Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 891: Nothing?

At this moment, the crowd outside the ring just felt that Qin Shaofeng just waved.

I don't know what I did, and then a lot of black fireballs with amazing aura appeared in the whole ring.

There are as many as seventy-two roads, almost filled with half the space of the ring.

This time it's not like Xiao Li Feida before.

Xiao Li Fei Dao possessed the aura that converged himself, so the five silver blade lights did not make people feel any powerful aura.

Coupled with the attacks of the five silver blades, it was so easily defeated by Chen Tianshuo.

Therefore, only a few people present can understand Qin Shaofeng's strength, and most people don't think Qin Shaofeng is so powerful.

But this time Qianshanquan is different.

Not only was the momentum astonishing, but the aura of the seventy-two black fireballs was extremely powerful.

Until then, most of the people present did not understand.

Maybe Qin Shaofeng will not be Chen Tianshuo's opponent, but Qin Shaofeng is definitely not so unbearable.

However, when everyone was shocked by the strength Qin Shaofeng had displayed, Chen Tianshuo in the ring was angry.


Chen Tianshuo let out a cold scream, his face flashed with anger, and then, without dodge or dodge, he directly faced the seventy-two Qianshan boxing shadows.


With one hand, Chen Tianshuo turned his palm into a knife, swung the knife together, and flashed again and again, like an afterimage illusion, facing those 72 Qianshan fist shadows, he cut out several terrible sword auras!


It was as if the entire arena space had been torn apart and cut apart.

Under Chen Tianshuo's several hacks, the arena actually seemed to be abruptly cut open, and several spatial cracks appeared.

And the appearance of these several spatial cracks suddenly collapsed all Qianshan Quanying.

In this scene, the countless people under the ring were all dumbfounded.

The seventy-two huge black fireballs that Qin Shaofeng broke out were enough to shock them.

But now it's okay, this Chen Tianshuo actually only slashed out a few sword qi, that is, the seventy-two huge black fireballs that burst Qin Shaofeng, smashed all of them.

Worthy of being the mysterious Supreme Elder of God's Mansion!

This Chen Tianshuo is really amazing!

For a while, countless people under the ring came up with such thoughts.

And those masters of several major forces have a solemn expression.

But this time, the person who shocked them was not Chen Tianshuo, but Qin Shaofeng!

These powerhouses naturally knew how strong Chen Tianshuo was.

Therefore, Chen Tianshuo used the palm of the sword to cut out such a powerful sword energy, and they were naturally not surprised.

But the question is, what was the trick just now?

Recalling that Qin Shaofeng had exploded before, the seventy-two huge black fireballs, even the Palace Lord of the Palace, gave Qin Shaofeng an extra look.

At the moment when Qin Shaofeng broke out of the sky, all the powerhouses in the lord realm present felt a strangely shocking power.

It's just the shadow of Qianshan Quan, which is nothing to them like the strong.

But with an extra layer of black flames from the sky, the situation is a little different.

The black flames of Amaterasu have the ability to burn all things, although in many cases, some black flames of Amaterasu can't help it.

But that was limited to Qin Shaofeng's own strength and realm, as well as the level of Zhuanyan.

What about now?

Realm, Qin Shaofeng now has ten levels of Consummation, the highest realm of the Lord Realm!

As for writing round eyes, it is even more needless to say.

The 9th-level writing round eye has evolved into a six-goed jade round eye, and the power of using pupil skills has been greatly improved.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng's current Amaterasu, the black flame of the burning Amaterasu, can directly burn even the power of the world.

At that moment, when Qin Shaofeng attached the black flames of the sky to Qianshan Fist Shadow, the lord realm powerhouse present felt strange.

The strong in the lord realm all have the power of the world, so they can sense a lot of complexity and special power.

As soon as the black flame of Amaterasu appeared, they immediately noticed that the power of the world in their bodies felt threatened.

Chen Tianshuo also felt this, and he didn't dare to be careless in his heart. He directly exploded a powerful attack, blasting the space cracks, and shattered the Qianshan Fist Shadow that Qin Shaofeng shot out with the power of space breaking.

Amaterasu's black flame can burn everything, and with Qin Shaofeng's current ability, almost nothing on the Origin Continent can withstand it. The horror of the black flame burned that day.

But the only existence that can absolutely restrain the black flames of Amaterasu is there.

That is the power of space!

Faced with the power of space, the black flames of Amaterasu couldn't burn at all!

In fact, the power of space is also the most complicated, mysterious and powerful force!

Chen Tianshuo also understands this, so he chose to cut the space rift and use the power of space to break this strange black flame.

However, at the moment when the black flame of Amaterasu was shattered by the power of space, Chen Tianshuo and the strong people present finally understood why the power of the world in their own bodies would threaten the black flame.

Because this black flame can actually burn the power of the world!

Although Chen Tianshuo's speed is extremely fast, with the eyesight of the lord realm, these strong men can clearly see it.

Chen Tianshuo cut out several sword qi, and the moment he collided with Qianshan Fist Shadow before cutting open the space, he came into contact with the black flame.

After this contact, Chen Tianshuo's sword energy was burned abruptly.

Although it was only a momentary event, those sword qi bursts randomly.

Can be burned by the black flames of the sky, but it is a fact!

With Chen Tianshuo's realm and strength, the sword energy that was cut out was naturally an attack condensed by the power of the world.

This also let everyone know that this strange black flame can burn even the power of the world.

It's weird!

It's also terrible!

It is precisely when he is aware of this that the powerhouses of the lord realm have a solemn expression.

Fortunately, in their eyes, the weird black flames Qin Shaofeng showed, even if it could burn the power of the world, that was not a big problem.

Because that kind of burning speed is not fast, even if it can burn the power of the world, with the reserves of the world power in their body, it is not a big threat at all.

Chen Tianshuo had the same idea, but after this time, Chen Tianshuo didn't dare to underestimate Qin Shaofeng.

Although he still thinks that Qin Shaofeng is far inferior to himself, he will definitely be killed on this ring today.

But at this moment Chen Tianshuo treated Qin Shaofeng with a little more caution in his heart.

This Qin Shaofeng's body is full of weirdness, and he must fight quickly!

A light flashed in his eyes, Chen Tianshuo made a move with his right hand, and there was a cold long sword in his hand.

This long sword seems ordinary, but the cold light it exudes is a faintly terrifying edge.

This is a holy weapon!

And looking at the breath, the rank of this holy-rank spiritual weapon long sword is definitely not low.

On the Origin Continent, although it has the existence of Holy Rank Spirit Tool.

But unlike the pill, the holy artifacts on the Origin Continent are the holy artifacts of the sixth or seventh holy rank.

But the long sword in Chen Tianshuo's hand was a nine-star holy sword.

This is still the reward for Chen Tianshuo when he cultivated to the supreme realm early when he was still in the ancient sanctuary, and the school he was in at that time!

Rather than rewards, it is better to say that they are equipped with hand weapons!

In the ancient sanctuary, holy rank spirit weapons are nothing, they are all the existence of Chinese cabbage first level!

Even if it is a nine-star holy weapon, even a ten-star holy weapon!

But this is a completely different situation on the Origin Continent.

In addition to the nine-star holy stage spirit weapon that can be obtained from the gods, the other major forces on the scene have not even seen it.


As soon as the long sword was taken out, Chen Tianshuo's figure shook, and afterimages appeared, and with a series of afterimages, he instantly came to Qin Shaofeng.

With a wave of the long sword, a sword is cut!

Qin Shaofeng was in danger, his hands flashed with thunder.

Lei Dun Lei cut with both hands!


Two swords of blue and purple thunder and lightning crossed in an instant to block the long sword cut by Chen Tianshuo.


Although it was only Lei Che that thunder and lightning condensed, when Chen Tianshuo's long sword fell to the intersection of the two Lei Ches, the sound of swords and swords burst out.


Chen Tianshuo seemed to have expected that his long sword would be blocked by Qin Shaofeng.

But at this moment, there was a sneer of conspiracy in his eyes.


Feeling the sneer in Chen Tianshuo's eyes, Qin Shaofeng felt something wrong in his heart and instantly became alert.

But at this moment, a strange thing happened.


A very small tremor came from the Raeche sword in his hands.

But without waiting for Qin Shaofeng to take a closer look, the next moment Qin Shaofeng was shocked to see that Chen Tianshuo's long sword unexpectedly slashed directly at his chest through his two thunder cuts.

At this moment, such a change occurred in the midway of the long sword in Chen Tianshuo's hand, which instantly shocked Qin Shaofeng's heart.


No, it's space ability! ?

Is this the power of that holy rank spirit weapon long sword?

The sudden change caused several thoughts in Qin Shaofeng's heart, his face suddenly changed, and he wanted to defend himself, but realized that it was too late!


The next moment, the long sword slashed, and directly hit Qin Shaofeng.

But at the moment the long sword fell, Qin Shaofeng suddenly burst out with a dazzling thunder light.

Lei Dun Lei Dun Bodyguard!

A layer of thunder and lightning appeared on the surface of Qin Shaofeng's body instantly, and the long sword cut by Chen Tianshuo happened to be cut on that layer of thunder and lightning.

But even with a layer of thunder and lightning protection, the long sword in Chen Tianshuo's hand still unimpeded that layer of thunder and lightning was cut open.

At most it was a little pause!

It was this meal that gave Qin Shaofeng time.


Together, at this moment, Qin Shaofeng stepped on Ling Bo's microsteps, and violently retreated, and distanced himself from Chen Tianshuo.

When Qin Shaofeng retreated and stopped again, everyone saw that the clothes on Qin Shaofeng's chest had been cut out, revealing Qin Shaofeng's body.

Moreover, many sharp-eyed people saw through the mouth of the clothes that there was a vaguely reddish sword mark on the heart of Qin Shaofeng's body!



Chen Tianshuo, who did not have Chen Sheng chasing Qin Shaofeng, glanced at Qin Shaofeng with regret and sighed in his heart.

But the next moment, Chen Tianshuo sneered in his heart.

Oh, I thought how powerful Qin Shaofeng is!

Unexpectedly, when I got serious, he would not do it!

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