Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 937: Encountered a strong enemy?

Inside the flying boat, the thin monkey and the old bear were chatting.

Originally dragged by the thin monkey, Qin Shaofeng, who was chatting without a tower, suddenly frowned.

Because just now, Qin Shaofeng felt a strange thought, or the existence of his sight, and swept his body for a while.

This feeling is very uncomfortable, as if someone is staring at him.

But this feeling disappeared soon, which made Qin Shaofeng feel that it was just his own illusion at that moment.

But for some reason, from this moment on, Qin Shaofeng began to feel a little uncomfortable.

Feeling something was wrong, Qin Shaofeng asked Old Xiong if he needed to mention it with the captain, and asked if he was being targeted by someone.

But the thin monkey smiled and said, Qin Shaofeng was nervous.

Because if there were any circumstances, the captain would have discovered it.

From the moment he entered the battlefield, He Chendong entrusted the flying boat to Huang Haitao, and he himself released his divine consciousness, always paying attention to the movements outside.

This safe hut also has some abilities to increase the scope of the divine sense search, and even allows He Chendong to maintain the divine sense of the world master's seven or eight levels.

Although this consumes a lot of money, it is necessary for safety and cannot be saved.

Now that He Chendong always pays attention to the surrounding signs, looks for prey that can be hunted and guards against the enemy, the skinny monkeys are naturally at ease.

Therefore, for what Qin Shaofeng mentioned was wrong, the thin monkeys just regarded Qin Shaofeng's nervousness.

This made Qin Shaofeng a little unaware of what to say, he couldn't say that even after He Chendong's spiritual consciousness had been increased, it was far inferior to it!

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng was not very sure, so he could only give up in the end.

However, Qin Shaofeng was secretly vigilant, ready to take action at any time.

Suddenly, after Feizhou continued to fly for a stick of incense, Qin Shaofeng's expression instantly changed.

At the same time, they were flying a boat thousands of miles away somewhere in the sky.

Looking at the flying boat displayed on the screen, the demon man's blade was cruel and gave the command to attack the intelligent flying boat Demon Cloud!

"Moyun, blast this flying boat for me!"


The moment the Blade gave the order, a sirens sounded inside the Demon Cloud.

The next moment, with a bang, the cannon set in the front section of the Moyun directly blasted a dazzling beam of light.

The beam of light cut through the space in an instant, and directly blasted the flying boat in the distance.

Because there was always anxiety in his heart, Qin Shaofeng finally released some of his divine consciousness and conducted a secret investigation.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt that a powerful force appeared in the distance, blasting down his team's flying boat.

This is a terrible beam of light!

Moreover, the strength of this beam of light is strong enough to kill a master of the second and third realm.

"No, an enemy steals..."

After the beam of light appeared, He Chendong also found out after Qin Shaofeng.

With the discovery of such a powerful attack, He Chen roared out.


But before He Chendong finished shouting, he didn't even shout the word "Sneak Attack", the beam of light had already blasted down and hit the flying boat directly.


When the beam of light fell, the people in the safe hut felt a violent shock.

Although He Chendong didn't yell at the end, the people present were not stupid and naturally understood what He Chendong meant.

Especially the old bears, thin monkeys and the like, just when He Chendong just roared out, they violently violently, the power of the world inside their bodies violently rioted, and they immediately entered a state of battle.

However, it was Qin Shaofeng who entered the fighting state earlier than them.

Because of the previous vigilance, Qin Shaofeng discovered that this beam of light was attacking, and it was a little bit earlier than He Chendong, and this time was enough for Qin Shaofeng to do a lot of things.

When the attack came, Qin Shaofeng could actually leave.

Because Yan Yun, who had been behind Qin Shaofeng, had two pupil skills in his eyes that were transcribed and sealed by Qin Shaofeng, both of which were divine powers.

After Qin Shaofeng's body reached the realm of the realm master, the divine power he displayed was able to completely virtualize other people together, and could even virtualize the surrounding space of a hundred meters in an instant.

Yan Yun's role was not actually Qin Shaofeng's bodyguard. Qin Shaofeng had long planned to use Yan Yun as a shield at a critical moment, or to delay the enemy's existence.

Therefore, what was transcribed and sealed in Yan Yun's eyes was not an attacking pupil skill.

However, feeling the power of that beam of light, Qin Shaofeng didn't think that beam of light could smash this safe house.

This is true, but this is only limited to this safe house.

As for the flying boat outside the hut, there is no such ability.

With a bang, almost at the moment when the beam of light attacked, the flying boat outside the safe house was immediately dismembered and shattered.

As soon as the flying boat was shattered, the beam of light blasted directly onto the safe hut.

Because of the intermediate pattern on the safe hut, this beam of light attack was defended.

But at this moment, the entire safe house was directly blasted into flight by the beam of light, and it was constantly rolling and flying in the high altitude.

Had it not been for He Chendong for a time, he would have wrapped the entire safe house with the power of the world in his body. It is estimated that people like Lin Mu, Du Qi and Wang Feng would have fallen into trouble.

Finally, at a certain moment, He Chendong seized the opportunity, and the powerful world power in his body spurted out, stabilized the entire safe house instantly, and shouted: "Everyone go out!"


As He Chendong's voice fell, the two doors of the safe house opened simultaneously.


Huang Haitao let out a low drink, the power of the whole world burst out instantly, and after wrapping the forest, he exited the safe house instantly.

Huh huh!

Qin Shaofeng and others followed closely and rushed out together.

As soon as they rushed out of the safe hut, everyone immediately looked around vigilantly.

But apart from the wreckage of the flying boat after the explosion, no enemy was visible at all.

On the contrary, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flickered, and he glanced high in the sky somewhere, frowning.

It was just an attack, but didn't come close?

Feeling the location of the enemy's flying boat, Qin Shaofeng was puzzled.

"Everyone, be careful, the enemy is still far away, don't be careless!"

Facing He Chendong was the last to come out. Once he came out, he put away the safe house.

The flying boat was smashed into pieces, He Chendong didn't care at all, as long as the safe hut was still there, there would be as many flying boats as needed.

In fact, in order to match his own safe hut, He Chendong prepared dozens of simple flying boats that were shattered before.

"What about the enemy? Why haven't they appeared yet?"

Although He Chendong had already reminded him, Du Qi, who entered the battlefield for the first time, was still a little nervous at this moment.

Because the previous beam of light was really terrifying, if it was hit head-on, with his strength, I was afraid that there would be no dregs left.

There was no trace of the enemy yet, and he was naturally extremely nervous.

"Oh, Xiao Qiqi, don't be nervous, just be careful, we and the captain will be the enemy!" The black cat in the team chuckled softly.

At this moment, the old bears and the thin monkeys are all smiling, and they are not nervous at all.

But in fact, they could release their spiritual consciousness long ago and watch the surrounding situation vigilantly.

It's just that they are all old people on the battlefield, and they have experienced a lot of battlefields here. Even in the face of crisis, they can still maintain a calm mind.

Seeing the expressions of Lao Xiong and their faces at the moment, Du Qi also seemed to settle down.

He Chendong seemed to have also noticed that the enemy's flying boat in the distance remained silent, frowning, and he did not understand the other party's intentions.

However, it doesn't matter if you don't understand it. He Chendong, who has been on the battlefield for a long time, knows an iron law recognized on the battlefield.

Never stay in the same place for too long under the eyes of the enemy!

"let's go!"

Without hesitation, He Chen flew forward fiercely, and Qin Shaofeng and others followed after seeing this.

However, while rushing, Qin Shaofeng and the others flee from a distance in a formation according to what He Chendong had said before.

At a high altitude in the distance, on the Smart Flying Boat Moyun.

"Oh, I've been eyeing them, and want to escape?"

Blade's edge smiled disdainfully, and in a cold tone ordered the Moyun: "Moyun, send out my puppet army!"


An icy mechanical sound rang, the next moment the doors of Moyun opened, and then a large number of metal puppets that looked like locusts flew out.

These locust metal puppets are as huge as a buffalo, and the whole body exudes this cold breath.

Although the aura of these locust puppets is basically the realm of the domain master's seven or eight layers, this is nothing to a big domain master.

But the problem is that at this moment, the locust puppets flying out of the Moyun flying boat are just overwhelming and dense.

It was like a black cloud, rushing towards Qin Shaofeng and the others frantically.

This number may exceed a thousand!

A thousand domain masters of the seven or eight realms, this is considered to be a master master of the seven or eight realms, and they will be careful when they encounter them.

Especially when this is still a thousand puppets!

When the locust puppet army appeared, He Chendong, Qin Shaofeng and others had already discovered it.

"What it is?"

Seeing the black cloud coming down, the thin monkey exclaimed.

"It's a puppet!" Qin Shaofeng said solemnly.


As soon as Qin Shaofeng made a sound, He Chendong was surprised.

Because at this moment, those locust puppets are still some distance away from themselves and others. With their own spiritual knowledge, they just noticed it.

But Qin Shaofeng broke his voice, which was obviously earlier than he had discovered!

However, when he thought of the rules Qin Shaofeng understood, He Chendong didn't care.

Of course, the most important situation at this moment cannot tolerate He Chendong thinking so much.

The speed of the locust puppets is extremely fast, not at all faster than the speed of the general domain master.

This just appeared, and it was approaching in an instant.

"Be careful, everyone. This is a kind of locust puppets. It is a mechanical clan thing. Individual strength is not strong. But as long as the number is large, there will be great danger. Especially be careful. These puppets will explode, even a single one. Blew himself, and his power was not weaker than that of a general big domain master."

It's a veteran warrior who has been on the battlefield for a long time. He Chendong found out the true face of the locust puppet and explained it to everyone very quickly.


Upon hearing He Chendong's words, everyone's complexion changed slightly.

As He Chendong said, this puppet encountered one or more than ten, it was nothing.


Seeing the black locust in front of them, everyone's hearts sank sharply.

It's dangerous!

Encountered a powerful enemy!

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