Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 571: I finally caught up with you!

"What a thick skin!"

Seeing that the black-horned bull king just turned over, he stood up, Qin Shaofeng sighed slightly.

But the black-horned bull king didn't sigh, but flushed his eyes and charged towards Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng was not afraid, and punched again.

However, the punch that Qin Shaofeng blasted this time directly blasted a shadow of a fist!



There was another explosion, but this time, a blood hole was blasted into the body of the black-horned bull.

The black-horned bull king even flew far away, and then there was no more movement.

In the case of Qin Shaofeng's Qianshan Fist, only the black-horned bull king at the first stage of the Saint Yuan realm could not resist a punch.

However, this is not surprising!

Although the monster beast of the Black Cloud Valley has relatively strong overall strength, this is the black-horned bull king in the first stage of the Saint Yuan realm, and even possesses the strength level of the ordinary disciple of the gods and the second stage of the Tianyuan realm.

But it is a pity that Qin Shaofeng's situation has long surpassed the level of ordinary disciples in the gods.

Speaking seriously, Qin Shaofeng is exactly the same level as the gods of the gods.

With a 500 million yuan strength value alone, it is destined that this black-horned bull king is not Qin Shaofeng's opponent.

Once Qin Shaofeng gets serious, it is nothing to kill him in seconds.

After killing the black-horned bull king with a punch, Qin Shaofeng touched his chin and muttered softly.

"Tsk tusk, it's just the first level of the Heavenly Origin Realm, which actually allows me to use some level of strength, this Black Cloud Valley is really interesting!"

If this sentence were heard by other people, it would definitely be ridiculous.

I have seen someone who pretends to be so forceful!

Time was running out, and Qin Shaofeng didn't plan to stay here for anything. A flash came to the corpse of the Black Horned Bull King, and after putting away the huge corpse, Qin Shaofeng continued on his way.

Qin Shaofeng would not let go of the corpse of a holy yuan realm monster beast.

Because the corpse of a holy yuan realm monster beast, if it is returned to the divine palace, at least one hundred points can be exchanged.

If it is thrown into the recycling furnace of the system, the points for recycling may be at least more than one million.

This is complete money, Qin Shaofeng is not stupid.

It was not until Qin Shaofeng left that other black-horned bulls in this place slowly walked out.

Even the king of his own race was killed with a punch.

Those black-horned bulls in the Heavenly Origin Realm naturally understood that the human being who appeared suddenly was absolutely terrifying in strength, so they would definitely not dare to provoke Qin Shaofeng.

A few hours later, this place welcomed a guest again.


The figure flashed, and the figure that appeared suddenly flashed to the place where Qin Shaofeng had fought with the black-horned bull king.

It seemed that something had been discovered. The next moment, the man flipped his right hand and drew out a strange whistle, then blew it gently.

After the peculiar whistle was blown, the sound that occurred was extremely slight, but the strange thing was that the sound, although very slight, spread out a great distance.

Not long after, several figures flew from a distance.

In the next moment, there were seven or eight more people in this place, and one of them was that He Shaojie.

Needless to say, these people are naturally the He family team who chased Qin Shaofeng.

"Did you find anything?" He Shaojie asked as soon as he appeared.

The previous whistleblower replied immediately after hearing the sound: "Four young masters, there are traces of fighting here!"

"A trace of the battle?" A hint of surprise flashed in He Shaojie's eyes, and he hurriedly asked, "Why, is that Qin Shaofeng?"

"I don't know, but based on the results of subordinates' investigations, the two sides of the battle should be a human being and a monster beast!" the person replied.

But these words made He Shaojie laugh.

"Ha, it can't be wrong, now this Black Cloud Valley has been temporarily out of service. As far as humans are concerned, who else is there except Qin Shaofeng?"

As he said, a sharp light flashed in He Shaojie's eyes, and he sneered: "Qin Shaofeng, I finally found you!"

But at this moment, the tenth Saint Yuan Realm master in the team said something.

"Four young masters, that Qin Shaofeng is not easy. Judging from the remaining aura on the scene, he was fighting against a holy yuan realm one-layer black-horned bull king, but Qin Shaofeng seemed to have only used one move, and he killed him directly. Up!"

Killed the Black Horned Bull King with one move?

He Shaojie was slightly startled, but then he said indifferently: "So what, this black-horned barbarian bull king in the first stage of the Saint Yuan realm, I can also kill with one move, then Qin Shaofeng has such strength, it is not enough. Surprising, but no matter what, he will never be our opponent!"

He Shaojie is not surprised that Qin Shaofeng possesses such strength.

But in He Shaojie's eyes, no matter how strong Qin Shaofeng has, he is definitely not an opponent of these people.

He Shaojie himself had the confidence to kill Qin Shaofeng directly without the help of others.

The master of the tenth level of the Saint Yuan Realm, seeing He Shaojie look like this, didn't say anything.

Although he is a dead person trained by the He family, it does not mean that he has no ideas of his own.

The dead men trained by the He family, apart from being implanted with orders to absolutely obey the He family, have normal human thinking.

In his opinion, Qin Shaofeng could not escape this assassination.


Flying all the way, killing everywhere, the first day passed like this!

On this day, Qin Shaofeng killed more than thirty Saint Yuan Realm monsters, but most of them were monsters below the Saint Yuan Realm triple realm, and Qin Shaofeng only encountered one of them.

At night, on a towering tree, eating the delicious food specially cooked by the little princess and Geng Qiutong, Qin Shaofeng looked down at the surrounding situation.

"Well, I walked so many places today, but I just encountered a monster of the four-level Saint Yuan realm. It seems that those monsters of the triple-level super Saint Yuan realm should stay in the deep area of ​​Black Cloud Valley. !"

Today, Qin Shaofeng’s scope of activity is only in the outer area of ​​the Black Cloud Valley. Although it has gone deep into it a lot, Qin Shaofeng can see clearly that the true monsters that can exceed the three levels of the Holy Origin Realm should all be in the depths of Black Cloud Valley. .

"Since this is the case, I don't need to delay anything. I just rush to the depths of the Black Cloud Valley!"

After swallowing the last bit of delicious steak, Qin Shaofeng stood up from the huge tree trunk, and then dashed forward to the depths of the Black Cloud Valley.

At the same time, in a place on the other end, He Shaojie took a few of his subordinates, and his heart was slightly angry at this moment.

In He Shaojie's eyes, the pursuit of Qin Shaofeng was a breeze.

Especially after discovering the traces of Qin Shaofeng's battle with the monster beast for the first time, He Shaojie felt that he would soon catch up with Qin Shaofeng and then killed Qin Shaofeng.

But He Shaojie soon felt that something was wrong.

Although there was the first battle trace, there was also a second battle trace soon.

But He Shaojie discovered that no matter where the battle was, it was far apart.

And every time Qin Shaofeng fights the monster beasts, at least it is in the first stage of the Saint Yuan realm, and there is no monster under the Saint Yuan realm.

In other words, Qin Shaofeng was very precise and found every monster in the Saint Yuan Realm where he passed.

This surprised He Shaojie!

He couldn't do such a precise detection method, and it was not just him. Even among his opponents, a nine-layer Saint Yuan realm master with good detection ability, I am afraid that he could not do this level.

But in this way, He Shaojie knew the trouble was.

The holy yuan realm monster beasts that appeared in this Black Cloud Valley were basically the kings of the same race, so they all had their own territories.

And this shows that there are two holy yuan realm monster beasts at the same time, and they must be separated by a lot of distance.

And Qin Shaofeng only killed the monster beasts of the Saint Yuan Realm, so the place to fight is probably because of the territories of these monsters of the Saint Yuan Realm, and there is a constant distance.

In this way, He Shaojie and the others chased Qin Shaofeng, which brought no small difficulty.

It was not that He Shaojie had never thought that he directly searched Qin Shaofeng's own breath, but unfortunately, under the cover of Yi Jinjing, Qin Shaofeng's breath was not exposed at all.

It was only when they were fighting with those Saint Yuan realm monsters that they were exposed, and He Shaojie and the others could only rely on these auras to trace Qin Shaofeng's traces.

This caused He Shaojie and the others to track down Qin Shaofeng's trail, which caused great distress.

No, because of this, He Shaojie is cursing at this moment.

"Stupid, it's really a bunch of useless things. You can't detect the smell of **** in the Tianyuan realm. You are really useless!"

In the face of He Shaojie's scolding, those few powerful Saint Yuan Realm masters were silent.

In fact, they were also shouting at Qin Shaofeng for being a monster.

Not only has an excellent means of detection, but also has such a powerful means to hide one's own breath, is this really something a kid in the Tianyuan realm can do?

After swearing, He Shaojie was vented.

He raised his head and took a look. He Shaojie, who had been silent for the ten-fold Saint Yuan Realm master, asked in a deep voice, "He Feng, what should we do now, do you have any idea?"

Although He Feng is the dead man of his own family, he is the person with the strongest cultivation base present. He Shaojie, who has no idea for a while, can only hope that He Feng has any plans.

Don't even say, He Feng really has a way!

"There are natural ways!" He Feng replied calmly.

This caused He Shaojie's eyes to light up, and he hurriedly asked: "Really, then say it!"

He Feng nodded, and then said: "Four young masters, in fact, we got into a misunderstanding from the beginning, then Qin Shaofeng's mission here is to destroy monsters in the third level and above of the Saint Element Realm? And in this Black Cloud Valley? Among them, how many places can there be a monster beast with a level 3 or higher in the Holy Origin Realm?"

As he spoke, He Feng raised his head, his gaze turned, and he looked towards the far distance, the depths of the Black Cloud Valley.


It was another day's killing stamp, and perhaps it had already entered the area deep in the Black Cloud Valley. On this day, Qin Shaofeng encountered monsters above the triple realm of the Saint Yuan Realm, but there were not a few.

Qin Shaofeng killed no less than ten monsters in the Saint Yuan realm.

Qin Shaofeng also killed two monsters in the five levels of Saint Yuan Realm.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng had truly entered the depths of the Black Cloud Valley.

Because there seemed to be more and more holy primitive realm monsters.

There was a monster beast in the Saint Yuan Realm in almost ten miles.

And just after Qin Shaofeng once again solved a Saint Yuan realm four-layer monster beast, suddenly several figures flashed out.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Shaofeng heard a big laugh.

"Haha, Qin Shaofeng, I finally caught up with you!"

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