Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 579: Full force

"Finally hurt!"

Seeing a huge wound on the four-winged poisonous dragon Firefly by the three-meter flying knife, Qin Shaofeng's mouth showed a trace of pride.

The previous time Qin Shaofeng used Xiao Li's flying knife with five combos of flying knives. The last flying knife only exploded a few scales of the four-winged poisonous dragon firefly, but did not actually cause the four-winged poisonous dragon firefly to take any actual damage.

But this time it was different, not just a few scales.

At this moment, the wound on the body of the four-winged poisonous dragon fire scorpion kept red blood!

But at this moment, the four-winged poisonous dragon fire dragon is completely in anger!


Since it had memory, this four-winged poisonous dragon firefighter had not suffered any harm.

It seems to be a natural king and a natural strong.

The powerful strength that it possessed from birth has increased rapidly afterwards, especially after it has been promoted to the Saint Yuan realm, even the monster beasts of the Saint Yuan realm peak realm can't hurt it.

But now, facing a mere human, it is truly injured!

Just a shame!

It is the king, since birth, the greatest shame!


With a roar of anger, the single horn on the huge head of the four-winged poisonous dragon fire flood suddenly burst into a dazzling burst of thunder.

As soon as the thunder light appeared, it instantly spread to the whole body of the four-winged poisonous dragon fire dragon.

From a distance, this is the four-winged poisonous dragon fire dragon, as if the whole body was covered by a layer of lightning.


After the thunder light flashed, the next moment the four-winged poisonous dragon fire flooded his whole body fiercely burning, and a flame broke out.

As soon as this flame burst out, it instantly merged with that layer of thunder.

Suddenly, the aura of the four-winged poisonous dragon fire dragon became stronger again, and it became more violent.

Feeling this scene, Qin Shaofeng was also surprised.

"The breath has improved again, this guy is too exaggerated!"

While exclaiming, Qin Shaofeng gritted his teeth and once again controlled this Xu Zuonenghu, bursting out a small Li flying knife.

Although only one flying knife could be condensed at a time, Qin Shaofeng didn't need to worry about the consumption of his vitality at all with the support of his vitality fruit state.

What surprised Qin Shaofeng was that facing this flying knife this time, the four-winged poisonous dragon fire dragon waved its fleshy wings, and it was a wind blade burning with thunder and fire.


When the huge silver blade light collided with the Thunder Fire Wind Blade, it exploded instantly.

No one can do nothing!

It's evenly matched!

Seeing this scene, although Qin Shaofeng was surprised, he did not panic.

At the next moment, Qin Shaofeng did not hesitate, controlling Su Zuonenghu, and Xiao Li Fei Dao broke out again.

And after this outbreak, there was no interruption.


There was a huge explosion like breaking through the air, one after another, the huge silver knife light was continuously swung out by Suzuo Nenghu.

Qin Shaofeng knew that he could only maintain this state for ten minutes.

There is still more than seven minutes at least, time is urgent, if you can't take down the four-winged poisonous dragon fire dragon after the Yuanli fruit state disappears, there is only a dead end waiting for him.

The same is true for the four-winged poisonous dragon fire dragon, four huge fleshy wings began to wave constantly, and thunder, fire and wind blades burst out.

For a time, there was a huge explosion in the entire battlefield.

Thunder, fire, silver...

The three colors continued to interact and correspond, and the depths of the Black Cloud Valley were dyed purple, silver and red.

Can’t go on like this!

Qin Shaofeng felt a little anxious as he watched the huge silver light blades, being constantly offset by the thunder and fire wind blades of the four-winged poisonous dragon fire flood.

Time is limited. Under such circumstances, even if the effect of waiting for the fruit of Yuanli fades, I am afraid that I can't help this four-winged poisonous dragon fire dragon.

Although there are still two fruits of vitality on his body, when the time is up, even if he still has fruits of vitality, the time for the advancement of the Realm King Quan will come to an end.

According to the current state of the Realm King's Fist, Qin Shaofeng waited for the state of Realm King's Fist to disappear, and he might not be able to perform the Realm King's Fist again in a short time.

I am even afraid that once the state of the realm king fist disappears, it may enter a state of weakness!

Under such circumstances, even if the Demon King’s hand is in the state of forbidden, he would definitely not be the opponent of this four-winged poisonous dragon fire dragon.

"Must make an understanding within seven minutes!"

A gleam of light flashed in his eyes, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, and he had an idea.

call out!

Qin Shaofeng whispered, "Lei Dun, Lei Qi with both hands!"


The next moment, Suzuo Nenghu's hands flashed with lightning, and in an instant two more lightning giant swords of 60 or 70 meters long appeared.

As soon as Lei Qi's giant sword appeared, Qin Shaofeng controlled this Xu Zuo Nenghu, a violent jump!


The huge Suzuo Nenghu jumped fiercely, and it jumped directly hundreds of heights, and then in mid-air, Qin Shaofeng controlled Suzuo Nenghu, and two huge Leiqi giantswords were facing the four-wing poisonous dragon below. Huo Jiao slashed out a few sword auras.

"Breaking style!"

After cutting four times in a row, Xu Zuo Nenghu cut out two invisible sword energy with both hands, which is exactly the breaking energy of Dugu Jiujian.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Four invisible sword auras whizzed down, slashing fiercely on the body of the four-winged poisonous dragon fire flood, and the thick thunder and fire aura.

After several explosions, the heavy breath barrier made of thunder and fire was completely broken in an instant.


In just an instant, the thunder and fire aura suddenly dissipated, revealing the four-winged poisonous dragon fire dragon with some doubts in it.

Because of his own power defense, the four-winged Poisonous Dragon Firebird, who suddenly dissipated and was puzzled, was so stunned for an instant.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng finally seized an opportunity.


The six-pointed star pattern on his eyes flashed slightly, and Qin Shaofeng screamed in a low voice, "Amaterasu!"


The endless black flame burned directly on the four-winged poisonous dragon fire dragon without taking the thunder and fire breath defense.


With a scream, the four-winged poisonous dragon firefly, which was burned by the black flames of the sky, rolled in the air with pain.

An inexplicable black flame suddenly ignited on his body, making the Four-winged Poisonous Dragon Fire Jiao panicked.

Especially, these black flames burned all over its body in an instant, making it feel extremely painful.

This situation is the first time it has encountered it.

It's incredible that there is flame that can burn to it!

Of course, this four-winged poisonous dragon fire dragon didn't know that Qin Shaofeng had already raised Amaterasu to its maximum limit at this moment!

How old is it?

Qin Shaofeng is not quite clear about this, but if he insists on describing it, he can only say that with Qin Shaofeng's original power, I am afraid that it can only support the sky at this moment for a few seconds!

This means that basically in order to maintain, covering the entire huge body of the four-winged poisonous dragon fire scorpion with the black flame astronomical light, Qin Shaofeng consumes at least hundreds of millions of yuan per second.

This is also fortunate for Qin Shaofeng to break the thunder fire around the four-winged poisonous dragon fire flood, otherwise, this day's light will not burn on it.


In mid-air, the four-winged poisonous dragon fire dragon rolled painfully, but no matter what method it used, it could not extinguish the black flames on its body.

Even if it burst out with a terrifying thunder and fire breath, it could not stop the black flame from burning it.

This seems to be a black flame that cannot be extinguished!

It seemed to understand this, the huge dragon eye of the four-winged poisonous dragon fire scorpion under the pain suddenly flashed a madness.


With a roar, the four fleshy wings on the back of the four-winged poisonous dragon fire-flood unfolded together, and under the burning black flame, there was a black flame that could not hide the purple light.


The four wings shook together, the purple light flashed, and the next moment was a huge wind blade entrained with countless small lightning, and the entire purple flame was slashed out by the four-winged poisonous dragon fire flood.

The speed of reaching Feng Ren was extremely fast, and Qin Shaofeng was concentrating on controlling Amaterasu at this moment, and he was also avoided for a while.


The wind blade hit Suzuo Nenghu.

Then something happened that shocked Qin Shaofeng.

The wind blade blew in a flash and cut directly from Suzuo Nohu's chest.

There was no hindrance, the wind blade cut the Susanoh directly!


With a fierce explosion, Suzuo Nenghu split from his chest instantly and turned into two halves. The bang flashed and disappeared instantly.

Only Qin Shaofeng, who was shocked and grateful, was left in the air.



If it weren't, Qin Shaofeng subconsciously dodged the moment that Wind Blade came, I am afraid that Wind Blade would directly break through Suzuonenghu, and then directly hit Qin Shaofeng.

Although he dodged, Qin Shaofeng still felt a terrifying cutting edge at the moment that the wind blade passed. If he hadn't been in the Demon King's forbidden hand state at the moment, with the purple and gold armor on his body, I am afraid that he would have escaped this. The wind blade's frontal attack was also affected by the wind blade, and even wounded at the end.

Such a terrifying wind blade, if it is hit, there is absolutely no chance of surviving.

This is probably the strongest blow of that four-winged poisonous dragon fire dragon!


Because of this, Qin Shaofeng was a little distracted for a while, the four-winged poisonous dragon fire dragon in the distance seized the opportunity, and the black flame was shaken out of his body when his breath shook.

But at this moment, a white light flashed on Qin Shaofeng's shoulder, and there was a petite and cute little fox.

As soon as the little fox appeared, his eyes turned red.

The mental storm of the skills of the psychedelic eye is released instantly!

Immediately afterwards, the little fox's eyes flashed slightly.

The talent skills of the Nine-Tailed Sky Spirit Fox were confused and released instantly.

As soon as the confusion came out, even the powerful four-winged poisonous dragon fire dragon, in its current state, did not resist for a while, and was directly hit.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng finally recovered.

No hesitation!

The psychedelic eye of the little fox's natal magic weapon was revealed by Qin Shaofeng for the last mental storm today.

Then, after the mental storm was unfolding, the six-pointed star in Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed sharply.

Monthly reading!

Under normal circumstances, facing this powerful four-winged poisonous dragon, Qin Shaofeng would not be successful even if he was blessed by the spirit storm.

Even at this moment, Qin Shaofeng estimated that the success rate of his monthly reading was 50% at most when the four-winged poisonous dragon firefly was seriously injured.

But at this moment, the four-winged poisonous dragon fire dragon had the idea of ​​running away, and was also bewildered by the little fox.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng unexpectedly used the monthly reading. Although the success rate was not 100%, it was still out of ten!

And the final result is that Qin Shaofeng succeeded!

The four-winged poisonous dragon Fire Jiao hit Moon Read!

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