Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 886: Meet Hou Yanqing Again

At this moment, on a high altitude, more than a dozen people are looking down at the buildings on the ground.

The aura of these dozens of people is extremely powerful, and they are all masters of the Supreme Realm.

They were wearing uniform black shirts, with an inexplicable aura and indifference, and they were so ruthless.

If there are people from the Palace of Gods here at this moment, you will be surprised to find that the costumes of these more than a dozen people are the costumes of members of the Palace of Law Enforcement.

Moreover, such an indifferent aura, only the people of the Law Enforcement Hall of God's Mansion have such a breath.

The Law Enforcement Hall of Shenfu specializes in dealing with some violations of Shenfu rules.

It's just that these dozens of people are different, because under normal circumstances, the Hall of Law seldom dispatches the powerhouses of the Supreme Realm, even if they are dispatched, there are at most two or three Supremes.

It's like sending out more than a dozen supreme powerhouses at once, which is very rare.

However, considering the true hidden power of the gods, sending more than a dozen supreme powers now is nothing to the gods.

However, the identity of this leader is somewhat special.

Because this time a dozen leaders of the Law Enforcement Hall were actually Hou Yanqing, who was already infamous in Shenfu.

Moreover, Hou Yanqing at this moment has changed tremendously compared with half a year ago.

It can even be said to be a world of difference!

Because now Hou Yanqing actually has ten domains, and among his ten domains, all of them have reached the perfect state.

Compared with Master Hai, Master Chen, the current Hou Yanqing is probably only strong but not weak!

"Huh, this Qin Shaofeng is really bold and dare to change the Black Cloud Mansion into the Nine Cloud Gate. Where does he put the prestige of my Divine Mansion?"

Looking at the Black Cloud Mansion that had become the Nine Cloud Gate after the rebuilding, Hou Yanqing's eyes were cold, and he said in a cold voice full of killing intent: "It seems that Qin Shaofeng really can't stay. Such rebellion against the Divine Mansion must be resolved immediately! "

"Oh, isn't it? But, to be honest, I am worried, but you Hou Yanqing, afraid that you still can't solve me!"

As soon as Hou Yanqing's voice fell, a disdainful sound immediately sounded, but it was Qin Shaofeng who appeared.

At the moment when the retreat ended, Qin Shaofeng felt that there were more than a dozen powerful strange auras appearing above the Nine Cloud Gate.

Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, and he guessed that Shenfu was ready to do it on himself.

What Qin Shaofeng never expected was that this time there was actually Hou Yanqing.

This surprised Qin Shaofeng, because before seeing Hou Yanqing, within Qin Shaofeng's induction, there was no aura of Hou Yanqing at all.

It was not until Qin Shaofeng saw Hou Yanqing himself that Qin Shaofeng knew what had happened to Hou Yanqing.

Indeed, Hou Yanqing's strength has improved a lot, and the ten fields have reached the state of consummation.

This is already the pinnacle of the lord realm, on the same line as himself.

But Qin Shaofeng felt a very strange situation from Hou Yanqing's body.

Although Hou Yanqing's current realm is the realm of the ten-fold perfection domain, his body is not the power of the world, but a kind of power between the power of the Saint Yuan and the power of the world.

Xiao Yue'er has not been in vain in the past few years in the ancient sanctuary fantasy clan, but the little girl has studied and practiced very hard.

Xiao Yue'er, the girl, knew from now on, and she told Qin Shaofeng with a single brain.

Even some things that were considered confidential in the fantasy clan were also revealed by this little girl like a ‘rebellious’.

Therefore, even if he did not enter the ancient sanctuary, Qin Shaofeng already knew a lot about the ancient sanctuary.

There is a secret method in the ancient sanctuary. This secret method is very evil. It can directly arouse a person’s spiritual roots and burst out extremely strong power, allowing people to reach the realm of the lord or even the realm of the domain in a short time. .

But this secret method has this extremely terrible side effect, that is, after this, the spiritual roots are directly scattered, and it is no longer possible to condense the inner world.

And this is the best case, the worst case, what realm can be improved after being stimulated, then what realm will be afterwards.

This was what Xiao Yueer told Qin Shaofeng, but after seeing Hou Yanqing, Qin Shaofeng realized that no matter how bad the situation is, it is not as good as Hou Yanqing's situation at the moment.

Hou Yanqing was able to ascend to the current state, and indeed he used this secret method.

But for some reason, the people who helped Hou Yanqing use this secret technique didn't seem to care about Hou Yanqing's life and death, and did not fully use this secret technique.

Because of the huge side effects of this secret method, some special items must be prepared before it is used, so that the aroused person will not be in danger of life.

It is a pity that Hou Yanqing seems to have no such treatment.

Although Hou Yanqing's aura of life at this moment seemed extremely vigorous, in fact, Qin Shaofeng's reincarnation clearly saw his eyes, and Hou Yanqing had begun to exude a little life.

Hou Yanqing has not many days to live.

Because there was no explosion of special items, the side effects of the secret method exploded when inspiring his own spiritual roots, directly consuming too much vitality of Hou Yanqing.

The reason why Hou Yanqing hadn't noticed it was that he was still silent in the powerful strength he had promoted.

The second is that it seems that the person who used this secret method of promotion on Hou Yanqing used a certain method to directly condense Hou Yanqing's remaining vitality, and then exploded in a burning way.

Under this circumstance, if Hou Yanqing's remaining vitality was burned out, it would be the moment when he returned to Jiuquan.

With Qin Shaofeng's eyesight, he could see that Hou Yanqing would have a life span of ten days at most.

Not only that, but such an incomplete secret method has caused Hou Yanqing to possess a realm of ten levels of Consummation.

But Hou Yanqing's real strength did not really reach the tenth level of Consummation.

His field is barely comprehensible, and it is not a real field at all.

Now Hou Yanqing's strength is probably better than Chen Shao's Master Hai.

Compared to Qin Shaofeng's words, it was very much different.

Therefore, at this moment, Qin Shaofeng looked at Hou Yanqing's gaze, and couldn't help showing a trace of pity.

This Hou Yanqing is really pitiful!

After paying such a big price, there is not much life left, but the power available is not so real.

Originally seeing Qin Shaofeng suddenly appear, Hou Yanqing's anger instantly surged, and at the same time he was a little proud, and he was finally able to take revenge.

But only then did he feel complacent in his heart, because he saw Qin Shaofeng's pitiful gaze.

As soon as he saw Qin Shaofeng's gaze, Hou Yanqing instantly became angry and shouted: "Damn Qin Shaofeng, you dare to look at me with such gaze, I think you are really looking for death!"

"Oh, is it? I can't see it!"

Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly, his face indifferent.


Qin Shaofeng's attitude made Hou Yanqing finally couldn't help it anymore.


Fiercely at the law enforcement staff around him, Hou Yanqing yelled: "You all give it to me, this Qin Shaofeng has already determined the rebellion, he doesn't need to keep his hands, he just rectifies the law on the spot!"

Although Hou Yanqing received the task this time to capture Qin Shaofeng back, but now Hou Yanqing can no longer take care of those.

He just wants Qin Shaofeng to die now!

Huh! Huh! Huh!

As soon as Hou Yanqing's voice fell, the dozen or so supreme law enforcers in the law enforcement hall rushed to Qin Shaofeng in an instant.

These law enforcement officers do not have too much emotion, and they do not know how to be ashamed of more bullying, and as soon as they appear, everyone will act together.

A dozen supreme shots together, although they all only have one domain, among them the law enforcement with the highest realm is the realm of eight heavens.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng didn't have any wild beasts beside him, he was just alone.

Therefore, in Hou Yanqing's view, Qin Shaofeng is dead this time.

But the next moment, the scene sent made Hou Yanqing dumbfounded.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

After a series of shocks, Hou Yanqing saw that the dozen or so supreme law enforcers he had brought had flown upside down in an instant.


how can that be?

Seeing this scene, Hou Yanqing's eyes widened instantly.

But when he felt the breath of the dozen law enforcement officers at this moment, he was even more shocked.

No breath!


They are all dead! ! !

It was just a face-to-face meeting, Hou Yanqing didn't even see how Qin Shaofeng made the move, but the dozen or so supreme law enforcers he brought with him died inexplicably like this.

what's the problem?

Shenluo Tianzheng!

In the face of more than a dozen supreme law enforcers in the palace, Qin Shaofeng really didn't move, but just turned slightly, and his six-gou jade reincarnation eyes used Shenluo Tianzheng once.

With the ability of Liugouyu's reincarnation eye, Qin Shaofeng now uses Shenluo Tianzheng, there is no limit to the number of times, but there is a five-second cooling time.

And with Qin Shaofeng's current ability, if Shen Luo Tianzheng was fully used, the power would be absolute.

Qin Shaofeng only used 30% of his power against the dozen or so supreme law enforcers.

But even if it was only 30% of the power of the Shen Luo Tianzheng, Qin Shaofeng shook the dozens of supreme law enforcement officers to death in an instant.

Regardless of the dozen or so law enforcement agents, they still retain their complete bodies at this moment, but in fact, Qin Shaofeng had already shattered all the bones of the dozen or so of them, and their internal organs were turned into fleshy flesh.

Suffered from such an attack, these dozen people would naturally die too much.

"I didn't think that Qin Shaofeng still possesses such strength. It seems that I really underestimated you!"

Although shocked, Qin Shaofeng instantly killed the dozens of law enforcement officers he had brought.

But after the initial shock, Hou Yanqing quickly recovered.

If it had been in the past, Hou Yanqing would definitely be frightened by such a scene.

But now it is different!

It's just a dozen ordinary supreme, if he wants to, he can defeat it.

Therefore, Hou Yanqing did not believe that Qin Shaofeng's strength would be stronger than himself.

You know, he now has ten levels of perfection realm cultivation base!

Hou Yanqing didn't believe that Qin Shaofeng's realm could be comparable to himself.

"Hmph, Qin Shaofeng, no matter how strong you are, you can never be my opponent! You accept your fate!"

Hou Yanqing let out a cold snort, his steps were empty, his face was full of pride.

But the next moment, a horrible aura suddenly collapsed, causing the pride on Hou Yanqing's face to recede in an instant, turning it into incomparable horror.

Because under this terrifying and powerful aura, Hou Yanqing found that he was actually suppressed to death, unable to move.

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