Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 599: 30 billion yuan power value

Thunder Prison!

This is Qin Shaofeng's powerful thunder escape skill for awakening from the Thunder God Technique after he was promoted to the Saint Yuan Stage.

Lei Dun Lei Hell: Special thunder skills awakened by the God of Thunder, cannot be upgraded. When activated, a large amount of thunder power can be released, forming a special field-thunder prison!

Effect: Although it is a skill that cannot be upgraded, its power can increase as the player's level increases. Currently, it can be cast three times a day, each time can last for ten seconds, but it needs to consume a lot of energy and consume at the same time The greater the value of the power, the stronger the power.

It takes a lot of energy to cast this thunder prison. Qin Shaofeng, who was still in the sixth stage of the holy yuan realm before, could not cast this thunder prison temporarily even with the assistance of the Thunder God Technique.

After the Seventh Stage of the Saint Yuan Realm, Qin Shaofeng possessed a full 7.5 billion Yuan Strength. Under the influence of the Thunder God Art, this Thunder Hell was finally able to be used.


As if it were a divine thunder from above the nine heavens, the area around Qin Shaofeng a hundred meters in a radius was transformed into a sea of ​​thunder, filled with a lot of dazzling purple silver thunder light.

Among these two thunder lights, the He family masters were all locked up by countless thunder lights for the first time, unable to move at all.

Even He Shaocheng was surrounded by thunder light at the moment, as if there was a huge peak on his body, his face was horrified to the extreme.

As for He Shaoyong, he was completely suppressed, and now he was barely able to turn his eyes.

how come?

Feeling his state at the moment, he glanced at the endless thunder light, He Shaocheng slightly raised his head and glanced at Qin Shaofeng, gritted his teeth with difficulty.


After a sound, He Shaocheng's tone was full of disbelief.

"How is this possible? How can you Qin Shaofeng have such a field?"

At this moment, He Shaocheng's tone, in addition to disbelief, there was a trace of panic and fear.

Because of the power of existence in this field, only the power that can be controlled by being promoted to the power of the holy realm.

Is this Qin Shaofeng considered to be a strong man in the holy realm?

He Shaocheng had a terrifying thought in his heart.


After hearing He Shaocheng's words, Qin Shaofeng was taken aback for a while, and then smiled slightly in his heart.


After all, this thunder prison is indeed a realm.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't forget that this field has time constraints. Although it is very powerful, it can only last for ten seconds!

But well...

After a slight glance, Qin Shaofeng's mouth was slightly tilted when He Shaocheng could barely move a little while the others were unable to move.

In this case, ten seconds is enough!


With a move in my heart, the next moment, the thunder light in this thunder prison suddenly brightened, and then a short knife that condensed Lei Che suddenly appeared, standing in front of the He family masters.

not good!

He Shaocheng was shocked when he saw this scene, especially when he felt the sharp aura from the thunder light condensed on the short knife.

Damn it, no way!

At the moment when the thunder light knife slashed towards him, He Shaocheng gritted his teeth fiercely, and a violent wave of vitality suddenly burst out of his body.

call out! call out! call out!

what! what! what!

A short knife from Leiqi directly slashed at the dozens of He family masters.

With a knife hit, these dozens of powerful He family masters lost their lives in an instant!

It was that He Shaoyong only looked desperately in the end, and the Leiqi short knife flashed directly through his chest and completely destroyed his heart.

However, what surprised Qin Shaofeng was that when He Shaocheng was about to be hit in the chest by the Leiqie short knife, He Shaocheng suddenly burst out, a surging and violent breath of vitality, shattering his Leiqie short knife. Up.

Moreover, what surprised Qin Shaofeng was that under He Shaocheng's violent power, the small-scale thunder light centered on him was forced back by that violent power.

This is to say that He Shaocheng actually forced the Thunder Prison back!


As soon as Lei Guang retreated, He Shao achieved his strength and was no longer suppressed by the Thunder Prison.

He didn't attack, and didn't even look at Qin Shaofeng. Then He Shaocheng slammed, and with the help of the violent power that burst out of him, he directly broke through the blockade of Qin Shaofeng's thunder prison and fled outside.

not good!

Although he was surprised for a while, He Shaocheng was able to break through his thunder prison block in this way, but Qin Shaofeng quickly reacted.

Want to escape?

With a cold look, the six-pointed star pattern on Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with a slight purple light.


He Shaocheng who flashed quickly, suddenly a black flame burned on his body!


Qin Shaofeng immediately activated Amaterasu, causing He Shaocheng to burn a black flame.

An inexplicable black flame suddenly ignited on his body, He Shaocheng was naturally taken aback, and subconsciously turned his head and glanced at Qin Shaofeng.

But just this glance made He Shao pair up with Qin Shaofeng's writing wheel.

Then, the next moment, He Shaocheng saw the strange lilac six-pointed star pattern in Qin Shaofeng's eyes...


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for successfully leapfrogging the Saint Yuan realm tenth pinnacle master He Shaocheng, winning leapfrog killing rewards, and gaining 300 million experience points!"

After a system prompt, Qin Shaofeng finally let out a sigh of relief.

"Huh, finally the solution is over!"

Looking at He Shaocheng's corpse lying on the ground, Qin Shaofeng really felt it was not easy.

Although the Thunder Prison is strong, Qin Shaofeng now finds that after the Thunder Prison is used, there are still many problems.

Although it can confine the enemy, if the enemy is too strong, it can completely break through the imprisonment power of the Thunder Prison.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng also knew very well in his heart that although the thunder prison he used this time could be fully displayed, it was only the worst kind.

In the final analysis, Qin Shaofeng had insufficient vitality.

Thinking of this, Qin Shaofeng was speechless.

"I circled a cross. My yuan strength is 7.5 billion, but now it's not enough?"

The egg groaned painfully, Qin Shaofeng didn't know what to say.

However, this battle finally ended Qin Shaofeng's previous discomfort.

"Hmph, killing these He Shaocheng and He Shaoyong, it's a good idea to get a little interest from the He family first!"

With a cold snort, Qin Shaofeng sneered coldly, and then began to collect his trophies this time.

Not to mention, as the second young master and third young master of the He family, especially there are masters like He Shaocheng, this made Qin Shaofeng really good.

Apart from other things, Qin Shaofeng found four to five hundred yuan from He Shaocheng just because of the number of spirit crystals.

Coupled with He Shaoyong and the dozens of He Family masters, Qin Shaofeng has obtained more than six hundred spirit crystals this time.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng didn't know that if it hadn't been because of He Shaotian's breakthrough that he had spent a lot of spirit crystals, then He Shaocheng's body would have even more spirit crystals.

But even so, in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, such gains are all very rich.

After cleaning up, Qin Shaofeng moved on.

Then, after some treatment by him, no one knew that the second and third young masters of the He family were killed one after another with a dozen masters of the He family.

At this stage, Qin Shaofeng also knew that the He family was a great threat to him.

And Qin Shaofeng also understands one thing, that is, his true strength can be hidden for a period of time.

After all, if the strength is not exposed, this may not be able to play a big role at the critical moment!


For several days in a row, Qin Shaofeng advanced all the way, rushing to the depths of the secret realm spirit realm unhurriedly.

And as it got deeper and deeper, Qin Shaofeng encountered fewer and fewer people.

But although there are fewer people, the people you meet are getting stronger and stronger.

Other than that, it was He Shaocheng's level master, Qin Shaofeng had encountered several.

This also made Qin Shaofeng understand that with the passage of time, after receiving the help of the spirit crystal in this secret realm, everyone took a few steps.

Especially those with good talents and aptitudes, this time they have improved by leaps and bounds.

Ten levels of the Saint Yuan Realm, the Yuan Power is worth over 10 billion!

This was placed in the previous gods, but all of them were enchanting geniuses at the level of gods!

But now, due to the birth of the spirit crystal, there are many more such god-child level geniuses.

Under such circumstances, Qin Shaofeng finally understood that he was only in the seventh stage of the Saint Yuan Realm, and it was still not enough!

Therefore, in the end Qin Shaofeng gave up directly and waited until he was promoted to the eighth level of the Saint Yuan Realm before taking the special version of the Sixth Stage Nine Layer Spirit Pill, so that he could directly promote to the peak of the Saint Yuan Realm. In the seventh stage of the Saint Yuan Realm, he took the special version of the sixth-rank nine-fold spiritual pill.

After taking that special version of the sixth-rank nine-layer spirit pill, Qin Shaofeng was promoted from the seventh stage of the Saint Yuan realm to the tenth stage of the Holy Yuan realm.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Tenfold Saint Yuan Realm

Experience value: 672.8 billion/99,999,999,999

Occupation: Devil

Yuanli value: 30 billion / 30 billion (the tenth layer of the holy yuan realm has 20 million Yuanli points, and the Yi Jin Jing is 50 times 1 billion points, 30 Yuan Dan 30 billion points)

Talented spirit root: body of dark thunder (ninth rank spirit root), body of demon king (unawakened), original world

Skills: King’s Blessing, Golden Eye with Fire, Yi Jin Jing, Xiao Li Fei Dao, Yun Dan Shu, Dan Sutra, 108 Yoga Poses, Wu Kong Shu, Sha Cha Lun Yan, Ling Bo Wei Step, One Yang Finger, Bei Pluto power, Dou Zhuan Xingyi, God of Thunder, Realm King Fist (one thousand mortal level skills)

Servant: Gong Qingzi (evolving)

Equipment: Dark Iron Epee, Demon King Suit

Task: The first person in Qianshan (the ninth stage)

Points: 2.535 billion 2100 points

Title: Devil (unknown)

Ordinary lottery chance: 113 times

Special chance to draw: 26 times

Skill proficiency: 38,590 points

Skill points: 0 points

Skills not learned: none

Props: ball and ball card small vault, devil props (one), Yuanli fruit (two), super **** draw card

Dependents: Meng Xiner, Qin Yueer, Zhao Yuner, Bai Xue, Geng Qiutong, Lian Yufeng, Tang Qijian, Du Meng, Hu Ye

After being promoted to the tenth level of the Saint Yuan Realm, Qin Shaofeng's own Yuan Power reached a full 20 million points, and then with the addition of the Yi Jin Jing and the "Pill Sutra" Yuan Dan, Qin Shaofeng's Yuan Power value directly reached A full 30 billion points!

The 30 billion yuan power value is absolutely terrifying.

Qin Shaofeng was sure that even if he had enough spiritual crystals to help him, the gods in the secret realm of the spirit realm now had very few Yuanli values, and could reach his realm.

The same can be said now.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng is a veritable genius of the gods of the palace!

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