Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 963: Strong enemy reinforcements

It's not a space jump, what is that ability?

Is it the ability of a god-level spiritual weapon?

Or is it simply an artifact?

Suddenly, Ren Hai seemed to understand something.

It must be so!

Only when the opponent possesses a divine weapon, this has caused Na Jianming to want to grab the opponent so much trouble.

The value of an artifact is enough to make blade clear!

Thinking about it this way, Jianhai seemed to know what Jianming was doing.

And Ren Hai seemed to feel it, the other party seemed to know the layout of himself and others, and could find the specific location of himself and others at any time.

This situation made him even more convinced that the opponent possessed an artifact.

Even after Jianhai had determined this point, it was already affirmed that the opponent could kill a small team on his side in a very short time, probably because of the power of that artifact.

Now that this point has been confirmed, then Jianhai will have a corresponding method.

Soon, all the search teams in the blade family moved again.



Qin Shaofeng, who was on a small hillside, suddenly frowned slightly, and was a little confused in his heart, because the Demon Cloud had fed back some different information.

Soon after, Qin Shaofeng lifted his head slightly and looked into the distance, with a smile on his mouth.

"Tsk tusk, did you finally notice it?"

Feeling the other party's overall layout, there was a sudden change, Qin Shaofeng knew in his heart that the other party had finally discovered that he was just a person.

For this, Qin Shaofeng was not surprised.

Even Qin Shaofeng didn't care at all, and he didn't even deliberately hide anything.

Because for Qin Shaofeng, even if the other party confirmed that he was alone, what about it?

As long as the other party does not discover the Moyun, it is impossible to keep track of oneself. Under such circumstances, what can be changed?

"I thought that by reducing the scope of the search and combining the two teams, the situation of being hunted by me could be improved. Can I be found?"

Feeling the changes in the formation of the Blade Family disciples, Qin Shaofeng showed a trace of disdain, and he didn't agree at all.

"Innocent, I will let you understand that even so, you people can't change it. Your destiny as the prey of my Qin Shaofeng!"

His eyes were cold, and the next moment Qin Shaofeng's figure flashed away again.

The hunt has begun again!

Although Renhai adjusted all the teams so that each search team had at least three masters of the realm to lead the team, the number of the entire team also exceeded fifteen.

Even many teams have more than twenty people.

But to Qin Shaofeng now, such a team is nothing at all.

Because for the current Qin Shaofeng, people below the realm master level can kill a series of spikes even if they don't use Xiao Li's flying knife when they use their own flying sword.

Usually go down, a knife flies away, fourteen or five major domain masters are killed in a flash, there is no pressure at all.

In the realm of the realm, the realm below the triple realm is so much stronger than the realm master in Qin Shaofeng's eyes.

Seriously, it is also the point where you can achieve a spike.

Only those in the fourth and fifth levels of the realm master made Qin Shaofeng a little bit of a formal confrontation.

This is to really make Qin Shaofeng serious, and I'm afraid it only needs to be at least seven or eightfold realm master realm.

It is a pity that there are currently very few people in this area with seven or eight cultivation bases of the realm of the realm.

Therefore, even if there are more world leaders in the team, there will be more people, but in the final analysis, for Qin Shaofeng, it is no different from before.

No, a team was discovered again, and Qin Shaofeng started directly.

This team has five masters of the realm, but unfortunately the highest level is only the three-level cultivation of the realm.

After killing all the great realm masters in this team at the first instant, Qin Shaofeng directly rushed into the five realm master realms, and then slammed and killed two of the realm master first-level blade disciples in an instant.

Then, the next moment, Qin Shaofeng turned around, the power of the world in his body was shaken, and his aura rose instantly.

Although Qin Shaofeng's realm was the nine-fold realm master, he only possessed nine hundred realms.

But because of the spirit of the yin and yang sacred fire, Qin Shaofeng's yin and yang are divided into every layer of Qin Shaofeng, which is completely the characteristics of the dual realm!

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng's aura that burst out with all his strength was enough to be equivalent to an ordinary Seventh or Eighth Realm Master.

Even with the addition of the Yin and Yang sacred fire that Qin Shaofeng deliberately circulated, this aura was even more terrifying, and it directly suppressed the remaining three world masters without any movement.

Under such circumstances, Qin Shaofeng immediately killed the three world masters immediately, without a trace of pressure.

Then, Qin Shaofeng proficiently began to search for the storage rings on these people, and after finishing the collection, a dashing body left directly.

Soon and smoothly, exactly the same as before!

Qin Shaofeng used these twenty people to prove that the rearranged situation of Jian Hai was completely useless.

Not long after, Jianhai rushed to the scene, looking at the more than 20 corpses on the ground, especially the bodies of the five world masters, Jianhai didn't say a word, the whole person was quiet and terrible.

But the people around him were aware of it. At this moment, Jian Hai was afraid that he had reached an unprecedented anger.

Ren Hai didn't expect that his painstakingly planned layout would actually have no effect on the other party.

Damn, how could this be?

Ren Hai's face looked very ugly, and his heart was even more irritable.

He can be regarded as the person in charge of all the searches here at this moment, because his cultivation is the pinnacle of the realm of the realm, and his status in the Jian family is higher than that of ordinary Jian family disciples, and everyone here also obeys his instructions.

But it is precisely because of this that after these successive losses, let alone catch the murderer, now he hasn't even noticed the murderer's shadow.

If this is to let Na Jianming know, who knows what will happen?

When I think of Ren Ming's character, Ren Hai is frightened.

He was really scared!

He was afraid that Ren Ming blamed him, and then he must be done!

No way!

It can't go on like this anymore, and it will be extremely bad for him if it continues like this.


But what else can I do?

Ren Hai's face was very ugly, and he had no idea in his heart.

Today's search team is already the most reasonable distribution layout, but this is not the human opponent.

To be honest, Jianhai was helpless.

He can't let everyone gather together!

In this case, if the opponent is allowed to run away, it is also extremely bad.

But in the current situation, can the other party continue to hurt the people on his side?


Just as Jianhai was at a loss, the jade charm on his body shook again.

This kind of vibration is what Ren Hai is most worried about, and also the most feared thing.

Because after every such shock, another group of people was killed.

Soon, after a small team received the exact news, Ren Hai was shaking with anger.


Another squad member was killed!

Twenty realm masters, three realm masters!


With a roar in his heart, Ren Hai immediately made a decision in his heart, which was to summon the rest of the people and gather them all together.

Because in this way, no one would be killed.

Ren Hai could not believe that the other party would appear directly to face all of him.

But just as Jianhai was about to give an order, suddenly someone ran over and said something in his ear.

"What? Blade Dahou is here?"

Hearing the news brought by his subordinates, Ren Hai's face instantly became ecstatic, and asked hurriedly again, for fear that he had heard it wrong.

"Yes! Master Blade Dahou really came, not only him, but also the two adults, Sabre Tiger and Sabre Leopard!" Then his subordinates answered honestly.

"Hahaha, great! This is really great!"

After hearing the news again, Ren Hai suddenly laughed.

This Dahou Dahou is different from himself. The opponent is the strength of the Great Realm Master. If he is there, what else do I need to worry about?

Ren Hai didn't believe that this human being surrounded and suppressed by himself and others had the strength of a great realm master.

As soon as the three of them arrive, the human being will undoubtedly die!

"Go, let me meet the three adults!"

In a good mood, Jianhai swept away his previous worries, waved a big hand, and immediately brought people to meet the three of Jian Dahou.

Not long after, in a clearing, Jianhai waited not long before a flying boat appeared suddenly.

The next moment, Feizhou opened the three people who came out of Lima, it was the three of Blade Dahou, Blade Tiger, and Saber Leopard.

When the three of them took a flying boat, they saw the sea of ​​blades approaching.

But after seeing the sea of ​​blades, the brows of Blade Dahou wrinkled slightly, and he felt a little dissatisfied.

Because according to what Ren Ming said, the humans they were going to deal with this time didn't seem to be very powerful, but Ren Hai brought thousands of people here, so why haven't they caught him yet?

Therefore, Renda Hou Xun asked, and he quickly learned from his mouth what happened and the current situation.

"Able to appear at least 100,000 miles away at will? Have the strength to kill several realm masters in seconds? Interesting!"

After listening to what Jianhai said, Jian Dahou nodded and smiled slightly, without taking Jianhai's words to heart.

Upon seeing this, Jian Hai couldn't help but anxiously, approached in front of Dahou, and whispered: "Master Dahou, you must not underestimate that human being, because based on the current situation, I guessed that the opponent should be There is an artifact!"



Ren Dahou finally raised his interest, and an inexplicable brilliance flashed in his eyes.

Like Jianhai, at this moment, Dahou Jian also thought of Jianming's behavior, and he couldn't help but secretly guess that the reason why Jianming cared about such humans might really be that the opponent possessed a divine tool.


A trace of greed flashed in his eyes, but he was soon suppressed by Dahou.

Because Dahou Blade knew in his heart that even if it was a divine tool, it wasn't something he could contaminate, the Great Realm Master.

However, according to Ren Hai's words, Ren Dahou saw something and understood some things.

Especially the flying boats of Rendahou are not ordinary flying boats. Although not all intelligent flying boats of the mechanical family, the flying boats also have powerful detection instruments.

As early as the beginning, Dahou Ren knew that there was a deliberate suppression in this area. This was not due to the environment itself, but man-made!

Now after listening to the words of Jian Hai, Da Hou Jian had already understood. I am afraid that from the very beginning, Jian Hai and others were led into a trap by that human being.

If not, how could Renhai and the others have been killed so many people and haven't seen the other side yet?

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