Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 977: Four-star Magic Cloud

It takes time to return to the battlefield base from outside.

If it is deep in the battlefield, it would be even more time-consuming to come back once.

But with this treasury space disk, it is very different.

Because in the introduction of this treasure house space disk, it has been said that this treasure house space disk has a spatial connection with the Terran battlefield base. If the exchange is successful, it can directly open one through the special space pattern depicted on the treasure house space disk. Space channel, transfer the items you exchanged to yourself immediately!

This means that with this treasure house space disk, it is completely possible to open the base treasure house anytime and anywhere to purchase resources.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng seemed to finally remember something.

No wonder I entered this battlefield base twice before and after, and I have been there for so long, and I rarely see masters at or above the realm king level.

At first, Qin Shaofeng thought whether there were some special entrance passages in this battlefield base, and whether the masters entered through those entrances, so he didn't see them.

But now Qin Shaofeng has understood that this is probably because there is this kind of treasury space, and those masters do not need to return to the battlefield base.

Because they can purchase resources anytime and anywhere, there is no need to return to the battlefield base to waste unnecessary time.

After understanding the role of this treasure-house space disk, Qin Shaofeng was immediately moved.

Especially after having this treasure house space disk, under the level of the four-star warlord, some resource items that can only be checked by the five-star warlord can be checked, which is even more exciting.

However, after seeing the price of the last treasure-trove space disk, Qin Shaofeng's cheeks were a little bit painful!

Ten million!

That's right, the price of this treasure trove of space disk is actually 10 million military merit points.

"Does this mean that I only have 10 million military merit points left, so I deliberately angered me!"

Seeing the price of this treasure house space disk, Qin Shaofeng was a little speechless.

"I originally wanted to buy some of the source of the world, as a reserve, now it seems that I am afraid it will not work!"

Although he sighed in his heart, it was painful, but Qin Shaofeng finally chose to buy a Treasury Space Disk.

Well, Qin Shaofeng soon experienced once again the treatment he had received before the liberation.

What made Qin Shaofeng extremely speechless was that after purchasing the Treasure Treasure Space Disk, Qin Shaofeng obtained some information about the Treasure Space Disk, especially one of the charging systems, which made Qin Shaofeng extremely painful. .


Just charge!

Because the space channel of this treasure house space disk can't be opened for free.

Each activation actually requires 10,000 merit points, and if you fail to maintain ten breaths, you will have to charge an extra 1,000 merit points, and the farther you are from the battlefield base, the higher the charge.

There is also a one-tenth fee for the space points that are exchanged for resource recovery on the treasure house space disk.

Although this treasury space disk is very convenient, it can open the base treasury to exchange materials at any time, but Qin Shaofeng is very shocked by the charge.

As far as the storage bracelet I sold before, if I use this treasury space disk, it will be pitted for 3.5 million military merit points!

Thinking about it is very tricky!

Fortunately, as a four-star general, Qin Shaofeng has every opportunity to open the treasure house space disk for free.

Although this opportunity can only last for half a quarter of an hour, as long as the speed is fast, Qin Shaofeng can fully exchange the items he needs.

And besides, after possessing this treasury space disk, Qin Shaofeng can indeed see many materials that he could not see before.

Because after the refining treasure house space disk, Qin Shaofeng is still in the base treasure house, and with the treasure house space disk in the battlefield base, there is no charge to open it.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng also checked some, and indeed found some suitable materials to improve himself now.

In general, with this treasure house space disk, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, and there is nothing to lose after thinking about it.

It's just a pity that Qin Shaofeng is already a pauper now, even if he has supplies that suit him, he can't buy it.

Soon, Qin Shaofeng returned to the inn after leaving the base treasury.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Shaofeng didn't delay anything. Since the materials were already sufficient, Qin Shaofeng naturally began to strengthen the thirteen king brutal beasts he had cultivated.


A few days later, in the huge space of the special room of the inn, Qin Shaofeng stood in front of thirteen king brutal beasts with huge bodies.

These thirteen king savage beasts are no longer in the pinnacle realm of the realm master at this moment. At this moment, they have all reached the realm master realm, and even the lowest realm of the king savage beasts actually have the realm of the realm master eightfold. Higher than the master Qin Shaofeng.

This is because these king savage beasts seem to have been stimulated to have a more powerful bloodline, and their adaptability to the world origin marrow is very powerful. Almost each of them takes a drop of the world origin marrow and can improve by seventy to eighty. The realm of heavy field.

Especially when the Great Domain Lord was in the pinnacle realm, Qin Shaofeng let them use the Realm Origin Marrow for the first time. These king brutal beasts not only broke through to the realm master realm, but even half of them directly broke through to the realm primary realm.

Merely taking the world origin marrow, these king brutal beasts have risen to the fifth or sixth level of the world master, and even one or two of them have reached the seventh level of the world master.

Therefore, these last three realm master pills gave Qin Shaofeng two more realm master tenth realm king savage beasts.

Two realm masters are tenfold, five realm masters are ninefold, and the remaining eight are the realm of the eightfold realm master, and each realm is high by the master Qin Shaofeng.

And Qin Shaofeng also tried, although none of these king brute beasts is his opponent, but the strength is still very strong.

Qin Shaofeng is not an ordinary master of the eightfold realm. Because of the power of yin and yang, Qin Shaofeng previously possessed more than 3,400 weights. After a period of time of training, Qin Shaofeng now has more than 3,500 weights. .

For this, it is rarely strange.

Because under normal circumstances, a cultivator in the seven realms of the world can only cultivate three thousand domains at most.

But Qin Shaofeng's indestructible avatar had the power of yin and yang, causing Qin Shaofeng's inner world to exceed three thousand weights.

This is a realm king in the realm of a realm king, and he can't own three thousand domains.

Not even the realm king, even the emperor realm could not have more than three thousand domains.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng was a little confused about the situation of his indestructible incarnation.

In fact, according to normal conditions, Qin Shaofeng can completely complete the inner world with these 3,500 layers.

Because as long as the inner world possesses three thousand layers of realms, it will be able to reach the state of Consummation, carry out the Consummation of the inner world, and then after the complete Consummation is over, it will be able to enter the fusion, that is, enter the final imperial realm of the seven worlds.

In other words, if Qin Shaofeng wanted to, he could completely rely on his current Yin and Yang power to complete his inner world, and then leap directly to the realm master.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't want to do this, because deep down in Qin Shaofeng's heart, he always felt that if he entered the perfect state of the inner world with three thousand layers of yin and yang, he would definitely have unexpected gains.

Besides, even with the current situation, Qin Shaofeng was very satisfied.

Although the realm is only the eighth realm of the realm master, because of the three thousand and five hundred realms, even though the realm is not high, Qin Shaofeng's current combat power can already compete with most big realm masters.

Even Qin Shaofeng felt that if he allowed himself to enter the pinnacle realm of the realm master, he said that he might not be able to fight the realm king realm master!

In addition, with his thirteen king brute beasts, and some of his hole cards, Qin Shaofeng is now confident that he will have a battle with a ten-man team that is full of great realm masters.

Although the thirteen king savage beasts are at most the tenth realm of the realm master, once they are united, their combat power can be compared with three or five general big realm masters.

And Qin Shaofeng's calculation of combat power, besides these thirteen king beasts, there are others!

Because at this time, the Demon Cloud has finally evolved.

The current Moyun is already a four-star smart flying boat.

After the four-star level, Moyun has greatly improved its detection capabilities, space jump and flight speed, and even its own defenses.

Especially the flight speed, at the current speed of the Demon Cloud, even the average Great Realm Master could not catch up.

In the case of space jump, it can only make a space jump of 500,000 miles, and even if it does not care about the consumption of boundary crystals, Moyun can make a space jump of millions of miles.

It's just this kind of space jump that the Demon Cloud cannot be turned on at will. If the number of times is too much, the Demon Cloud itself will be unbearable and will cause considerable damage.

As for defensive power, according to the calculations of the Demon Cloud, it can withstand several great masters of the pinnacle realm at the same time, and they will continue to attack with all strength for a quarter of an hour without any damage.

Even the masters of the Realm King Realm can resist three or five moves.

This was already the equivalent of a tortoise shell. After hiding in the Demon Cloud, Qin Shaofeng could easily leave in the face of the siege of a group of great masters.

However, compared with this, the real strongest ability of the Demon Cloud still belongs to its ability to create mechanical puppets.

The Moyun, an intelligent flying boat, is a bit special, and I don't know how the mechanical family that made it before, exactly how it was made, and what was added in the manufacturing process.

Anyway, the Demon Cloud has the ability to make mechanical puppets on its own, and this ability can actually increase with the increase of the Demon Cloud’s own star rating. The higher the star rating, the more mechanical puppets made by the Demon Cloud. Strengthen the big.

As for what level of mechanical puppet could be produced by the four-star Moyun, this was beyond Qin Shaofeng's expectation.

The four-star Magic Cloud can create mechanical puppets in the main realm of the world, and there are still a lot of them.

If it was only a mechanical puppet of the first level of the world master, the Demon Cloud could create more than tens of thousands.

However, this kind of meaning is not great. It is only the first level of the realm master, no matter how large the number is, it is difficult for Qin Shaofeng to harm some powerful big realm masters.

Cough, okay, actually Qin Shaofeng also wanted to create tens of thousands of first-layer realm mechanical puppets, but the materials needed were huge.

Even the combined value of all the materials has exceeded one-third of the value of the materials needed for the Moyun Evolution Five-Star Smart Flying Boat.

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