Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 919: Devil Avatar

In fact, Qin Shaofeng got this special item skill fusion card, and he couldn't carry out such a big fusion at the beginning.

The reason for this situation is that the reason for consuming 100 skill points to integrate all of his skills is because Qin Shaofeng used a special enhancement card for it.

After completing the final stage mission of the "Lord of Nine Clouds", in addition to 80 skill points and the rewards of the first-order level, Qin Shaofeng also received a special reward, which was a special enhancement card.

After seeing the skill fusion card, Qin Shaofeng's heart flashed, and he gave birth to the idea of ​​using the strengthening card to strengthen the skill fusion card.

As a result, Qin Shaofeng, who just had the mentality of giving it a try, found that it was feasible.

Then, a skill fusion card with super special props appeared.

What only caught Qin Shaofeng off guard was that after the successful integration, the system was actually being updated.

Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng didn't care about this either.

Because even if you can't use any skills, it will have little effect on your actions in the next period of time.

Because although the deity is temporarily unable to use active means, he still has an incarnation!

And there is more than one!

In these two months or so, Qin Shaofeng's focus has actually focused on his avatar.

After the extreme upgrade task was completed this time, Qin Shaofeng's level rose by leaps and bounds.

The experience points accumulated during this period of time directly caused Qin Shaofeng to rush to the pinnacle of the lord realm.

This, coupled with the tasks of this period of time, the level rewards obtained, especially the full level rewards in the final stage of the "Lord of Nine Clouds".

The sum of these system rewards directly caused Qin Shaofeng's level to soar to the realm of the realm master.

It can be said that Qin Shaofeng's current cultivation level has exceeded Xiao Yue'er.

Because of this, the improvement of her own cultivation level, coupled with the fact that there are many good things in Leng Yaxuan's body, has also improved the realm of Qin Shaofeng's second immortal incarnation.

Family members: Yan Yang (the second immortal incarnation)

Level: One heavy domain master (one hundred rules)

Occupation: Soldier


That's right, with the help of Leng Yaxuan, Qin Shaofeng not only took his second indestructible incarnation, but also comprehended the 100-fold rules for direct cultivation during these two months.

He even cultivated directly out of the inner world, and entered the realm of the great domain master.

Qin Shaofeng's second immortal incarnation is not Qin Shaofeng's deity, although he has some help from the god-level cultivation system.

But the cultivation of the immortal incarnation still needs to rely on self-cultivation.

It is impossible to think that Qin Shaofeng's body will use the system experience value to make a step-by-step upgrade!

As for the experience fruit produced by the experience tree, this can also be used by the Indestructible Avatar, and then it can be upgraded directly.

But the problem is that now the experience tree in Qin Shaofeng's body of the original world space, the experience fruit that it produces, has been used by Qin Shaofeng's first immortal incarnation, that is, the incarnation of the original world space.

I don't know if it was using a world space as the avatar or something else, which caused Qin Shaofeng's first immortal avatar to upgrade very slowly.

Even if it is to use the experience fruit to improve, the experience value required by Qin Shaofeng himself is actually more, even several times as much.

But because the upgrade of the world avatar can also drive the improvement of the original world space, even in this situation, Qin Shaofeng still chooses to use the fruits of experience to increase the level of the world avatar.

It is precisely because of this that Qin Shaofeng has no experience fruit now to cultivate his second immortal incarnation.

This can only allow the second immortal incarnation to practice on its own.

However, because of Leng Yaxuan's help, the outside world wrote that the round eye evolved to the moon eye, and the five dimensions in the imperial palace of that day have also improved a lot, and practicing in the magma space can speed up the cultivation of the second immortal incarnation.

So far, Qin Shaofeng's second indestructible incarnation has reached the realm of Hundred Rules.

Although it is the realm of the great domain master, the situation of Qin Shaofeng's immortal incarnation is different.

Because this immortal incarnation of Qin Shaofeng possesses the yin and yang sacred fire, and this yin and yang sacred fire possesses the yang face and the yang face for every realm of comprehension.

Therefore, to be precise, although Qin Shaofeng's realm of immortal incarnation is the realm of Great Domain Master First Layer possessing a hundred domains.

But in fact, Qin Shaofeng's indestructible incarnation has two hundred domains.

As far as this realm is concerned, it is already considered the dual realm of the Great Domain Master.

Moreover, the characteristics of the realm of yin and yang are not as simple as one plus one. It really bursts out, but this power is doubled.

This also allowed Qin Shaofeng, the indestructible incarnation, to possess the strength equivalent to the three-fourth, or even the fifth-level, realm of the general landlord at the first level of the great domain master.

At this moment, his own deity can't use skills, and his strength has declined. In Qin Shaofeng's view, it is the time to use his own incarnation.


With a flash of figure, Qin Shaofeng's deity disappeared and entered the Kongyuan Ring.

What replaced it in place was an immortal incarnation of Qin Shaofeng!

However, something slightly different was that the immortal incarnation that appeared at this moment was not Qin Shaofeng's second indestructible incarnation with the spirit of Yin and Yang Sacred Fire, but the third incarnation cultivated by Qin Shaofeng in these two months!

It was the third incarnation of Qin Shaofeng's cultivation, but it was very difficult.

Because this third immortal avatar is the demon avatar!

After completing the eighth phase of the "Lord of Nine Clouds", Qin Shaofeng once received a "special reward requirement" award.

Qin Shaofeng didn't intend to use this reward at the beginning, because Qin Shaofeng wanted to use this reward on his second immortal incarnation.

After all, entering the ancient sanctuary is mainly the second indestructible incarnation, Qin Shaofeng naturally wants to strengthen his second indestructible incarnation.

And with the special requirements of the same reward, it would definitely be very good to strengthen the indestructible avatar.

It's just that Qin Shaofeng hadn't felt how to use this reward to strengthen his second indestructible incarnation, so this reward was retained.

Immediately after Leng Yaxuan appeared, especially after the true demon blood in her body was forcibly stimulated, Qin Shaofeng had a whimsical attention in her heart.

That is to transfer the true demon blood in one's body directly, and then directly refine a clone based on this true demon blood.

As a result, the special reward requirements of this system were really awesome, and Qin Shaofeng finally succeeded.

However, after Qin Shaofeng made such a request to the system, the system not only transferred the true demon blood in his body, but also transferred Qin Shaofeng's body of the demon that has not yet been awakened.

Then, this third indestructible incarnation of Qin Shaofeng is an indestructible incarnation created by the system based on Qin Shaofeng's true demon bloodline and the body of the demon!

Qin Shaofeng called him-Demon Incarnation!

It is worth mentioning that, thinking of the situation of the second indestructible incarnation before, Qin Shaofeng's last thought, also consumed a super demon chess piece.

Similarly, Qin Shaofeng, the third immortal incarnation, has also become the incarnation of his dependents!

Family members: Leng Ruqing (the third immortal incarnation of the demon king)

Level: domain owner one heavy

Occupation: Soldier

Boundary force value: 1 million / 1 million

Talented Spiritual Root: Body of the Demon King

Talent skills: body of the devil, surrender of all demons

Skill 1: None

Familiar: None

The devil is cold and ruthless!

This was taken by Qin Shaofeng under Leng Yaxuan's surname. As for the name, it is ruthless...

Well, that's a name that Qin Shaofeng's second ill offender directly named.

Once the Demon King's avatar was refined, it had the cultivation base of the domain master realm, and its boundary strength had reached as much as one million.

And the innate spiritual roots and innate skills possessed by this Demon Lord's body are extremely powerful.

Demon King's body: Special spiritual roots, powerful and special spiritual roots evolved from the blood of real demons and super demon chess pieces, even in the gods and demons clan, belong to the potential of absolute kings, and the achievements are limitless!

Qin Shaofeng didn't know what the Demon Lord's body was like before, but the Demon Lord's Body possessed by his own Demon Lord's incarnation was terrifying!

If the so-called super **** rank exists in the spirit root, then this demon king's body is definitely the existence of the super **** rank spirit root!

Because of this, the two talent skills of the Demon King's incarnation are also very powerful.

Demon Lord's Body: Special skill without level, a powerful talent skill that can only be awakened by the true demons with the Demon Lord's body.

Possessing the body of the Demon King, even if they do not practice, will awaken the body of the Demon King while gaining powerful strength. The cultivation speed is hundreds of times faster than others. And as the realm improves, the body of the devil can also awaken other skills and abilities.

Ten Thousand Demons Surrender: No level special skills, talent skills dedicated to the spirit root of the demon king's body. Only the true demons with the potential of a king can awaken this skill!

With the ability of ten thousand demons to surrender, under certain conditions, any demons can be subdued, and even true demons have the possibility of surrender!

The powerful body of the Demon King can not only possess powerful strength on its own after awakening, but also has an extremely exaggerated training speed, and can even increase the realm and awaken other skills and abilities.

Such a skill, in Qin Shaofeng's view, is already a super god-like skill.

This reminded Qin Shaofeng that the Shalanyan he had before was equivalent to having a skill tree, and then he would wait to awaken.

As for the surrender of the ten thousand demons, in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, it was a blessing from a king.

Although such surrendered demons cannot guarantee that they will remain absolutely loyal to themselves like their dependents, but according to Qin Shaofeng's estimation, these surrendered demons can also subdue some loyal demons.

And maybe under certain circumstances, some absolutely loyal demons can be subdued!

Because in Qin Shaofeng's view, I am afraid that Leng Yaxuan was also affected in some way.

Although I didn't have the ability to surrender these ten thousand demons before, the blood of the true demons and the body of the devil in his body might also produce an effect similar to that of ten thousand demons.

In addition, Leng Yaxuan became her own envoy again, and only then did she have absolute loyalty and submission to herself.

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