Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 992: Six star warrior

An hour later, in the depths of a small mountain peak, the Demon Cloud was quietly stopping here.

Inside the Moyun, Qin Shaofeng had already taken out the Treasure Treasure Space Disk and was about to open the base Treasure Treasure through the Treasure Treasure Space Disk.

This is not the first time Qin Shaofeng has opened this treasury space disk. At the beginning, Qin Shaofeng opened it once in the base treasury of the human battlefield base.

Only this time it was turned on, and besides a light curtain appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng, there was also a light ball with a diameter of one meter.

This light ball is a space point in the treasure house of the battlefield base of the contact race. If Qin Shaofeng exchanges items, the light group will contact the treasure house of the human base to open a space channel and exchange the things.

Similarly, if Qin Shaofeng sells something to obtain military merit points, he will also send the item to the base treasure house from the spatial channel opened by this light ball.

Qin Shaofeng was not in a hurry as soon as the treasure house space disk opened.

Because this time I used a four-star warlord, the privilege of using it for free once a month does not need to consume its own military merit points.

This is an hour's free time, and Qin Shaofeng is naturally not in a hurry.

However, Qin Shaofeng quickly took out the spoils he had gained during this time to exchange military merit points.

First Qin Shaofeng took out a storage ring, which contained the wealth of the old man.


The storage ring is put on the light ball, and it disappears instantly.

Then, before long, Qin Shaofeng felt that his military merits had increased.

Six thousand three hundred and seventy-two five thousand four hundred and sixty-three!

This is the military merit points Qin Shaofeng obtained after selling the things from the old black house.

More than 63 million, which is not far from the figure calculated by the Moyun.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't care much, and didn't seem to think much about the 63 million yuan.

This is natural!

Because Qin Shaofeng took out one after another, eventually exceeding a hundred storage rings.

These more than one hundred storage rings are all the trophies Qin Shaofeng has harvested during this time!

There are thousands of realm master demon races, more than two hundred great realm master demon races, especially among them, there are also a dozen or twenty great realm masters in the tenth realm, even the peak realm demon races.

Thousands of realm masters will not talk about it, even if an average demon has a net worth of ten to twenty thousand military points, that is twenty to thirty million!

In the end, as Qin Shaofeng expected, these thousands of realm demons brought him more than 30 million points of military merit!

However, the real highlight is the wealth of the more than two hundred great world masters behind.

The realm of the great realm master is different. Almost every great realm master's net worth finally allowed Qin Shaofeng to obtain seven to eighty thousand military merit points, and many of them even exceeded 100,000 or 200,000 military merit points!

But the real valuables are those demons with a level of seven or more of the Great Realm Lord. Except for a few poor ghosts, almost everyone has a net worth of no less than 500,000 military points.

Especially the more powerful Nine Layers and Ten Major Demon Races, almost everything in their body is worth more than one million.

And for the four Great Realm Masters who were killed by Qin Shaofeng with several punches, after Qin Shaofeng swept them all over, none of them had achieved military merit points less than three million.

It can be seen that the great realm masters of these four peak realms are also somewhat capable.

It's a pity that these were finally cheap to Qin Shaofeng!

As a result of the final sale, Qin Shaofeng obtained more than hundreds of millions of military merit points by the two hundred great realm masters alone.

Coupled with the contributions of the old man and the more than one thousand realm master realm demons, Qin Shaofeng's military merits have exceeded 200 million points at this moment.

"200 million military merit points!"

Looking at the series of numbers of his military merits, Qin Shaofeng's mood, at this moment, his heart could not help beating.

"How many resources can I exchange for 200 million military merit points!"

Qin Shaofeng let go of his eyes, wishing that Limala would come out of the treasury exchange list and start a big purchase.

However, Qin Shaofeng held back in the end.

Because even if you want to buy some resources, it will take a while.

Because compared with this, what excites Qin Shaofeng most is to upgrade his battlefield star.

There is no need for complicated procedures to upgrade your battlefield level.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng has already reached the six-star warrior promotion target. Now he just needs to communicate with the battlefield base to express his intention to upgrade his level. Then the battlefield base will update Qin Shaofeng's level.

After a while, Qin Shaofeng's status on the battlefield base changed.

No longer a four-star warrior, nor a five-star warrior, but a six-star warrior!


Race: Terran

Level: Six-Star Warrior

Cultivation: Sixth Layer of the Great Realm Lord

Military merit: 213,977,000,5623 points

It is rare for a six-star warlord in the six-level realm of the great world master to do so. Except for some talented or powerful disciples of the ancient saints, it is difficult for ordinary people to reach this level.

After being promoted to a six-star warrior, Qin Shaofeng can purchase more materials from the battlefield base. Qin Shaofeng can now buy some special pills and medicinal materials.

However, the thing that Qin Shaofeng cares most is the reward from the battlefield base for his level promotion.

Promoted to a four-star warrior will be able to obtain a reward for the first level of cultivation below the realm king level, and a five-star reward for the promotion of a double cultivation base.

The reward of the six-star warlord is to enable a master of the tenfold realm of the great realm to directly reach the pinnacle realm, that is, the realm of having three thousand realms.

This is what Qin Shaofeng really cares about, because with these rewards, he can be promoted to the realm of the realm king.

And because this kind of reward is tempered from the battlefield base, the purest power of the world, after the promotion, there are no side effects.

And the most important point, because everyone's situation is different, the energy needed to promote this level is also different.

For example, the immortal incarnation of Qin Shaofeng is a very special example.

Ordinary great realm masters are promoted to the peak realm of great realm masters. The abilities required for this are not enough for Qin Shaofeng to be promoted to the seventh level of great realm masters.

Perhaps because of the spirit of Yin and Yang Sacred Fire, Qin Shaofeng needs to consume a lot of energy.

But the battlefield base rewards are increased by one level, but there is no stipulation on how much world power it consumes. It is completely a level increase, no matter how much world power needs to be consumed.

This is also the reason why Qin Shaofeng eagerly wants to be promoted to the seventh-level realm of the great realm master, because once Qin Shaofeng has the seventh-level realm of the great realm master, the four-star warlord and the five-star warlord can add up to the promotion rewards, which can completely push his realm. To the tenth realm of the Great Realm Master.

As a result, the reward of the six-star warrior could enable Qin Shaofeng to reach the pinnacle realm of the Great Realm Master in one step.

Then, Qin Shaofeng still has a lot of Realm Gathering Pills, which is enough for Qin Shaofeng to march towards Realm King Realm.

It is also for this reason that Qin Shaofeng stopped the Demon Cloud to the depths of the earth at this moment, because he planned to retreat and prepare to attack the realm king.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know how long the system update would last.

But Qin Shaofeng knew that he could only improve the realm of his indestructible avatar as soon as possible, because only in this way, he could obtain huge rewards for his ultimate upgrade mission this time!

Extreme upgrade: special task, when the player is in a special stage, the system will automatically trigger this task.

Because the trigger time of this extreme upgrade task is affected by the player Qin Shaofeng's current situation and system updates. Therefore, the content of this extreme upgrade task is a special stage upgrade task.

There is only one mode for the upgrade task in this special stage, and players can only choose this mode for the task.

In addition, due to the particularity of this mission, there is no penalty for this mission.

Special stage upgrade tasks: special stage tasks, any final results will be rewarded by the system with the star rating.

One-star completion: Before the end of the system update, raise the eternal incarnation Yan Yang to the realm master state! Get 100 points of system exchange points!

Two-star Completion: Before the end of the system update, raise the Indestructible Incarnation Yan Yang to the Realm Lord's Triple Realm! Get 300 points of system redemption points!


Eight-star completion: Before the end of the system update, upgrade your own indestructible avatar to the pinnacle of the realm king! You can get 10,000 system exchange points, 10 skill points, and level up to 3 levels!

Completion degree nine stars: Before the system update is over, on the basis of completing the degree eight stars, upgrade any of the immortal incarnations you have to the emperor realm! You can get 30,000 system exchange points, 30 skill points, and level up to 5!

Ten-star completion: Before the end of the system update, let any one of the immortal incarnations enter Nirvana! You can get 100,000 system exchange points, 50 skill points, and level up to 10!

Regardless of the extreme upgrade mission this time, the completion of the eight-star elevating the immortal incarnation to the realm king state seems to be no difficulty.

Because Qin Shaofeng was about to enter the Realm King Realm now, it seemed that he was not far from the Realm King Peak Realm.

But this is not the problem. Indeed, with Qin Shaofeng's current situation, it is estimated that it will not take much time to raise this immortal incarnation to the realm of the realm king.

If it goes well, it will be a month or two.

But this time the requirement of the extreme upgrade mission is not only Qin Shaofeng this indestructible incarnation, but all the indestructible incarnations.

Because these are all mission requirements, one more can be promoted to the pinnacle realm of the realm king.

There is one more word, which means all immortal incarnations.

For this, Qin Shaofeng could not guarantee so.

Others are okay, but what worries Qin Shaofeng the most is that his first immortal incarnation, that is, the world incarnation, this realm seems a bit unusual, Qin Shaofeng doesn’t know what realm the world incarnation is at, and what the realm of the realm king is. Which state.

Therefore, it is difficult for Qin Shaofeng to raise the realm of all immortal incarnations.

That being the case, it is impossible for the completion of nine stars to reach the standard, because the completion of nine stars is based on the completion of eight stars!

On the contrary, there is no such requirement to complete the ten-star degree. It only requires any one of Qin Shaofeng's own immortal incarnation to enter the Nirvana realm.

This reward is richer, but it is also very difficult.

Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng felt that God still took good care of him, because this time the ultimate upgrade mission was completed with ten stars, under normal circumstances, it was difficult to achieve.

But after entering the battlefield, it was different.

Because of the existence of the battlefield base, Qin Shaofeng found that he had improved his strength, which seemed to be a shortcut.

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