Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 587: Alliance?

After understanding this so-called trial of the spirit, Qin Shaofeng was not very interested in the reason why the Nine Cloud Continent's overall spiritual energy was so thin.

Qin Shaofeng's interest lies in this time of spiritual trial.

Since this spirit world exists, then he will naturally have to go through it.

However, this mysterious realm spirit world has such precious spirit crystals, so naturally not everyone can enter.

In fact, every time you enter the spiritual world, there is a limit on the number of people.

The specific number of people you can enter depends on how many people you can hit by opening the spirit world.

If the capacity exceeds the upper limit, the secret realm spirit world will refuse other people to enter.

According to the past situation, the number of people who have entered the spiritual world does not exceed 1,000.

Even most of the time, it was barely more than 500 people at most.

And every time the people who entered, those who could come back alive in the end were very few.

In the best case, the people who can come back alive are three to four out of ten, not even half of them. And the bad situation may reach the point where there is no one in ten.

Even the worst time when the spirit world was opened, more than 600 people entered, but in the end, there were only 20 or 30 people who came back alive.

It can be said to be a true life of nine deaths!

So every time the spirit world opens, it is also called the trial of the spirit, the trial of life and death in the spirit world!

But even so, every time it is turned on, there are still countless people who desire to enter the spiritual world.

Because once he comes back alive, which person's strength has not improved a lot?

Take that time, more than 600 people entered and only 20 people returned.

Although tragic, all the twenty-odd people who were alive in the end were all cultivated in the tenth realm of the Saint Yuan Realm.

Even some of them have been directly promoted to the supreme realm of the holy realm!

Holy realm, that is the highest existence in Nine Clouds Continent.

Who doesn't want to reach?

Therefore, even if they understand that there is a great danger, most people think that they are one of them who can survive.

Unfortunately, the number of places is limited, and there are not many people who can have the qualifications to enter!

Speaking of this, Qin Shaofeng had to be thankful.

Becoming a **** child in the palace, not only can you be qualified to enter the spiritual world, but you can even have ten designated places to appoint others to follow you into the spiritual world.

In this way, Qin Shaofeng could let others enter the spirit world with him.

As for other things, only the senior disciples of Tianjiao Sect were qualified to enter.

But that is limited to them alone!

With Qin Shaofeng included, there are now nine gods in the Shenfu, which occupies ninety-nine places.

And now the senior disciples of Tianjiao Sect are only in their early 100s, so more than two hundred places have been eliminated.

As for the remaining places, they will be allocated freely according to the rankings of the various forces.

However, no matter how the distribution is made, Shenfu also stipulates some requirements, that is, those who enter, except for the goddess of Tianjiao Sect and high-level disciples, must not exceed 30 years old.

Since it is called a trial of the spirit, it is naturally a trial of those disciples in the divine palace.

In fact, this can be regarded as a trial for those senior disciples of the God Child and Tianjiao Sect.

After all, once alive, not only will the strength of the surviving disciples be greatly increased, there may even be the possibility of a strong Saint Realm.

Therefore, there will naturally be some restrictions in Shenfu.

If not, let those gods bring a few veteran Saint Yuan realm pinnacle masters, then try a fart!

After becoming a **** son, Qin Shaofeng also knew some of the reasons why the gods needed a lot of genius.

It turns out that the Nine Clouds Continent has long been in contact with other places in the outside world, and even to be precise, the Nine Clouds Continent is already within the scope of a certain force.

This force needs geniuses, and Nine Cloud Continent is a base for cultivating geniuses.

In fact, each generation of Jiuyunzi is actually training people.

As long as a certain number of geniuses have been cultivated, that power will give Jiuyunzi some rewards, and even help him improve his cultivation.

In fact, not every generation of Jiuyunzi has a direct life span.

Some Jiuyunzi will be summoned to that power because of their outstanding strength, or they have cultivated a large number of geniuses, and some special geniuses.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know what strength that power was, but even if it wasn't the power of Origin Continent, it was definitely much stronger than Nine Cloud Continent.

Being able to go to that power to practice cultivation definitely has great benefits.

Of course, if the genius cultivated is not enough, it will be punished accordingly.

As for the punishment, Qin Shaofeng didn't know.

Because this was only his own guess, but although it was a guess, according to Xiaoqiuqiu's previous statement, there is definitely a penalty for insufficient training.

This is absolute!

The outside world of cultivation is actually the cruelest.

The bigger and stronger, the more so!

This is especially true in Origin Continent!

However, Qin Shaofeng was very yearning for such a world of cultivation.

However, no matter how much he yearns for, that will be the future. The most important thing for Qin Shaofeng now is how to get enough benefits during this trip to the spirit world.


That's probably an excellent thing!

Qin Shaofeng even wondered, if the nine-layer spirit pill was refined with spirit crystals, what kind of nine-layer spirit pill would be refined?


The time when the spirit world was opened was a month later, and the two women also resumed cultivation.

If you can cultivate to the seventh level of the Holy Origin Realm before the spiritual realm is opened, then after the spiritual realm is opened, the two women can enter it at the tenth level of the Holy Origin Realm, which will greatly improve the safety. less.

As for Qin Shaofeng himself, he went to the Magic Tower from time to time to kill virtual monsters to improve his experience.

However, now that after being promoted to the Saint Yuan Realm, Qin Shaofeng's rate of gaining experience points has been greatly reduced without the rewards for over-level kills.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng didn't have much interest in killing monsters and upgrading. Instead, he began to practice skills to improve his proficiency.

Because Qin Shaofeng discovered that even if he uses skills in the Magic Tower, his skills can still increase his proficiency.

There is a challenge mode in the Magic Tower, which is to challenge the opponent specially arranged by the Magic Tower.

Once passed, not only can you continue to challenge, but the most important thing is that your virtual body can directly restore all the energy consumed when you start the challenge again.

This is equivalent to quickly improving skill proficiency without consuming any energy.

Naturally, Qin Shaofeng would not miss such an opportunity.

However, this time Qin Shaofeng hadn't cultivated for long, that is, after about ten days, someone came to him.

The person here is Hong Kun!

As expected of Hong Kun, as soon as he arrived, he didn't mean to procrastinate at all, and directly explained his intention.

"Qin Shaofeng, I don't mean anything, this time I came to you just for the places in your hand to enter the spirit world!" Hong Kun said.

Qin Shaofeng was a little surprised when he heard it.

"No, with your status, why can't you get a spot in the Lin Family?" Qin Shaofeng asked in surprise.

This made Hong Kun a little bit dumbfounded.

"What are you with!" Hong Kun said speechlessly, "My quota has long been determined, and I am still following the **** son of the Lin family, well, speaking of it, it is my cousin who entered the spiritual world together! "

"Then what are you..." Qin Shaofeng wanted to ask subconsciously, but he understood before he could say it completely.

It was not clear before, but now Qin Shaofeng wants to understand that Hong Kun did not come for himself, but for the Lin family.

Seeing that Qin Shaofeng didn't say anything further, Hong Kun knew that Qin Shaofeng had understood it, and he said, "Yes, as you think, I'm here for the rest of the Lin family!"

"oh, I see!"

Qin Shaofeng nodded, but then became confused again.

"That's not right!" Qin Shaofeng asked with a startled suspicion, "Hong Kun, logically speaking, with the status of the Lin family, I shouldn't care about my number of places, right? Why suddenly you came to me for a place? ?"

Hong Kun was speechless immediately!

Looking at Qin Shaofeng helplessly, Hong Kun asked, "I said, you kid, did you fail to understand the trial of the spirit in the spirit world?"

"Uh, this one!"

Qin Shaofeng was taken aback for a moment, but he was a little bit embarrassed.

To be honest, he really is like this.

After getting a general idea of ​​this spirit trial, Qin Shaofeng didn't pay much attention.

Isn’t it just hunting spirit beasts and obtaining spirit crystals?

It's easy!

But now Qin Shaofeng knows that there is still something hidden behind this spiritual trial.

Hong Kun was afraid that he also knew Qin Shaofeng's thoughts, so he glanced at him speechlessly, and then began to explain.

"Come on, let me tell you something!"

I directly found a place to sit down, and Hong Kun said, "You may not know that although this spiritual world can enter people, there are still some differences. Because the passages opened by the spiritual world seem to be somewhat different. It is not very stable. After the first opening, a maximum of 100 people can be entered, and then the second opening can be used to continue entering."

"But every time this is turned on, it is not turned on one after another. After the first time, you need to wait for the spiritual passage to stabilize. But it takes time for the spiritual passage to stabilize. Normally, it takes at least one day. Every time the spirit world is opened, it can last for ten days at most. You should understand now!"


At this time, Qin Shaofeng understood.

It's nothing more than being able to enter the spiritual world early.

What made Qin Shaofeng a little speechless was that the spirit world of the Nine Clouds Continent was really rubbish!

Not only does it take a thousand years to open it once, there is also a saying that the channel is unstable.

Is this really the secret realm spirit world?

Qin Shaofeng complained in his heart, very speechless.

But now Qin Shaofeng also understands that even though it was only a day earlier, it also took the lead!

Qin Shaofeng is sure that after entering the spirit world, everyone will form clans, but this clique is always better than his own!

The Lin family was afraid that seeing that he had no one, and there was no movement at all, only then did he intend to take the place in his hand.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng's silence, Hong Kun said: "Before I came, the Lin Family Patriarch also said, this time you enter the spirit world, you can form an alliance with the Lin Family, and the Lin Family will not want those places in vain. You pay a price. That's it!"

Buy it?

Qin Shaofeng stroked his chin, thinking about it in his heart.

It would be a good choice to form an alliance with the Lin family.

After all, in this way, not only was one opponent of the power missing, but the important thing was that the He family made trouble for themselves, and the Lin family could help it a little bit.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng believed that a big family like the Lin family would not be unbelievable.

Besides, the Lin family's reputation has always been better, and there have been no scandals.

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