Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 659: Transform the soul

Monthly reading space!

Looking at the apparently different monthly reading space this time, Qin Shaofeng was also slightly happy.

This time, the monthly reading space is obviously better than the previous monthly reading space, but it is much stronger.

In this way, one's own certainty is also much greater!

Feeling the power of the moon reading space, Qin Shaofeng smiled in his heart, but the next moment, a roar in the distance interrupted Qin Shaofeng's joy in his heart.

Looking up, Qin Shaofeng saw that in the distance, a black shadow was moving everywhere, and that black shadow exuded this sharp aura, which actually made the Moon Reading Space suppress it without much effect.

Needless to say, this black shadow is naturally the blade demon soldier.

Or it can be said that it is the soul of that blade demon soldier!

Qin Shaofeng was sure that this time the Moon Reading was not only the spiritual power of the Blade Demon Soldier, I am afraid that such a powerful Moon Reading was already strong enough to directly pull the Soul of the Blade Demon Soldier into the Moon Reading Space.

"Hmph, now that you are in my place, how can you continue to be arrogant?"

With a cold gaze, Qin Shaofeng's mental body stretched out his hands, and the next moment, the entire monthly reading space was slightly bright, and then an invisible pressure instantly pressed the dark shadow down.


There was no room for resistance. The Blade Demon Soldier was crushed to the ground, but it still raised its head angrily and stared at Qin Shaofeng, with extremely raging anger in its eyes.

Seeing this, Qin Shaofeng smiled coldly, and the corners of his mouth showed a hint of playfulness.

"Oh, dare to show a face to labor and capital? Have you!"

With a strange cry, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed slightly, and then the black flames of Amaterasu instantly burned on the soul of the blade demon soldier.

Although this is the moon reading space, what is here is not Qin Shaofeng's body, but a spiritual body condensed by Qin Shaofeng's spiritual power.

But in the moon reading space, Qin Shaofeng can be said to be the direction of his heart. Whatever he thinks can appear, it is easy to imagine the black flame of the sky.

Although this would consume a lot of Saint Yuan Power, after entering, Qin Shaofeng placed a large number of low-grade spirit orbs beside him.

Qin Shaofeng also said to Xiaoqiuqiu, if he finds that something is not right, let Xiaoqiuqi replenish the lower-grade Lingzhu, so Qin Shaofeng didn't plan to save any Saint Yuanli.

Moreover, the flow of time in the moon reading space can be different from the outside world, and Qin Shaofeng now has enough time to teach this blade demon soldier.

Qin Shaofeng thought so, and then he did the same.

In the next period of time, Qin Shaofeng carried out various and inhuman punishments on the soul of the blade demon soldier.

I don't know if it was Qin Shaofeng's behavior that the blade demon soldier wounded him before taking revenge.

This is what caused Xiang Chengfeng's original soul and distracted soul to see a frightened look.

However, in fact, it seems that Qin Shaofeng has carried out a series of revenge on the soul of the blade demon with some evil interest, but in fact, Qin Shaofeng is weakening the soul of the blade demon.

The soul of this blade demon soldier is very special, and it can't be swallowed by Xiang Chengfeng's soul.

Although Qin Shaofeng was able to completely erase the soul of the blade demon soldier, and then let Xiang Chengfeng directly occupy the body of the blade demon soldier.

But in that case, it would simply occupy the body of the Blade Demon Soldier, but it had the potential to inherit the Blade Demon Soldier.

As long as the soul of the blade demon soldier is completely absorbed and refined, Xiang Chengfeng can truly possess the body of the blade demon soldier and become a real blade demon soldier!

Therefore, every time Qin Shaofeng attacked the Blade Demon Soldier at this moment, he was weakening the soul of the Blade Demon Soldier.

Qin Shaofeng stopped until the soul of the blade demon soldier was so tragically abused by Qin Shaofeng that it had begun to become blurred and transparent.

"Well, there shouldn't be any resistance in this state, you can start!"

After taking a look at the state of the blade demon soldier's soul at this moment, Qin Shaofeng turned his head and spoke to Chengfeng's original soul and divided soul: "Well, now it's your turn!"

Seeing that Qin Shaofeng was finally about to start, Xiang Chengfeng's original soul and distracted soul became serious.

Qin Shaofeng saw it, and smiled slightly: "Okay, don't be nervous, you just need to completely relax your soul and distracting soul, and then leave everything to me!"

"Yes!" Xiang Chengfeng replied respectfully.

"Huh!" Qin Shaofeng nodded, "Then let's start!"

Speaking of Qin Shaofeng's power to control the Moon Reading Space, he began to control Xiang Chengfeng's original soul and divided soul.

"Xiang Chengfeng pay attention, your soul will experience some pain next, you have to hold back!" Qin Shaofeng reminded.

"Master, don't worry, no matter what kind of pain, I can bear it!" Xiang Chengfeng said firmly.

But the next moment, a tearing pain came from the depths of his soul, and he couldn't help screaming directly.

This is not to blame him!

Because at this moment, Qin Shaofeng is stripping the will in his soul from his soul.

The soul is an extremely important existence for a person. If there is no soul, that person is just a walking dead.

However, the most important thing in a person's soul is a person's will.

If there is no will in a soul, then this soul is a blank soul.

The soul of a blank like a piece of white paper!

This is like a baby born with the purest soul.

However, even after the baby is born, although the soul is very pure, it still begins to give birth to its own soul will, but it is still very weak.

Forcibly stripping the will from the soul, such a soul is much purer than a baby's soul.

Frozen is to explain, then this is a pure soul power.

If at this time, someone gets such a pure soul and swallows it, it can increase the power of a person's soul.

But looking for the soul of the Blade Demon Soldier not far away from Qin Shaofeng, the state at this moment is almost like this.

It's just that under Qin Shaofeng's deliberate maintenance, the soul of the blade demon soldier still retains the last trace of will.

If Xiang Chengfeng’s soul splits at this moment to devour the soul of the Blade Demon Soldier, this will definitely turn it into a clone one hundred percent.

But Qin Shaofeng's purpose this time was not so.

He didn't refine Xiang Chengfeng's avatar, but made Xiang Chengfeng a blade demon soldier.

Once on the Origin Continent, there was a kind of evil cultivation that specifically deprived the soul of others of the will, in order to swallow the souls of others, directly enhance the origin of their own souls, and strengthen their own souls.

This is not the same as directly devouring the soul. Directly devouring a person's soul is devouring the will to devour the target.

Such an engulfment will destroy the origin of a person's soul because of the destruction of will, and it is impossible to improve the origin of one's soul.

But that kind of evil cultivation has done it, this kind of evil cultivation is called a soul eater!

A person's soul origin can affect a person's potential, even physical fitness and spiritual root strength.

A soul eater can directly become a super genius from the most ordinary person, after countless times devouring the origin of the soul of others, and then become a peerless powerhouse!

Thousands of years ago, because of the appearance of the Soul Eater, a catastrophe occurred in the cultivation world of the Origin Continent. Several major forces at that time united and unleashed a power that can be called the entire world to kill and destroy all the Soul Eaters. The cultivation technique will end the Soul Eater.

Qin Shaofeng's method of stripping the will of Chengfeng at this moment is naturally not the method of a soul eater.

After the old alchemist became the supreme, he often traveled around the world and went to explore the secluded places.

In a place suspected to be ancient relics, the old alchemist found a cultivation technique similar to that of a soul eater.

However, this technique is not evil, it is even a kind of upright and bright temperament. According to the statement on the fragment, it is said that it is a technique derived from the removal of some evil spirit secret technique.

The people who created this exercise are also very interesting.

He wanted to help his friend who was seriously injured and dying of his soul, so he split his soul into a soul.

But this split soul does not have his will. He wants to directly peel off the soul will of his friend, and then transfer it to the split soul that he splits out, so that his friend can directly replace the severely wounded soul to obtain newborn.

Whether this person succeeded in the end is not clear to the old alchemist, because what he got was only a fragmented scroll, just recording this plan, and some conceived methods, whether it worked, it is not known. Up.

But Qin Shaofeng thinks it works, because he has a monthly reading space, a soul space that can be completely controlled by him!

In such a space, depriving a person of the will in one's soul, Qin Shaofeng has full control according to the method on that fragment.

And the most important thing is that Xiang Chengfeng has the innate ability to disperse souls, and to transfer his original soul will to disperse souls, then there is absolutely no need to worry about the backlash caused by the incompatibility of the soul.

Basically, there is no failure.

After all, even the most difficult level, the fusion of the will and the new soul, under Xiang Chengfeng's separation of the soul, there is no problem.

There will be no failure.

The only thing that worries Qin Shaofeng is whether Xiang Chengfeng can hold on, and the huge pain caused by his will be stripped of his soul.

Fortunately, what made Qin Shaofeng more at ease in the end was that Xiang Chengfeng persisted.

I don't know if it was because of Xiang Chengfeng's strong will or his desire for the Blade Demon Soldier, this made him endure the pain of stripping his will.

As soon as this will was stripped away, Xiang Chengfeng's soul directly turned into a light ball of human-shaped white light, exuding pure soul aura.

This is not only the original soul of Xiang Chengfeng, but also the divided soul of Xiang Chengfeng not far away!

Even outside of the moon reading space, the two divided souls of Xiang Chengfeng became in this state.

At the same time, the remaining four demon avatars of Xiang Chengfeng were suddenly in a state of chaos.

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng turned Xiang Chengfeng's soul will into a fist-sized light group, and merged with Xiang Chengfeng's divided soul.

The result was just as Qin Shaofeng had expected, the separation of Xiang Chengfeng's soul will and his split soul, in the process of merging very smoothly, there were no surprises.

And it didn't take long for this integration to end.

Xiang Chengfeng's divided soul became his original soul, and the original soul before Xiang Chengfeng still maintained the state of a human-shaped light group.

At this moment, Xiang Chengfeng's soul is no longer a pure soul's original power.

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