Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 946: Blade Demon Clan

The wall was originally closed, but I don't know how the skinny monkey got it. Now the wall has opened, and a small hidden grid about one meter is revealed.

And in this secret compartment are all storage rings, just looking at it, the number is at least more than a hundred!

And the most important thing is that these storage rings are unowned, and as soon as everyone gets close to their spiritual consciousness, they can find out the inside of the storage rings clearly!

After this investigation, everyone discovered that these hundreds of storage rings were actually placed with a lot of resources, which were obviously the spoils collected by the previous flying boat owner.

But these trophies surprised the Skinny Monkey and the others.

Because of so many trophies, it was the first time they met!

"Huh, it's amazing, so many storage rings, the items in them add up, the value is much more than the harvest of me and Brother He over the years, all together!"

For a long time, Huang Haitao's emotion awakened the others.

At this moment, everyone finally understood the meaning of the word "Skinny Monkey".

This is not getting bigger, but getting rich completely!

"Ahem, yes, this time it is really amazing!"

With a soft cough, He Chendong was in a coma, but under Lin Mu's full treatment, he finally woke up.

In fact, He Chendong was awake long ago, but because of Lin Mu's treatment, he didn't rush to open his eyes.

But he knew what happened after entering the flying boat, and he knew all the hundreds of storage items.

Turning his head gently, He Chendong looked at Qin Shaofeng and smiled slightly: "Yan Yang, this time you have saved all of us, so you will allocate the spoils here!"

Let the sun distribute?

He Chendong's words caused everyone to be taken aback, but then they were all relieved.

This time it was Qin Shaofeng who killed the enemy. In fact, if it weren't for Qin Shaofeng, what would happen to them at the moment is hard to say!

Most of them are dead!

Thinking of this, everyone has no objection.

"Yes, the captain is right. You are the masters of Brother Yanyang's spoils this time, my old bear has no objection!" Old Xiong patted his chest ~ loudly.

"I have no objection to the black cat!" The black cat smiled lightly, but at the moment she looked at Qin Shaofeng's eyes, but her eyes were filled with a strange light.

"Haha, I have no objection, even if the spoils are all Yanyang brothers, I have nothing to say about the skinny monkey!" The skinny monkey also laughed.

Facing the thin monkey, Qin Shaofeng was speechless.

"Whatever belongs to me, I can't say that. The reason why I was able to kill the enemy this time was because of the team leader and everyone's efforts. If I were alone, I would have been killed by the opponent!"

Qin Shaofeng shook his head lightly. Seeing that He Chendong seemed to have something to say, he hurriedly said: "Well, now I don’t want to talk about the spoils. The most important thing now is to let us leave here first. I guess you don’t want to. Come on to the last battle?"

Qin Shaofeng's words reminded He Chendong that a battle has just ended here, if it stays for a long time, it may be very easy to be targeted by the enemy.

But now his injury has not recovered at all, and his whole body combat power can display at most 10% of the time of the victory. Huang Haitao, the deputy captain, has also suffered injuries.

The only two world masters in the team were both injured, and the team was no longer suitable for fighting other enemies.

Soon, under He Chendong's guidance, everyone first put away the safe house. Even the locust puppets that were bombed by the crowd before, and the remaining remains, everyone quickly collected.

Because Qin Shaofeng had already told everyone that the Demon Cloud had the ability to make those mechanical locust puppets, and even the wreckage could be recycled with materials.

After everyone worked together to clean up the battlefield, Qin Shaofeng piloted the Moyun and left the place.

After Qin Shaofeng and others left for a long time, the space of this place suddenly cracked, and then a special small flying boat came out of the space crack.

Although this flying boat looks small, the formations on it are actually intermediate formations, and there are even faintly high-level formations, which are obviously not an ordinary flying boat.

Soon, two people got off the flying boat.

One of them is a twenty-four-five-year-old young man, but his breath has actually reached the pinnacle of the realm master realm!

And the other person, the old man beside the young man was even more difficult. He just stood beside the young man, but he didn't exude a trace of breath.

This is obviously the other party, who has cultivated his inner world to the perfect state, and controlled his own aura to be consistent with the space. It is difficult for ordinary people to perceive its true state.

And those who can do this step at least have entered the realm king state!

This is an old man who is a realm king!

However, looking at the appearance of the two of them, the old man is led by the youth in front of him. Obviously, the young man is not easy around him. The old man is mostly his guard.

"Is it here?"

Looking at everything around him, he felt a trace of breath remaining in the space, the young man frowned slightly, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"Well, it shouldn't be wrong!"

The old man nodded and said: "There are indeed traces left by Master Blade after the battle, but the breath of Master Blade seems to have completely disappeared. If nothing else, Master Blade should have been killed!"


A sharp light flashed in the youth's eyes, and his tone became cold.

"Hmph, it's such a useless thing, it died like this, and the face of my Blade Demon clan made him lose!"

The young man didn't have any sympathy for Blade Feng's death, but he ridiculed it.

After taunting, the young man's brows wrinkled slightly again: "However, once this blade is dead, the news cannot be verified."

Turning his head fiercely, the young man asked the old man behind him: "Hei Lao, you can feel it, is there a smart flying boat here!"

Yes, the reason why this young man appeared was precisely because of the flying boat owned by Blade Edge.

Because of the uneven distribution, the leader of one of the teams cooperating with the two demons affiliated groups held a grudge before Blade Feng met Qin Shaofeng and the others, and then he stabbed Blade Feng with the intelligent flying boat. .

Although Blade's propaganda, its own flying boat is just an ordinary mechanical flying boat, not an intelligent flying boat that can evolve.

But the captain of that team was lucky enough to have seen the Smart Flying Boat once, and after contacting Blade Edge, he determined that Blade Edge also possessed the Smart Flying Boat.

But because Blade Feng was a disciple of the Demon Blade family, he did not dare to have any greed.

After all, the Blade Family is in the Demon Realm, and although it is not a big clan, the power does not dare to be underestimated.

But what the blade did made the captain finally retaliate desperately.

However, the captain was not really mindless. Even if he stabbed the news that Blade had an intelligent flying boat, he did not completely stabbed it out. Instead, he found a disciple of the blade family, and he was very wrong with the blade. people.

Therefore, this is the reason why this young man came here.

This young man was called Ren Ming, and he was a cousin with Ren Feng, but Ren Feng was competing with his elder brother for the next successor to the Ren family, which made Ren Ming very unhappy.

After the blade entered the battlefield, this blade Ming also followed, he was just looking for trouble with the blade.

But although his realm is higher than Blade's Edge, his cultivation was only because of the help of his elder brother, and he was promoted to the peak of the realm master realm, not relying on his own cultivation.

It is precisely because of this that this sharp-edged elder brother deliberately arranged a master of the realm master to protect his younger brother's safety.

But the blade edge is the young master of the blade family after all, even if the eldest brother who was temporarily forced into the battlefield by the blade edge, that is not something that the ordinary blade family can deal with at will.

Therefore, Old Hei would not attack the blade at all, and he could only rely on himself if he wanted to teach the blade.

It's a pity that although the realm of Blade Ming is higher than that of Blade Blade, but because the cultivation base is not obtained by self-cultivation, it can't help Blade Blade.

This made him very angry and hated Blade even more.

But at this moment, a demons affiliated group suddenly ran over to him and told him that Blade's Edge possessed an evolving intelligent flying boat, how could he be able to bear it.

An intelligent flying boat that can evolve, it evolved, but it was terrifying, and this might pose a certain threat to his elder brother's position as the Young Master of the Blade Family.

Therefore, this time Ren Ming planned to disregard the others, forcibly let the old man take a shot, take the Blade down, and then seize the intelligent flying boat from the Blade.

But I don't want to, when he finally found the location of the blade, he came to find that the blade was dead.

However, it doesn't matter, the blade will die if it is dead, and what I want is that smart flying boat.

It's just that Blade Ming is still a little uncertain, whether that Blade really has an intelligent flying boat that can evolve.

However, there was some confirmation in his heart soon.

Because the old man next to him, after he asked, his divine sense searched for a while, then flashed, appeared somewhere, grabbed a hand, and returned to Jian Ming again.

"Master, Master Blade also really owns an intelligent flying boat. On this mechanical puppet wreck, there are indeed traces of Master Blade's divine consciousness!"

Hei Lao raised a cruel piece of cruelty in his hand, and said to Ren Ming: "And in my opinion, this kind of wrecked mechanical puppet is made more flexible, and it can't be made by ordinary intelligent flying boats."

After saying this, Old Hei's eyes flashed and he said with a certain tone: "It can be seen that even if the intelligent flying boat that Master Blade had before was not an evolving intelligent flying boat, it must be a very special intelligent flying boat. However, In addition to what the previous world master said, in the eyes of the old slave, the flying boat owned by Master Blade is probably the kind of special intelligent flying boat that can evolve!"

"Oh, is it so?"

Ren Ming's eyes lit up and he looked at a certain space, and a smirk appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Since it is true, I must get this smart flying boat, no matter who it is in the hands of it now!"

After finishing speaking, Ren Ming turned back to the old man and instructed: "Hei old man, please go down and send all the teams of my Jian family to search for the trace of the man who killed the blade."

Although I don't know who killed the blade, the blade family has a unique means of detecting enemies.

Because the bloodline of the Blade family is somewhat special, after being killed by someone, there will be a period of time to kill the person of the bloodline of the Blade family, and there will be a strange aura that only the disciple of the Blade family can detect.

And this kind of Qi, the more pure the bloodline of the Blade family disciple was killed, the more obvious it was, and the easier it was to be discovered by the Blade family disciple.

The Blade Family also relies on this characteristic and has the title of the Blade Demon Clan in the Demon Realm.

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