Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 804: Chisakutan

What is going on here?

Hearing the result of the tie again, Ge Baodong's face was extremely gloomy, and an angry fire flashed in his eyes.

"Damn, what the **** is Goering doing?"

Ge Baodong let out a low growl, he didn't turn his question to the two masters this time, but instead pushed it to Goering.

This Goring has been looking for Ge's parents since he was a child. Although he is a master-level medical doctor, because of the brainwashing of the Ge family, he has long been allowed to position himself as a slave to the Ge family.

Although his slave was a bit unusual, and few people in the Ge family could drive him, but because Ge Baodong was favored by his father and mother, Ge Baodong was also one of the masters in front of Goring.

And Ge Baodong didn't regard Goring as important, in his eyes Goring was just one of his slaves.

Although he can't kill at will, many orders can prevent Goering from resisting.

At this moment, facing such a result, Ge Baodong only blamed himself as a slave for the first time.

At this time, the guard next to Ge Baodong spoke.

"Master Goring can't blame Master Goring. After all, Master Goring has produced ten perfect-quality icon pill. To blame it is Qin Shaofeng. This time it is definitely his luck!"

The guard didn't justify Goering either, the reason was simple, he didn't want Ge Baodong to be so angry.

No matter how angry Ge Baodong was, Goring was probably fine in the end, but the guard was worried that Ge Baodong was angry and couldn't spread it, and instead spread the anger on him, that would be bad.

This situation is not unheard of.

But when Ge Baodong listened to his words, and when his anger showed signs of soaring again, the guard hurriedly spoke again: "Master, don’t worry, this is not the third stage of the assessment. This stage of assessment is only It's the real highlight!"

Yes indeed!

There is also the third stage of assessment!

Thinking of the content of the third stage assessment, Ge Baodong's eyes lightened slightly, and he looked at Qin Shaofeng on the square again with a sneer in his heart.

Hmph, I don't believe you Qin Shaofeng can still be assessed in the third stage, and even tied with Goring!

Ge Baodong was very angry here, but Liu Xiaowan and Li Le were happy over there.

Even the gaze that Li Ruojun looked at Qin Shaofeng at the moment gave a different light.

Unexpectedly, Qin Shaofeng's medicine refining technique was so good, it seems that this time Li Le really met a noble person!


In the square, there were already dedicated people at this time, and they were ready to send the medicinal materials needed for the third stage assessment to Qin Shaofeng and Ge Lin.

To tell the truth, the assessment of this master-level pharmacist, the first and second stages of the assessment, is the most basic and simple assessment.

This really difficult assessment is the third stage of assessment.

The first two stages are to ensure the success rate and quality of alchemy. This level of assessment can probably be done by some veteran and experienced master pharmacists.

Of course, it is impossible for Qin Shaofeng and Ge Lin to refining perfect quality holy elephant pills.

Not to mention, the prince who appeared before that can easily do this.

But this third stage is to assess the true level of a grandmaster-level pharmacist.

The content of the third stage assessment is naturally to refine the pill, but this pill is slightly different.

Thousand grass pill!

As the name suggests, this so-called Qiancao Pill is a pill made from 1,000 kinds of medicinal materials.

Although these thousand kinds of medicinal materials are not precious medicinal materials, they are not simple, they are all pill containing extremely powerful spiritual power.

However, among the 1,000 medicinal materials, there are more than 300 Chinese medicinal materials, all of which have mild medicinal effects, so the refined Qiancao Dan is suitable for anyone to take.

But the function of Qiancao Pill can't improve one's own strength, but can wash the human body and enhance one's own aptitude and potential.

Generally, if Qiancao Dan is available, it is taken by children, and it is basically priceless.

But this Qiancao Pill is too difficult to refine.

Although the types of medicinal materials needed are 1,000, in fact, most of them are not just one plant. Under such circumstances, the number of refined medicinal materials for one Qiancao Dan far exceeds a thousand!

Three thousand three hundred and thirty-three number!

This is the number of medicinal materials needed to refine a Qiancao Pill.

Refining such a huge amount of medicinal materials is very cumbersome. It is necessary to put medicinal materials into the pill furnace step by step, first refining some of the medicinal materials into medicinal liquid, and then continue to refine the next medicinal materials.

Until all the medicinal materials are refined into medicinal liquid, then refining and refining are carried out until the Qiancao Dan is successfully refined.

Such a cumbersome pill, but time-consuming and laborious, as long as there is a slight difference, it will fall short.

Especially in the final stage of refining the medicinal solution to the most perfect pill melting stage, as long as you are slightly distracted, the medicinal power of the thousands of medicinal materials will riot and cause the alchemy to fail.

But one thing is different. After the Qiancao Pill is successfully refined, there will be no distinction of quality.

As long as it succeeds, it will be a consistent Thousand Herbs.

Qiancao Pill, even if it is a real master-level medical practitioner, rarely refines it, because the failure rate is too high, and every refining process requires full attention to refining. Such consumption is spiritual, but it is a big burden.

Take Master Yun and Master Fang at this moment, they have not refined Qian Cao Pill for many years.

This is also the reason why there are a large number of people who have not low status from Huocheng, and they will appear here to watch.

Because they are all coming for Qian Cao Dan.

Although it is the medicinal material provided by the medical center, if the elixir that is successfully refined during the assessment, the examiner has the right to sell it to anyone, as long as the medicinal materials refined by the pill are consumed afterwards and paid to the medical center. .

If it fails, the first two stages will be nothing, and the herbs of Qiancao Pill in the third stage will be difficult to collect.

However, the medical center will not make it difficult for the appraisers, even if it fails, at most it is to help the medical center refine some medicinal materials and work as a free pharmacist for a few days.

Faced with the refining of Qiancao Pill, Goring didn't dare to be careless, and began to carefully inspect and analyze all the medicinal materials.

However, this is not the first time Goering has refined this Qiancao Pill.

So after checking it again, Goering started.

For the first time, Goering put more than one hundred kinds of medicinal materials into the furnace and then began to refine.

When Goering started, Qin Shaofeng was in pain.

Thousand grass pill?

What's so special, a kind of pill that even the holy rank pill can't reach, is embarrassed to say that it is difficult to refine?

Is this still being placed in the final stage of the appraisal of the Grand Master-level pharmacist?

This situation really caused Qin Shaofeng to struggle!

Because for Qin Shaofeng, what kind of medicinal properties are difficult to neutralize, what kinds of medicinal materials, what are the cumbersome refining steps, etc., these are not a problem at all!

Isn't it just throwing all the medicinal materials into the furnace and then screaming ‘cloud pill technique’?

However, even if it was such a simple matter for himself, Qin Shaofeng did not dare to do it at this moment!

Because this is so shocking!

Besides, even if I wanted to, the furnace-breaking cauldron in front of me couldn't contain so many medicinal materials!

Qin Shaofeng twitched the corner of Qin Shaofeng's mouth when he glanced at the stove in front of him.

This broken guy is not his own kind of stove, has memory space, and can't hold many medicinal materials at all!

Alas, I can only follow it step by step!

With a slight sigh in his heart, Qin Shaofeng also began to invest some medicinal materials like Ge Lin, and refine it first.

Fortunately, the refining method of the Qiancao Pill was also recorded in the booklet presented by Mr. Liu, and it was also very detailed.

At the same time, the masters present began to watch carefully every step of Qin Shaofeng and Ge Lin on the square.

The refining of Qiancao Dan is unique and cumbersome, but it is also the most suitable process for learning.

On the contrary, those who don't know much about pharmacists quickly become irritable.

At first they were interested in watching it, but after watching it for a while, they found that whether it was Qin Shaofeng or Ge Lin, they were repeatedly dosing and refining at this moment, and then still dosing and refining...

After repeating this two or three times, it becomes boring.

No, Liu Xiaowan, the little Nizi looked at it, and couldn't help but doze off with Li Ruojun.

Because this little Nizi was born well-behaved and cute, with a sweet mouth, she faced Li Ruojun with a sister on the left and a sister on the right, and then Li Ruojun, the iceberg beauty, was conquered.

So facing the situation where he was being used as a pillow, Li Ruojun didn't feel the slightest disgust, but instead saw Xiao Nizi who was sweet and felt a little funny.

Lile was speechless when he saw this scene, because he just dozed off, but soon he was awakened by a cold breath, and then he met his elder sister’s dissatisfied gaze. Dare to doze off!

As for that Ge Baodong is very energetic, he has been staring at Qin Shaofeng, and he is always looking forward to Qin Shaofeng's mistakes!

Unfortunately, such a situation will never happen.

The reason is very simple, Qin Shaofeng is not refining the pill now, but is directly liquefying the medicinal materials.

The simple point is to refine the medicinal materials into liquid medicine and pile it in the furnace.

This situation attracted the attention of the two masters.

How could Qin Shaofeng's casualness not be noticed by the eyes of the two masters.

This behavior is not like refining a pill at all, but rather refining liquid medicine!

But the strange thing is this place!

It stands to reason that such chaotic behavior, so that so many liquid medicines are gathered together, will definitely produce an explosion.

But knowing that after Qin Shaofeng refined hundreds of medicinal materials, none of this happened, naturally arousing the curiosity of the two masters.

Soon the two masters saw the name.

Because they realized that Qin Shaofeng's furnace had a fire in its furnace, and at this moment there was an inexplicable flame.

This kind of flame is not the flame that stimulates the furnace cauldron with its own strength, but a very special flame, which gives people the feeling that it was emitted by Qin Shaofeng himself.

But how is this possible?

It emits flames, and this ability can only be achieved by the strong after surpassing the Holy Elephant Realm.

This Qin Shaofeng doesn't look like the Lord City Lord, he is the strong man who has surpassed the Holy Elephant Realm!

The two masters were very curious about this.

But in the end, it can only be classified as a special ability of Qin Shaofeng.

Maybe this Qin Shaofeng has the ability to directly raise the fire of the furnace with his own power!

The two masters were only half right!

This flame did come from Qin Shaofeng's ability, but it was not a situation that was promoted by the fire of our furnace.

Because this is the pill fire Qin Shaofeng possesses in practicing the "Pill Sutra".

The medicinal liquid tempered by the pill fire has already been transformed into the medicinal properties, and even if more medicinal liquids are gathered together, it is impossible to cause any explosion.

This is a great ability of the "Alchemy".

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