Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 547: achieve

On the flying boat, as soon as Qin Shaofeng came up, he had discovered that there were people here.

Tianmen, Jiuyangmen, Yumonmen.

At this moment, the people on the flying boat are just the disciples of these three sects.

Among them is that Qiao Tian and Hong Kun!

As soon as Qin Shaofeng got on the flying boat, he met Qiao Tian's hateful eyes.

But here is the Flying Boat of Shenfu, even Qiao Tian didn't dare to stare at Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng ignored it and walked directly to that Hong Kun.

Because Hong Kun is waving to him right now!

Before coming, Xiang Wanshan had already given orders to the forty-odd Qianshan Sect disciples. After leaving Qianshan Sect, Qin Shaofeng's orders were the main ones.

Most of these people have taken the five-rank nine-layer spirit pill refined by Qin Shaofeng, and the lowest is the fifth-layer of the Tianyuan realm. Even so, they did not underestimate Qin Shaofeng.

Because of this period, Qin Shaofeng has already beaten those who dissatisfied him directly on the ground.

Qin Shaofeng actually didn't want to care about this, but it was also part of his deal with Xiang Wanshan, and most of them were disciples of Thunder God Peak, so Qin Shaofeng had to reluctantly embarrass it.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng's move toward Hong Kun at this moment, the disciples of the Qianshan Sect were naturally like the disciples of the Royal Beast Sect.

And the disciples of Yu Beast Gate, because of this competition for hegemony, it can be said that they had a chance to come in because of Qin Shaofeng.

This time, apart from Hong Kun, there were 30 people at the Royal Beast Gate. Originally, according to normal circumstances, the Yu Beast Gate could have at most 20 people, or even a dozen people.

Because of Qin Shaofeng, in the end, Yu Beast Gate took advantage of it.

The more disciples of the Royal Beast Sect were naturally a little grateful to Qin Shaofeng, besides, Qin Shaofeng was also a genius who could fight Hong Kun head-on, and they naturally respected him very much.

"Hey, here it comes!"

As soon as Qin Shaofeng stepped forward, he heard a smirking laugh from Hong Kun.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know what Hong Kun would laugh at, but when he looked at Qiao Tian, ​​he understood a little.

At this moment, whether it is Tianmen or Jiuyangmen, there are only ten people in these two sects on this flying boat!

However, Qin Shaofeng was more curious at this moment.

It stands to reason that even if there is this recommended quota, I am afraid that there is no quota for ten people!

Seeing Qin Shaofeng's face in doubt, Hong Kun pulled him on the ground of the flying boat and sat down directly, and then smiled: "Curious?"

Qin Shaofeng nodded.

Hong Kun smiled again: "Hey, you may not know that this time the number of places recruited by the Shenfu, three sects and seven sects totals 100 people, and after you have stirred up, this place is almost all owned by our two major sects !"

What is a stir!

Qin Shaofeng rolled his eyes in his heart, and then asked: "Then they still have ten people like this now?"

Speaking, Qin Shaofeng looked at the people at Tianmen and Jiuyangmen, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

"Hey, this is nothing else. After all, they and the geniuses of Jiuyangmen still have some. After all, they meet the recruitment requirements of Shenfu. This time, it is an extra favor from Shenfu!"

Hong Kun raised his brow, and then looked at Qiao Tian not far away very playfully.

Qin Shaofeng finally understood where Hong Kun's gloat came from.

show mercy?

This is probably the result of Tianmen, Jiuyangmen and several other sects, try your best!

It's better to say it's charity than charity.

No wonder that when he came up, Qiao Tian looked at him and hated him even more. It turned out that there was such a reason!

However, this is not my business!

Qin Shaofeng shook his head secretly, did not take it to heart, but began to chat with Hong Kun.

It is a pity that Qin Shaofeng was a little disappointed that Hong Kun also had a little knowledge of the existence of Shenfu.

Because about the divine palace, even those who came back after entering the palace did not mention that this was an order from the divine palace, and no one dared to violate it.

This also resulted in the fact that outsiders still don't know what is going on in the Shenfu.

However, Hong Kun said such a sentence.

"Although I don’t know what the situation in the God’s Mansion is, but one thing I’m sure of is that this time the people we go together are only one-tenth at most. They can stay in the God’s Mansion, and this is still the best. in the case of!"

In the best case, one tenth can be left?

Qin Shaofeng was taken aback, and then he understood why, after setting off, when he encouraged everyone to cheer on Wanshan, his tone was a little weird.

Now that I think about it, it is not weird, but lack of confidence!

When Qin Shaofeng was talking with Hong Kun, Qiao Tian's heart was raging. If it weren't for this place on the flying boat, he would have let the people around him kill Qin Shaofeng.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Qiao Tian knew that he was probably not Qin Shaofeng's opponent.

But beside him are the most outstanding and powerful geniuses in the Tianmen, all of them are in the Tianyuan realm close to the Saint Yuan realm. Killing a small Qin Shaofeng is not a trivial matter.

However, speaking of this, Qiao Tian remembered another thing.

Damn, that Qiao Yihai Tangtang, a Saint Yuan Realm master, can't even kill Qin Shaofeng, what a waste!

When I thought that Qiao Yihai, who had been sent by him, had not come back yet, Qiao Tian could already be sure that Qiao Yihai was dead.

"Unexpectedly, Qianshan Sect is so concerned about this Qin Shaofeng, and actually sent a Saint Yuan Realm master to protect him, this time he is fortune-telling!"

Qiao Tian didn't care about Qiao Yihai's death, what made him care was that Qin Shaofeng was still alive.


With a flash of eyes, Qiao Tian looked at Qin Shaofeng's harvest again, and Qiao Tian had a look of cruel expression in his eyes.

"Hmph, now that I have left Qianshan Sect, I see how you Qin Shaofeng can protect himself, I want to see who else can protect you in the future!"


The speed of Feizhou was very fast, and after a short while, he reached Guiyuanzong, followed by the other remaining major sects.

However, outside the Tianmen and Jiuyangmen, whether it is Guiyuanzong or Qingyunzong, these big sects are only five people who were brought to them.

Presumably because of this, no matter the disciple of the sect, after boarding the flying boat, he looked at the place where the Qianshan Sect was, especially Qin Shaofeng himself, his eyes were full of slowly malicious.

Qin Shaofeng didn't care about this at all!

Because among these people, there are few who can make him feel threatened.

Even if there is, Qin Shaofeng is not afraid, because if he can't fight, if he wants to escape, the presence of Hong Kun in the full state (calling out the state of the beast of life) will not stop him.

When the people of the last sect entered the Feizhou, the disciples of the three sects and seven sects on the Feizhou had just reached 130.

The time for Feizhou to pick up people is finally over.

And then, flying all-out to the flying boat where the Shenfu was located, Qin Shaofeng finally got to know the true speed of this flying boat.



Fly fast!

After Feizhou was at full speed, Qin Shaofeng was about to make a clear affirmation that Xu Feiyang used the Extreme Shadow Sword Art, and the body sword shadow that Xu Feiyang used had absolutely no such speed.

Although it will not be a thousand li, that kind of exaggeration.

But with a breath of kilometer, this flying boat can still do it, and it's still slow.

However, Qin Shaofeng knew that based on this situation, the speed of this flying boat had not yet reached its limit.

Even if a flying boat is the lowest level flying boat, it also needs a strong holy realm to perform at full speed.

Perhaps there should be this holy realm powerhouse in the divine palace, but Qin Shaofeng would not think that the divine palace would send a holy realm powerhouse to pick up people.

However, even so, the flying boat at this moment already has the speed of a general holy realm powerhouse.

It really deserves to be a flying boat!

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng was very emotional, and at the same time hoped that he could own a flying boat.

After entering the Diyuan Realm of the Trinity Realm, Qin Shaofeng's system store has risen to a super high level.

There are also flying boats for sale in the super system store, but even the lowest value flying boats require hundreds of millions of points.

Qin Shaofeng could only have an eye addiction.


Under the rapid flight, Feizhou still took a day to reach the god's house in the central area of ​​the destination Nine Cloud Continent.

This also made Qin Shaofeng completely understand one thing.

Shenfu is the overlord existence on the Nine Clouds Continent, because flying a full-day journey with a flying boat, during this period, it has long been out of the sphere of influence of the Three Sects and Seven Sects.

In other words, even if it is the unconscious occupation of the Divine Palace, its sphere of influence is probably a hundred times as much as the three sects and seven sects combined.

That's not right, because in reality, the entire continent is considered the sphere of influence of the Divine Palace.

However, after he truly reached the palace, looking down from Feizhou, Qin Shaofeng's face showed a strange look.

The reason is simple, because what he saw before his eyes was only a small town that could hold 100,000 people at most.

Although the layout is sophisticated, the construction is gorgeous.

But even such a small place can be considered a sacred palace?

Qin Shaofeng can still accept this if there are some huge peaks, wastelands, dense forests, etc., and areas with a large number of monsters.

But the problem is...

Seeing the endless horizon, at least thousands of miles in the plains, Qin Shaofeng was very puzzled.

This is really a god's house?

Similarly, Hong Kun, who was standing with Qin Shaofeng, and Geng Qiutong and others, were very puzzled at this moment like Qin Shaofeng.

But no matter how confused they were, in the end Feizhou still wanted the small town to fall.

"Here, go down!"

As soon as the flying boat landed, the cold sound rang again.

Faced with such an order, no one on the flying boat dared to neglect, and they all flew off the flying boat.


After everyone got off the flying boat, the flying boat flashed violently and disappeared.

It was Qin Shaofeng's field of perception with fiery eyes and golden eyes, and he didn't know how Feizhou disappeared.

At this moment, a middle-aged man suddenly appeared in the place where more than one hundred of them had fallen.

As soon as the big man appeared, he exuded a arrogant aura like an ancient beast.

Just one person will suppress everyone again.

Feeling the breath of the big man, Qin Shaofeng's face changed slightly.

In terms of realm, this big man is at best the nine-fold realm of Saint Yuan Realm, but from this breath, Qin Shaofeng has a feeling in his heart.

If it were to fight, Xu Feiyang might not be the opponent of this big man.


The big man yelled fiercely, his voice was like Hong Zhong, which shook many people's ears.

"Congratulations on coming to the Shen Mansion, because you will enjoy three months of free cultivation in the Shen Mansion. This is your great blessing!"

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