Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 601: Terrifying super-grade beast

"Shao Feng, you are here too!"

As soon as he got there, Qin Shaofeng heard Hong Kun's voice, and when he looked up, it was not Hong Kun himself.

Qin Shaofeng, who had long wanted to leave Song Yunlong's side, hurried forward as soon as he saw Hong Kun, and had no idea of ​​staying with Song Yunlong at all.

After walking aside, Qin Shaofeng quickly started talking with Hong Kun.

During the period, Qin Shaofeng also asked Hong Kun something about the super-grade spirit beast. In this regard, Song Yunlong didn't seem to lie or hide anything.

The news that Qin Shaofeng learned from Hong Kun was not much different from what Song Yunlong said.

After chatting for a while, Qin Shaofeng discovered that Hong Kun at this moment, his aura had become extremely tyrannical, and his golden eyes opened. After learning about Hong Kun's current attributes, Qin Shaofeng took a leap.

Character: Hong Kun

Level: Ten Peaks of Saint Yuan Realm

Yuanli value: 12.35 billion / 12.35 billion

Spiritual root of talent:...


12.3 billion?

Qin Shaofeng didn't expect Hong Kun to have improved so much in recent days!

"Okay, I haven't seen you in the past few days. How can Hong Kun improve so fast?"

After seeing Hong Kun's attributes, Qin Shaofeng slapped Hong Kun on the shoulder and exclaimed in a low voice.

"LOL, really?"

Hong Kun laughed, and there were more points on his face proudly: "Hey, this is no way. After all, I have been using spirit crystals to improve my cultivation level these days. If this is a slow improvement, then I am too hopeless. !"

After a laugh, Hong Kun thought of something again. Then he raised his head and took a closer look at Qin Shaofeng, and then whispered: "Hey, I said Shaofeng, don't talk about me, your kid is not easy now. Come on, what realm are you now?"

It is strange to say that Hong Kun is able to probe the cultivation realm of most people with the help of some of his sensitive natal beasts, and most of the gods in the palace, he can see a general idea.

But it was Qin Shaofeng alone that his detection ability failed.

It's not that Hong Kun could not detect Qin Shaofeng's realm, but this investigation has found it.

But at this moment, under Hong Kun's investigation, Qin Shaofeng only exuded the aura of the seven-fold pinnacle realm of the Saint Yuan Realm, and the strength of the Yuan Power did not reach the level of the **** child at all.

Such an investigation is very clear, but Hong Kun doesn't believe that Qin Shaofeng is just this strength.

Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, and didn't answer Hong Kun's doubts directly. He just smiled unkindly and said, "Hey, don't worry, beating you is not a problem!"

Hong Kun just stopped doing it.

"I said your kid is too arrogant, you shouldn't forget, my strongest power is in my natal beasts!" Hong Kun said unwillingly.

However, although the tone of voice was very unhappy, Hong Kun was not really angry, just dissatisfied in character.

Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, and said nothing.

Indeed, Hong Kun's strength lies in his beasts.

Even at this moment Qin Shaofeng knew very well that the current Hong Kun was afraid that he had a natal beast with a value of more than ten billion yuan, and there was probably more than one.

But even so, Qin Shaofeng still had absolute confidence in his own strength.

There are ten levels of Saint Yuan Realm, and Yuan Power is worth over 30 billion. This is not a joke.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't bother with this question either, but just turned the topic away.

"By the way, let's not talk about it, what about Lin Yihan? Why didn't I see him?"

Qin Shaofeng was puzzled, and even looked around as he spoke.

Indeed, I have been here for a while.

But Qin Shaofeng discovered that Lin Yihan was not here, and the person who was talking to Song Yunlong at this moment was just a genius of the Lin family.


Hong Kun groaned, and after looking around, his voice lowered a lot, and he said softly: "Shao Feng, I'll tell you the truth. Yesterday we found a place where there is a suspected super-grade spirit beast. My cousin went to investigate there early today."

Super grade spirit beast?

Qin Shaofeng's eyes lit up, and he asked softly, "Really? Where?"

"Of course it's true, can I still lie to you?" Hong Kun muttered dissatisfiedly, and then he was about to tell Qin Shaofeng that place.

"That place is..."

"call out!"

But before Hong Kun finished speaking, a strong breath appeared in the distance, and a figure flew quickly.

That is?

Hong Kun, who was suddenly interrupted, subconsciously looked up and was shocked.

Because he had already discovered that the person who came was just one of the few masters who went out with his cousin Han to explore the super-grade spirit beasts.

And at this moment, this breath did not belong to Hong Kun's master at all. When he flew to everyone's side, he eagerly said: "Quickly, follow me, the super-grade spirit beast has appeared!"


Super-grade spirit beasts appeared?

A word from this master instantly shocked everyone present.

At this time, Song Yunlong was the first to react and shouted to everyone: "Attention, everyone, people with ten levels of Saint Yuan realm and one billion yuan worth of yuan, walk with me, and the rest will stay here. Ready to respond!"

Song Yunlong and Lin Yihan are already in an alliance. Lin Yihan is not here at the moment. Song Yunlong, as an ally of God's Son of God's Mansion, can of course give orders to those Lin family masters.

Although Qin Shaofeng was also a **** son, he also formed an alliance with Lin Yihan.

However, based on external rumors, even if Lin Yihan had said that Qin Shaofeng was good, I am afraid that those Lin family experts would not care, and most of them would not obey Qin Shaofeng's orders.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't care about this.

The only thing he cares about now is the super-grade spirit beast!

As soon as Song Yunlong's voice fell, Qin Shaofeng and Hong Kun nodded, and then the two of them soared into the air, instantly turning into a stream of light, and hurried away with Song Yunlong and the others.

When the Lin family master led the way, everyone finally rushed to a valley.

But when he arrived at the scene, Qin Shaofeng was a little shocked when he saw everything in front of him.

I saw a huge white figure in the distance.

This behemoth is more than 150 meters tall and looks like a monster tiger, but its body is a little fuzzy.

The reason is very simple, this behemoth is formed by pure aura.

Although it was like this, the breath displayed by this giant beast was shocking.

If it's just the breath, the strength of this giant beast's breath is stronger than everyone present, even Qin Shaofeng can sense that without opening the golden eyes, the vitality value of this behemoth in front of him absolutely exceeds 50 billion points!

Qin Shaofeng owns 30 billion Yuan Li points, so he still knows how strong an ordinary person is.

However, the breath of the giant beast in front of him was far above him, and it was still far beyond that level.

At this moment, there are dozens of black spots floating around the giant beast, which is exactly a figure.

Qin Shaofeng quickly saw Lin Yihan, but besides Lin Yihan, there were several other gods around.

At this moment, after Qin Shaofeng and Song Yunlong had arrived, except for Yao Jian and He Shaotian, the nine gods of God's Palace had arrived.

But even so, the great gods with their own masters, did not solve the behemoth for a while, and even looked like they couldn't help it.

This is the strength of super-grade spirit beasts?

After seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng gasped fiercely.

At this moment, he finally knew that whether it was Hong Kun or Song Yunlong, when talking about super-grade spirit beasts, they emphasized that everyone would have a chance to kill a super-grade spirit beast.


The figure flashed, and the next moment Lin Yihan appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng and others.

"Brother Song and Junior Brother Qin, you are here!"

Lin Yihan greeted him as soon as he came over, but Qin Shaofeng said that he heard the helplessness in his tone.

"Brother Lin, what's the matter?" Song Yunlong pointed to the other gods not far away, asking inexplicably.

"Oh, there is no way to make a lot of noise, other people noticed it all at once!" Lin Yihan sighed helplessly, and Lin Yihan smiled bitterly.

"That's it!" Song Yunlong's face changed slightly, he groaned for a while, and said, "Since this is the case, then when this super-grade spirit beast will be solved, pay attention to it!"

"Yeah! I know this, otherwise I won't call you over!" Lin Yihan nodded.

But the conversation between the two made Qin Shaofeng stunned.


I wiped it, did I get it wrong?

Faced with such a terrifying super-grade spirit beast, you actually said to solve it?

Even if your great divine sons have improved a lot of strength in the secret realm spirit world, they are now gathered together.

But with the strength of this super-grade spirit beast, I am afraid it is still somewhat insufficient, right?

Qin Shaofeng really didn't understand where Lin Yihan and Song Yunlong were confident.

At this time, Hong Kun, who also had the same idea, couldn't help it, and directly asked, "Cousin Yihan, are you making a mistake about this? Can people like us solve this big guy?"

It seemed that I knew that Hong Kun would ask this way. Lin Yihan smiled slightly, glanced at Hong Kun, then turned his gaze, and said to Qin Shaofeng: "Shaofeng, I believe you have such doubts?"

"Hmm!" Qin Shaofeng didn't speak, but just nodded.

But Lin Yihan didn't answer anything directly, but smiled slightly and said, "Okay, you will know this soon!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Yihan unexpectedly stepped forward again and killed the super-grade spirit beast.

Song Yunlong and the others also followed, rushing towards the super-grade spirit beast.

Seeing this, Qin Shaofeng and Hong Kun were speechless, but they could only follow.

When he came to the huge body of the super-grade spirit beast, Qin Shaofeng could feel the power of this super-grade spirit beast more and more.

That seemingly endless aura, huge and turbulent!

Can this really kill?

Qin Shaofeng didn't believe it!

But at this moment, a loud shout came from among the dozens of people who were besieged.

"Come on! Everyone be careful?"


What's coming?

Qin Shaofeng didn't know the situation at all, but he would understand what was coming in the next moment.


As if being angered, this super-grade spirit beast roared, and the entire huge body condensed by spiritual energy suddenly shook.

This shock was like a storm of spiritual energy, a huge wave of spiritual energy visible to the naked eye, sweeping across everyone.

The people who had been reminded by the loud shout before, the first time they flashed out.

But even if I was reminded in advance, some people still took a step behind.


A master of the tenfold peak of the Saint Yuan Realm, with a vitality value of more than 5 billion, was swept by the spiritual energy wave, and something terrible happened.

That seemingly harmless wave of spiritual energy swept the master in such a light sweep.

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