Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 830: conspiracy?

At noon the next day Mei Lao Si came to see Qin Shaofeng.

In fact, Old Four Mei had already arrived early in the morning, but Qin Shaofeng retired and forced Old Four Mei to wait until noon.

Therefore, when Qin Shaofeng came out to see Mei Lao Si, Mei Lao Si's face was always gloomy.

"Master Qin can set off now, right?"

Although she was very angry in her heart, Old Four Mei still suppressed the anger in her heart and said to Qin Shaofeng calmly.

"Well, let's go!"

Qin Shaofeng nodded, showing that he didn't see the anger of Mei Lao Si at all, especially with this one, his tone was completely as if she regarded Mei Lao Si as a leading role.

This made the anger in Mei Lao Si's heart more raging, but the next moment, Mei Lao Si seemed to think of something, a cold and proud look flashed in his eyes, the anger in his heart finally calmed down, and then he honestly led Qin Shaofeng. Up.

Out of the courtyard, Qin Shaofeng followed Mei Laosi onto the street.

Although the atmosphere in Lihuo City at this moment is a bit heavy due to the beast tide, but because the surrounding tribes and villages who have no powerful combat power have migrated to Lihuo City, the number of people in Lihuo City at this moment is actually larger. stand up.

People come and go, there is still the prosperity and noisy of Lihuo City in the past.

Qin Shaofeng estimated that this was mostly because of the city wall away from the city of fire. Even if such a city wall was attacked by a frontal attack by a wave of beasts, this ordinary savage beast would probably not be able to shake it.

Although the king among the wild beasts, the wild beast can cause certain damage to the walls of the city of Lihuo, but the city of Lihuo is not without a demigod.

Given the number of demi-god powerhouses in the city of Lihuo, if there were no three king brutal beasts to attack together, even if there were more brutal beasts in this beast wave, the wall of the city of Lihuo would not be broken.

Perhaps because of this, the people in the city of fire at this moment feel a little relieved.

Under Mei Laosi's lead, Qin Shaofeng's brows wrinkled slightly.

Because Old Four Mei actually took herself to the outside of Lihuo City at this moment.

"Why, this refining needs to be refined outside the city?"

After realizing that he was about to leave the city, Qin Shaofeng said casually.


Old Mei coldly snorted, glanced at Qin Shaofeng lightly, and said coldly: "This is natural. Don't forget the identities of your companions. If you are imprisoned in Lihuo City, it will be easy to expose. Besides..."

There was a slight ridicule in Mei Lao Si's eyes, but it was only a flash that was immediately hidden by Mei Lao Si, and then he said to Qin Shaofeng: "This time the young master also said, as long as you successfully refine the pill Now, then you can take all your companions. It happens that the place where your companions are, is the same place where you are going to refine the pill now. Isn't it easy?"

"Oh, that's it, I understand!"

Qin Shaofeng nodded, and then fell silent.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng's heart was sneered again and again.

Very smoothly?

I think it's easy to deal with me, right?

With a sneer in his heart, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with a purple glow.

Although Old Four Mei was hiding well just now, Qin Shaofeng still felt that a trace of murderous aura flashed across Mei Old Four in an instant.

That's killing intent to myself!

Qin Shaofeng was sure in his heart, so Qin Shaofeng expected that the so-called refining Zhu Yan Qianhuan Pill this time was just a cover.

This Geliancheng is afraid to do it on himself!

Just after a little thought, Qin Shaofeng knew that this time was definitely not easy.

However, Qin Shaofeng quickly stopped paying attention.

Because now his strength is very different from before.

The Six Heavens in the Pill Realm Realm has the power of two thousand elephants!

If this were the double superposition of the Pill Realm and the Dragon Elephant Realm, Qin Shaofeng was confident that none of the ten old four Meis were his opponents, and he could even defeat them easily.

Even if there was a demigod much stronger than Old Mei Mei, Qin Shaofeng was confident, and in the worst case, he could leave safely.

Therefore, even if he is aware that the other party has a conspiracy, in Qin Shaofeng's view, this is actually an opportunity for himself, an opportunity to rescue Qi Dongming and Han Ruoyu.


After leaving the city of Lihuo, Old Four Mei took Qin Shaofeng into a carriage that had already been prepared.

With eight holy elephant realm savage beasts, the speed of this carriage was already close to the speed of a general demigod.

But even so, the purpose of this trip seems to be farther away, which made Qin Shaofeng stay in the carriage for an hour soon.

After an hour, the carriage finally stopped in a forest.

After waiting for the place, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

If Qin Shaofeng was still guessing that this trip was mostly a conspiracy against him by Geliancheng, then it can be considered as a complete affirmation now.

The moment the carriage stopped, Qin Shaofeng sensed the situation of the forest with his piercing eyes. Of course, the most important thing was that Qin Shaofeng searched for the breath of Qi Dongming and the others.

After being promoted to the Sixth Heaven Realm in the Alchemy Realm, Qin Shaofeng could already sense the breath of a demigod without using the real eye.

Take Mei Lao Si, even if he hides his breath with his own half-god realm, it can be easily sensed by Qin Shaofeng.

But as a result, Qin Shaofeng did feel some familiar auras under the fiery eyes of the perception field, it was the aura of a few disciples of the gods and the Tianjianmen.

But what made Qin Shaofeng sneer in his heart is that the aura of Qi Dongming and Han Ruoyu is not here.

On the contrary, in this place, there are two more unusual breaths.

Both of these people are hidden in a special space. Seriously speaking, these two people are hidden in the realm of demigods.

Both of these two are powerful demigods!

One was similar to Mei Lao Si, and from the aura point of view, was slightly weaker than Mei Lao Si, and seemed to be a demigod who had just been promoted.

As for the other one, it is not easy.

Because the opponent's demigod domain was several times stronger than Mei's demigod domain.

When he noticed this breath, Qin Shaofeng was frightened.

Because of the strength of this aura, compared with Elder Mei, the Demigod Realm of Elder Mei is simply the five scum of the first battle!

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng was extremely grateful in his heart that he was fortunate that he had raised the pill realm to the sixth-tier genius this time.

Otherwise, just with the five-layered pill realm, even if he could burst out the power of the Vientiane, I am afraid it would be difficult to deal with this demigod.

This, coupled with the presence of Mei Lao Si and another demigod, is a bit dangerous.

But now...

Qin Shaofeng smiled coldly in his heart, pretending to find nothing, and got out of the carriage with Mei Lao.

This is indeed a secret base in Gelian City. There is nothing on the surface, but there is a huge space hidden underground with many people.

Not to mention the two semi-god-level powerhouses who were secretly hidden, under Qin Shaofeng's induction, the number of people in this underground base exceeded three hundred people, and the crazy thing was that these three hundred people were all Saint Elephant Realm masters.

However, from the breath of more than 300 people, Qin Shaofeng discovered that most of the breath of more than 300 people is somewhat special.

Just a little bit of induction, Qin Shaofeng knew that these people had broken through with the physique pill he refined.

Said it was a base, but Qin Shaofeng discovered that it was just a dungeon after he followed Mei Lao Si into the ground.

Not only the disciples of the God's Palace and the Heavenly Sword Sect, but also many people were imprisoned here, and even many people who left the city of Huo.

It seems that this place should be a special place for detaining people in Nagelian City.

Seeing this, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, and he quickly understood what this place was.

Under the leadership of Mei Laosi, Qin Shaofeng soon came to several special cells.

In this cell, it was the disciples of the gods and the heavenly sword gate that were imprisoned, but this cell seemed to have been specially reinforced, but the people inside could not see the outside, nor could they hear the outside sound.

Thirteen people!

The moment Qin Shaofeng saw the cell, a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes.

Qin Shaofeng learned from Li Kai that at the very beginning, they were arrested quite a few people, and more than 20 people were arrested on the side of Shenfu alone.

But now Shenfu and Tianjianmen add up, and there are only 13 people left.

It can be seen how many people died at the hands of Gelian City because of the torture.

And even the state of these thirteen people at the moment is not very good, all of them are seriously injured.

Qin Shaofeng glanced at Mei Laosi with a calm face, and asked in a cold voice, "There are only 13 people? Where are Qi Dongming and Han Ruoyu?"

"Two of them?" Mei Old Four smiled coldly, "The two of them have some special identities. They are detained in special cells. You can meet them if you want to. But this will have to wait for you to successfully refine the pill. If the medicine is successfully refined, even if you take them away, there is no problem!"

"Then start!"

Qin Shaofeng said as soon as Mei Laoshi said this.

But at the same time, Qin Shaofeng became vigilant, ready to fight at any time.

Old Mei did not speak, but walked away with Qin Shaofeng.

However, at the moment Mei Old Four turned his head, there was a smug sneer on his face.

Little did he know that the sneer on his face was noticed by Qin Shaofeng for the first time.

The writing wheel eyes that had evolved into the eyes of reincarnation, even in the field of perception without the glaring eyes, Qin Shaofeng could see all the subtle movements in the surrounding tens of meters.

Qin Shaofeng came to an underground hall not far from this old fourth Mei.

"Here, this is the place where you refine the pill, and the medicinal materials of Zhu Yan Qianhuan Pill are also in it!"

Old Mei suddenly turned his head and said to Qin Shaofeng, then walked directly in.

Qin Shaofeng nodded and didn't say anything, but at the same time, Qin Shaofeng secretly released the pill realm and attached himself to his whole body in a minimal state, and then followed Mei Laosi into the hall.


The moment Qin Shaofeng stepped into the hall, it was an ordinary hall at the first moment, but at the next moment, there was a violent spatial shock, and the entire hall suddenly changed.

After this change, it is no longer a hall, but a bright and beautiful space.

This is the domain of the demigod owned by the demigod-level powerhouse!

However, it is different from Mei Lao Si's demigod domain.

The demi-god realm that Mei Laosi displayed was at most just shrouded in his demi-god realm based on the original space.

But the demigod domain in front of him was a real space.

An extra space!

A demigod domain beyond independence and space!

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