Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 994: Breakthrough accident

Great Realm Master's pinnacle realm, three thousand levels of consummation!

As long as this three-thousand-fold domain of Consummation is molded to the Consummation Realm, it is to enter the Realm King Realm.

Isn't this distance from the Realm King Realm only a little bit behind?

Even Qin Shaofeng can directly integrate all fields and immediately complete his inner world.

After all, speaking of it, Qin Shaofeng's domain had already exceeded 3000Z.

If Qin Shaofeng wanted to, he would have entered the Realm King Realm long ago.

But such a shaped inner world is only a perfect inner world shaped with three thousand levels of perfection domains, which is no different from ordinary realm kings.

Qin Shaofeng didn’t want to choose such a path. Since he possessed the power of Yin and Yang, which caused his Great Realm Master to have a full 6,000 domains after his Consummation Realm, then Qin Shaofeng wanted to use these 6,000 Consummation domains to create a special Complete the inner world.

Thinking of this, Qin Shaofeng didn't start at the first time, but rather consolidated his current realm in preparation for breaking through the realm king.

But when Qin Shaofeng hadn't broken through the Realm King to prepare, he didn't know that at this moment in the battlefield base of the human race, because of his previous promotion, there was a lot of movement.

At this moment, in the human battlefield base, where the power of the pure world is managed, two old men with red and white hair are talking.

"Haha, I really got it right, this kid named Yanyang really absorbed so much power of the world!" One of the white-haired old men laughed with joy.

Another red-haired old man, when he heard what the white-haired old man said, his fiery brow raised and said angrily: "Huh, what are you proud of, this is even if you are lucky and stepped on shit!"


The words of the red-haired old man made the white-haired old man angry, but after thinking about it, he didn't say much in the end.

After all, today I finally found something that made me comfortable, and the white-haired old man did not expect to find such a person.

Not only did he use the promotion reward privilege three times in succession, he also upgraded from the Great Realm Master's seventh realm to the Great Realm Lord's pinnacle realm at once.

This is not the point, the point is that the other party actually completed it in a few hours.

The pure power of the world here is not the power of the general world, and it cannot be forcibly absorbed at all. Only when the realm reaches a certain level can it accommodate and absorb more world power.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, some people use the power of the world to open the channel with the treasure space disk to make subtle level upgrades, which will take some time.

The white-haired old man said that he had not encountered the situation where he was promoted from the seventh level of the great realm master to the peak state of the great realm master in four or five hours.

Well, it's just that after this ten thousand race hegemony battle, he hasn't met since staying here.

However, this is not the point. What really cares about the white-haired old man is that this kid named Yanyang, from the early stage of the Great Realm Master's seventh stage, until the Great Realm Master's peak realm, the power of the world absorbed by this is really too great. Horrible!

Because of so much power of the world, it is enough to allow more than ten great realm masters to rise from the first realm to the peak realm.

Such upgrade needs are ten to twenty times that of others.

Generally speaking, the more the improvement consumes the more world power, the more it proves that after this person is promoted, his strength is definitely stronger than other people in the same realm, and he is definitely a genius.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, this person is an ancient holy race, those geniuses with powerful bloodlines.

But the white-haired old man has already determined that this kid named Yanyang is just a disciple of an ordinary little sect in the ancient sanctuary.

Regardless of the fact that the young school was annihilated by a powerful demon, Yan Yang also escaped by chance.

Identity is no problem, then this is definitely a genius worth noting!

Because of such a discovery, the white-haired old man was very happy, so he didn't care about the red-haired old man's words.

Although he didn't care, the white-haired old man was still a little unhappy and said: "Forget it, I don't care about your red hair. I have to record this kid, and then look at his previous development, if appropriate, directly inhale that place. !"

"Well, it's okay, that kid has a chance!" The red-haired old man nodded, even if he complained about Yan Yang and let himself bet against the white-haired old man, the red-haired old man still agrees with the talent of the Yan Yang kid. .

However, soon he noticed something was wrong, and screamed at the white-haired old man.

"Damn old white man, who do you call Hongmao?"

"Whoever responds, I'll call it someone!"

"Damn old white man, you are looking for death!"

"Cut, even you red hair dare to say this?"

"Very good, old man white today I will let you see how good I am!"

"Who is afraid of whoever comes here!"


Boom boom boom boom!

Soon, a strong stock market broke out, and an earth-shattering battle broke out in this place.

But there seemed to be some special power in this place, and no matter how the two old men fought, they didn't have the slightest influence on the outside.

It's just that some of the guards guarding outside saw this scene with a helpless wry smile.

The two ancestors are fighting again!



Three days later, Qin Shaofeng was finally ready to break through the Realm King Realm.

Jujiedan is ready!

Because he was worried that a lot of strength would be needed to break through, Qin Shaofeng had also prepared a huge amount of Boundary Origin Marrow.

It is worth mentioning that in the process of breaking through to the pinnacle realm of the Great Realm Lord, Qin Shaofeng accidentally discovered that even if he did not deliberately control it, his inner world could quickly absorb the power of the world from the battlefield base.

Therefore, in the subsequent promotion process, Qin Shaofeng did not deliberately control and absorb those world powers at all, but let his inner world absorb it by itself.

During this period of time, Qin Shaofeng started to check the level of his six-star warrior, and was able to purchase a list of items in the base treasure house.

Because 30 million military merit points have been spent to maintain the transportation channel of pure world power, if Qin Shaofeng purchases materials during the period, he does not need to pay additional military merit points to open the space channel. This transportation channel can also transport items.

Qin Shaofeng took the opportunity to purchase a large amount of supplies.

Because the thirteen king savage beasts, although they have all been promoted to the realm of the great realm master, at most they are only the realm of the great realm master.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng spent tens of millions of military merit points and purchased a lot of training resources in order to promote these king brutal beasts as soon as possible.

Originally, Qin Shaofeng also wanted to buy some materials to make the Moyun evolve again and become a five-star intelligent flying boat.

But what made Qin Shaofeng helpless was that the price of the five-star material for the Moyun was too high.

Even if Qin Shaofeng now has more than 200 million military merit points, that is not enough.

According to Qin Shaofeng's estimation, it would take at least 300 million materials for the Moyun to evolve to five-star.

Therefore, there is no alternative, Qin Shaofeng can only consume tens of millions of military merit points, buy some materials for manufacturing mechanical puppets, and prepare to make the Demon Cloud make a few more mechanical puppets in the pinnacle realm of the great realm master.

Then, the remaining military merit points were used by Qin Shaofeng to purchase the origin of the world.

Although the world source marrow can only make it below the world king level and use it to improve the realm, even if it reaches the world king level, the world source marrow is still effective for the world king.

The Realm King Realm is to further strengthen the consummated inner world.

This strengthening is to enhance one's own world power. After it is worth having enough world power, then all areas of the inner world can be integrated. This is what happens after entering the emperor realm.

Jie Yuansui also has a lot of help in improving the power of the world.

Of course, if the realm king used the realm of the realm to increase the power of the world in his body, it would not be calculated on the basis of one drop or two drops, the amount needed would be terrifying.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng converted all the remaining military merit points into the essence of the world.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng is preparing to attack the Realm of Realm King, and he needs enough power from Jie Yuanmarrow.

Although a boundary gathering pill is enough, there is nothing bad to prepare more.

After getting ready, Qin Shaofeng began to break through.

Sitting cross-legged and swallowing the Jiejie Dan, Qin Shaofeng started to turn his eyes closed and ran the "Pill Sutra", using the yin and yang pill fire that merged with the power of Yin and Yang to refine the Jiejie Dan.

Because Qin Shaofeng discovered that if the Yin-Yang Pill Fire is used to refine the pill, not only can it be refined quickly, but even after the refining, the medicinal power obtained can be purified, allowing him to quickly absorb it.


Qin Shaofeng felt it as soon as the Yin-Yang Pill Fire began to refine the Jiejie Pill, and a surging force burst out of his body.

Following this force, Qin Shaofeng frantically ran the training route of the "Pill Sutra", and at the same time controlled the six thousand domains in his body to complete the inner world.

Because and only in this way, can I hit the Realm King Realm.

Boom boom boom!

There was a wave of vibration from the inner world in the body, and the surging power of the world continued to climb to impact that realm king.


If I continue at this speed, I will soon be able to break through to the Realm King Realm!

Feeling the changes in his body, Qin Shaofeng was slightly happy.

But the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's face changed drastically.

Because at this moment, Qin Shaofeng suddenly discovered that the power that burst out of his body had weakened a bit at this moment, and soon stopped.

That boundary gathering pill has been consumed!

"Why so fast?"

Feeling the situation in his body, Qin Shaofeng's face was slightly astonished, somewhat surprised.

Because how long did it take to use up a circle gathering pill?

Isn't it that the Great Realm Master's pinnacle realm can make 100% breakthrough by taking this Realm Gathering Pill?

But I have just entered the state, and there is no sign of breakthrough yet!

"Nima, this pill is fake!" Qin Shaofeng complained very uncomfortably.

But the complaint was a complaint, Qin Shaofeng didn't hesitate, and directly took out a Boundary Gathering Pill again.

However, after hesitating for a while, Qin Shaofeng's heart was ruthless, after swallowing this boundary gathering pill, he actually took out two boundary gathering pill again and swallowed it.

"I circled a cross. I don't believe in using the three Boundary Pills together. I can't break through!"

But half an hour later, Qin Shaofeng gave a ghost cry.

"Fuck Nima, three Boundary Pills are not enough? There are four of these together!"


It was still not enough. After obtaining three circle gathering pill again, Qin Shaofeng suddenly realized that he had not broken through.

Although the realm is closer to the realm of the realm king, he is still the pinnacle realm of the great realm master now!

Still haven't broken through to the Realm King Realm!

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