Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 605: conspiracy?

In a dense forest in the distance, Qin Shaofeng faintly felt a more and more powerful aura, drifting away.

This is just the evolving high-grade spirit beast!

At this time, as soon as the distance found this high-grade spirit beast, it had already been three hours, and at this moment it was the first stage of evolution of the high-grade spirit beast, and it had reached the final moment.

Because Qin Shaofeng had already felt it, the aura in the distance had gradually separated from the range of the high-grade spirit beast and became close to the super-grade spirit beast.

Similarly, Lin Yihan, who has been paying attention to this situation, also discovered the first situation.

"It's almost done, the core spirit crystal of that high-grade spirit beast is about to evolve into a super-grade spirit crystal!"

With a soft cry, Lin Yihan turned his head and instructed Song Yunlong and Qin Shaofeng to say: "I'm going to do it soon. I'll give you an order later. Yunlong and you will join me in order to fight for this one. A complete super-grade spirit beast, kill with one blow!"

"Understand!" everyone responded in unison.

Apart from Lin Yihan and Song Yunlong, there were also a few masters of the Lin family and Song family, all of whom were in the realm of yuan strength worth over ten billion.

Counting Qin Shaofeng and Hong Kun, there are only eight people.

But this time, everyone is not facing the previous super-grade spirit beast that has evolved to the third stage, but the super-grade spirit beast that has the super-grade spirit crystal and barely counts as the super-grade.

A super-grade spirit beast of this level can kill with one blow, and with the strength of the eight Qin Shaofeng and the others, it can be done.

But for some reason, Qin Shaofeng always felt something was wrong.

Subconsciously unfolding the fiery eyes of the perception field, although Qin Shaofeng has not let the little fox out now, with Qin Shaofeng's current realm, he can rely on his own power to sense the existence of the surrounding seven or eight hundred meters.

There is nothing wrong with it, it should be because of yourself that you are too worried?

The fiery eyes and golden eyes perceive the field to expand, but there is no abnormal discovery, which makes Qin Shaofeng laugh at himself.

At this moment, Lin Yihan suddenly reminded in a deep voice: "Stop, the aura belonging to the super-grade spirit crystal has appeared, ready to do it!"

With Lin Yihan's reminder, Qin Shaofeng quickly cleared up his mood, concentrated, and was ready to take action at any time.

And at the same time, Qin Shaofeng also discovered that the aura in the distance had finally changed completely.

No longer the breath of high-grade spirit beasts, high-grade spirit beasts possessing super-grade spirit beasts, although their strength is not yet in the realm of super-grade spirit beasts, they can already be said to be super-grade spirit beasts.

"Do it!"

Suddenly, when the breath of the high-grade spirit beast completely settled in the realm of the super-grade spirit beast, Lin Yihan immediately let out a low voice.

Like ordinary spirit crystals, once super-grade spirit crystals are formed, they will not change.

Therefore, it is the best time to hunt for a super-grade spirit beast's super-grade spirit crystal.

Because the super-grade spirit beast at this time is definitely the weakest super-grade spirit beast!

Huh huh!

Several silhouettes flashed quickly, rushing towards the breath.

The first person to arrive was Lin Yihan, but he did not make a move. Instead, he stared at the super-grade spirit beast and paid attention to the movement of the super-grade spirit beast to prevent it from escaping.

The person who approached Lin Yihan was Song Yunlong. As soon as he arrived, Song Yunlong did not hesitate to shoot directly and launched an attack on the super-grade spirit beast.


This Song Yunlong shot was an unreserved move.

With a punch, a surging sea of ​​fire rushed out, and this sea of ​​fire-like vitality instantly condensed into a five-meter flame giant sword, blasting towards the super-grade spirit beast.

At the same time, several other masters also felt that everyone was violently attacking, and there was no violent attack left.

Qin Shaofeng and Hong Kun also felt it. Of course, the reason why they were a step slower was that Qin Shaofeng did this deliberately.

When he rushed to the sky above the super-grade spirit beast, Qin Shaofeng saw it for the first time. In a bush, there was a huge monster beast lying prone on two or three stories.

Unlike the super-grade spirit beast I encountered last time, this super-grade spirit beast is a super-grade spirit beast that resembles a monster wolf.

However, before Qin Shaofeng watched it carefully, this super-grade spirit beast was completely overwhelmed by a frantic attack.

Seeing this, Qin Shaofeng didn't think about anything else, so he just condensed a three-meter Leiqi great sword with Leiqi and threw it at the super-grade spirit beast.

boom! boom! boom!

Everyone attacked at the same time, and the violent auras fell, directly blasting the location of the super-grade spirit beast into a splendid flower.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere on the ground rolled back, the vegetation flew across, and the gunpowder was filled with smoke!


There was a sudden roar, and the next moment a huge figure jumped out from the gunpowder and fled to the distance.

Because it hasn't evolved a huge body shape, the aura in the body is not very terrifying. Instead, this super-grade spirit beast can be controlled freely. After detecting that it is wrong, it intends to escape immediately.

This is not because this super-grade spirit beast is much more intelligent than the last super-grade spirit beast. This is just the beast's instinctive reaction to avoid danger.

After all, the spirit beasts in the secret realm of the spirit world are considered to be a kind of monster beasts, but they are somewhat special.

The super-grade spirit beast that fled out had shrunk several times in size, and it was obvious that everyone attacked together, causing this super-grade spirit beast to suffer.

And at this moment, Lin Yihan, who saw this scene, not only didn't worry, but showed a trace of such confidence.


Lin Yihan, who had not taken a shot, flashed directly, and because he had been prepared for a long time, Lin Yihan flashed directly in front of the super-grade spirit beast fleeing.


In an instant, Lin Yihan burst out his breath completely.

At this moment, Lin Yihan thoroughly confirmed the power of the son of God, the surging aura, that is, the super-grade spirit beast also sensed the danger in an instant, stopped violently fleeing his body, and then prepared to turn around.

But it's too late!


A hint of sarcasm flashed in his eyes, and Lin Yihan shouted fiercely, "It's late!"

Lin Yihan stretched out his hands, and then suddenly moved forward and beat together!


A light blue light was photographed by Lin Yihan, like a violent tornado, swept toward the super-grade spirit beast.


The blue light gust of wind directly rolled up the entire super-grade spirit beast.

Qin Shaofeng, who was not far away, was slightly shocked when he saw this scene.

Because Qin Shaofeng could see clearly that in the blue violent wind, it was made up of countless small light blue wind blades.

At this moment, the monster wolf super-grade spirit beast involved in it is suffering from countless wind blades.

Even if it is a super-grade spirit beast with spiritual energy repairing its body, under such wind blade cutting, its size is shrinking rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Reiki repair or something, it can't keep up at all!

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng was in a cold sweat.

This super-grade spirit beast was involved in this situation. If it were to be replaced by a person, I am afraid it will be cut into a pile of minced meat in the blink of an eye!

No, it should be that the minced meat can't be retained, I am afraid it will directly turn into meat foam, and then into a mist of flesh and blood, and eventually disappear.

this is too scary!

Soon, the body of that super-grade spirit beast disappeared.

When the light blue wind blade tornado finally stopped, only a pure white spar remained in the air, floating quietly.

The tornado suddenly disappeared, causing the pure white spirit beast to pause for a while, and then fall vertically.

However, before the spar fell to the ground, Lin Yihan flashed fiercely, flashed directly, and then caught the spar.

"Hahaha, finally got it!"

Lin Yihan, who got the spar, laughed with excitement.

Also, this obtained a piece of super-grade spirit beast, which is regarded as half-footed into the holy realm.

And with Lin Yihan's aptitude, with this super-grade spirit beast stepping into the holy realm, it will happen sooner or later.

"Congratulations, Brother Yihan, with this super-grade spirit beast, you can step into the holy realm just around the corner!"

After Lin Yihan got the super-grade spirit crystal, Song Yunlong stepped forward to congratulate him.

"Haha, it's easy to talk about!" Lin Yihan laughed loudly, then looked down at the super-grade spirit crystal in his hand, his eyes still showing extremely excited expression.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng and Hong Kun also came forward to congratulate them.

After Haosheng inspected it for a while, Lin Yihan carefully put the super-grade spirit beast into a storage ring in his right hand.

This storage ring is specially refined to store this super-grade spirit crystal, and can reduce the speed of the super-grade spirit crystal's aura to the minimum.

But even so, Lin Yihan still intends to use this super-grade spirit crystal as soon as possible.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly, as if he had noticed something.

Because of fighting with that super-grade spirit beast before, Qin Shaofeng had directly opened his glaring perception field, and had no plans to put it away.

But just now, Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt a breath in the distance, thinking that he and others were approaching.

At first Qin Shaofeng just thought it was a certain high-grade spirit beast, but soon a dozen breaths came out one after another, which made Qin Shaofeng feel that something was wrong.

With a move in his heart, Qin Shaofeng instantly concentrated his mind, and then discovered that these dozen auras were all human beings, and they were all very powerful master auras.

No, someone!

Upon discovering this, Qin Shaofeng's face changed slightly, and he immediately warned in a deep voice.

"Everyone, be careful, there are more than a dozen masters approaching us!"


When Qin Shaofeng said this, the expressions of everyone present changed drastically.

A strange light flashed in Song Yunlong's eyes, he looked at Qin Shaofeng in surprise, and then smiled disapprovingly: "Ha, I said Junior Brother Qin, you should feel wrong, this is within the big formation we arranged. , If someone showed up, we would have found each other long ago."

Qin Shaofeng ignored Song Yunlong, but gave Lin Yihan a faint look.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng looking at him, Lin Yihan pondered for a moment, and then said to everyone, "No, it's better for everyone to be careful!"

Out of the importance of super-grade spirit crystals, Lin Yihan became extremely cautious at this moment, even if he was skeptical of Qin Shaofeng's words, he was still a bit vigilant.

But when he had just finished speaking, Hong Kun, who had been by his side, suddenly said in a solemn voice: "Cousin Yihan, Shaofeng is right. The beast I stayed far away found strangers. breath!"


Is someone really here?

At this moment, Lin Yihan finally believed.

Hong Kun is his own, and Lin Yihan also understands Hong Kun's ability to detect war beasts, so he knows that someone is coming.

But how is this possible?

Is there a real formation?

Just one or two, but now a dozen people came in in a row.

Did he fall into an ambush, or somebody's trap?

There must be some conspiracy!

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