Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 842: Qin Shaofeng appeared

The realm of the demigod can be cultivated to the later stage, and it can become a space of its own, which allows the demigod to enter into it and fight, and it does not have that big impact on the outside world.

Basically, the demigod at this point has only room to end the battle if it is to truly end.

And most of the cases of this release were that one side of the demigod domain was broken and then suffered heavy losses.

Therefore, the top powerhouses among the demigods, either do not fight, or once they fight, they will basically divide life and death.

This is roughly the same as the super powers in the Supreme Realm.

After the old man left home and Mei boss and Mei second disappeared, everyone couldn't see the three of them.

It's just that in the depths of the space above the city lord's mansion, there was a huge shock from time to time, which explained the amazing battle of the three major demigods at this moment.

Li Ruojun and others did not move, they were all waiting for the result of the battle.

If the elderly away from home win, it will naturally be a good thing for them.

But once the situation is reversed, it is a disaster.

Ge Liancheng didn't move either, standing there quietly, he was also waiting, waiting for the end of the battle of the three demigods.

But unlike Li Ruojun and the others' uneasy emotions, Geliancheng not only didn't have the slightest worry at the moment, because in his eyes all this had already had results.


Suddenly, there was a blast, coming from the sky above the city lord's mansion, and then the air was lit up, and the three powerful demigods fighting in the space of the demigods reappeared in an instant.

But seeing the three demigods reappearing, Li Ruojun's face instantly changed.

With a swish flash, a figure fell in front of Li Ruojun, who was the old man who left home.

But at this moment, the old man away from home was pale, his original cyan robe was covered with blood.

But the most shocking thing was the blood hole in the abdomen of the old man away from home, as if he had been severely scratched and torn apart. It was bloody, and the blood couldn't stop flowing out.

"Grandpa Grandpa!" Li Ruojun worried about stepping forward to support the old man.

The old man away from home raised his head and looked to the other side, his expression agitated, but even more desperate.

The old man who left home didn't expect that the two demigods of the other party were not only as powerful as him, but the method was even more shocking.

Originally with his strength, even if he faced two opponents like this, he would at best fall behind and would not be defeated in a short time.

But how can I think that the other person desperately exploded his own half-god realm, causing him to suffer heavy losses, and the other person took the opportunity to attack him.

If he hadn't reacted in time, I'm afraid the opponent would have succeeded, and he would have been attacked and killed directly by the opponent.

But even if he dodges the opponent's heart attack in front of him, the heavy injury in his abdomen and the destruction of the demigod domain have already left the old man away from home with very serious injuries at the moment, and he has no more power to fight.

If he started treatment right now, he would be able to survive, but I'm afraid the other party won't give him that opportunity.

The demigod of the old man away from home is very clear in his heart that he can't hold on to today.

Seeing the badly wounded old man leaving home, Geliancheng smiled slightly.

Everything is planned!

Gelian City knew very well about leaving home, and knew that there was still such a powerful demigod away from home.

But it doesn't matter, with Mei boss and Mei second, the other party can't make any waves.

However, in order to end the battle as quickly as possible and take down Lihuo City, Gelian City ordered Mei Lao Er to explode the Demigod Realm and give the opponent a heavy blow, and then Mei Boss shot the opponent.

Although self-destruction of the Demigod Realm is not a good thing, and recovery is extremely troublesome, but Galian City has a large number of source crystals, which is a big deal afterwards, just spend a little more source crystals to restore Mei second.

no big deal!

As long as he can win, even the loss of Mei's second strong subordinate is nothing to Ge Liancheng.

Seeing the look of the old man away from home, Ge Liancheng smiled triumphantly and said: "Okay, now you should be honest!"

"You...puff--!" The old man away from home was angry, blood rushed, and instantly touched the seriously injured body, and a mouthful of black blood came out. If it were not for Li Ruojun to support him, I am afraid he would have fallen to the ground long ago.

Upon seeing this, Li Ruojun suddenly became angry, staring at Gelian City and said angrily: "Golian City, you have a delusion, even if I leave home the last person, I will not still let you do whatever you want."

"Oh, is it so?"

Ge Liancheng smiled faintly, then turned his eyes to the people around Li Ruojun.

These people are people from various forces in the city of Lihuo, who were previously killed by the Gelian city army, and those forces that had left Lihuo city a long time ago to defend the three lines of defense against the beast tide.

But now the people of these forces are two or three kittens left.

At this moment, when he was seen by Ge Liancheng, he didn't say anything.

Gelian City is too strong, even the veteran demigod who left home has been defeated. Now there are not many people around them. If they really fight, waiting for their fate will probably be a dead end.

"you guys……"

Seeing the reactions of these people, Li Ruojun's face was slightly astonished, and then an anger surged in his heart.

After seeing this, Gelian laughed loudly: "Hahaha, yes, good. My Gelian promises that as long as you are willing to surrender to me, I will spare your life!"

As soon as Ge Liancheng said these words, the faces of those people were uncertain, but they were a little moved.

This made Li Ruojun want to say something angrily, but the old man who was supported by her shook his head slightly.

The trend is over!

At this moment, the old man left home with a very sad sigh.

Seeing the expressions of movement from those forces, Geliancheng smiled triumphantly, then his eyes flashed, and he directly said the last straw that crushed the camel.

"Oh, by the way, you probably don't know it! In fact, not long ago, your Lord of the City Lihuo was already dead!" Geliancheng said lightly.

But his words shocked everyone present.

"What, Lord City Lord is dead?"

"Impossible, how could it be? With the strength of Lord City Lord, how could it be possible to die?"


There was an exclamation, everyone was shocked.

But what shocked them the most was that Li Ruojun didn't even refute Geliancheng's words.

At first everyone couldn't believe it, but Li Ruojun's silence let everyone know.

The words spoken by Gelian City, I am afraid it is true, Lord City Lord has really fallen.


What to refute?

Li Ruojun felt desperate at this moment, but Ge Liancheng told the truth that her father was really dead.

This is a fact, how can you refute it?

And even if it is refuted?

My grandfather is seriously injured and dying, but where is Golen?

Although there is also a demigod who is seriously injured, the other demigod still has great strength!

Coupled with the demigod of Gelian City himself, and the powerful team like an army of the Elephant Realm, this is an unmatched lineup!

And at this moment, there are two or three unusual auras around Geliancheng, I'm afraid those two or three are also semi-god powerhouses.

Under such circumstances, Li Ruojun had actually given up completely in his heart.

Faced with such an unmatched enemy, what can I do?

Therefore, Li Ruojun doesn't care about the opinions of those forces.

Finally, a small tribe leader with good strength couldn't help it.

Even if Galen City is strong, even Lihuo City Lord is dead now. If this continues, the situation is very bad.

The leader of this small tribe is also good. With the existence of the Ninth Stage of the Holy Elephant Realm, he is also looking forward to the day when he breaks through the Demigod Realm, so he doesn't want to die.

"Master Ge, I surrender, I am willing to surrender to you!"

With a loud shout, this person took a few of his tribe's men and ran directly to Gelian City.

"Oh, good!" Ge Liancheng nodded, but then he said coldly, "However, you will remember for me, and I will be called Master Ge from now on. The title of Master Ge is the most I like to hear. If it weren't for your first surrender to me, you would have died long ago!"

Geliancheng's eyes were cold, and a burst of murderous aura leaked from him.

"Yes, yes, the villain understands, and Lord Ge forgive me!" Feeling the killing intent on Geliancheng, the man almost peeed his pants in shock, shouting in panic, and even bowed down to Geliancheng.


Ge Liancheng glanced at the other person in disgust, then turned his gaze, and fell on the people of the other forces around Li Ruojun, and said coldly: "What about you? Is it surrender? Or death?"


At this moment, the people of those forces finally couldn't help but surrendered to Gelian City one by one.

"Master Ge, I am willing to surrender!"

"me too!"

"I surrender, I don't want to die!"


Soon, the large number of teams that had originally surrounded Li Ruojun scattered in an instant, and ran directly behind Ge Lian City. This made Li Ruojun suddenly disappear, and in the end only a dozen people were left.

Seeing this scene, Geliancheng laughed, then looked at Li Ruojun with a playful look, and said: "Then, what should you do with Li Ruojun now?"

"If you want to kill or slash, you will listen to it, if you want me to beg for mercy or surrender, you can go to Geliancheng in a dream!" Li Ruojun said coldly, with a fearless expression on his face.

"kill you?"

Ge Liancheng shook his head gently, then his eyes fell on Li Ruojun's perfect body, a trace of greedy obscenity and desire flashed through his eyes.

"A beauty like you, how could I be willing to kill you?"

Li Ruojun is beautiful!

There is no doubt about this. If it weren't the case, then Qingwang's youngest son would not have the behavior of running from the far away Qingwang City to Lihuo City to pursue Li Ruojun.

In fact, for Li Ruojun, the beauty of the iceberg, Ge Liancheng had longed for the other party a long time ago.

Because Li Ruojun aroused his desire to surrender, and this feeling was second only to his desire for rights.

From the beginning, Ge Liancheng never thought of killing Li Ruojun, he wanted her to be his own woman.

"You..." Ge Liancheng's fiery gaze naturally made Li Ruojun understand, but how could she make Ge Liancheng his wish.

But as if he knew that Li Ruojun would reject him, Ge Liancheng suddenly laughed.

"If Li Ruojun be my woman, I can spare your life away from home. If you don't leave home with thousands of people, you will definitely not stay here, and even most people in Lihuo City will be buried with you!"


Ge Liancheng's words made Li Ruojun's face pale, and his heart was desperate.

Although Li Ruojun doesn't really care about leaving home, his father and grandfather, who loves him, care about leaving home exceptionally.

Even at this moment, Li Ruojun has already felt the expectation that Grandpa Grandpa, who was already dying, looked into his eyes.

Li Ruojun is desperate!

The heart is completely dead!

Because she knew that she could not refuse this threat from Geliancheng, she didn't even have the idea of ​​resisting it.

Because once she resists, Galian City will definitely slaughter a large number of people.


Who will help me!

The last glimmer of hope rose in Li Ruojun's heart!

It seemed that God got her response when a voice suddenly sounded in the air.

"Oh, what happened today, why is it so lively?"

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