Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 861: This is just getting started?

Since Xiaochan awakened the innate spirit body, he had completely awakened from the coma.

Fortunately, there are small **** in the original world space, as well as the little fox and the tiger, which is not lonely.

Later, Liu Xiaowan and the people from Yanhuo Village were sent in by Qin Shaofeng, and Xiao Chan was even more happy.

And I don’t know if it’s the same age. Xiaochan and Liu Xiaowan are very close tempered. The two have a good impression of each other when they meet, and after a few days, they become more sisters.

Speaking of the people in Yanhuo Village, as soon as they entered here, they were arranged by small **** to a specific area.

Now the space of the entire Origin World is no longer small, and for places with a radius of more than 3,000 miles, it is not a problem to accommodate three or four hundred people.

The people in Yanhuo Village now live here very smoothly.

As for the little fox and the tiger, in the evolution of the original world space this time, it is not that they have not gained benefits, on the contrary, they have gained more benefits.

Although the power of the source crystal of the source crystal mountain peak is now scarce, even if you have some, it was born by itself recently.

But when he first came in, the surging power of the source crystal on the peak of the source crystal gave the little fox and the tiger a lot of power.

Then, under Xiaoqiuqiu's deliberate instructions, they began to absorb the power of these source crystals to practice.

By now, their realm is already the supreme realm.

Not only that, but the cultivation in one's own domain has also reached a very high level.

The situation of the little fox is a bit special, because his nine-tailed demon is a powerful spiritual root with nine attributes.

Therefore, when awakening the domain, the little fox obeyed the instructions of the ball and did not awaken the domain at will, but with the careful preparation of the ball, the little fox finally awakened nine domains!

Although the process was very arduous, the little fox finally came with all his hardships and became the owner of the Nine Layers Realm.

Nine domains!

To be honest, Qin Shaofeng was shocked when he first heard what Xiaoqiuqiu said.

However, because it is precisely because of the nine-fold domain, this has caused the little fox's cultivation progress to become extremely slow.

In fact, seriously speaking, one percent of the source crystal power of the source crystal mountain peak is actually used by the small ball to forcibly isolate it to help the little fox awaken the nine-fold domain.

And if it hadn't had one percent of the source crystal power of this source crystal mountain peak, it would be pretty good that the little fox could finally awaken the five-fold domain.

Because of the slow progress of cultivation in the Nine Layers Realm, the little fox's current realm is in the realm of the Five Heavens.

Contrary to the little fox, the progress of Master Tiger's domain cultivation is very impressive.

Lord Tiger was transformed by a super devil chess piece, and evolved into the Tiger of Thunder, Light and Dark, possessing the three attributes of Thunder, Light and Darkness.

However, during this awakening, Lord Tiger also awakened the realm of the Demigod Realm, and now has four realms.

Because it was only the four-fold domain, this resulted in Master Tiger's domain, which was much easier to cultivate than the little fox.

Now the four fields of Lord Tiger have reached the realm of the eighth heaven.

However, that is the case, but if the little fox fights with the tiger master, even if the tiger master can have the upper hand, but if the tiger master wants to defeat the little fox, it is not an easy task.

This suffices to show how terrible it is to have a nine-fold domain.

After understanding the evolution of the original world space, Qin Shaofeng greeted Xiaochan and Liu Xiaowan for a while and had a conversation.

Then, Qin Shaofeng came to the current residence of Yanhuo Village and got to know the old village chief and them.

In the end, Qin Shaofeng gathered with Qi Dongming, Li Kai, Han Ruoyu and others for a while, and had a long conversation with emotion.

After finishing all these tasks, Qin Shaofeng took the little fox and Lord Tiger immediately out of the original world space.

The reason is simple. Qin Shaofeng intends to let Little Fox and Tiger Master continue to improve their realm.

Although the original world space is isolated, the experience tree that Qin Shaofeng planted in the original world space is still constantly acquiring the experience points Qin Shaofeng has obtained.

Therefore, during this period of time, the experience tree has produced a lot of experience fruits, which has made the little fox and tiger master both elevated to the realm of supreme peak.

So, right now, one's own cultivation realm is enough, and the improvement of this realm's realm naturally does not need to take that much into consideration.

Although the little fox and the tiger can now rely on the fruits of experience to break through the realm of supreme abruptly and reach a realm above the supreme.

But Xiaoqiuqiu told Qin Shaofeng that such a breakthrough was not a good thing. Before the domain he possessed reached the perfect state, such a breakthrough was not a real breakthrough at all.

Because even if it is a breakthrough, it is probably the weakest existence.

Therefore, Xiaoqiuqiu didn't let Little Fox and Tiger Master do this.

However, for Little Fox and Tiger Master, it is not difficult to cultivate one's own domain to the perfect state, as long as they have enough source crystal power.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng intends to let the little fox and the tiger master come out, in the realm of cultivation by themselves.

Of course, the most important thing is that the situation of Lord Tiger is a bit special, the four domains have reached the realm of the eighth heaven, especially Tiger Lord still possesses the powerful Thunder, Light and Dark Tiger.

Compared with Qin Shaofeng, in this source place, Lord Tiger could persist for a longer time.

Well, this is suitable for mining source crystals!

Well, this is the truest thought in Qin Shaofeng's mind in the end.

However, for the Tiger Lord, he has been in the original world space for so long, and now even if he comes out to mine the source crystal, that is a happy thing.

This point, even the little fox thinks the same.

Lord Tiger and the little fox went to mine the source crystal, not to mention this for now.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng is also very busy, busy cultivating the "Pill Sutra"!

Now that Qin Shaofeng raised the pill realm to the perfect state, the pill fire in his body had become half-blue and half-blue.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng was already able to gather the power of the world when the pill realm reached its perfect state.

For Qin Shaofeng, condensing the power of the world is not difficult at all, and even because he has a boundary power in his body in advance, this power of condensing the world is simply not too simple.

As long as Qin Shaofeng thinks about it, he can instantly condense the power of the world with the pill realm of Consummation Realm.

At that time, the pill fire in Qin Shaofeng's body can be directly and completely transformed into blue, and then the "Pills" can officially enter the holy seven stars.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't do this, because Xiaoqiuqiu's words prevented him from letting the "Alchemy" make a breakthrough.

"After you have cultivated a hundred yuan pill in your body and your domain has reached the perfect state, at this time, your "Pill Sutra" is the real entry!"

At the entrance of Yuandi, in that formation, Xiao Qiuqiu said to Qin Shaofeng earnestly.

"The real entry?"

Qin Shaofeng was a little stunned. I had already cultivated the "Pill Sutra" to the six-star holy realm. How could it be considered a beginner!

Seeing the expression on Qin Shaofeng’s face, Xiaoqiuqiu was not surprised, but he explained: "Well, you are right to have such doubts. To be honest, I actually didn't expect you to get this far!"

A gleam of light flashed in the small ball's eyes, and when he looked at Qin Shaofeng, his heart was also very restless.

"Little Qin, do you know how the old master left Ruojun in his cultivation after he created the "Alchemy"?"

Without answering Qin Shaofeng's doubts, Xiaoqiuqiu suddenly asked Qin Shaofeng.

"Could it be that the situation in which the elderly Master is practicing the "Pill Sutra" is different from the situation in which I practice now?"

Qin Shaofeng faintly guessed what Xiaoqiuqi said.

Obviously, my own cultivation situation is different from the cultivation situation of my old alchemist, the respected master!

"Well, it's very different!"

Xiaoqiuqiu nodded, and then looked at Qin Shaofeng seriously, and said, "The old master's cultivation of the "Pill Sutra" is actually the same as you, with a holy level of one to ten stars. But do you know? When the master was cultivating the "Pill Sutra", he only condensed three yuan pill at the Saint Grade One Star!"

"What? Only three yuan pills?"

Qin Shaofeng exclaimed, and he was completely stunned!

If I remember correctly, when I first started practicing the "Pill Sutra", I condensed ten Yuan Dan!

Seeing Qin Shaofeng's shocked look, Xiaoqiuqiu threw a blockbuster again.

"Yes, there are three, and you probably don't know yet. When the old master cultivated the "Pill Sutra" to the ten-star saint level, only a hundred yuan pill was condensed in his body!


At this moment, Qin Shaofeng was completely confused.

A hundred?

Isn't this the way you are now?

But my "Alchemy" is now only a holy six-star!

For a moment, in the face of such news, Qin Shaofeng didn't know what to say.

Because this is so shocking!

and many more!

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng felt something wrong again.

"Xiaoqiuqiu, haven't you said that? Master and his elders have cultivated countless cloud pills, and they are extremely powerful. You are talking like this now, why are you inconsistent!" Qin Shaofeng said puzzled.

"That's why I told you not to break through!" The ball said.

"Although I don’t know what kind of realm the so-called realm above the supreme is. But I tell that the old master was really only the realm of the supreme pinnacle at the beginning, but in terms of strength, even if it is a hundred current ones. You are not the opponent of the old master!"

Speaking of the strength of the old alchemist, the ball became proud again.

But what it said made Qin Shaofeng somewhat understand.

"Uh, Xiaoqiuqiu! Although I don't doubt the strength of Master and his elders, what is the situation? Is it related to the practice of the "Alchemy"?"

Xiaoqiuqiu's arrogant tone made Qin Shaofeng speechless, but he asked honestly.

"Hmph, that's right, it's that the training situation of the "Alchemy" is different, leaving you with an extremely powerful gap from the old master at the time!" Xiaoqiuqiu was very proud.

"Actually, you should feel it now. With a hundred yuan pills, Dantian seems to have a sense of consummation, right?" Xiaoqiuqiu asked.

But when he asked, Qin Shaofeng was stunned again.

Because Qin Shaofeng found that his situation was the same as Xiao Qiuqiu said.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng had already felt this way. It seemed that after Dan Tian had a hundred yuan pills, he seemed to be in a saturated state.

Qin Shaofeng hadn't noticed before, but now that Xiaoqiuqiu said that, Qin Shaofeng suddenly understood.

"Is this an introduction to the so-called "Alchemy"?"

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