Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 585: Holy Origin Realm Six Layers

No matter how the outside world views him or how he evaluates him, Qin Shaofeng doesn't care.

After successfully challenging and being declared by the master of Tianjiao Sect to become a **** son, Qin Shaofeng returned to his practice room as soon as possible.

Of course, this time, Qin Shaofeng's training room changed another place.

After all, the practice room owned by the **** child is naturally the top practice room in the entire **** house.

The elixir that you can have in one day is exactly one hundred drops.

And besides these, there are many other benefits.

In general, after becoming a son of God, there is no need to worry about cultivation resources.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't care much about this.

Qin Shaofeng would mostly use any cultivation resources on Geng Qiutong and the little princess and harmless little fox.

As for Qin Shaofeng himself, he doesn't need to consume any resources to cultivate.

After getting the sect master to announce that he had become the son of God, Qin Shaofeng immediately got the system prompt for the completion of his extreme upgrade mission this time, and it was also the most advanced 10-star evaluation.

Ten-star completion: within three months, get the title of God Child of Tianjiao Sect of Shenfu, get 300 million points, increase the level by 3, and a special system item.

Accumulate 300 million points, increase the level by 3, and upgrade an item!

Qin Shaofeng received these rewards immediately.

After Qin Shaofeng came to his new training room, Qin Shaofeng was promoted to the triple cultivation base of the Saint Yuan Realm.

This time the limit upgrade mission was a little different. Once it was completed, there was no response to Qin Shaofeng, and the system allowed Qin Shaofeng to directly upgrade to the Triple Stage of the Saint Yuan Realm.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Saint Yuan Realm Triple

Experience value: 1,382 billion / 300 billion

Occupation: Devil


Looking at his current attribute interface, although Qin Shaofeng regretted not being able to directly upgrade with experience points, after receiving these 3 level promotion rewards, he could level up a little higher.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't care about things that could not be helped. Instead, he directly consumed one hundred and two hundred billion experience points once again, raising his level to the sixth level of the Saint Yuan Realm.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Sixth Layer of Saint Yuan Realm

Experience value: 182 billion / 300 billion

Occupation: Devil

Yuanli value: 3.5 billion / 3.5 billion (the sixth layer of the holy yuan realm has 3.5 million Yuanli points, and the Yi Jin Jing is 50 times 175 million points, 20 Yuan Dan 3.5 billion points)

Talented spirit root: body of dark thunder (ninth rank spirit root), body of demon king (unawakened), original world

Skills: King’s Blessing, Golden Eye with Fire, Yi Jin Jing, Xiao Li Fei Dao, Yun Dan Shu, Dan Sutra, 108 Yoga Poses, Wu Kong Shu, Sha Cha Lun Yan, Ling Bo Wei Step, One Yang Finger, Bei Pluto power, Dou Zhuan Xingyi, God of Thunder, Realm King Fist (one thousand mortal level skills)

Servant: Gong Qingzi (evolving)

Equipment: Dark Iron Epee, Demon King Suit

Task: The first person in Qianshan (the ninth stage)

Points: 2.535 billion 2100 points

Title: Devil (unknown)

Ordinary lottery chance: 113 times

Special chance to draw: 26 times

Skill proficiency: 38,590 points

Skill points: 0 points

Skills not learned: none

Props: ball and ball card small vault, devil props (one), Yuanli fruit (two), super **** draw card

Dependents: Meng Xiner, Qin Yueer, Zhao Yuner, Bai Xue, Geng Qiutong, Lian Yufeng, Tang Qijian, Du Meng, Hu Ye


The six levels of the Saint Yuan Realm, the Yuan Power is worth 3.5 billion points!

After being promoted to the Saint Yuan Realm, Qin Shaofeng's own Yuan Power increased by 500,000 points every time he leveled up, and after reaching the sixth level of the Saint Yuan Realm, Qin Shaofeng's own Yuan Strength reached 3.5 million points!

After 3.5 million points were added to Yi Jinjing and Yundan, they soared directly to 3.5 billion!

Such a huge Yuanli value, I am afraid this is somewhat in line with the title of God's Son in the Palace.

"Sixth layer, do you need to take a special version of the sixth-grade nine-layer spirit pill, and then increase it by three more levels?"

Looking at his attribute interface, Qin Shaofeng murmured softly.

However, after thinking about it for a while, Qin Shaofeng temporarily dispelled the idea of ​​taking the Nine Layers of Spirit Pill, and now he was promoted to the Nine Layers of Saint Yuan Realm.

"Forget it, I'm already eye-catching enough now. If people know that I will break through to the Ninth Layer of the Saint Yuan Realm now, then I'm afraid there will be no small trouble."

Although Yi Jin Jing can hide his breath, Qin Shaofeng knows that there will be some people who can really detect his true cultivation level in the gathering of experts in the gods.

Now that it was only the sixth level of the Saint Yuan Realm, under his best efforts to hide it, it only revealed the cultivation base aura of the triple level of the Saint Yuan Realm. Qin Shaofeng was confident that no one except the powerhouse of the Saint Realm could detect his true cultivation level.

But if it reaches the ninth level of the Saint Yuan Realm, the Yuan Li is afraid that it can skyrocket by a large amount. At that time, Qin Shaofeng could not have much confidence to hide his breath absolutely.

Thinking of this, Qin Shaofeng didn't have the idea of ​​continuing to improve his realm.

Besides, if Qin Shaofeng wanted to, he could take a special version of the sixth-rank nine-fold spirit pill anytime and anywhere, and directly increase the triple level, without worrying about the problem of upgrading.

And this may be a big hole card!

But, even though this level cannot be improved, the level of my "Palliant" can continue to be improved!

After he was promoted to the Saint Yuan Realm and possessed more than one billion Yuan Power Points, Qin Shaofeng realized that his "Alchemy" could continue to improve completely.

Without hesitation, he sat down cross-legged. After a while of practice, Qin Shaofeng's body rose up with a breath, and now an orange flame emerged from Qin Shaofeng's palm.


"The Book of Alchemy" has been successfully promoted to the holy three-star!

Alchemy: Special skills, special techniques created by the old man of alchemy. After practicing, you can condense cloud pills in the pubic field, possessing the internal pill fire, and integrating alchemy tools. It is a powerful practice method, but it is an initial practice. When the level is low, it requires constant practice to improve.

The current level of saint-level three-star, can condense 30 cloud pills, which can control the fire of the pill to attack. (Upgrading to the four-star condition of the Saint Grade, condensing the Saint Yuan Power, and upgrading the pill fire to the yellow level.

The saint-level three-star "Alchemy", the cloud pills that Qin Shaofeng can condense, once again increased by ten.

In other words, Qin Shaofeng's vitality directly increased by half, and then Qin Shaofeng's current vitality value directly exceeded 5 billion points.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Sixth Layer of Saint Yuan Realm

Experience value: 182 billion / 300 billion

Occupation: Devil

Yuanli value: 5.250 million / 5.250 billion (Shen Yuanjing Sixth Layer has 3.5 million Yuanli value, Yi Jin Jing is 50 times 175 million points, 30 Yuan Dan 5.250 million points )

Spiritual root of talent:...


5.25 billion points!

Such a huge Yuanli value is ten times the previous one!

At this moment, if Qin Shaofeng was allowed to face the four-winged poisonous dragon firefly, Qin Shaofeng had the confidence to face the opponent head-on, and could also take the four-winged poisonous dragon firefly.

After the strength improvement came to an end, Qin Shaofeng finally turned his attention to the ultimate upgrade task this time, the upgrade item rewarded by the system.

Super lucky draw card!

At first glance, Qin Shaofeng thought it was a super lottery card, which disappointed him a bit.

After all, since the opening of the Super Draw, Qin Shaofeng can now directly consume 100 ordinary lottery opportunities, or 10 special lottery opportunities, then he can conduct a Super Draw.

It's just that Qin Shaofeng hasn't held a super lottery because the designated lottery can be held for the first time to get the items he wants.

Because the things Qin Shaofeng needed were too valuable, Qin Shaofeng was now thinking of ways to get even more points.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng has no interest in a super lottery card.

But after taking a look, Qin Shaofeng found that this was not a super draw card at all, but a super **** draw card!

Super God?

After seeing it clearly, Qin Shaofeng thought of the Super God Summoning Card for the first time!

After this discovery, Qin Shaofeng felt that this thing was not easy.

And the fact is exactly that!

The props with super **** words are really amazing props!

Super God Draw Card: You can use this card when you are in the Super Draw. Once you use this card, you can directly select the items you need, and then you can get it directly after the Super Draw. The more super draws are consumed, the more valuable items you can get.

(Note: If this card is used in the first super draw, according to the benefits of the first super draw, the average number of super draw cards is not consumed once, and the value of the draw items will be increased by 100 billion points!)

After the Super Lottery is opened, only the first time you can get the designated items for the lottery.

Qin Shaofeng now has such an opportunity, but at most he can only designate items worth 100 billion points.

But what Qin Shaofeng needs is far more than 100 billion points.

Qin Shaofeng hasn't used it all the time, this is the first rare chance for a super lucky draw.

But now this Super God lottery card, once it appeared, was absolutely perfect for Qin Shaofeng.

If you use the Super Draw for the first time, can you actually count as 100 billion points for every additional Super Draw opportunity consumed?

Just seeing this scene made Qin Shaofeng excited.

"That's great, this is great. I now have 113 regular lottery chances and 26 special draw chances. If this is converted into a super lucky draw chance, that would be 3 times!"

The more he said, the more excited Qin Shaofeng became.

"Three times, it is equal to 300 billion points. This plus the 100 billion benefits in the first super draw, this counts as 400 billion points!"

"Enough! This is enough!"

Qin Shaofeng was ecstatic in his heart and directly clicked on the super draw interface, planning to start the super draw.

Because the thing he needs only needs 180 billion points. Now he can extract items worth 400 billion points. That thing is only 180 billion points, which is more than enough.

However, at the moment Qin Shaofeng was going to be sure, Qin Shaofeng suddenly hesitated.

"Wait, since it's rare to have this super **** draw card, it can't be wasted!"

With a slight movement in his heart, Qin Shaofeng directly canceled the previously selected item, and then chose the upgraded and enhanced version of that item to conduct this first super draw.

Now that there is a chance, choose the perfect one!

Only in this way can this super **** draw card be wasted!

But soon, a system prompt sounded, making Qin Shaofeng's face a daze.

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