Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 551: Hong Kun's strength

"By the way, what's your situation like?" After talking about the others, the little princess changed the topic to Qin Shaofeng again.

Although Qin Shaofeng had already said that he also lost, the little princess still wanted to know the details.

In the heart of the little princess, if one of her few can pass through the Heavenly Realm, Qin Shaofeng is definitely the first one.

When the little princess asked, Geng Qiutong looked at Qin Shaofeng curiously.

To be honest, they had never thought that Qin Shaofeng would lose before, but now Qin Shaofeng really lost.

Qin Shaofeng naturally understood Geng Qiutong's gaze, which made him even more helpless.

However, Qin Shaofeng's expression became serious when he thought about the situation in the Heavenly Realm.

"It's weird!"

Finally, after thinking about it, Qin Shaofeng said three words!

Such an answer obviously cannot satisfy the little princess and Geng Qiutong.

Weiwei thought for a while, and the little princess suddenly asked, "Can all your skills be copied?"

As Qin Shaofeng's family member, especially a woman who is still Qin Shaofeng, the little princess has already had some chance to understand Qin Shaofeng's situation.

In her calculations, it is impossible to replicate some of Qin Shaofeng's skills in the Heavenly Realm.

Because in a sense, those skills no longer belong to humans, no, it should be said that they are not mortal skills.

The ability to resurrect and even become one of his own relatives, what mortals can actually possess?

Qin Shaofeng naturally understood what the little princess meant. Right now, this was the three of them, so Qin Shaofeng didn't hide anything.

"I can't say that, general skills, like the Thousand Mountain Sect, the Thunder Control Technique! That's the Heavenly Realm can be replicated!" Qin Shaofeng replied.

"What about the others?" the little princess quickly asked.


Qin Shaofeng thought for a while, and then said with some uncertainty: "Other skills shouldn't be duplications, they should be considered alternatives!"

"An alternative? What does this mean?" Geng Qiutong couldn't understand.

It was the little princess who thought of something, and she said directly: "Could it be your skills, the Heavenly Realm hasn't been fully replicated, but similar skills?"


Qin Shaofeng nodded, and then recalled that when he first used Lei Dun Qilin, he hadn't noticed at first.

But Qin Shaofeng noticed when the virtual avatar used the Thunder Kirin again.

Perhaps the thunder and lightning unicorn that erupted from the virtual clone was indeed much stronger than the one he had used.

But what the other party uses is not Thunder Dun, but just a move similar to Thunder Dun.

It feels like it was made by forcibly following the pot painting after it could not be copied, but the power is not low!

In order to determine this, Qin Shaofeng finally used Amaterasu.

As a result, the virtual avatar also displayed a black flame, but Qin Shaofeng said that he was very sure that it was not Amaterasu!

And the most direct point is that the opponent's eyes have not changed at all.

After Qin Shaofeng showed the Shulanyan, if he deliberately hides it, only the little princess and Geng Qiutong who are his family members can see the changes in their eyes, others can't see it.

At this point, the same is true of the Mitian realm, so Qin Shaofeng still has the advantage in this respect, and writes the advantage of Lanyan.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng didn't use the pupil technique skill of writing round eyes before, and the virtual clone was the same.

Unfortunately, even so, Qin Shaofeng still lost in the end.

However, it is better to say that I lost because of the slow recovery speed.

When challenged in the Heavenly Realm, he didn't restore the pill, only relying on his own recovery ability, and Qin Shaofeng could only rely on Yi Jin Jing to restore his vitality.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know if the virtual clone had Yi Jin Jing, but what Qin Shaofeng knew was that the other party's resilience was 30% stronger than his own!

After listening to what Qin Shaofeng said, the little princess frowned, and said softly: "That is to say, even if it can't be copied completely, the Heavenly Realm can be replaced with other skills, which is still 30% better than itself. Powerful?"

"Well, this should be the case!"

Qin Shaofeng nodded, and then thought for a while and said to the two women: "Don't challenge first. After I figure out a specific method or find the weakness of the Mighty Heaven Realm, you will go again after I successfully break through the Mighty Heaven Realm!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as Qin Shaofeng finished speaking, Geng Qiutong on the side gave him a blank look.

"Don't worry. After learning about other people's challenges, Sister Feng'er told me that she gave up the idea of ​​challenging the Heavenly Realm first. Then the Heavenly Realm will wait until she officially joins the Divine Mansion before going slowly. Forget the challenge!"

"And with your failure example, we are not stupid, how can we still challenge the Heavenly Realm?"

Finally, Geng Qiutong added one sentence.

Qin Shaofeng was speechless after hearing Geng Qiutong's words.

Fainted, it seems that I have become an experimental white mouse.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't care, but asked what else happened to the little princess.

"Well, what happened to Feng'er's fantasy tower and trial tower now?"

Seeing Qin Shaofeng asked about these two places, the little princess did not hesitate and directly told the news she knew.

However, Qin Shaofeng was startled by the first words the little princess said.

"First of all, let me tell you the good news, that is this time, some of our people have passed the first floor of the trial tower!"

Why did someone pass the first floor of the trial tower so quickly?

Qin Shaofeng was startled, but then suddenly he remembered something, and immediately asked, "Is it that Hong Kun boy?"

"I know I can't hide it from you!"

The little princess smiled, and then said: "Actually, Hong Kun can pass the first floor of the trial tower, and it is also in my calculations. Even according to my calculations, I am afraid that the third floor Hong Kun will also pass!"

Qin Shaofeng did not object to the little princess's words, but nodded in agreement.

There is no way to tell Hong Kun that there are so many war beasts, even the holy yuan realm natal war beasts, it is not difficult for him to try the first three floors of the tower.

Even the battle of the Fantasy Tower is absolutely beneficial to Hong Kun.

It can be said that among Qin Shaofeng's one hundred and thirty people, Hong Kun is the one who can be determined to pass the examination of God's Mansion and then stay smoothly.

This is Hong Kun's real strength!

However, suddenly thinking of something, Qin Shaofeng smirked and laughed: "Hey, maybe the Magic Tower and the Trial Tower are not a big problem for Hong Kun, but the Heavenly Realm is absolutely a problem for that kid. An insurmountable place!"

Indeed, Hong Kun, who has a large number of beasts and a few powerful beasts of life, as long as he wants to, he might be able to officially become a man in the palace now.

But if he goes to the world, he only needs one word and lose!

It was impossible for Hong Kun to win with the perverted ability to replicate in the face of the sky.

The reason is very simple. Even if the skills that Hong Kun possessed cannot be fully replicated, the battle beasts possessed by Hong Kun can definitely be fully replicated in the Heavenly Boundary Realm, and they still have to be 30% stronger.

Under such circumstances, Hong Kun's strength can be said to be completely magnified by the Heavenly Realm.

For Hong Kun, to defeat such self is no less than a move to the sky!

The little princess also understood this, so she didn't object to it.

"By the way, where is the Fantasy Tower?" After a gleeful smile, Qin Shaofeng asked about the last place.

But this time, the little princess didn’t answer anything. She smiled and said playfully to Qin Shaofeng: “Well, you can experience it yourself. However, I can tell you that the Pagoda of Fantasy will come to you. Say, it’s the best place, maybe even the place you dream of."


Hearing what the little princess said, Qin Shaofeng was very itchy.

But just when he was going to look at the Pagoda of Illusion, he looked up and found that the sky had dimmed.

This caused Qin Shaofeng's heart to move. He looked at the playful little princess and Geng Qiutong who was laughing, his eyes lit up, and he couldn't help licking his lips.

The shrewd little princess immediately noticed what was wrong with Qin Shaofeng, especially when Qin Shaofeng's gaze at the moment looked at her, there was a strange change.

As the little princess of Lianyang Kingdom, Lian Yufeng, who grew up in the palace since childhood, naturally knew what Qin Shaofeng was thinking at the moment.

After all, she was no longer unfamiliar with Qin Shaofeng like this, and she was even familiar with it.

But she had no idea of ​​leaving, and she even glanced at Geng Qiutong beside her without leaving a trace.

This is an absolute hint to Qin Shaofeng!

With a warm heart, after understanding the little woman's suggestion, Qin Shaofeng threw down Geng Qiutong, who was still in an unclear situation.



On this day, the outer city was very lively, but the inner city also had some changes.

As the center of the Nine Clouds Continent, the existence of God's Mansion is supreme!

Although there are ten powers of Three Sects and Seven Sects on the Nine Clouds Continent, in fact, there are still some clan powers in the inner circle that are no more powerful than the Three Sects and Seven Sects. They may even be stronger than the Three Sects and Seven Sects. some.

It's just because of the prestige of the gods, these family forces are not so famous.

But no matter which family they are, their strength is undoubtedly strong.

And there is one thing different from the Three Sects and Seven Sects. In the face of the Three Sects and Seven Sects, the Divine Mansion will only recruit in the Three Sects and Seven Sects under certain circumstances.

And those powerful families can rely on some relationships to send family disciples into the gods.

The geniuses who can be sent to the palace with the thoughts of these families basically stay in the palace smoothly.

The Shenfu was not big at first, but in fact, there was a large space formation in the inner city that was not lower than the ancient space formation of Qianshan Sect.

The inner city is where the real palace is located!

At this moment, in a courtyard in the inner city, several young men are gathering here for a drink.

Although this scene seemed extremely shameless, no one would believe what shameless disciples these young men exuded from the breath.

Because they are all powerhouses in the Saint Yuan Realm, and the lowest of them is the seventh realm of the Saint Yuan Realm.

But even the young man in the seventh stage of the Saint Yuan Realm, judging from the aura he exudes, the Yuan power that the opponent possesses is probably far more than 100 million Yuan Yuan, or even 200 million.

But that boy was just the weakest existence of the few people present!

In such a situation, if it were known to those strong in the Three Sects and Seven Sects, it would be very shocking!

But here, it is a very common thing.

Because this is a god's house!

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