Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 596: Anxious He Shaoyong

As for the little fox, because Qin Shaofeng needed to cooperate with the little fox's psychedelic eyes to display the moon reading and enhance the perceptual field of the glaring eyes, so he stayed.

However, even if he stayed with Qin Shaofeng, the little fox did not delay his cultivation.

Although she looked like that, she seemed to have been sleeping on Qin Shaofeng's shoulder.

But as long as you observe carefully, you will find that this little guy is holding a spiritual crystal on his two small front paws!

This is the little fox who is concentrating on absorbing spiritual crystals for cultivation!

With the mental power of the little fox, it is entirely possible to help Qin Shaofeng increase his glaring perception field while absorbing the spiritual crystals.

She could even chat with Qin Shaofeng if she could!

Right here, Qin Shaofeng with the little fox began to move toward the depths of this secret realm.

Along the way, no matter what level of spirit beasts he encounters, Qin Shaofeng will accept them all and directly obliterate them.

Because Qin Shaofeng discovered that the experience points gained by the spirit beasts in the secret realm of the spirit world after being killed by him were actually much higher than the external ones.

In the case of using the five times experience bonus card, even the most inferior spirit beast, after being killed by Qin Shaofeng, Qin Shaofeng can gain 300 million experience points.

And the experience value obtained by each high-grade spirit beast directly exceeded one billion points, and a powerful high-grade spirit beast could bring Qin Shaofeng four or five billion points of experience.

Because of Geng Qiutong and the others, they needed the spirit beasts to work together to consolidate and improve their cultivation base, and Qin Shaofeng hadn't done much.

If he was alone now, Qin Shaofeng no longer had the slightest scruples, and went straight to kill all the way.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng soon discovered that he had absolute restraint in the face of the spirit beasts in this mysterious realm.

Because these spirit beasts are special life forms composed of spirit energy, at a certain moment, Qin Shaofeng's heart suddenly moved, thinking about the destructive power of his own Amaterasu facing such spirit beasts.

After a try, Qin Shaofeng was out of control!


Absolutely invincible!

Under the light of the sky, the spirit beasts in the secret realm of the spirit world seemed to have encountered an absolute nemesis.

As soon as the black flames of the photo appeared that day, all lower-rank spirit beasts would have at most two or three breaths, and they would be burned into nothingness, and middle-rank spirit beasts would be slightly prolonged at most.

Even if it is a high-grade spirit beast, if there is no spirit crystal in its body, it is the same as the low-grade and middle-grade spirit beasts.

Only high-grade spirit beasts with spirit crystals have some resistance under the black flames of the sky.

But even if it resisted, it was absolutely suppressed.

Qin Shaofeng encountered a high-grade spirit beast with a vitality value of more than 7 billion points. As a result, Qin Shaofeng wanted to try Amaterasu, and there was no threat to these powerful high-grade spirit beasts. The high-grade spirit beast looked for it from the front, and used a kite-flying method to deal with this high-grade spirit beast with Amaterasu.

After that, Qin Shaofeng spent a full half an hour to grind this powerful high-grade spirit beast to death.

Although Amaterasu had absolute restraint on these spirit beasts, there were also bad situations.

The first point is that the spirit beasts that were obliterated by Amaterasu did not revert to spirit energy after death and returned to this secret realm spirit world.

This has all been burned, how can it return to its origin if it still exists!

This means that there is no indicator to remind the next high-grade spirit beast with spirit crystals to appear there.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't care. After all, there were so many spirit beasts deep in this secret realm of spirit.

The only thing that worries Qin Shaofeng is that if the black flames of Amaterasu are well controlled, it is very likely that they will ignite together with the spirit crystal.

Of course, with the existence of the spirit crystal, it would not be destroyed directly after being ignited by a double daylight.

However, all the spirit crystals burned by the black flames of the sky lacked power to some extent.

And from Qin Shaofeng's eyes, he estimated that the outside world of these spirit crystals might have been burned a little incompletely, and the speed of the spiritual energy flowing through the outside world would probably be extremely fast.

It might even disappear completely within ten days.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't care, he had already placed all the spiritual crystals he had obtained in the divine power space.

In this case, even if there is a divine air flow, in the absolutely sealed divine power space, as long as the space barrier is not broken by people, no matter how much spiritual energy passes, it will only exist in the divine power space.

In this way, sweeping all the way, Qin Shaofeng's level quickly rose to the seventh level of the Saint Yuan Realm.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Seven Layers of Saint Yuan Realm

Experience value: 1.8 billion / 700 billion

Occupation: Devil

Yuan Power Value: 7.5 billion / 7.5 billion (Seventh Layer of the Saint Yuan Realm has 5 million Yuan Power Points, and Yi Jin Jing 50 times 250 million points, 30 Yuan Dan 7.5 billion points)

Talented spirit root: body of dark thunder (ninth rank spirit root), body of demon king (unawakened), original world



After being promoted to the Seventh Level of the Saint Yuan Realm, Qin Shaofeng's own Yuan Power value reached 5 million points. After the addition, he directly broke the 7 billion mark, reaching 7.5 billion points!

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng had absolute confidence that he could definitely defeat the opponent when he faced He Shaotian again.

But now it is clear in my heart that even He Shaoyong has improved a lot of strength. As the only **** of the He family, He Shaotian, how can his strength not improve in the past few days?

Even not only him, I am afraid that these eight god-child geniuses in the God's Palace have definitely improved their strength these days.

My strength has improved, but people will not stand still!

In fact, Qin Shaofeng's guess is correct. Compared with the previous few days, the strength of the god-child geniuses at this moment has indeed taken a few steps.


At this moment, somewhere in the secret realm of the spirit world, a temporary earth house was emitting this surging aura.

That was because of a certain powerful Saint Yuan Realm expert who was cultivating inside.

It's just cultivation, but it has caused chaotic movement of spiritual power in the twenty or thirty li area of ​​this place.

It can be seen from this that even if a person cultivating in this earth room has not been promoted to the Holy Realm, he is definitely the most powerful kind of existence in the Holy Origin Realm.

There are many people around the earth room at this moment. Judging from their appearance, they are all cultivating for the people in the earth room, and they are waiting here.

If Qin Shaofeng was here, he could find that there was an acquaintance among the guarding crowd!

This acquaintance is not someone else, it is He Shaoyong who escaped from Qin Shaofeng by chance.

At this moment, a day has passed since fighting Qin Shaofeng.

He Shaoyong's injuries had already recovered.

The He family is one of the three major families of the gods, and the healing pills it possesses are naturally effective. What's more, He Shaoyong's real injury is only a side effect of the secret technique, and he has not suffered too serious injuries.

But just as he himself expected, after his injury recovered, his cultivation was only left at the initial stage of the tenth stage of the Saint Yuan Realm.

In particular, the Yuan Li value dropped from the original 6 billion to 1.7 billion.

This was a great blow to He Shaoyong.

After finding his own He family's big army, He Shaoyong immediately planned to ask his elder brother He Shaotian to avenge him.

But his elder brother He Shaotian was just at a bottleneck in cultivation. Although it was not a bottleneck to break through the holy realm, if the monster breaks through, it will go one step further and get closer to the holy realm.

And the strength will be correspondingly improved a lot, this is a very important period for He Shaotian.

But precisely because of this, He Shaoyong didn't bother his elder brother.

But this whole day passed, He Shaoyong felt a little anxious when he felt the breath of his elder brother in the earth room.

Because according to this situation, I am afraid it will take two or three days before my elder brother leaves the customs!

But now He Shaoyong can't wait any longer.

The reason He Shaoyong is so urgent is because of his hatred of Qin Shaofeng, he can't wait to swallow Qin Shaofeng alive now.

But what made He Shaoyong even more concerned was that Qin Shaofeng's strength was so much stronger than himself after only a few days into the secret realm.

If this is a few days later, who knows how far Qin Shaofeng's strength can be?

Therefore, He Shaoyong is in a hurry!

My elder brother is at the critical point of cultivation, and the disciple of the He family here can't be transferred. After all, Lin Yihan might have been destined to be on his side long ago.

If this is because he transferred away the master of the He family, causing his elder brother to break through and fail, that would be a serious crime.

Therefore, even if there were a large number of He family masters around him, He Shaoyong did not bring anyone to seek revenge from Qin Shaofeng.

At this moment, suddenly a disciple of the He family ran over.

"Second Young Master, Third Young Master is back!"

What third brother is back?

He Shaoyong was overjoyed and immediately stood up and ran out.

He Shaoyong knew that his third brother seemed to pick him up the day before yesterday, and the last group of people from the He family came back.

He Shaoyong was finally happy when he thought that his third brother had brought the last batch of candidates from the He family.

Because now he can finally lead people to chase and kill Qin Shaofeng.

And there is one more thing. He Shaoyong knew that although his third brother was lazy and sloppy, his cultivation talent was above him. If his third brother helped him, then Qin Shaofeng would never escape.

He Shaoyong saw a flash, and his third brother He Shaocheng rushed to his side with more than a hundred people.

"The third brother!" With a loud shout, He Shaoyong came directly to He Shaocheng.

Although externally, the four brothers of the He family are arrogant and domineering, and they are not pleasing to anyone.

But what is more surprising is that there is no disagreement between the four brothers, and there are no rumors of competing for the position of the head of the house.

This may be because the boss, He Shaotian, is too genius and the other three cannot catch up, or it may be that the four brothers really have a good relationship.

He Shaocheng smiled as soon as he heard his second brother's yelling, but when he was about to speak, his face instantly became gloomy.

Because for the first time, He Shaojiao felt that his second brother's breath had changed.

Not only has it become very unstable, it has even dropped significantly compared to before.

After feeling it carefully, He Shaocheng discovered that his second brother's cultivation level had actually fallen.

This is obviously the sequelae caused by the use of their family, that secret technique!

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