Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 930: Law of the Road

The realm of cultivation in the ancient sanctuary is actually the law of cultivation.

And really speaking, the realm of comprehension, the realm of cultivation, is the law of comprehension, the law of cultivation.

The existence of the law is the truth of this world.

Cultivation behavior goes against the sky to win the sky!

The number of days is the law, it is also the law of heaven, the law of great roads!

This is why the lifespan of practitioners will increase as the realm gets higher and higher.

In the seven realms of the world, having a lifespan of thousands of years is not difficult at all.

Three thousand avenues, countless laws!

Although there are countless laws, the most basic laws are still limited in number.

These are the nine basic rules!

The nine basic laws are divided into nine laws: gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, light, and darkness.

Then, everything between heaven and earth is evolving on the basis of these nine principles.

It can be said that the formation of this world is the evolution of these nine basic laws.

It is not difficult to comprehend the nine basic laws, and even the previous Five Elements Law is basically understood by everyone.

Because any cultivator has the power of the five elements in his body, more or less, as long as the realm reaches the world realm, it can be stimulated.

Therefore, anyone in any world can possess the law of the five elements.

Of course, some special ethnic groups that existed in the ancient sanctuary were no longer within this range.

For example, if you live in a spiritual realm composed of pure spiritual power, that spiritual race does not have the attributes of the five elements.

The four laws of wind, thunder, light and darkness behind the nine basic laws are somewhat rare.

But this rareness is only relative, because in general, there are still a large number of people who can have such a law.

Therefore, wind, thunder, light and darkness are not special laws, but basic laws.

This can be called a special law, and naturally it is a more special law.

For example, the law of water and fire, the law of water and wood, the law of civil engineering and so on, as well as the law of wind and fire, the law of fire and thunder, the law of wind and thunder, and the law of light and dark.

All in all, the special law is a law that combines the nine basic laws.

Of course, there are other situations.

This is like Qin Shaofeng's law of yin and yang, as well as the law of soul, which are not directly blended by the nine basic laws.

These special laws are the special laws that are born from the nine basic laws that have produced some kind of abnormality or other changes.

There are so many special laws that no one can count.

Even in the entire ancient sanctuary, owners with special laws can be born every moment.

But it is precisely because of this that in many cases, most of the special laws are not powerful.

Not only is it not strong, but it is also very weak. There are even some special laws that are very useless, and even special laws that affect their own practice.

No one would like to have such a special rule.

Therefore, it does not mean that having a special law is a good thing, it also depends on what kind of special law you have.

However, among these countless special laws, there are five laws that are regarded as absolutely powerful!

This is the existence at the top of the special laws-the five high-level laws!

The five high-level laws are also special laws, but because of their incomparably powerful abilities, they are called the name of the high-level laws.

These five high-level laws are the law of life, the law of death, the law of soul, the law of space, and the most mysterious law of time!

The upper law of life law, once you have it, you can have extremely strong vitality, or superb healing power, and you are a natural doctor.

There is a special race in the ancient sanctuary, they are called the life race, because their royal family members can naturally awaken the laws of life!

Even some ordinary beings can awaken the laws of life after they have cultivated to a certain level or under some special opportunities.

The upper law, the law of death, is opposed to the law of life, and the death family of the ancient sanctuary has the law of death.

The law of the soul is a bit special, because there is no specific ethnic group that can definitely awaken the law of the soul. Even people of ordinary blood can awaken the law of the soul when they are extremely lucky.

Therefore, the law of the soul can be regarded as the easiest, but it is also regarded as the rarest upper law.

Like the law of soul, so is the law of space.

However, compared with the laws of the soul, people who can awaken the laws of space are only rarer.

It is said that there is a special race among the monster races, they are born with the laws of space, but this race has disappeared for a long time, and now there is almost no trace in the ancient sanctuary.

As for the last time law among the upper laws, it is the most mysterious upper law.

And among the five high-level laws, this time law seems to be a legend, and no one can see its owner!

Even many people think that the so-called law of time is not just a legend.

Perhaps these five high-level laws should be called the four high-level laws!

But in Leng Yaxuan's narration, Qin Shaofeng knew that this last law of time was real.

According to Leng Yaxuan, there is a special race in the ancient sanctuary.

This clan is called the time clan, they all have the law of time, and it is even more rumored that they are the darling of the fight, the life bred from the law of time.

Because of this situation, this time family has the potential to awaken one of the highest laws of time and space.

However, Leng Yaxuan didn't know what was going on after all.

Because the Time Clan has not appeared in the ancient sanctuary for a long time.

The law of time and space, as the name suggests, is the law of the integration of time and space!

But the law of time and space is not simply equivalent to having two laws of time and space. Having the law of time and space can create one or countless worlds.

Moreover, the world created by the laws of time and space is completely equivalent to a normal world, capable of cultivating a lot of resources and feeding countless people.

The most important thing is that the world created by the laws of time and space can still speed up the flow of time.

In this way, a strong man with the law of time can cultivate an extremely powerful imperial group.

Because he doesn't lack any resources at all, he can give countless people access to abundant resources and practice enough.

Therefore, the law of time and space is regarded as one of the highest laws!

There are four types of this supreme law, which are called the four supreme laws!

The law of time and space, the law of fate, the law of order, the law of destruction!

These are the four supreme laws!

The ability of the law of time and space, to create the world, can obtain enough resources, and can walk in any space, even into the long river of time, for a time journey!

The law of destiny is mysterious and full of countless mysteries!

There is a saying that the law of fate is actually the supreme law with the ability to modify in the avenue!

Once you have mastered the law of fate, you can modify your own and even others' fate in this avenue.

And those who have the law of destiny, before awakening, can also get the favor of the Dao. The moment of birth is the time when luck is full of luck, everything goes well, and the law of destiny is awakened smoothly.

As long as one awakens, the person who possesses the law of fate is almost indestructible.

Because of any crisis, there is no possibility of hiding it at all.

Once anything unfavorable to you occurs, the law of fate will be fed back from the road.

Therefore, unless it is able to conceal the avenue, otherwise no one can kill the person who has the law of fate.

The law of order is one of the four supreme laws, but Leng Yaxuan said that he doesn't know much about this law of order.

She can only say that Qin Shaofeng said that the law of order can replace the power of the avenue and has the ability to ensure the normal operation of the avenue.

These are rather vague. The only thing that is clearer is that, according to Leng Yaxuan, the power of the road that the law of order can travel is extremely powerful and possesses the power to destroy the world.

Speaking of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, this must be the rule of destruction.

Needless to say, from the words, the power of the law of destruction can be seen.

It is destruction!

People who have the law of destruction, even if they are not active, can destroy the surrounding area unconsciously!

And once the law of destruction is awakened, it is absolutely terrifying and dangerous!

Regardless of the fact that humans and demons have been fighting for a long time, humans and demons once joined forces hundreds of thousands of years ago.

The reason that humans and demons are forced to join forces is that there is a person with the law of destruction.

Back then, in the Human Territory, some area close to the Demon Race Demon Territory, suddenly someone awakened, the most terrifying law of destruction of the Four Supreme Laws.

That was a young man, and his realm was just the domain master realm.

But after awakening the Law of Destruction, this boy is different.

And because the opponent was **** slaughtered by the demons because of his own clan, it was the law of destruction that was awakened under extreme grief.

The law of destruction is a dangerous force, not only to others, but also to the owner.

Then, the boy entered a state of complete madness.

And such madness made him, who was already dangerous, more terrifying and terrifying.

Before awakening, he was only the sixth realm of the domain master realm, but after awakening, he seemed to break free from the constraints of the realm, and his strength was incredible.

In just a moment, in a state of madness, the law of destruction exploded unfettered, and then all the creatures within a radius of a million were completely wiped out, and then destroyed without a trace.

These countless humans and demons have also suffered bad luck, and even among them there are several humans and demons in the realm of emperors.

This situation quickly caused the Nirvana Realm powerhouses of both humans and demons.

Unbelievably, facing the crazy young man, the strong emperor was no opponent at all.

It was just a contact, and then it didn't take long for the news of the demise of the Nirvana Realm to be completely spread.

This attracted the attention of both humans and demons at that time, and some people soon understood that this was the awakening of the law of destruction.

And it is precisely because of this that some high-level humans and demons have some strange psychology.

The Law of Destruction is one of the four supreme laws. In the face of such a powerful force, how many people are not moved?

If the young man who was able to awaken and destroy the law directly claimed as his own, wouldn't it add an incomparably powerful force to his own race?

Moreover, it is not only the human and demons high-level people who have such thoughts, but also some other powerful ethnic groups.

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