Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 683: Black tiger hall

A few days later, Qin Shaofeng and his party, under the leadership of Jun Haicheng, went to the Black Tiger Hall.

This time Qin Shaofeng was out, and there were other people in the team, and there were ten people from the Jun family and the Shao family.

There are four people in the Jun family, including Jun Shaoyang and the five-fold disciple of that family's holy rank, and Qin Shaofeng is five.

There are also five people from the Shao family, namely Shao Yaofeng and Shao Yaoming.

After all, the current hall master of Jiuyuntang is still the old hall master of the Jun family, so even if it was reluctant, the five disciples of the Shao family followed honestly.

However, this situation did not last long, because the distance between Jiuyuntang and Black Tiger Hall was a bit far, but a hall not far from Jiuyuntang had a teleportation formation connected to Black Tiger Hall.

Therefore, under the leadership of Jun Haicheng, Qin Shaofeng and the others only drove less than half a day. After reaching the entrance, they passed the teleportation formation at that entrance and reached the Black Tiger Hall.

After arriving at the Black Tiger Hall, the five of Shao Yaofeng were picked up.

Qin Shaofeng was no exception to this, because he already knew that Shao Yunjie's master was the Black Tiger Saint King, the master of the Black Tiger Hall, and his colleague, the Black Tiger Saint King, was still the apprentice of the Black Cloud Saint Emperor.

This also made Qin Shaofeng understand that this time the preliminary round of twelve halls held in Black Tiger Hall was not easy, or even troublesome.

What Qin Shaofeng didn't expect was that the first trouble appeared immediately.

Jun Haicheng also cared about the departure of Shao Yaofeng and others. Although he was responsible for protecting the safety of Shao Yaofeng's five people, after arriving at the Black Tiger Hall, Shao Yaofeng and the others took the initiative to leave, and the person who picked them up was also from Black Tiger Hall. Man, if something happens again, it has nothing to do with him.

Not even seeing the five of Shao Yaofeng is a good thing for Junhai City!

Jun Haicheng has never had a good impression of that Shao family, and it can even be said to be disgusting.

Now I am a little blind.

After the people who were staying in the Black Tiger Hall and brought a few of them to the residence, Jun Haicheng's expression became gloomy.

"This is the place your Black Tiger Hall arranged for us in Jiuyun Hall?"

Pointing to a thatched hut of up to ten square meters, Jun Haicheng stared at the person leading them with fierce eyes.

The person who received Qin Shaofeng and the others was also a Saint-Sovereign-level master. Although he was only a Saint Sovereign's six-fold realm, facing the Saint Sovereign peak realm master in Junhai City, the other party did not take it in the slightest and was not at all afraid.

Gently glanced at Junhai City, this Saint Sovereign Sixth Layer master smiled contemptuously, and said: "Yes, this is the place where you live in Jiuyuntang. As your identity, this place is suitable. You love to live. Don't stop!"

When he spoke, a joke flashed in his eyes, looking at Jun Haicheng and others.

Although their hall master did not say that the people of Jiuyuntang should live in such a place, as one of the confidants of his own hall master, this person naturally knows how to deal with the people of Jiuyuntang, so that his hall master can be satisfied. .

If you let the hall master know about this, I will definitely be rewarded!


Seeing the other side's attitude, Jun Haicheng was very angry. If it weren't for the wrong place, he would have beaten the person in front of him.

But to make him swallow this breath, but somehow it can't be done.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng smiled softly, stepped forward to the master saint, and asked: "Senior, are you sure you want us to live in this place?"

"Your kid is Qin Shaofeng?" The man looked at Qin Shaofeng and said coldly, "Yes, this is where you live, and you can only live here today. Don't walk around, stay honestly. Here, wait for the preliminary game to officially start tomorrow!"

After that, the man took a provocative look at Jun Haicheng again. He was looking forward to whether Jun Haicheng would make a move. If Jun Haicheng made a move, then his own Black Tiger Hall could justify giving Jiuyuntang one. A painful lesson.

But the scene that happened at the next moment made him somewhat unresponsive.

Because as soon as he finished speaking, Qin Shaofeng turned his head to Jun Haicheng and said, "Uncle Haicheng, let's go, let's go back to Jiuyuntang!"


Jun Haicheng was stunned, and subconsciously said: "Back to Jiuyuntang?"

"Yes!" Qin Shaofeng nodded, "Since the Black Tiger Hall does not intend to let us Jiuyuntang participate in this preliminary contest, then we will leave directly!"

With that said, Qin Shaofeng directly dragged the direction of the teleportation formation when Junhai City was traveling, as if he really planned to go back like this.

Jun Haicheng wanted to say something, but Qin Shaofeng secretly transmitted a voice: "Uncle Haicheng, don't ask now, I must be right!"

Jun Haicheng's face twitched slightly, and he didn't know what to say.

When he came, the old hall master specifically asked him to listen to Qin Shaofeng's opinion if something happened.

This was the order of the old hall master. Although Jun Haicheng didn't quite understand it, he could only obey it now.

As for Jun Shaoyang, they looked at each other in a daze, both with a dumbfounded look, but they still followed quickly.

The master of Shengjun Sixth Layer was also dumbfounded at this moment.

Back...Go back?


For a time, this Saint Sovereign Sixth Layer master was a little confused about the situation.

However, in his opinion, this Jun Haicheng and the others will go back, it is not a big deal at all.

Perhaps even this is the result their hall master hoped!

Thinking of this, this sage six-layer master hurriedly began to report the matter to the Black Tiger Saint King, planning to take credit.

But the Black Tiger Saint King who received this news from him was not at all happy.

"Go back? Not participating?"

The Black Tiger Saint King was taken aback for a moment, then his expression changed.

Especially considering that a few days ago, his master had a warning from a certain elder in the divine palace, the Black Tiger Saint King was a little uncomfortable.

The old man warned his master not to do anything to Jiuyuntang, and his master also told him that Jiuyuntang would not move for the time being.

However, if it is possible, it would be perfectly fine to kill the geniuses of Jiuyuntang in the preliminary round and teach Jiuyuntang a little lesson.

After all, this time the Shenfu general election, but there is no limit to life and death, this was killed in the ring, and the old man could not say much.

The Black Tiger Saint King also had such a plan, he wanted to put the five geniuses of Jiuyuntang directly to death in this preliminary match.

If it weren't for this, he wouldn't have rewarded Shao Yunjie with the middle-grade holy yuan pill and holy-level spiritual tools.

But now he got his own confidant who said that the Jiuyuntang was going back, and would not participate in this preliminary round.

How can this work?

Let's not talk about the plan for the lesson, it can't be carried out.

What worries the Black Tiger Saint King the most is that if such a thing reaches that old man, it might not be a good thing for him.

And the most important thing is not just that.

The Black Tiger Saint King knew from his master that this time the divine palace paid great attention to the general election, and it was said that there was a very special situation.

Therefore, the Shenfu General Mansion issued an absolute order to the 36 Sub-Mansion. No one can interfere in the preliminary and preliminary rounds. If it is discovered that even the Palace Master of the Sub-Mansion will be deposed as the Palace Master, and in serious cases, the consequences It will be even more terrifying.

Although the Black Tiger Saint King didn't think that the five people in a small Jiuyun Hall would not participate in any excessive consequences. After all, the geniuses in Jiuyun Hall were just ordinary geniuses, and they didn't even have a realm.

But the Black Tiger Saint King was afraid that some bad consequences would be caused because of the relationship with the old man.

He, the hall master of the Black Tiger Hall, is not without enemies, and the Master Black Cloud Saint Emperor also had many enemies that day.

If this is caught, it can do a lot of things.

"No, now the Shenfu general election is the most important thing. You can't cause some unnecessary disputes and problems because of a small Jiuyuntang!"

The black tiger saint king's face changed slightly, and the next moment, he stood up and left the Black Tiger Hall headquarters directly.


Heihutang, on the road that was about to approach the teleportation formation, Jun Haicheng was still a little nervous.

"I said, Shao Feng, what do you think, do we really go back like this?"

go back?

how can that be?

If I go back, how can I continue my two major tasks?

Qin Shaofeng glanced at Jun Haicheng, and sighed softly: "I said, Uncle Haicheng, can you give me some confidence? Just rest assured, I can guarantee that the Black Tiger Saint King will come out to see us in person. !"

"Really?" Jun Haicheng still didn't believe it.

"Really! Absolutely true, more true than pearls!"

Qin Shaofeng tangled, and then hurriedly told Jun Haicheng: "Uncle Haicheng, if the Black Tiger Saint King appears later, don't say anything, let me do everything!"

"Okay, I'll be silent later!" Jun Haicheng said in a dull tone, and finally added another sentence quietly.

"As long as the black tiger appears!"

Qin Shaofeng naturally heard Jun Haicheng's last whisper, but he didn't take it seriously, just smiled lightly, and said nothing more.

However, the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed a ray of light, and he whispered in his heart: Coming!

It is indeed here!

Just when Qin Shaofeng and the others could see the teleportation formation, suddenly a black shadow suddenly descended here with a powerful aura.

If it is normal, if he perceives this breath, after seeing the owner of this breath, Jun Haicheng will definitely be vigilant in his heart.

It can be seen that there is not much vigilance in Jun Haicheng's heart, and some are just surprised at the error.

Damn it, this is really coming!

That's right, this person who suddenly appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng and others was the Black Tiger Saint King, the master of the Black Tiger Hall.

"Deacon Jun, what are you doing?"

Because of the unhappy heart, the tone of the Black Tiger Saint King was a bit cold.

This made Jun Haicheng's heart tense, a little nervous.

There is no way that he is the pinnacle of the saint king, and the black tiger saint king in front of him is a master of the five levels of the saint king who is even more powerful than the old hall master. Can he not be nervous?


Jun Haicheng subconsciously wanted to answer something, but before he could finish his words, Qin Shaofeng was stunned, blocking Jun Haicheng and the Black Tiger Saint King.

"Oh, isn't this the Black Tiger Hall Master of our Black Tiger Hall? What a coincidence! I can meet you here!"

After this blocked the sight of the two of them, Qin Shaofeng just said something.

But this sentence made Jun Haicheng's heart sweat!

What a coincidence?

What a fart!

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