Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 593: Yes I killed it

Dependent: Du Meng

Level: Early Stage of the Sixth Layer of Saint Yuan Realm

Occupation: Knight

Yuanli value: 8 billion / 8 billion (the sixth layer of the holy yuan realm has 1 billion yuan strength, and the 3rd level of Yi Jin Jing is eight times)

Innate roots: five elements overlord body (earth, gold, water, wood)

Talent skills: Nine Ranks Indestructible Body

Skill 1: Yi Jin Jing

Skill 2: Xiao Li Fei Dao

Skill 3: Dancing in the sky

Servant: Bear of the Earth (Great Might)


After Qin Shaofeng returned, more than an hour passed, and Du Meng finally finished his promotion.

After being promoted, Du Meng has reached the initial stage of the sixth stage of the Holy Origin Realm.

But even though it was only the early stage of the sixth layer of the Saint Yuan Realm, because of the five-element overlord body it had, it had already awakened the fourth five-element attribute power wood attribute.

This allowed Du Meng to be in the sixth stage of the Saint Yuan Realm, and he had a Yuan Power value comparable to Tiger Lord.

It’s just that the six-layered realm of the Saint Yuan realm, the value of its own energy has reached one billion points. This is probably even if those gods are in the six-fold realm of the Holy Yuan realm, without any bonuses, it is just this pure Yuanli comparison is probably not as exaggerated as Du Meng.

Moreover, with the power of Du Meng's natural skill, Rank Nine Indestructible Hegemony, Qin Shaofeng was concerned about the current Du Meng and Tiger Lord, and their strengths might have been comparable.

After Du Meng's promotion, this time the promotion plan can be regarded as an end.

Xiang Qianqian is not Qin Shaofeng's family member, so her promotion is the slowest among several people, and now she has only promoted to the fourth stage of the Saint Yuan realm.

Even if she has enough spirit crystals, this is her fastest speed in a short time.

This is not even comparable to Da Meng, but only Xiang Qianqian in the fourth stage of the Saint Yuan realm's late stage has a Yuan power value of more than 3 billion points, and its strength cannot be underestimated.

After everyone had their own improvements, Qin Shaofeng didn't plan to rest either, and took Geng Qiutong to hunt and kill spirit beasts.

Because of the previous survey, Qin Shaofeng had already figured out the location of all the high-grade spirit beasts within a thousand miles, and now he took the people who had increased their strength and killed them all the way.

Under such circumstances, when it reached the dawn of the next day, Qin Shaofeng and his team had already hunted more than one hundred spirit crystals.

But in this case, Qin Shaofeng is still not satisfied!

Qin Shaofeng has tried it, and this spirit crystal can refine a nine-layer spirit pill that is used by masters of the Saint Yuan realm.

Basically, this spirit crystal plus some medicinal materials, this refined sixth-rank nine-layer spirit pill, although it can't be used to improve cultivation, but it can directly restore 1 billion yuan of energy.

This is completely comparable to the special version of the sixth-rank nine-layered spirit pill, and most importantly, such a sixth-rank nine-layered spirit pill seems to be made from spirit crystals, and there are no restrictions at all.

In other words, such a six-rank nine-layered spirit pill is not like a nine-layered spirit pill made from spiritual liquid. You can only take five in ten minutes, and you can take as many as you can.

The only situation that is not so good is this kind of Six-Rank Nine-layer Spirit Pill, although it can recover one billion yuan, but it takes time.

Ten seconds!

This is an average of 100 million yuan strength per second. Unlike Qin Shaofeng's special six-grade nine-layer spirit pill, if it is taken directly, it can restore one billion yuan strength in an instant.

But even so, it is a good restorative pill.

Therefore, in addition to hunting enough spirit crystals to improve the cultivation of several of his people, Qin Shaofeng also wanted to obtain a large number of spirit crystals to refine such a sixth-rank nine-layer spirit pill.


In the next two or three days, Qin Shaofeng and Geng Qiutong hardly had a rest, and they had been hunting high-grade spirit beasts.

And during this period, it seemed that because of taking a large amount of the sixth-rank nine-layer spirit pills refined by the spirit crystals to restore the energy consumed, this caused Geng Qiutong and the others to have no time to cultivate, their realm was still slowly improving.

Although it was said to be slow, it was much faster than their own cultivation speed.

In these two or three days, two groups of people have come in again.

The reason why Qin Shaofeng knew about this was because every time someone came in, there was a trace of confusion in the spiritual energy of this secret realm.

If these chaotic phenomena reach a certain level, they will refuse to enter.

Although there were only three groups of people, Qin Shaofeng predicted that there were already four to five hundred people in the entire secret realm spirit world.

And feeling the aura of this mysterious realm, Qin Shaofeng estimated that he would be able to open the passage at least once, and he might be able to enter one or two hundred people.

However, it was precisely because of this that Qin Shaofeng was somewhat helpless.

Because more and more people come in, it is easy to meet other people.

Although there is no conflict at the moment, it may be possible after a while.

Because it was only the current situation, Qin Shaofeng found that the high-grade spirit beasts were becoming rarer and rarer.

Compared with the first day, after almost killing a high-grade spirit beast, it doesn't take much effort to find the next high-grade spirit beast.

It was now three days later, Qin Shaofeng discovered that the number of high-grade spirit beasts had been greatly reduced.

It was like just now, after Qin Shaofeng killed a high-grade spirit beast, the aura snake that appeared did not float at all, but just swayed slightly in the void before disappearing by itself.

This means that there is no second high-grade spirit beast within a hundred miles.

"Hey, it seems that I have to spend a little time looking for it!"

Seeing the spiritual snake disappearing in the air, Qin Shaofeng sighed softly.

"Does that require us to go deeper?"

At this moment, the little princess suddenly asked.

Although the spirit beasts in this secret realm were unevenly distributed, there were high-grade spirit beasts everywhere.

But this is only a rough idea. In fact, in the depths of this secret realm, that is the area with the strongest aura, but there are a large number of high-grade spirit beasts.

But because of the large number of existences, there are not only a large number of low-grade and middle-grade spirit beasts around these high-grade spirit beasts, but even high-grade spirit beasts.

Although Qin Shaofeng had absolute confidence in the strength of his team, Qin Shaofeng also knew in his heart that if he encountered a large number of spirit beasts, it would be somewhat dangerous for his team.


Shaking his head gently, Qin Shaofeng glanced into the distance and said softly, "It's a bit early now, wait a minute!"

The little princess didn't speak, but she suddenly had an idea in her heart.

But without waiting for her to speak, Qin Shaofeng's face changed slightly at this time, and he became a bit playful.

"What's the matter?" the little princess asked.

Even Geng Qiutong noticed, Qin Shaofeng's face at the moment could not help but look over.

"Hey, it's nothing, it's just a ‘guy guest’ here!"

Qin Shaofeng said playfully, sneer in his tone when it came to the word "guest guest."

Upon seeing this, the little princess and Geng Qiutong looked at each other, obviously thinking of something at the same time.

And soon, their ideas were confirmed.


Suddenly, there was a burst of sound in the distance, and then the few people saw a dozen or twenty black shadows, and they flew straight toward the few people.

Du Meng and Xiang Qianqian also discovered this at the same time, and immediately went behind Qin Shaofeng's trio and became vigilant.

Huh huh!

The black shadow flashed quickly, and in the next moment, more than two dozen figures fell directly in front of Qin Shaofeng.

do not know!

After seeing the appearance of the incoming person, Qin Shaofeng realized that he did not know him.

But one thing Qin Shaofeng is sure of is that these two dozen people are definitely not good.

Because the most obvious point is that the leader of these two dozen people, the young man in black clothes, has a very malicious attitude towards him.

No, it should be said to be murderous with hatred?

And seeing this man in black clothes, his appearance was somewhat similar to that of He Shaojie, Qin Shaofeng was more than anything in his heart.

These should be from the He family!

"Ha, Qin Shaofeng, I didn't expect that I was so lucky to meet you here!" The man in black clothes laughed loudly.

Although he was laughing, the face of the black-clad man was cold, and his eyes kept cold.

But whether it was Qin Shaofeng or the little princess, they were not afraid at the moment.

Although the twenty-odd people in front of them were at least the seven-level Saint Yuan Realm masters, with a yuan power value of more than 500 million, and even a few of them were stronger than them, they were still not panicked at the moment, and very calm.

"People from He family?"

Qin Shaofeng raised his eyelids, and asked not too lightly.


The black-clothed man was obviously unhappy at Qin Shaofeng’s calmness, but he didn’t care, he just smiled coldly, and said, “Yes, I’m from the He family. My name is He Shaoyong and He Shaojie’s second brother. !"

He Shaoyong?

Qin Shaofeng's heart moved slightly, and then he remembered something.

The He family has three geniuses in this generation, and by coincidence, these three geniuses are still the sons of any current patriarch.

He Shaojie will leave aside for the time being. Although his talent is good, he is still not a powerful genius in the Divine Palace.

But his three elder brothers are different, one is more powerful than the other, and the most powerful is that He Shaotian.

Qin Shaofeng had also seen it, but He Shaoyong in front of him still surprised Qin Shaofeng a little.

Because of the opponent's strength, it seemed that he was much stronger than he knew.

Character: He Shaoyong

Level: Ten Peaks of Saint Yuan Realm

Yuanli value: 6,075 million / 6,075 million

Talent Spirit Root: Thunder and Fire Dual Element Spirit Root (Holy Grade 1 Dual Element Mutation Spirit Root)


He Shaoyong that Qin Shaofeng knew from Hong Kun was only in the middle stage of the tenth stage of the Saint Yuan Realm, and his Yuan Power value was around three to four billion points at most.

But now He Shaoyong, his cultivation has not only reached the tenth peak of the Saint Yuan Realm, but his Yuan Power has exceeded 6 billion points.

However, Qin Shaofeng understood when he thought that people on his side could rely on Lingjing to improve his cultivation.

Presumably, He Shaoyong used the spirit crystal to improve his realm.

Therefore, it is not surprising to have such strength.

"Qin Shaofeng considers you to be out of luck today, you are dead if you meet me, He Shaoyong!"

He Shaoyong smiled coldly, and then suddenly asked: "Qin Shaofeng, let me ask you, was my fourth brother killed by you?"

He Shaojie hadn't heard for a long time, and the He family had long believed that he was already ill-adjusted.

This made He Shaoyong very angry.

The relationship between their four brothers is very good. Now that the fourth child is killed, how can He Shaoyong not be angry?

However, even though it was determined that Qin Shaofeng did it, He Shaoyong still wanted to confirm it himself.

"Oh, what about He Shaojie?"

As if suddenly remembering something, Qin Shaofeng realized it, then nodded, smiled and said, "That's right, I killed it!"

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