Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 810: Strength soaring

No matter how the outside world talked about himself, it did not affect Qin Shaofeng.

At this moment, after arriving at the courtyard that Li Ruojun had prepared for him, Qin Shaofeng was ready to take these two pills.

People in Yanhuo Village still need some formalities.

However, even without Li Ruojun, relying on Qin Shaofeng's current identity, moving the more than 300 people from Yanhuo Village into Lihuo City would not be a problem.

It's just a day or two to go through the program, and Qin Shaofeng intends to take advantage of this little time to improve his strength.

After hesitating, Qin Shaofeng decided to take the Seventh Rank God Profound Pill he refined first.

He now has more than five hundred elephant powers. After taking this seven-turn God Profound Pill, he should be able to achieve the power to possess the so-called double state of the Holy Elephant Realm!

Guessing in his heart, Qin Shaofeng swallowed the Seventh Rank God Profound Pill.

But after serving the Seventh Rank God Profound Pill, Qin Shaofeng discovered the final result, which was somewhat different from what he had guessed.

Because this seven-turn God Profound Pill, which can increase the power of 1,500 elephants, ultimately only allowed Qin Shaofeng to increase the power of barely 500 elephants.

However, the only difference is that this time there is an additional system prompt.

"Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong" actually entered the sixth floor!

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for reaching the promotion conditions of "Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong" and "Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong" is promoted to the sixth level!"

Qin Shaofeng didn't expect that this Seventh Rank God Profound Pill could actually make his "Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong" enter the sixth layer.

"Although it has not been raised to the level of the power of two thousand elephants, it is a good thing to be able to raise a level of "Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong"!"

Qin Shaofeng shrugged slightly, although helpless, he could only accept it.

However, after seeing the attributes of the sixth layer of "Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong", Qin Shaofeng suddenly discovered that this Seventh Rank God Profound Pill was really not wasted.

Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu: The special advanced martial arts contained in the "Dragon Elephant Prajna Sutra" belongs to the supreme protection of Dharma in Tantric Buddhism. After practicing, you can gather the power of the Dragon Elephant! There are 13 floors.

It is currently the sixth level, with the power of a thousand elephants, you can enter the realm of dragons!

(Note: After the "Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong" enters the sixth level, it is already in the Xiaocheng Realm! The "Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong" of the Xiaocheng Realm allows players to enter the Dragon Elephant Realm and gain the dragon elephant power bonus. Five times the power directly!)

"Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong" of Xiaocheng Realm?

Entering the realm of dragons and elephants directly increases your strength by five times?

Seeing this, Qin Shaofeng was stunned.

Without hesitation, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved slightly, and instantly he entered the realm of Dragon Elephant.


There was a bang in the body, and Qin Shaofeng instantly felt that his strength had improved a lot.

"This power is indeed the power of five thousand elephants!"

Clenching his fist, Qin Shaofeng was surprised.

This seems to have only increased the power of five hundred elephants, but because "Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong" entered the Xiaocheng realm, his own power has increased a lot.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng had a feeling in his heart that if he encountered the demon saint emperor back then, he was afraid that he would be able to hit the opponent with multiple crit and blow the opponent directly!

Of course, this is only Qin Shaofeng's conjecture. What about it, I am afraid that only after the fight can we know if it can burst.

However, there is a situation that more concerned Qin Shaofeng, that is, the "Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong" of the Xiaocheng realm, once it enters the dragon elephant realm, the consumption is increased several times.

It takes just one minute to consume a whole trillion points of Saint Yuan value!

"I circled a cross. This consumption is too terrifying. With my current Saint Yuan value, I can't stand it for three minutes." Qin Shaofeng was shocked.

However, Qin Shaofeng laughed soon.

"Hey, it just happens that I still have a Zhu Yandan!"

With a smile, Qin Shaofeng swallowed that Zhu Yandan directly.

Ding Dong!

Ding Dong!

Ding Dong!

After three consecutive system prompts, Qin Shaofeng's level rose to the fourth level of the Holy Emperor.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng's pill realm was also promoted to the fourth heaven.

Not only that, because of Zhu Yandan's effect, Qin Shaofeng also discovered that his spiritual roots had reached the ninth rank of the holy product by jumping two levels in a row.

For a time, Qin Shaofeng's Saint Yuan value has also been greatly improved.

However, Qin Shaofeng was still a little dissatisfied, and finally took out the six-rank nine-layer Holy Spirit Pill that had been refined a long time ago, and raised his level to three levels again.

In the end, Qin Shaofeng's level reached the seventh realm of Saint Emperor.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Seven Emperors

Experience value: 12.48%

Occupation: Devil

Saint Yuan value: 8 trillion / 8 trillion (One Yuan Dan in the Seventh Realm of the Holy Emperor has 1 billion Yuan strength points, 100 billion points after Yi Jin Jing is multiplied 100 times, and 80 Yuan Dan is 8 trillion points )

Talented spirit root: body of dark thunder (ninth-order holy spirit root), body of demon king (unawakened), original world

Skills: King’s Blessing, Golden Eye with Fire, Yi Jin Jing, Xiao Li Fei Dao, Yun Dan Shu, Dan Sutra, 108 Yoga Poses, Wu Kong Shu, Sha Cha Lun Yan, Ling Bo Wei Step, One Yang Finger, Bei Pluto power, Dou Zhuan Xing transfer, Thunder God power, Realm King Fist, Planting Power, Dragon Elephant Prajna Power, Multiple Critical Strikes (One-star skills of the ordinary level 1000)

Servant: Gong Qingzi

Equipment: Nine Profound Sacred Sword, Demon King Suit, Magic Ring

Task: Lord of Nine Clouds (Phase 6)

Points: 5.834800 points

Title: Devil (unknown)

Ordinary lottery chance: 13 times

Special chance to draw: 20 times

Super draw chance: 6 times

Skill proficiency: 136,000 points

Skill points: 2 points (except for task rewards, 1 point will be added for every level 5)

Skills not learned: none

Props: Ball and Ball Card Small Treasury

Family members: Meng Xiner, Qin Yueer, Zhao Yuner, Bai Xue, Geng Qiutong, Lian Yufeng, Tang Qijian, Du Meng, Hu Ye, Xiang Chengfeng

The eight trillion points of Saint Yuan value can last for eight minutes even if it enters the current dragon and elephant realm.

Moreover, he has the recovery ability and breath-generating skills of Yi Jin Jing, and he can support it for a longer period of time. Now, even if he encounters the eightfold and ninefold realm powerhouse in the late stage of the Holy Elephant Realm, he can be fearless!

Looking at his attribute interface, Qin Shaofeng showed a satisfied smile at the corner of his mouth.

And there is one more thing. After being promoted to the Fourth Heaven Realm, Qin Shaofeng suddenly discovered that the pill fire in his body had begun to change to a blue level.

In such a situation, there is only one chance at most, one's own pill fire will be able to break through, and then the "Alchemy" can also be upgraded to a holy six-star.

In this way, isn't his mission of the "Lord of the Nine Clouds" meant to complete the sixth stage?

Moreover, with the blessings of the Four Heavenly Pill Realms, Qin Shaofeng also discovered that he was completely equivalent to a person in this world, and there was no trace of violation.

As if that kind of gravity and powerful rule force, at this moment, has completely accepted oneself!

Of course, that's it, Qin Shaofeng still has the power of gravity and rules here, and his power will be greatly reduced when he uses his skills.

However, if he was within the Pill Realm, all Qin Shaofeng's skills could be used normally.

In a word, Qin Shaofeng felt that his strength would have been directly increased by dozens of times compared to the previous ones.

In this way, Qin Shaofeng felt relieved even in the city of Lihuo.

Because no matter how dangerous it was, Qin Shaofeng had the confidence to save his life and left calmly, even if it was encountered with existence beyond the Holy Elephant Realm.


A room full of medicinal materials, a figure at this moment, is madly messing up everything in front of him.

"Damn! Damn! How is this possible?"

"The **** Qin Shaofeng is actually a grandmaster-level pharmacist? It's impossible that something must be wrong!"

"Yes! You must be mistaken, then Qin Shaofeng can't be a master-level pharmacist!"

The frantic roar revealed an old man with disheveled hair, his face was haggard, and he looked exhausted.

Take a closer look, but it is Master Li Yuan!

When I learned that his disciple Ran Jinrong not only attacked Qin Shaofeng, but also attacked Lile.

This shocked Li Yuan, especially after receiving the news that Qin Shaofeng and Li Le had entered Lihuo City unharmed, Li Yuan was completely panicked.

He was afraid that because of his failure, he was exposed as the master assassin.

In that way, he would be finished.

And when Li Yuan was hesitating, a news that made him even more frightened came.

Qin Shaofeng passed the assessment of a grandmaster-level pharmacist and became the fourth grandmaster of Lihuo City!

At the moment when he got the news, Li Yuan seemed to feel that the sky had fallen!

Qin Shaofeng is actually a master?

Although I don't believe it in my heart, I can't believe it.

But after being mad, Li Yuan still accepted this reality.

After accepting it, Li Yuan was scared!

Offending a grandmaster-level medical doctor, even if he was a master, would be very stupid.

As long as a word from the grandmaster, he, a junior master, might be the end.

Especially since he sent someone to assassinate Qin Shaofeng, even if there is no direct evidence, but even if it is a trace of doubt, Li Yuan knows that he is absolutely dead.

Because if it were for him, just a hint of suspicion would be enough.

"No, I can't just sit there and wait for death, I must find a way!"

Li Yuan pulled her hair frantically, ignoring the very well-maintained hair that she usually maintained, and being ripped off by a handful of them.

"Damn, is there any way!"

Li Yuan cried out in pain, and suddenly, Li Yuan stopped.

"Wait, it's not impossible!"

As if suddenly remembering something, Li Yuan's eyes flashed with light.

"Then Qin Shaofeng's medicine refining technique is really weird, it doesn't look like an ordinary pharmacist at all. No matter whether it is in my Azure King's domain or the domain of other kings, no such refining technique has appeared. This point..."

"This is completely in line with that outsider's situation!"

After a slight pause, Li Yuan's eyes sharpened.

"Yes, it's an outsider. As long as Qin Shaofeng presses the words of an outsider, he is absolutely dead!"

"No! Not pressing, then Qin Shaofeng is an outsider, not a person from our world!"

At first, it was only slightly involved, but it was almost an instant that Li Yuan recognized the new identity he had arranged for Qin Shaofeng.


Although it may seem far-fetched, this is already the last straw that Li Yuan has grasped.

How could he give up?

However, this Li Yuan is not a brainless person, especially after calmly thinking for a while, he has a plan.

"Huh, it is said that Qin Shaofeng had a very unpleasant quarrel with Master Fang during his re-assessment?"

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and Li Yuan had a clear plan in his heart.

A quarter of an hour later, after refreshing and tidying up Li Yuan, he left his residence directly, and then went to the residence of Grandmaster Fang.


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