shaofeng for the first time. After all, in Xu Feiyang's eyes, his son Xu Tianyang has not only been promoted to the Earth Element Realm, but now that his spiritual roots have been strengthened, he is definitely not the Qin Shaofeng who is still wandering in the Great Yuan Dan Realm. Comparable.

Therefore, Xu Feiyang began to probe.

After this investigation, Xu Feiyang found out that Qingyun Sect, Nine Sun Sect and Xingyue Sect secretly sneaked into the domain of Qianshan Sect some time ago.

But no matter how Xu Feiyang checked it, he didn't find out what those sects secretly came to the Qianshan Sect realm, and where they went.

It has to be said that Xu Tianyang took a lot of effort in order not to bear the infamy of a collusion with an outsider and his own sect.

And afterwards, he even asked Chen He to kill the insiders.

As a result, no one knew that Xu Tianyang and Wang Kai had colluded with them and went to Lian Yangguo to deal with Qin Shaofeng.

Precisely because he didn't know this, all Xu Feiyang suspected for the first time that his son's disappearance must have something to do with the people of those big sects.

Xu Feiyang also didn't go to discuss this matter with Xiang Wanshan, because he knew that if the news of his son's disappearance came out, I am afraid that Xiang Wanshan would be the happiest, and even Xiang Wanshan would hinder him.

Considering these circumstances, Xu Feiyang finally decided to investigate it himself.

But even if he went out in person, Xu Feiyang still did not find out anything after a few days of investigation.

Neither his son nor the few people who had sneaked into the domain of the Thousand Mountain Sect had not heard a word.

This makes him feel that things are not simple.

And Xu Feiyang still has a very bad idea in his mind, that is, his son is no longer alive.

After all, it has been more than a month since Xu Tianyang lost contact.

No news for so long!

It is almost certain that the person is dead!

This made Xu Feiyang very angry, and the whole person was always in a state of rage.

He is a son like Xu Tianyang, who is very precious on weekdays, but now he is very likely to be killed. How can he not be angry?

In grief, Xu Feiyang made an amazing move.

That is to sneak directly into the sect of those people, to find out what is going on?

This is no small thing!

After all, Xu Feiyang was the deputy sect master of the Qianshan Sect, and even the peak powerhouse of the Saint Yuan Realm. He sneaked into other sect domains, or searched for something.

Once this is discovered, can it not cause misunderstanding?

I have to say that Xu Feiyang's character is not good enough, but he can be a dad, but it is extremely rare.

It is a pity that his precious son is a cheating.

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