Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 629: Accident before departure

A few days later, the flying boat of God's Palace came again, and Qin Shaofeng boarded the flying boat and left Qianshan Sect again.

Moreover, when he left this time, Qin Shaofeng had a hunch in his heart that even if he could come back again, it would probably be a long time later.

Elder Lei was still in retreat, but Qin Shaofeng knew that his master was okay with the powerful aura from his retreat cave.

Even Qin Shaofeng believed that after a while, not only would his master be reborn, but his cultivation level would definitely go further.

Qin Shaofeng had visited Yunque Peak again, but in the end he was stopped by a force.

Obviously that person didn't plan to see him anymore, and even after three days, that person left directly.

And the other party not only left, but also took Xiang Qianqian, Du Meng and even Tang Qijian away.

Qin Shaofeng still understands this area towards Qianqian and Du Meng.

After all, Xiang Qianqian possesses the spirit of the white tiger, and most of it was taken away by the opponent because of this. And the relationship between Du Meng and Xiang Qianqian was recognized by Xiang Wanshan. But there is no difference.

But with Tang Qijian, Qin Shaofeng couldn't understand it. In the end, Qin Shaofeng could only think of the one who had taken a fancy to Tang Qijian's kendo talent.

Not only that, but the people who were taken away were Geng Qiutong and the little princess.

However, the person who took the two of them has nothing to do with that person. Geng Qiutong and the little princess were taken away by Gong Qingzi.

This made Qin Shaofeng very depressed. He didn't know that Gong Qingzi's woman had somehow persuaded the two women to let them leave with her.

However, this is a good thing for Qin Shaofeng. After all, whether it is with the suspected Suzaku descendant or Gong Qingzi, this is a good thing for Geng Qiutong and Du Meng.

Qin Shaofeng originally wanted to wait for Zhao Yun'er in Qianshan Sect, but in the end he only waited for Aunt Qing.

Aunt Qing came back to Qianshanzong, but told Qin Shaofeng that Zhao Yuner was now practicing in a spiritual space before the Meng family, and once the cultivation was over, most of them were picked up by the Meng family.

Although Zhao Yun'er only inherited the blood of Meng's family from her mother, as she practiced during this period of time, the blood of Meng's family seemed to be faintly awakened.

Aunt Qing decisively told Zhao Yun'er's parents the news through a special contact jade symbol left by Meng's family.

Then, there is no need to say more.

Zhao Yuner's ability to awaken the blood of Meng's family is naturally the best way to return to Meng's family.

In this way, Qin Shaofeng and Zhao Yun'er were afraid that they would not even be able to meet each other, so I am afraid that they would put their limits to stay apart from each other.

Zhao Yuner asked Aunt Qing to bring a word to Qin Shaofeng.

"I and Xin'er are waiting for you at Meng's house!"

Because of these words, Qin Shaofeng, who was alone, didn't feel any loneliness, even if he returned to the palace again, but was full of energy.

However, having said that, Qin Shaofeng is not really alone, after all, there are little foxes and Lord Tiger beside him!

After returning to the Divine Mansion, while there was still some time, Qin Shaofeng could open up Xiang Chengfeng's great fortune array and let the little fox and Lord Tiger go in for cultivation.

With the dual help of Qi Luck and the Seven-Rank Nine Layer Spirit Pill, the little fox and the tiger master quickly ascended to the holy realm.

Family: Tiger Lord (Tiger of Thunder, Light and Darkness)

Level: Low-level Saint One Heavy

Saint Element Value: 400/400 (Low-level Saint One Heavy has 50 points of Saint Element Value, and the third-level Yi Jin Jing is increased to 400 after eight times)

Talented Spiritual Root: Light of Thunder

Talent skill: Light of Thunder

Skill 1: Yi Jin Jing

Familiar: None


Family members: Bai Xue (Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox)

Level: Low-level Saint One Heavy

Occupation: Bishop

Sacred element value: 330/330 (low-level saints have 30 points for the first layer, eight times for the 3rd level of Yijinjing, and three times for the psychedelic eye)

Talented Spiritual Root: Nine-Tailed Demon

Talent skills: Seventy-two changes, dark charm, five elements spirit fire

Skill 1: Yi Jin Jing

Skill 2: Dancing in the sky

Skill 3: Xiao Li Fei Dao

Skill 4: Beiming Shen Gong

Skill 5: Write round eyes

Familiar: None


After entering the sacred realm, the elemental power in the body will be converted into the sacred elemental force. The transformation of the elemental energy into the sacred elemental force is not trivial, basically equivalent to 100 million yuan of elemental value, after being converted into the sacred element value, it is only equivalent to a little .

After being promoted to the Holy Realm, the little fox has the same Saint Yuan value as Tiger Lord, which seems to be only three or four hundred, but in fact it is equivalent to thirty or four billion Yuan.

Moreover, the Saint Yuan Power after promotion is much stronger than the equivalent Yuan Power.

Not only that, compared to ordinary people, the Saint Yuan value owned by Little Fox and Tiger Lord is already very good.

Under normal circumstances, low-level saints have the Saint Yuan value of the first level, which is like a hundred points.

Whether it is the two brothers of the Jun family or Yao Jian, as well as Hong Kun and others who broke through the holy realm in the space vector of the Qi Luck Array, most of them do not have a one-hundred-point Saint Yuan value at the first level of the low-level sage. !

The Saint Yuan realm converted to the Holy Realm does not have a lot of vitality value, it can transform the corresponding Saint Yuan value!

The little fox and the tiger are also because of their powerful spiritual roots, which can transform them perfectly, and even further.

The rest of the gods, that is, Hong Kun, because of his special spiritual roots, have a sacred element value that has exceeded 100 points, and it has not exceeded 150 points.

And most importantly, because of possessing the power of Saint Yuan, the spiritual roots of the little fox and the tiger are now officially activated.

Now it's just the beginning. When the realm improves in the future, the gap between them and ordinary humans and monsters will definitely get bigger and bigger.

Both the little fox and the tiger master had improved, and Qin Shaofeng didn't waste any time, and he could directly enter the Pagoda of Fantasy and start farming monsters.

In addition to brushing the monsters and brushing experience, Qin Shaofeng also sorted out Xiang Chengfeng's belongings during this period, and finally gave the system back the 10 billion points he had previously purchased Dugu Nine Swords.

Although Qin Shaofeng's points were only less than a million points left after the tens of billions of points were returned to the system, the feeling of being debt-free and light on his body made Qin Shaofeng extremely comfortable.

Finally, the real power to manage the Nine Clouds Continent came.

On this day, there was a sudden tremor in the sky above Shenfu, and then a giant flying boat that was more than ten times larger than Shenfu appeared.

The flying boat owned by Shenfu is actually only the lowest level flying boat, which can be used for short-distance flight, but if it is still long-distance, especially for cross-continent navigation, the flying boat of Shenfu will not work at all.

And the giant flying boat that appeared this time is probably a flying boat that can sail across continents.

Xiang Chengfeng had received the news a long time ago, and had been waiting for the emergence of this giant flying boat.

Not long after, three figures appeared on the giant flying boat. As soon as the three appeared, they flew straight towards Chengfeng.

Xiang Chengfeng wasn't the deity this time, but a master of the Jun family who had seized the house more than 30 years ago. He is now a saint of the low-level seventh realm.

But in the eyes of the three suddenly appeared, I am afraid it is nothing.

Because of the terrifying aura coming from these three people, Qin Shaofeng guessed that the three people in front of him were at least high-ranking saints, and they might even be the three strong realms in the holy realm.

As soon as the three of them appeared, they didn’t talk nonsense. One of them said, “Nine Clouds of the Nine Clouds Continent, this time your Nine Clouds Continent needs to dispatch 20 holy realms, and 1,000 disciples with the lowest seven levels of the holy origin realm. Prepare quickly, and hand in one hour!"


Twenty holy realms, one thousand disciples who are at most seven levels of holy origin realm?

How could this happen?

Qin Shaofeng was slightly startled, and the face of Xiang Chengfeng's clone changed completely.

In the past, every time I came to collect people, there were at most ten Saint Realm and 300 Saint Yuan Realm, and sometimes there was no requirement for the number of Saint Realm disciples.

But this time not only has the number of people in the Saint Realm doubled, but the number of people in the Saint Origin Realm has also tripled!

"My Envoy, is there any misunderstanding? I want to come to Jiuyun Continent with only ten holy realms and 300 holy origin realms. Why is there so much more this time?" Jiuyunzi asked.

But look at the strong man who spoke, but he said coldly: "Don't talk nonsense, let you prepare as soon as possible. After an hour, if I can't see anyone, then I will do it myself!"

After speaking, the man took the other two directly back to the giant flying boat.

Xiang Chengfeng looked worried, and after looking at each other with Qin Shaofeng, he quickly went back to prepare.

Although helpless, there is no alternative.

After all, if the other party really does something, it would be truly desperate.

"Master, what should I do?"

In the Palace Lord's Hall, Jiuyunzi looked at Qin Shaofeng anxiously. He is now Qin Shaofeng's servant, and naturally the first one is to obey Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng pondered for a moment, and Qin Shaofeng didn't understand this situation.

However, Qin Shaofeng was silently calculating at this moment.

This time the disciples of the gods, in addition to the gods, still have eight people who have broken through the holy realm. Although they are all breakthroughs in the holy realm by the large array of air luck, in the first realm of the low-level sages, most of them are the holy yuan of about 50 points. value.

But what the other party requested was only the holy realm, and there was no requirement for strength.

With eight people, plus four sons of god, there are only twelve.

It is worth mentioning that after returning from the mysterious realm, it might be Qin Shaofeng's nine-fold spirit pill that helped Lin Yihan break through and break directly into the holy realm.

But even so, the distance from the other party's request is still a bit short.

It seems that this can only be done!

With a flash of eyes, Qin Shaofeng quickly made a decision in his heart.

In the end, whether it was the two brothers of the Jun family who were newly seizing the house or the clone of the previous seizing house, as long as they had the cultivation base of the holy realm, the clone of Xiang Chengfeng was pulled out by Qin Shaofeng to make up the count.

In this way, in the end, the entire Shen Mansion only has the deity of Xiang Chengfeng and the current avatar of Jiuyunzi, which can still leave accidents. All other holy realm masters, whether it is the Jun family, the Lin family, or the He family, will come out. Make up the count.

In fact, these people are just clones of Xiang Chengfeng.

As for the number of Saint Yuan realm, Qin Shaofeng deliberately selected a large number of disciples of the Lin family and the He family, and even the disciples of the Jun family.

After this time, the strength of Shenfu was greatly weakened.

But this gave Qianshanzong a chance.

Qin Shaofeng thought very clearly, this matter may be a bad thing, but he can turn it into a good thing.

On the Thousand Mountain Sect's side, Qin Shaofeng had already left a lot of Seven-Rank Nine Layer Spirit Pills. Qin Shaofeng believed that it would not take long for the Thousand Mountain Sect's Thunder God Peak to have three more holy realm powerhouses.

As for the Sect Master of the Qianshan Sect, Xiang Wanshan, Qin Shaofeng looked at Du Meng's face, and also gave him a seven-tier nine-layer spirit pill that allowed him to rise to the holy realm.

In this way, even if there are not many masters in the Saint Yuan Realm of the Qianshan Sect, there are still four Saint Realms, plus Jiuyunzi on the side of the Shenfu is still his own.

It seems that there are no surprises for the Qianshan Sect to enter the palace.

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