Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 968: Who counts who?

Because someone slackened, Qin Shaofeng started hunting again.

Moreover, at the beginning, Qin Shaofeng seemed to be aggrieved before, this time he killed seven or eight teams, and then he stopped and hid again.

The hunting speed was very fast, and those who were targeted by Qin Shaofeng hardly found the murderer, and they died inexplicably.

If it weren't for Qin Shaofeng's fear of exposure, Qin Shaofeng would probably kill more.

Finally, when someone contacted these seven or eight teams, they found that they couldn't communicate with each other, which made Renhai feel something wrong.

Then, Jianhai informed Jian Dahou, and Jian Dahou arrived now.

But what made Ren Dahou's face gloomy was that when he came to the place where the seven or eight teams were, there was no one at all, not even a corpse.

This situation made the sea of ​​blades behind him feel very strange, and his heart felt a little hairy.

How sacred is this human being? Under such a search, we can quietly kill seventy or eighty of us, so that none of us can find out?

Faced with such a situation, Ren Hai was shocked.

Although these seventy or eighty people have just lost contact and disappeared directly, but Jianhai is not stupid, just think about it for a moment, and they all know that the seventy or eighty who disappeared must have been killed by that human.

However, Jianhai didn't make a sound at this moment, because he could see that the Dahou Jian in front of him was in a very bad mood at this moment.

It was true. At this moment, the heart of the sword Dahou was really bad, even he was on the verge of exploding.

Dahou Ren couldn't think of it. Under such circumstances, the other party dared to kill his own people. Is this provoking him?

Ren Dahou was very angry, but at the same time he was secretly relieved.

Anger is naturally anger. This human being is so bold and reckless that he dares to provoke himself in this way. It is absolutely unforgivable!

As for a sigh of relief in my heart, it was because someone had been killed.

This is not that Dahou Dahou is abnormal, but since someone has been killed, it means that the human is still in this area.

And since the opponent has made a move, Dahou Jian believes that the opponent will definitely make another move.

Ren Dahou now knew about this situation, so he had a countermeasure.

"Huh, the human kid didn't expect you to be so bold and take the initiative to show up. This time I see how you can escape!"

With a cold smile in his heart, Ren Dahou's eyes were full of killing intent.


Take a shot and kill far away!

In the next few hours, Qin Shaofeng kept appearing in various locations, hunting and killing a team of people from the blade family.

Soon, Qin Shaofeng's target for being promoted to a three-star soldier has reached more than a change.

Before he knew it, Qin Shaofeng had hunted down, and there were more than five hundred great domain masters in total.

But just after Qin Shaofeng killed another team, the surrounding space changed.

Because at this moment, Qin Shaofeng clearly felt that the spatial blocking power in the surrounding space had suddenly changed.

These changes are obvious, that is, the scope of the space blockade has been reduced.

Moreover, this reduction has actually been directly reduced by half, so that the entire space blockade has been directly reduced from 200,000 li to 100,000 li!

After paying dozens of casualties for several teams and always taking the initiative to block the movement of the entire space, he finally noticed a subtle movement at the moment of the team's death.

It was this subtle movement that made Ren Dahou confirm the murderer, that is, the approximate location of Qin Shaofeng.

Although this did not allow Dahou Blade to catch up with Qin Shaofeng immediately, it did allow him to shrink the entire area of ​​the space at this moment, centered on the slightest movement.

This can completely save more than half of the search difficulty, in the eyes of Ren Dahou, this human being is finally about to be caught by himself.

But is this really the case?

Of course not!

This is actually what Qin Shaofeng expected for the reduction of the space blockade, and even to be precise, this is what Qin Shaofeng hopes for.

That trace of movement was actually left by Qin Shaofeng deliberately, in order to allow Dahou Ren to seal the space down.

It stands to reason that the narrowing of the space blockade made it more difficult for Qin Shaofeng.

Because the scope is small, there are still seven to eight hundred people in the Jian family, and the space is reduced by half, it will definitely be more difficult for Qin Shaofeng to hide.

However, the area of ​​the space blockade was reduced, and at the same time the area of ​​the space blockade was completely separated from the location of the Magic Cloud.

In this way, even if Qin Shaofeng made a forcible breakthrough and let the edge Dahou notice it, it didn't matter.

Because Qin Shaofeng was able to use all the last strength of the Demon Cloud's large array in an instant to teleport himself back to the Demon Cloud, and then take the Demon Cloud to jump in space.

Then, I can escape!

Because of this situation, Qin Shaofeng knew that he had no worries.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng intends to do a big vote when he leaves.


It has been confirmed that the enemy is here, and the scope of the search has become smaller, which makes the disciples of the Blade family search for them, and they are all refreshed.

It won't work if you don't fight!

Because more and more people are being killed, many of the remaining people are already scared.

Now they just want to find the enemy as soon as possible, so that they are truly safe.

Even if you can't find it, many people are secretly praying in their hearts, praying that they don't meet that human being.

Three hours later, after being shot after the space was sealed, he was finally ready to take another shot.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng was hiding on a towering giant tree, the yin and yang sacred fire in his body was running, completely wiped out Qin Shaofeng's breath, and Qin Shaofeng's whole person was completely integrated with the lush branches and leaves of the giant tree.

This is not the place Qin Shaofeng hid in the first place, but now it is not wise to hide on the branches and leaves of the big tree under such rigorous search.

But this time, hiding is only second, Qin Shaofeng's real purpose is to lie in wait.

In front of this towering giant tree, a group of people is coming.

Qin Shaofeng hidden among the lush foliage, faintly heard a voice.

"Captain, when do you think we can find that human being! This has been so long, and that human being has left!"

This was a team of fifteen people, and the one who spoke out was a disciple of the black-faced Blade family with the second level of the realm master.

This team not only has a large number of people, but the most noteworthy thing is that everyone in this team is a master of the realm.

The disciple of the Black Faced Blade Family who spoke out was actually a lower cultivation base.

Like the captain in his mouth, but a master of the eightfold cultivation base of the realm master.

The words of the disciple of the Black Face Blade family attracted everyone's attention, and many people also nodded.

"Yes, that human has already escaped, right?"

"I think this is very likely. The search scope has been reduced by half now, and we still have so many people. If that human is there, we might have found it long ago!"

"Indeed, and the other party also has three hours, nothing has happened. During this time, no one of us was killed. The probability that the human being is not here is definitely more than 90%!"

"Yes, that human being must be gone!"

"Well, I think so too!"


For a moment, the world masters of this team nodded and said, seeing them like this, obviously thinking that the human being is no longer here.

The captain remained silent until everyone’s voices were a little noisy, and then he drew a cold voice: "Don't say anything!"

The captain was obviously very prestigious in this team. When he spoke, everyone instantly became quiet, watching him stop talking.

"You don't need to worry about so much. Whether that human is here or not, we can only execute commands and search in this area."

The captain yelled at everyone, and then looked around. Then he continued to say to everyone in a low voice: "Don't guess, I heard that Lord Rendahou used a treasure to block the space of 100,000 miles. At the same time, some kind of reinforcement has been carried out, and that human being will never escape."

"Because as long as the opponent escapes this area, it will trigger the space blockade arranged by Master Dahou, but the space blockade has not been touched until now, which means that the human is still here."

As he said, the captain took a deep look at everyone, and sighed meaningfully: "So, you still cheer me up. Even if you don't want to search anymore, then you can pretend to be me. !"

The last words of the captain left everyone in a daze, and then seemed to understand something.

Oh, I didn't expect the captain to be impatient!

However, no one in the team clicked it. After all, as their captain said, even if they are impatient, they have to behave!

For a while, everyone understood God's smile, and then they all fell silent.

The team walked forward again, and quickly passed a towering giant tree.

Because of the captain's words, these world masters didn't have the thought of searching at this moment, so naturally they couldn't find a person hiding in this towering giant tree.

Actually, even if they searched, it is estimated that with their abilities, they can't find anything.

Fifteen people quickly passed by the towering giant tree, but at this moment Qin Shaofeng, who was hiding among the lush branches and leaves of the giant tree, flashed a cold light in his eyes!


After everyone in the team had passed under the giant tree, Qin Shaofeng's figure flashed, and his whole body fell silently to the ground like fallen leaves.

After falling to the ground, Qin Shaofeng carefully followed the team, the yin and yang sacred flame in his body ran to the extreme, covering up and refining his breath without revealing a trace.

Quietly like this, Qin Shaofeng followed at the end of the team and quickly approached the last person in the team.

Although this person is the cultivation base of the realm master's five-level realm, in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, it is like that.

There were more world masters killed, and now those who had four or five levels of cultivation in the world master realm were nothing to Qin Shaofeng.

With this approach, Qin Shaofeng took advantage of the fact that those in front of him were not paying attention, and directly grabbed the realm master, and directly pinched the opponent's throat with his right hand. The other party was completely enveloped.


With a buzzing sound, under an invisible vibration, the disciple of the realm master's five-fold realm of the Blade family was directly obliterated by Qin Shaofeng with the yin and yang holy fire.

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