Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 603: Might of the First Son

call out!

Just when Qin Shaofeng noticed something strange, there was a scream from outside the valley, and a sword light flew in.

The speed of the sword light is fast, and Qin Shaofeng feels that even if he performs the air dance technique, it is not half the speed of the sword light.

With just a flash, the sword light surpassed the gods and came to the super-grade spirit crystal first.


The sword light flashed, a figure appeared, and then the super-grade spirit crystal was also put into his hands.

This scene, let several gods see, their expressions changed.

Be preempted!

Everyone looked ugly, but when they saw the person who grabbed the super-grade spirit beast, many of them changed slightly.

When he saw the person clearly, Qin Shaofeng was also taken aback.

Yao Jian!

It is said that the first person whose strength ranks above several gods!

Qin Shaofeng didn't expect that under such circumstances, the first **** child would actually appear.

And this appearance robbed everyone of the fruits of their long struggle!

This left Qin Shaofeng extremely speechless.

However, Qin Shaofeng thought of another thing at this moment.

That was the sword energy that came from outside the valley before. Needless to say, it was naturally the masterpiece of this first **** son.

But it is precisely because of this that Qin Shaofeng has a preliminary understanding of Yao Jian's strength.

Although the super-grade spirit beast was almost consumed by himself and the others, it was finally taken aback by the two brothers of the Jun family.

But even so, the strength possessed by that super-grade spirit beast is still extremely strong.

At the very least, Qin Shaofeng asked himself to spend a few more tricks to solve it.

But this first **** child is better, and the sword energy that erupted so far directly solved the super-grade spirit beast.

And there was still no chance to restore the super-grade spirit beast.

Regarding this point, based on what Qin Shaofeng knew about the super-grade spirit beasts, he was afraid that he couldn't do it.

But Yao Jian did it. It can be seen that his name as the first **** son is not just talking about it.

The first time Yao Jian appeared, Qin Shaofeng naturally probed the other party's attribute information with fiery eyes.

The information available is no different from the first time Qin Shaofeng saw this Yao Jian. It was nothing more than the fact that the Yuanli value had increased from barely seven billion points to eight billion points.

This kind of improvement, compared with the extremely divine child present, is simply un mentionable.

But for some reason, facing Yao Jian at this moment, Qin Shaofeng felt a hairy feeling in his heart. It seemed that he would be in an extremely dangerous situation if he provokes him.

It was precisely because of this before that Qin Shaofeng didn't directly rush forward.

After seeing Yao Jian at this moment, Qin Shaofeng was even more afraid to act rashly.


With a light flash, Qin Shaofeng came to Lin Yihan and Song Yunlong.

After the two found out that Yao Jian was the one who robbed them, they both stopped for the first time and did not continue to step forward.

However, when Qin Shaofeng came to the two of them, a trace of unwillingness flashed in Lin Yihan's eyes, and he was about to go forward.

Seeing this, Qin Shaofeng hurriedly reached out and grabbed Lin Yihan, and said softly, "Don't, don't go there!"

Lin Yihan frowned slightly. Although he knew it was Qin Shaofeng’s kindness, Lin Yihan still said unwillingly when he thought about the super-grade spirit crystal: "Shaofeng, don't stop me, this is the first super-grade. Spirit beast, and no one knows, whether this can give birth to a second super-grade spirit crystal, such a rare opportunity, I don't want to just give up!"

Lin Yihan's tone was very firm, and at this moment Song Yunlong also spoke out.

"Indeed, me too!" Song Yunlong said with a serious face, "Although Yao Jian is very strong, we are not in the original state anymore. I don't believe that together we are not his Yao Jian opponents!"

What a shit!

Just like you, ten plus one is not enough for Yao Jian!

With disdain in his heart, he cursed at Song Yunlong secretly, and Qin Shaofeng immediately got a headache.

Lin Yihan's steadfast appearance made him feel relieved, fearing it would be a little difficult.

However, soon seemed to have noticed something, Qin Shaofeng frowned, and said to Lin Yihan: "Okay, I won't persuade you anymore, but you can wait a moment!"


Lin Yihan showed a trace of suspicion, and didn't understand the meaning of Qin Shaofeng's words.

But soon, Lin Yihan understood what Qin Shaofeng meant.

"Yao Jian, hand over that spirit crystal!"

With a loud shout, a figure flew towards Yao Jian instantly.

Is that Yue Haishan?

After seeing the figure, Lin Yihan's heart moved and he immediately understood what Qin Shaofeng meant.

It doesn't matter, let Yue Haishan try Yao Jian's strength first, and then I decide not to make a move.


When Lin Yihan missed it, that Yue Haishan came to Yao Jian.

Before Yue Haishan entered the Secret Realm Spirit Realm, as one of the great divine sons, his realm had already reached the tenth peak of the Saint Yuan Realm, and his Yuan Power had exceeded 9 billion points.

Now that after entering this mysterious realm of the spirit world, with the help of the spirit crystal, he has already improved a lot of strength at this moment, and Qin Shaofeng has already discovered that the opponent's Yuan strength has exceeded 20 billion points.

In fact, the current gods, except for Yao Jian, have already reached the level of 20 billion points.

Compared with the previous strength, I am afraid it has increased several times!

Changing from the previous words, this Yue Haishan would still be afraid of Yao Jian's strength. After entering the mysterious realm, his strength increased several times, and his confidence had already increased greatly.

At this moment, he discovered that Yao Jian's aura didn't seem to have improved much. For a while, he thought that his strength was stronger than the current Yao Jian.

Of course, the most important thing was to pay attention to that super-grade spirit crystal, which made Yue Haishan not caring so much.

After these days of improvement, Yue Haishan believed that if he could obtain this super-grade spirit crystal, he would definitely break through to the holy realm.

Breaking into the holy realm before the age of thirty, then he is an absolute genius.

In this way, once he enters that place, he can get more attention.

How could he give up such an opportunity?

With this shot, Yue Haishan exploded with all his strength, he had no intention of keeping his hands on Yao Jian, and even his face showed a hideous and crazy look.

It would be a matter of self-satisfaction for him to defeat Yao Jian, the number one son of God.

"Yao Jian, you die for me!"

With a roar, Yue Haishan's vitality burst out instantly.


With a shock, Yue Haishan directly made a huge palm print.

Turn over the palm!

The Yue Family's strongest skill is not only a holy technique, but it is even said that after the palm of the mountain is cultivated, it can shake the mountains and rivers with a single palm, or even shatter them!

There are also rumors that this Fanshanzhang came from the first generation of Jiuyunzi, and the reason why the area around the Shenfu is an endless plain is that the first generation Jiuyunzi used Fanshanzhang to blast out.

Regardless of the rumors, the current full palm of Yue Haishan, the erupting palm of the mountain, even if its power does not reach the level of turning the mountain, the master who bombards the Saint Yuan realm with a value of 10 billion realms, I am afraid it is easy.

Even at the moment when this palm appeared, Lin Yihan and other gods' expressions changed slightly. Obviously they had never expected that Yue Haishan now possesses such power.

But facing Yue Haishan's confident palm, Yao Jian still had a calm face, even indifferent.

Then, Yao Jian finally said the first sentence since Qin Shaofeng saw him after he appeared.

"The light of rice noodles!"


The moment Yao Jian said this, he moved.

With a cold gaze, he raised his head to look at the giant palm pressed down by the sky, Yao Jian raised the long sword in his right hand and cut it lightly.

call out!

A faint golden sword aura rose to the sky, as if it was the first ray of golden sun at the break of dawn, breaking the last trace of darkness in the night!


There was a light paw for the huge flipping palm print, and then it shivered and was cut by the light golden sword aura.

Yes, just scratch!

This seemed to give everyone an illusion, like a palm that Yue Haishan hit with all his strength, just like a piece of paper, just a light stroke, and it was completely broken.

Not only that, after piercing the huge mountain-turning palm print, the light golden sword aura directly swept across the layers of space and came to the Yue Hai Mountain.

Then, before Yue Haishan had time to react, he swiped across him.

As if a slight breeze had blown, the light golden sword energy flashed past Yue Haishan, and then disappeared.

But at this moment, Yue Haishan had wide-open eyes, his eyes were full of disbelief and endless panic.

Opening his mouth, Yue Haishan wanted to say something.

But at the moment he opened his mouth, it seemed to have touched something, a tiny bloodstain appeared from Yue Haishan's forehead, and then all the way down, he drew Yue Haishan in half symmetrically.

No, it is not drawn, but it is really divided into two halves.

Because at the next moment, a burst of blood suddenly appeared from Yue Haishan.

With a bang, Yue Haishan's whole body turned from one blood line into two halves, and then fell down in midair.

Those who witnessed this scene, whether it was Qin Shaofeng and the gods, or the other masters of the Saint Yuan realm, were shocked and dumbfounded.

Qin Shaofeng had long felt that Yue Haishan was definitely not Yao Jian's opponent, but he also felt that he did not expect that Yue Haishan could not hold Yao Jian's move!

If this is a sneak attack, it still makes sense.

But in the current situation, it was that Yue Haishan took the first shot, and he hadn't reserved this shot at all, with an absolute full blow.

But that Yao Jian was good. Facing Yue Haishan's full blow, not only did he not choose to dodge, he actually shot a sword from the front and cut the Yao Jian in half.

Such strength shocked Qin Shaofeng.

Even facing such Yao Jian, Qin Shaofeng had a hunch in his heart.

If he was against Yao Jian's opponent, he would definitely not be Yao Jian's opponent without taking the Fruit of Yuanli.

And even if he used the fruit of Yuanli, Qin Shaofeng was not too sure to win this Yao Jian.

Because Qin Shaofeng felt that whether it was the sword that blasted the super-grade spirit beast, that was the sword that just killed Yue Haishan, it was not Yao Jian's strongest power.

If I face this Yao Jian, if I want to win, I am afraid I can only defeat the opponent by using the fruit of the vitality to completely burst out the thunder prison, right?

Feeling the edge of the pale golden sword aura, Qin Shaofeng came to such a conclusion in his heart, which shocked his heart.

As expected to be the first **** son, this Yao Jian's strength is really terrifying!

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