Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 549: Human heart! Human heart!

One hundred victories, pass the first floor of the trial tower!

This is the minimum requirement to stay in the Shenfu!

This may seem easy, but in fact it is not easy to do.

For the trial tower, that’s okay. After all, it’s only the first level. If you can raise your cultivation to the peak of the Heavenly Origin Realm within these three months, you will face a thousand Heavenly Origin Realm triple monster beasts. There is still some great hope.

If you can enter the Saint Yuan Realm, then it will naturally be better.

But the 100 victories of the Magic Tower are different!

Although no points will be deducted if you lose, if the number of losses is accumulated to 100 times, no matter what the situation, even if you have passed the first floor of the trial tower, you will definitely be eliminated by the gods. .

In addition to this method, being able to stay in the God's Mansion, there are other things that allow people to stay.

That is the Heavenly Realm!

As long as he successfully defeated his clone even once, he would be eligible to stay in the Shenfu.

But how could it be so easy in the world?

After all, a self that is more than 30% stronger than one's own strength, if you want to defeat it, it is not a simple matter.

However, under such harsh conditions, if you can formally join the Divine Mansion, the benefits are much greater.

Even Qin Shaofeng and the others who have not formally joined the Shenfu can now go to the Shenfu store to receive three drops of spiritual liquid.

Of course, the three drops of spiritual liquid are not immediately available.

Because even if you receive the first drop of spiritual fluid, you must win a victory in the Magic Tower, the second drop requires ten times, and the third drop requires thirty victories.

Not to mention this, it was the sufficient spiritual power of this divine palace at this moment that made Qin Shaofeng amazed.

Even on the Thunder God Peak of the Thousand Mountain Sect, the strength of the spiritual power in that master's cultivation cave is not more than this.

And Qin Shaofeng had also heard that if he could formally become a disciple of the Divine Mansion, he would get an official training room, and each training room not only possessed stronger spiritual power.

Even in that rich spiritual environment, a drop of spiritual liquid can be born every day.

Cultivating with spiritual liquid, one drop per day, the speed at which you can cultivate is absolutely terrifying.

This alone is enough to drive people crazy, and Qin Shaofeng is no different.

However, what Qin Shaofeng really cares about is the Heavenly Boundary Stage.

If you really want to inquire about the same news, if the Mitian Realm can replicate anyone's skills and techniques, it is undoubtedly the best place to practice for anyone.

"This palace is really a good place!"

After a thorough understanding, Du Meng sighed with emotion.

"Yes!" Lu Hai'an also nodded in agreement.

But the little princess was calmer. Looking at Qin Shaofeng who was silent, the little princess asked calmly: "It's good, but we have to stay. Shaofeng, what should we do now?"

How to do?

Qin Shaofeng glanced at a few people around him, seeing that everyone looked at him expectantly, and felt a little pressure for a while.

Especially, this head is really not so good!

For such things, Qin Shaofeng is quite a headache.

It doesn't matter if it's his own words, it's definitely easy to do it alone.

And just consider your own situation, you don’t need to think too much.

But now I don’t want to!

Qin Shaofeng's egg hurts when he thinks of the forty Qianshanzong disciples behind him.

However, suddenly, Qin Shaofeng's eyes lit up slightly, and his gaze fell on the little princess beside him.

Because Qin Shaofeng suddenly remembered that she, a little woman, seemed very scheming...

Uh, no, she is a very smart, very witty and good woman!

With a slight smile, Qin Shaofeng raised his eyebrows at the little princess without leaving a trace, and then coughed lightly, and said, "Ah, Feng'er, what strategy should you have, say it, let everyone listen to it and discuss it. "

Facing Qin Shaofeng's hint, the little princess rolled her eyes in her heart, but she didn't say anything, and even a hint of sweetness was born in her heart.

Because now Qin Shaofeng can rely on herself, which is the happiest thing for her.

Seeing what Qin Shaofeng said, everyone also looked at the little princess.

The little princess was also timid, and said directly: "According to the current news, in my opinion, in the end, everyone will not try to challenge anything!"

Not challenge?

At this moment, even Qin Shaofeng was confused by what the little princess said.

If you don't challenge, how can you pass?

Although it is very likely to lose, at least you can know the specific difficulty!

Only in this way can we have a planned strategy!

But the little princess' next sentence made several people understand what she meant.

Seeing that everyone was very puzzled, the little princess had expected it a long time ago, and then explained: "Not everyone will not challenge it. I mean we, and some seniors in the pinnacle realm of Tianyuan realm to challenge. Let’s try it out, how difficult is this three treasures of God’s Palace!"

The three treasures naturally refer to the Pagoda of Fantasy, the Tower of Trial, and the Sky Realm!

And at this moment, not only Qin Shaofeng and the others, but also a few seniors who came to the peak of the Tianyuan realm in the Shenfu this time.

The people present were not stupid either, and the little princess would understand when she said so.

Let the people with strong cultivation level challenge first, and then let others challenge after understanding the difficulty.

To put it bluntly, it means that the strong go to the bottom, find a way or weakness, tell others, and then increase the chance of staying.

After understanding, everyone present did not object, and after a little discussion, everyone confirmed the plan and dispersed.

It was said to have dispersed, but in fact, the people of Qin Shaofeng's real group did not really disperse.

This was all signaled by Qin Shaofeng secretly. Of course, because of Du Meng's relationship, Xiang Qianqian also stayed, and Lu Hai'an also left.

"Feng'er, there should be something you haven't said, right?"

Qin Shaofeng spoke after he was all his own.

The little princess nodded, and then said: "Although the method is like this, it's probably not everyone who actually implements this method!"

When the little princess said this, there was a moment of silence at the scene.

Especially Xiang Qianqian, the nominal young master of the Qianshan Sect, can understand the meaning of the little princess's words.

Indeed, in the face of such a powerful divine palace with countless benefits, how many people can bear the inner excitement and execute Qin Shaofeng or Xiang Qianqian's orders?

"Cut, what's so tangled about it, what can you do if you don't obey orders?" Qin Shaofeng said disdainfully.

Faced with Qin Shaofeng's disdain, the little princess was also speechless, but she didn't refute anything, because what Qin Shaofeng said was the truth.

Faced with people who don’t implement their own plans, why do they continue to help each other?

In fact, the little princess knew Qin Shaofeng's thoughts a long time ago, and the reason she would say it was to explain this to Xiang Qianqian.

Du Meng was okay, as long as Qin Shaofeng decided, Du Meng would never have any opinions.

But now Du Meng is with Xiang Qianqian, if Xiang Qianqian insists on helping those self-righteous disciples of the Qianshan Sect, then Du Meng will definitely go too.

Then, Qin Shaofeng will eventually be dragged over.

Such a situation is not what the little princess would like to see.

In her eyes, Qin Shaofeng is now the center, and other things are necessary.

Although she only understood a little bit, the little princess had already seen through.

The competition in Shenfu was absolutely fierce, and she didn't want anyone to drag Qin Shaofeng back.

Now that I said this in front of Xiang Qianqian in advance, the little princess was nothing more than a psychological preparation for her.

If Qin Shaofeng knew that the little woman next to him had only thought about so much for a while, she would have been startled in a cold sweat, and then she patted her chest and shouted for joy.

"Fortunately, fortunately, this little woman is her own woman, otherwise she will calculate it, then it will be unlucky!"


As the little princess said, the problem will arise when the plan is implemented.

This time, there were several Qianshanzong disciples who were about to be promoted to the Saint Yuan Realm. Although they had promised Qin Shaofeng on the surface, they would proceed according to the little princess's plan.

But it didn't take long for them to hear that some Qianshan Sect disciples couldn't help but had gone directly to the Magic Tower or the Trial Tower.

Some people even broke into the Heavenly Realm.

This made Qin Shaofeng very speechless, just forget about the rest.

Just went to the Heavenly Realm?

You must know that now they are a group of informal gods, a person has only had three chances to break through the heavens in these three months.

If this is a failure, this opportunity to break through the heavens and stay in the gods will definitely be gone.

Faced with the words of those seniors at the peak of the Heavenly Origin Realm, the little princess had expected it a long time ago. In the end, she just spread a word that if someone can fully understand her order, come to them, or after today, everyone will take care of their own things. All right.

It was obvious that in the end, there were only five disciples of Lei Shenfeng who came to see Qin Shaofeng and the others.

And these five disciples, three of them belonged to the Geng family. Under Geng Qiutong's order, this was a little reluctant to come over.

There are only two people who really intend to follow Qin Shaofeng!

Faced with such a situation, Qin Shaofeng didn't take it seriously. After all, he was only in the Earth Element Realm. There was Senior Qianshanzong who had the pinnacle realm of Tian Yuan Realm. As long as people were not stupid, he knew that he should listen to that side.

As for the disciples of the Qianshan Sect at the peak of the Tianyuan realm, although they were more united on the road because of the order before leaving Wanshan, they did not show any resistance to what Qin Shaofeng said.

But now!

Heh, the emperor Shan Gao is far away, the suzerain is not here, and besides, Qin Shaofeng is just a kid in the primitive realm, what can he have to let them pass the test of the gods?

It's better to pay attention yourself.

Therefore, the last excuse to take care of those brave juniors and juniors, those masters at the peak of the Heavenly Origin Realm, none of them can stay.

Even Lu Hai'an disappeared.

But this is a good thing for Qin Shaofeng. After all, he doesn't have to be responsible for too many people. It is an easy thing for him. He just sighed.

"Human heart, human heart!"

After a sigh, Qin Shaofeng didn't take this matter to heart.

On the contrary, Xiang Qianqian was a little depressed, especially Lu Hai'an's choice, which made her feel like betrayed.

However, this is also a rare experience for her.

After this time, Xiang Qianqian might be able to appreciate people's hearts even more.

Some things can only be realized after experiencing.

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