Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 864: Create a king of brutal beasts

Although the triple realm owned by this giant wolf is at most only the realm of six or seven heavens.

But with its physique, even the strength of such a triple domain can allow it to persist for one or two hours in this source.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng intends to subdue other king beasts and let these king beasts help him mine the source crystal.

With the king brute beast as a coolie, I am afraid that only Qin Shaofeng can think of this.

But in fact, this is nothing at all to Qin Shaofeng.

Not to mention, the current wild beast wasteland has been completely maimed by himself, even if the dragon and beast emperor is still there, Qin Shaofeng is confident, and now his strength, I am afraid that he can conquer the wild beast wasteland.

After having such an idea, Qin Shaofeng didn't hesitate, and took the tiger master and the little fox directly to the wild beast wasteland.

However, before heading to the savage beast wasteland, Qin Shaofeng took the time to go back to Lihuo City once, and sent the Lilena boy back to Li Ruojun.

Now that the original world space can be fully opened, Qin Shaofeng naturally intends to let Li Le go back.

It is worth mentioning that the people in Yanhuo Village did not intend to leave.

Because after living in the original world space, the people in Yanhuo Village felt the stability they had never had before.

There are no dangerous savage beasts, no persecution by other tribes, this is totally an ideal paradise!

Especially when it was learned that this place was completely Qin Shaofeng's world space, those people in Yanhuo Village didn't even plan to leave.

In fact, these people in Yanhuo Village had such thoughts, and Xiaoqiuqiu deliberately led them to confuse them.

The reason is very simple. Now the original world space has become larger, and if only Xiaoqiuqiu is alone, he can't take care of it at all.

After all, if it were to grow medicinal materials in the original world space, or handle some items, Xiaoqiuqiu simply couldn't be busy.

Therefore, the small ball hit the idea of ​​these people in Yanhuo Village.

However, to the people of Yanhuo Village, this is nothing at all.

Being able to live here completely carefree, and then help take care of some trivial matters, is not the same thing at all!

Combining these factors, Qin Shaofeng did not object in the end.

In fact, just as Xiaoqiuqiu said, some people should live in this original world space to take care of some trivial matters.

Speaking of it, at the beginning, his old alchemy master, the reason why his old man created the existence of medicine beasts was actually to take care of his original world space.

Although Qin Shaofeng could create the existence of medicine beasts in front of him, the small ball told Qin Shaofeng that he wanted to truly evolve the original world space into a complete world.

Then it's better to let some humans live in the original world space from now on, so that there is no defect.

This was also noticed later by the old alchemist.

It's a pity that at that time, the original world space of the old alchemist had already evolved, and even if a defect was detected, it could not be changed.

But Qin Shaofeng's original world space is now considered the real beginning, and naturally there are choices.


With Master Tiger and the little fox, plus the giant wolf king savage beast, Qin Shaofeng soon entered the savage beast wasteland.

And in the end, it only took Qin Shaofeng a few days to capture all the remaining king and brutal beasts in the brutal beast wasteland.

There are more than a dozen king brutal beasts, but relatively speaking, the strength of these more than a dozen king brutal beasts is not very strong, so Qin Shaofeng didn't have to work hard.

Qin Shaofeng didn't even make a move from start to finish. The main force who captured the king brutal beasts was the giant wolf king brutal beast.

Even if the giant wolf can't handle it, the tiger master is not a vegetarian.

With the strength of Lord Tiger, dealing with those king brutal beasts is not a problem at all.

Qin Shaofeng quickly returned to the source after the king's brutal beast captured it.

Then, Qin Shaofeng started again, reappearing the trial of the giant wolf king brutal beast on those king brutal beasts.

Despite this force, allowing these king brutal beasts to understand other areas will greatly consume the potential of these king brutal beasts.

Even after such a test, these king savage beasts may not even reach the perfect state in the semi-god domain.

But for such a situation, Qin Shaofeng didn't care at all.

All he needed was the coolie to mine the source crystals, and Qin Shaofeng had no hope at all that these king brutal beasts could help him in strength.

But after more than a dozen experiments, Qin Shaofeng discovered a very strange phenomenon.

That is when helping these king brutal beasts to awaken the rest of the realm, Qin Shaofeng found that although he helped these king brutal beasts awaken the realm in the original world space, it seemed to be smooth.

But if it were in this source, it would actually go smoother.

In Yuandi, it would be more laborious in Qin Shaofeng's opinion because there was no help from the original world space.

But by chance, Qin Shaofeng discovered that it was easier to help the king brutal beast understand other areas in this source.

It is as if there are some special powers in the source area that can help these king brutal beasts to awaken other realms.

This discovery made Qin Shaofeng curious, and even Xiaoqiuqiu was very surprised.

Without the help of the original world space, it is easier.

In order to find out this, Qin Shaofeng finally made a decision in his mind.

That is to create a batch of king savage beasts, and then experiment in this source to help them understand other areas and figure out the situation.

As for the creation of other king savage beasts, it was not too difficult for Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng also harvested a lot of medicinal materials while conquering the dozen or so king brutal beasts.

This also allowed Qin Shaofeng to refine many Zhu Yan Qianhuan Pills.

With the presence of Zhu Yan Qianhuan Pill, it is completely possible for a savage beast of the Holy Elephant Realm with good strength to directly break into the semi-god realm and become a king brutal beast.

And this can also be done with an eighth-revolution **** profound pill.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng asked Lord Tiger to bring the dozen or so king savage beasts, and marched into the savage beast wasteland to capture the late stage of the Holy Elephant Realm or the savage beasts of the peak realm of the Holy Elephant Realm.

In just three days, Lord Tiger brought back a group of hundreds of holy elephant realm brutal beasts.

Then, Qin Shaofeng began to let these wild beasts take pills to break through to become the king of wild beasts, and then began another experiment.

After forty or fifty tests, Qin Shaofeng and Xiaoqiuqiu finally discovered a situation.

That is the existence of this special power in this source, and the existence of this power is completely equivalent to the pill realm cultivated by Qin Shaofeng.

Because within the source area, as long as the king brute beast with the half-god realm, with the help of Qin Shaofeng, it can awaken the realm of its own spiritual root attribute.

And this kind of awakening is not like Qin Shaofeng's help to the giant wolf king brutal beast before, forcibly awakening and exhausting his potential.

Because of this awakening, it is the same as Qin Shaofeng's cultivation of the "Pill Sutra", with the power of the 100 yuan pill in the pill realm, and the awakening in other realms.

Although it is not as perfect as Qin Shaofeng, it does not affect the future cultivation of these king brutal beasts.

And most importantly, this situation also applies to humans.

Because after repeated experiments forty or fifty times, after Yan Gang and the others agreed, Qin Shaofeng also started such experiments on them.

But the final result is gratifying, the experiment on those king brutal beasts can be carried out on Yan Gang and the others.

Soon, those in Yanhuo Village had more demigods with one, two, or even multiple domains.

"Tsk tusk, I didn't expect this powerful ability to be hidden in this source, which is really amazing!"

Looking at a soldier in Yanhuo Village again, breaking through to become a demigod with a triple domain, Qin Shaofeng sighed with emotion.

"Yes! This situation also shocked me!"

The small ball on the side also said with emotion, but after the emotion was over, the small ball seemed to remember something, and suddenly said, "By the way, I understand!"

"Understood? What do you understand?"

Qin Shaofeng was puzzled by Xiaoqiuqiu's bluff.

Ignoring Qin Shaofeng's doubts, Xiaoqiuqiu said with bright eyes: "What else can I understand? Isn't it the situation in this secret world!"

"Do you remember? At first, you discovered that the human body in this secret world has these strange special conditions, but now you think about it, is this situation somewhat similar to the power of Source?"


When Xiaoqiuqiu said that, Qin Shaofeng was also taken aback, and then suddenly remembered.


Qin Shaofeng discovered that the physique of these people like Yan Gang had this special condition, which seemed to be able to continuously increase their potential.

But in fact, this situation is completely similar to the situation at Source at this moment!

These king brutal beasts and Yan Gang broke through the situation of possessing multiple domains, completely changing the situation of potential.

Inaccurately speaking, it is a change, rather than arousing the power of the spiritual root attribute.

However, in addition to the power that stimulates the spiritual root attribute, there is indeed a power that can increase potential in this source.

It's just a pity that Qin Shaofeng is that such power has no effect on himself who owns the pill realm domain.

Compared with the pill realm, Qin Shaofeng is sure that the power of this source is not as good as his own pill realm!

Even at this time, Qin Shaofeng seemed to be able to determine the reason why the big forces on the Origin Continent competed with the demons for this place.

I am afraid that both sides are for this peculiar power in this source!

After all, based on the results of his own experiments, Qin Shaofeng was already certain.

If a person on the Origin Continent enters this place and then comprehends the half-god realm, they can continue to comprehend other comprehensions in the Origin.

To put it bluntly, this source is exactly where multiple fields are shaped.

It's useless to myself!

Thinking of his Pill Realm domain, Qin Shaofeng was speechless for a power like Yuandi.

However, the source crystal in this source area is extremely precious to Qin Shaofeng!

And after this experiment, Qin Shaofeng has cultivated nearly a hundred king savage beasts.

In addition, these king brute beasts have at least dual domains, so the speed of mining the source crystal will naturally be countless times faster.

Although there is no blessing to enjoy the special abilities of these sources, with the source crystals born from this source, to Qin Shaofeng, this source is still a blessed place!

With enough source crystals, Qin Shaofeng naturally began to frantically improve the domain.

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