Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 836: Indestructible Avatar

Now that this skill has been strengthened, it will naturally not be easy to awaken.

After figuring this out, Qin Shaofeng figured out the evolution of Shao Lun Yan.

"According to this situation, the 8th level is the reincarnation of the three-gouyu jade, and the 9th level is probably the six-gou jade reincarnation writing the reincarnation, and the 10th level is not accidentally the nine-gou jade reincarnation writing the round eyes!" Qin Shaofeng After pondering for a while, his eyes lit up slightly, and he became a little excited.

"Then in this way, after I finally awakened from the ‘Emperor of Heaven’ like Kaguya Ji, what kind of space was the summoned space?"

In the Imperial Palace of Heaven, it can be regarded as one of the most powerful skills in the reincarnation writing round eyes.

Can weave free and unobstructed space, opening eyes to the supernatural power of the ancestors. With this ability, it is possible to transfer oneself and the people around him to other spaces in an instant.

Compared with Shenwei's teleportation, it is countless times stronger, and this transfer ability alone is equivalent to the super-strong version of Shenwei.

And there are five spaces that can be transferred. Qin Shaofeng remembers that they are lava, ice, supergravity, sand, acid and other spaces.

But now it seems that Qin Shaofeng always has a feeling in his heart, maybe after he awakens this skill, he may have more than five spaces, and each space is definitely different.

"Uh, forget it, it's useless to think too much, let's wait until Shalanyan has evolved this ability!"

Qin Shaofeng shook his head gently, retracted his thoughts on these distracting thoughts, and then turned his gaze to the skill of the reincarnation eye that was awakened this time.

Earth Burst Sky Star: One of the abilities of the Blood Succession Boundary Reincarnation Eye is a pupil technique that achieves the ultimate gravitational control and can cause huge damage to the surrounding environment. When it is cast, a black sphere is created, which generates a strong gravitational force. The ground within a certain range is broken and attracted to the black sphere, and finally a floating sphere resembling a giant meteorite is formed, which encircles the target.

(Note: The target attracted to the inside of the meteorite sphere will lose its ability to move under the action of its gravity, forming a space similar to a seal. But it consumes a lot, and the stronger the besieged target is, the larger the meteorite sphere will be, and it will consume naturally. Just too much.)

Like Naruto's, there is not much difference in the skills of the starburst.

However, Qin Shaofeng also quickly discovered that with his current abilities, this land-explosive star skill might be difficult to use.

Even if it consumes 50,000 points of Boundary Force at one time, it can't activate this blasting star.

According to Qin Shaofeng's estimation, at the very least, his Boundary Strength value had increased several times before he could barely use it to explode the sky.

However, once this sky-blasting star is displayed, Qin Shaofeng believes that no matter how strong the demigod is, there will be nothing in front of him, and it can completely burst the sky-blasting star!

Not to mention the starburst here, another awakening skill made Qin Shaofeng's heart moved.

Six avatars: The special ability of the reincarnation eye of the reincarnation of the reincarnation of the reincarnation can be refined into another person’s body. Up to six clones can be differentiated, and each clone has different abilities.

These six avatars are exactly the six of Penn!

And the awakening of this skill is something Qin Shaofeng has been waiting for for a long time!

Knowing that the Eye of Reincarnation possessed such an ability, Qin Shaofeng had been expecting that he would be able to awaken this ability, and even Qin Shaofeng had already begun to prepare for this.

That Xiang Chengfeng's innate soul separation was what Qin Shaofeng prepared for these six clones.

Because Qin Shaofeng wanted to use this natural ability to divide the soul, plus the ability of the six avatars of the reincarnation eye, to refine a special secret technique-the immortal incarnation!

Qin Shaofeng’s inheritance from the senior alchemy master, in addition to a large amount of pill knowledge and alchemy techniques, as well as a large number of secret techniques and techniques, Qin Shaofeng cares the most, and is also the most admired and recommended technique for Xiaoqiuqiu. There are only two methods.

One is the "Alchemy" that Qin Shaofeng has successfully cultivated. Needless to say, Qin Shaofeng has already realized the power of the "Alchemy".

As for the other one, Qin Shaofeng coveted the immortal incarnation.

This immortal incarnation is a peculiar method of avatar cultivation. It is the supreme technique obtained by the old alchemist from exploring a certain ruin at a time.

If this immortal incarnation can be successfully cultivated, it would be equivalent to two or several self-like beings.

Because the indestructible avatar can communicate with the ontology in any aspect, even if there are two or several existences, a single existence can also think, it is exactly like cloning oneself.

But it is not the same as cloning. The ontology and the immortal incarnation are ideologically capable of communicating and fusing together.

This is equivalent to the relationship between the ontology and the immortal incarnation. Above a single individual, it is the existence of the brain and limbs of the same body.

The ontology is the immortal incarnation, and the immortal incarnation is the ontology.

This means that the cultivation of the immortal incarnation can also be covered on the body.

Even if the body cannot practice powerful exercises, Qin Shaofeng can create a suitable immortal incarnation to practice, and then through the connection with the indestructible incarnation, let the ontology obtain such a powerful exercise.

The most incredible thing is that once the main body falls, one's own consciousness can be fully awakened in the immortal incarnation, and then the main body will be resurrected in the indestructible incarnation.

This is completely equivalent to the immortal incarnation replacing the death of the body.

Even though he was resurrecting himself, Qin Shaofeng was able to do it with Izanagi, the skill of writing round eyes.

But Izanagi has side effects and costs, and some powerful beings can detect death through the breath of the soul.

Izanagi's ability only turns reality into a dream, not real death, and the soul will naturally not die.

If there is a strong person who can detect this situation, Qin Shaofeng will definitely not be safe even with Izanagi.

But the immortal incarnation is different.

Even if the soul of the body dies, the indestructible incarnation can be put aside, and then fully resurrected.

This is completely extra life.

However, it is precisely because of this that the cultivation conditions for this immortal incarnation are extremely harsh.

The first is that the cultivator must have the ability to divide the soul naturally, or the ability similar to the ability to divide the soul, as long as it can be independent of other soul individuals other than the main soul.

The second condition is to have the physique of the seven-aperture exquisite heart.

The so-called Qiqiao Linglongxin here does not mean a heart with seven holes, but a heart with a single heart, which will not affect one's strange physique at all.

This feels very simple. It is to strengthen the spiritual consciousness, and it is not a problem at all to count and use.

But the one-minded count here is absolutely extraordinary.

To put it simply, a person with the physique of Qiqiao Linglongxin is completely capable of internal self-talk.

It's like having several personalities, each with independent thoughts, not only can think, but each has its own little secret. Every existence is a subject, and there is no distinction between subject and division, and they can freely control the body.

Even in the event of a major event, I can discuss and make suggestions within myself.

This is exactly like a human body, but there are several souls.

However, it is precisely because of this that most people with a strange physique like Qiqiao Linglongxin will not live long, and can even easily become a lunatic, because the soul cannot bear the burden of several thoughts.

At the same time, having a natural soul-separation, with these seven-orifice exquisite heart, it is somewhat easier to solve this problem.

Moreover, when cultivating the indestructible avatar, there will never be a situation where the individual completely independent of the body, or even betrayal.

But how many people can exist who can have both the innate soul-separation and the exquisite heart of seven orifices, or the two powerful and rare physiques similar to these?

Taking the Origin Continent as an example, after two to three thousand years, Xiang Chengfeng was only the second person Qin Shaofeng had heard of, except for a terrifying powerhouse in front who possessed a natural soul separation.

As for people with Qiqiao Linglongxin, Qin Shaofeng has never even heard of it.

Even the old alchemist did not actually have the conditions for cultivating this indestructible incarnation, but the old alchemist took a different approach and created a special clone with the cultivation method of indestructible incarnation.

Although this special clone is not as good as the indestructible avatar, it is not bad. When distinguished, it can be regarded as a powerful skill among the gods.

Even the old man of alchemy at the beginning is relying on such a clone to exist thousands of years after death, and to allow the clone to survive, and ultimately pass it on to Qin Shaofeng.

From this point of view, this is also absolutely amazing.

At the beginning, Qin Shaofeng also planned to use the method of avatar created by the elders of his master. There is no way, even if he is an immortal incarnation, but without the conditions for cultivation, he can only give up.

But the appearance of Xiang Chengfeng directly let Qin Shaofeng see hope.

Especially afterwards, Qin Shaofeng left Xiang Chengfeng's natural soul-separation main soul, and after Xiang Chengfeng's soul-separation was the main body to survive, Qin Shaofeng thoroughly decided to cultivate this immortal incarnation.

Although Xiang Chengfeng's natural soul-separation was awakened in advance, which caused an absolutely unrecoverable situation, but the remaining main soul of the natural soul-separation, as long as it is carefully cultivated, it is still very easy to separate a few souls.

Qin Shaofeng intends to cultivate a few divided souls that are compatible with his own souls, which is the first condition for the cultivation of indestructible incarnation.

As for the second condition, it was also simple, Qin Shaofeng thought of the six powers of Penn in Samsara Eye.

With this ability to control the six blank clones, Qin Shaofeng believes that it can definitely achieve a situation similar to that of Qiqiao Linglongxin.

In fact, it is true!

In fact, before entering the source crystal space, the small ball had already helped Qin Shaofeng, so that the soul of the day had split into six blank souls.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng had already divided the six blank souls into his own sea of ​​consciousness, and merged with his soul.

Up to now, the six divided souls have completely merged into the divided souls belonging to Qin Shaofeng himself.

Although there are still some people who are not as good as those who are born with the real reason, they are so perfect.

But just now, Qin Shaofeng used six avatars on those six souls.

As a result, just as Qin Shaofeng had expected, the fusion between the six sub-souls and Qin Shaofeng's main soul became closer.

Even this kind of fusion is definitely not inferior, and has the condition of being born to separate souls and seven orifices at the same time.

In other words, Qin Shaofeng could already start to practice Immortal Incarnation.

And there is another difference. After merging into the Exquisite Heart of Seven Orifices, the natural distracting soul will lose the ability to seize others.

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