Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 982: King of Play

"Human, I advise you to be smarter and let go of your hand, Master Blade Ming!"

Although he was full of murderous intent in his heart, he still didn't show excessive behavior when he saw that Blade Ming was in the opponent's hands.

Although in Hei Lao's eyes, he even looked down on Ren Ming, but who called Ren Ming had a good brother, and his brother cares about him very much.

Hei Lao is sure that if Jian Ming died here, the elder brother of Jian Ming would not let him go, even if he was a realm king.

Therefore, Hei Lao didn't dare to attack again, because he was afraid that Jian Ming would be pinched to death by this human.

Seeing Hei Lao's expression, Qin Shaofeng knew that he was right.


Fortunately, it seems that the identity of the Blade Demon clan in my hand is not simple, so that this Realm King Realm Demon Clan dare not act rashly, I am considered temporarily safe.

With a flash of gaze, Qin Shaofeng stared at Hei Lao and said loudly: "It's okay to let him go, but I advise you to quit a million miles, and I let him go!"


Exit a million miles?

Hearing this, Hei Lao suddenly became angry.

If I quit a million miles, wouldn't you human being escape completely?

Faced with such an opinion, Hei Lao would certainly not accept it.

"Human, don't think about it, I will tell you..."

Before Hei Lao finished speaking, Qin Shaofeng used his right hand to awaken the fainted Ren Mingzhen, and said to Hei Lao with a sneer: "Old thing, I will say it for the last time, please withdraw. Otherwise, the kid of the Blade Demon clan will undoubtedly die!"

With that said, Qin Shaofeng's right hand used force again, and directly grasped Ren Ming's neck tightly.


Ren Ming, who had just woke up after being shaken by Qin Shaofeng's strength, suddenly screamed in pain when he was caught by Qin Shaofeng.

After this pain, Ren Ming suddenly remembered what had happened before, and then he also saw clearly where he was currently. He was not stupid, how could he not know that he had been caught by the enemy and he began to threaten the old man. Up.

But after understanding it, Ren Ming felt a burst of anger in his heart.

"Damn human being, let me go, do you know who I am? You dare to treat me like this, you are dead, I will break your body into pieces, so that you will never be overborn!"

Ren Ming yelled, without the slightest conscious of being a prisoner.

This caused Qin Shaofeng's brows to frown slightly, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Who do you cares about me? Even if you are the prince of the three major royal clans in the Demon Realm, what influence can you have on me? You are a demon, and I am a human being. Use your identity as a demon to threaten my human race, I said devil boy, is there something wrong with your brain!"


Qin Shaofeng's words made Renming's heart angry again, but before he could speak out, Qin Shaofeng violently moved.

With a bang, Qin Shaofeng threw Renming directly in front of him, then lifted his right foot and stepped on his head fiercely.

"Don't you, me, you **** it, don't wait for you to break my corpse into ten thousand pieces, I will cut you alive now, little master, you better be quiet for me!" Qin Shaofeng said coldly! .

After Ren Ming was captured and fell into Qin Shaofeng's hands, Qin Shaofeng immediately sealed his inner world with the yin and yang holy flame in his body.

Except for the body of the great realm master, the strength in the body is exactly the same as that of ordinary people. How could it be possible to resist Qin Shaofeng?

Qin Shaofeng was still at the mercy of this, and there was still no room for resistance.

Suddenly being treated like this, Ren Ming was taken aback for a moment, as if he couldn't believe it.

He was actually stepped on by a human being?

What a shame!

This is simply the shame of his life!

"Ah-! Human, **** human, I must kill you!"

After being stunned for a moment, Blade Ming screamed at Qin Shaofeng fiercely, his face was hideous, and he was obviously angry to the extreme.

But no matter how he roared or struggled, Qin Shaofeng stepped on the cold floor beside the door of the Demon Cloud.

Especially Qin Shaofeng couldn't bear the snarling of Blade Ming, frowning slightly, and coldly said, "Be quiet!"


As soon as the voice fell, Qin Shaofeng's right foot used a slight force, and the next moment, Ren Ming felt a huge pressure on him, and directly suppressed him to the slightest, even speaking. Can't do it.

There were only sharp eyes, and he was full of spiteful anger at this moment.

Qin Shaofeng didn't care about the look in Renming's eyes. Qin Shaofeng just raised his head and looked at Heilao in the distance. He was waiting for Heilao's answer.

Hei Lao's face is extremely gloomy at this moment, and he naturally doesn't want to compromise in his heart, but what can he do if he can't compromise in the current situation?

In just such a short time, Old Hei thought about several strategies to save Eminence, but no matter which one was, Old Hei felt very unsafe.

Because if you are a little careless, Erming may be dead.

Hei Lao wanted to take advantage of Qin Shaofeng's unpreparedness and suddenly rescued Edge Ming.

But Qin Shaofeng had already opened the defensive formation of the Demon Cloud. At this moment, the entire surface of the Demon Cloud was covered with a protective cover.

The reason why Hei Lao attacked the Demon Cloud before did not hurt Qin Shaofeng because of the existence of this protective shield.

Although using the defensive ability of the Demon Cloud in this way would consume a lot of boundary crystals, the current situation has already made Qin Shaofeng unable to take care of that much.

"Humans, you are good!"

After being silent for a while, Old Hei spoke, and the tone of his speech made Qin Shaofeng know that the other party had chosen to compromise.

Sure enough, after the old man was released, he said: "Humans, the old man can assure you that as long as you release Master Blade Ming, the old man will let you go!"

"you promise?"

Qin Shaofeng smiled coldly, and said disdainfully: "Sorry, I have never believed in the guarantee of the Demon Race, and I have never had any confidence in your Demon Race's credibility! Let's talk about it..."

After that, Qin Shaofeng lowered his head and looked contemptuously: "Even if you promised it, are you sure you, Master Blade Ming, at my feet, will let you let me go safely?"

Hei Lao was silent. In fact, what Qin Shaofeng said were the thoughts in his heart.

He just wanted to fool Qin Shaofeng, and then after the blade became safe, he directly shot the man who made him feel aggrieved, directly frustrating his bones and ashes!

But obviously, his thoughts like this are destined to be unrealized, and Hei Lao now understands it.

"Then what are you going to do to spare my young master?"

Hei Lao said coldly, and at the same time quickly added: "The old man first made it clear to you that it is impossible to withdraw from the requirement of a million miles. If you really intend to think like this, the old man can only choose Take revenge for Young Master Blade Ming, and then return to the Blade Demon clan to take revenge!"

Hei Lao's meaning is actually very clear.

He has compromised, but it is not a complete compromise. Withdrawing one million miles, this is undoubtedly leaving the life and death of Eminence to this human being. What is the difference between this and letting humans directly kill Eminence?

This is Hei Lao’s idea, so if Qin Shaofeng really insists, he might as well shoot directly, because in this way, even if Ren Ming is killed by Qin Shaofeng, he can avenge Ren Ming, which is better than withdrawing a million. It's good.

Qin Shaofeng didn't really expect that the other party would agree to this request for withdrawing from a distance of one million miles. It was just sitting on the ground and raising the price.

Of course, if the other party can really agree, that would be great.

"Eighty thousand miles!" Qin Shaofeng said suddenly.

Hei Lao froze for a moment, then his face became gloomy, and he said in a low voice, "Humanity, you are enough!"

"Uh, 800,000 won't work?"

Qin Shaofeng directly ignored the black old man who had fallen into anger, gave a light hum, and said, "How about seventy-five thousand miles?"

"Why? Seventy-five thousand miles is not enough, then seven hundred thousand, can't be less."

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng seemed to have turned into a market hawker and began to pull.

But his behavior, whether it was the black old man in the middle of the air in the distance, or the blade Ming who was stepped on by Qin Shaofeng, were all abnormal anger!

"Three hundred thousand! Humans, I can go back three hundred thousand miles at most, whether you agree or not!"

He seemed to have had enough of Qin Shaofeng's pulling, but the old man couldn't help but suddenly gave a low voice.

"Huh? Three hundred thousand miles?"

Qin Shaofeng frowned, obviously dissatisfied with this number, but seeing that Hei Lao seemed to have some signs of madness, he immediately turned around and said: "Everything, 300,000 is 300,000, you give it now. I step back!"

Seeing Qin Shaofeng finally agreed, Old Hei was also relieved.

It was only three hundred thousand miles, not very long for him, and the treasure borrowed by Blade Ming was still on him now, but this treasure also possessed the ability similar to teleport.

Although using this ability, even the realm king himself could not consume it, directly consuming a large amount of boundary crystals.

But if this can capture this human being, no matter how much boundary crystal it consumes, it will be worth it.

"Humans want you to keep your promise!"

In the end, Old Hei took a deep look at Qin Shaofeng, then turned around and flew backwards instantly.

When the opponent hurriedly withdrew, Qin Shaofeng secretly ordered the Demon Cloud to prepare for a long space jump.

This old black man deserves to be a master of the Realm King Realm, and the distance of 300,000 li has been reached within a quarter of an hour.

Hei Lao stopped after one to three hundred thousand miles away.

Hei Lao didn't hide his aura at this moment, so Qin Shaofeng could easily sense the other's direction.

At this moment, the old man can also use some means to sense all the conditions here.

Seeing that Hei Lao had reached the place, Qin Shaofeng immediately kicked Ren Ming off the Demon Cloud without hesitation, and then immediately turned around and entered the Demon Cloud.

And the moment Qin Shaofeng kicked Renming off the Demon Cloud, the Hei Lao, who was thirty miles away, disappeared in an instant.

Moreover, after a short while, Old Hei reappeared and he had reached the position above the Demon Cloud.

At that moment, Heilao consumed a large number of boundary crystals and used the teleporting ability of that treasure.

This teleportation reached the sky above the Demon Cloud, and Heilao was a surge of power from the whole body, planning to launch an attack on the Demon Cloud.

But Qin Shaofeng seemed to have expected such a situation long ago, and he laughed out loud.

"Haha, the old man don't rush to attack me, hurry up and see your young master, it's too late if it's too late!"


Qin Shaofeng's words shocked the old man's mind, and he subconsciously looked at Jian Ming on the ground, only to realize that something was wrong with Jian Ming.

And Qin Shaofeng took advantage of this moment to make the Demon Cloud perform a space jump and jump away directly.

When I saw the Demon Cloud disappeared, Old Hei didn't even know that he had been tricked!

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