Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 998: Blade Cloud Dragon that appeared suddenly

The Demon Cloud is now just a four-star intelligent flying boat. Its ability to make mechanical puppets is at best a mechanical puppet in the pinnacle realm of the Great Realm Lord.

If you want to create a mechanical puppet of the realm king level, you have to wait for the Moyun to evolve into a five-star intelligent flying boat.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng's current plan is to make the Moyun evolve into a five-star intelligent flying boat as soon as possible.

Because only in this way, the Demon Cloud can create a mechanical puppet of the realm king level.

The Moyun has evolved into a five-star intelligent flying boat, and the required materials are worth 300 million military merit points!

During this period of time, Qin Shaofeng temporarily abandoned the idea of ​​entering the Realm King Realm, just to collect 300 million military merit points, and then buy enough materials to make the Moyun advance.

This is also the reason why Qin Shaofeng has been active during this period of time, looking everywhere for the Demon Team to kill.

Even in order to maintain the fastest speed to kill the demon clan team, Qin Shaofeng specially selects those teams that only have a realm king realm demon clan master to lead the team.

After this, even if it was the demon clan that did not chase Qin Shaofeng, they dare not have to be led by a realm king realm demon clan master.

Faced with such a situation, Qin Shaofeng was a little helpless, and in the end he could only choose the Demon Team of the Great Realm Master Realm.

In this way, the days passed, and there were countless demons who died under Qin Shaofeng's hands.

Just being the demons in the realm of the Great Realm Master is enough to exceed tens of thousands.

This is a terrifying number!

However, on this battlefield, let alone the great masters, there are countless demon masters in the realm of kings.

Although no one is like Qin Shaofeng, ascending to the realm king state in a very short time, although this is everyone's misunderstanding.

But in fact, this is also true, after all, Qin Shaofeng already has the combat power of the Realm King Realm.

Naturally, other demons and humans will not increase at such a speed as Qin Shaofeng, but basically on this battlefield, as long as they wait for the first half of the year, they can be promoted from the realm of the realm to the realm of the realm.

If he is being fierce, plus a little talent, daring to fight, one year is enough time to rise to the realm of the great realm master.

Then, if you are lucky, if you are lucky enough to survive two or three years, it seems that it is not impossible to become a master at the realm of the realm king.

Although this possibility was rarer than one in ten thousand, it was like He Chendong stayed for so long, and he was still only the realm master.

But with so many people, there are always some lucky people who can meet some opportunities.

And the number of humans and demons that entered the entire battlefield was unknown. Even if one hundred thousand domain masters could eventually become a realm king, it would be terrifying to pile up under a huge base.

This is not to mention the Great Realm Master!

Therefore, even though Qin Shaofeng slaughtered more than ten thousand great realm masters, it was nothing to the entire human-devil battlefield.

For real masters, not to mention dominating the realm, it is the fighting between the strong of the emperor realm. Once it is affected, the innocent people who are affected by the battle may have more than ten thousand great realm masters. !

Only ten thousand, this comparison is really nothing.

Even in the seventh domain battlefield, Qin Shaofeng's record is not ranked at all. At most, the nearby battlefield area makes Qin Shaofeng a little famous.

However, to Qin Shaofeng now, fame is not the most important thing.

Qin Shaofeng just wanted to evolve and gather the materials for the Moyun to evolve.

Although it is rare to kill the Realm King Realm, it is close to the center stage of the seventh domain battlefield here, and the Great Realm Master who can appear here has some strength.

Even if their wealth is not rich, it is because they have armed all their wealth on themselves.

Therefore, if you can kill a great realm master and sell his whole body armed with arms, it will also have a lot of military merit.

However, in this way, you must not destroy the opponent's armed equipment too much during the battle, otherwise the value will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, when Qin Shaofeng killed the Great Realm Master Demon Race, he was always striving for the fastest speed. If he could kill in a second, he would choose to kill in a second, so as to preserve the integrity of the opponent's body as much as possible.

In this way, Qin Shaofeng's rate of earning military merit points has obviously increased a lot.

In the end, after another three days passed, Qin Shaofeng finally made up enough, enough to buy the military merit points of the Moyun evolution materials.

Then, Qin Shaofeng looked for a very secret place, and after setting up a large hidden formation, he began to let the Demon Cloud evolve.

The evolution of the Demon Cloud is actually to devour a large amount of materials and strengthen itself, and the time required during this period is not short.

However, during this period Qin Shaofeng also let the Demon Cloud devour some from time to time, and the spoils he obtained, in fact, any spoils that can evolve the Demon Cloud or benefit the Demon Cloud, Qin Shaofeng has never been stingy. The Demon Cloud swallowed a lot.

Therefore, this time the time for the evolution of the Demon Cloud will probably be relatively short.

After all, the Moyun had swallowed a lot of supplies before. Although it might not be said that it was already close to the five-star smart flying boat, it was much stronger than it had just evolved to four-star.

During the evolution of the Demon Cloud, Qin Shaofeng began to delve into how to make his indestructible incarnation break into the realm king.

But after a few days of research, Jie Yuan Dan and Jie Yuan Marrow also consumed a lot, but Qin Shaofeng still had no idea.

"Oh! In my situation, how can I make this indestructible incarnation break into the realm king realm!"

After another failed attempt, Qin Shaofeng shook his head slightly and sighed helplessly.

But soon, Qin Shaofeng's mood improved for the two of them, because the Demon Cloud was about to complete its evolution, and it was less than half an hour.

It was precisely because of this situation that Qin Shaofeng woke up from his cultivation, and waited for the last time when the Demon Cloud evolved to a five-star.

But when Qin Shaofeng was waiting for the evolution of the Demon Cloud to be about to end, suddenly, with a fierce bang, the flying boat Qin Shaofeng was temporarily sheltering shook violently.

Because the Demon Cloud is in an evolutionary state, Qin Shaofeng naturally cannot stay in the Demon Cloud anymore.

However, the demons that Qin Shaofeng killed during this period were not in the minority. Naturally, he also acquired a lot of flying boats. Finding a flying boat to shelter temporarily is nothing at all.

Moreover, the flying boat Qin Shaofeng lives in is also a high-grade flying boat. Although it does not have the ability to hide its breath, because of Qin Shaofeng's large array, under normal circumstances, it will not be discovered by any demons.

After all, the Moyun is in an evolutionary state, and its detection capabilities are temporarily unavailable. Qin Shaofeng naturally paid more attention to hiding himself.

But what Qin Shaofeng never expected was that he was so secretly hidden that he was discovered by the demons.

The flying boat shook just now, it was obvious that it was hit by a certain powerful master.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know, he had already exposed!

I have been discovered by the demons~!

Because Qin Shaofeng clearly felt that there was a very unusual demonic atmosphere from the outside world.


Since it was discovered, there is no need to hide it.

Without hesitation, Qin Shaofeng jumped out of the flying boat and went directly outside.

But when Qin Shaofeng saw the demons attacking his flying boat, his expression became very serious.

There are not many demons attacking themselves, only two.

But the aura on these two demons made Qin Shaofeng like an enemy.

Obviously, the other party hadn't thought of hiding his own breath. Void stood facing Qin Shaofeng, his breath surging violently.

It was the breath of these two demons that made Qin Shaofeng feel the unprecedented pressure, and his expression became extremely solemn.

Because these two demons are masters of the realm king realm, and they are not ordinary realm king realm demons.

Because of these two demons, one is the Seventh Realm King and the other is the Five Realm King.

For Qin Shaofeng, whether it is sevenfold or fivefold, there is not much difference.

Because as long as the realm king realm surpasses the triple realm, Qin Shaofeng is under pressure.

Qin Shaofeng didn't have the slightest confidence to deal with a realm king realm master with five levels or more.

Because it was a powerful enemy, Qin Shaofeng didn't have any impulse, nor did he plan to escape for the first time.

It is impossible for Qin Shaofeng to escape directly because the incident happened suddenly, and the Demon Cloud was still underneath at the moment, and it was not put away by Qin Shaofeng, and even if Qin Shaofeng wanted to put away the Demon Cloud, it would be because the Demon Cloud was in a state of evolution. Can't put it away.

"Humans, you killed my brother Renming?"

Just as Qin Shaofeng's face was uncertain, the Seventh Realm King in front of Qin Shaofeng suddenly asked in a deep voice.

Blade Ming?

Qin Shaofeng's face changed, and suddenly he felt a bit fierce, and then he smiled bitterly in his heart.


Under Qin Shaofeng's induction, he felt very clearly that the two demon king realm masters in front of him were really the aura of the Blade Demon clan.

This made Qin Shaofeng feel very helpless, because the name Qin Shaofeng could not have imagined that after killing an Blade Ming, he was found by a master of the Blade Demon so quickly.

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng was also very puzzled. He was clearly not marked by the special Qi of the Blade Demon clan, but how did the eldest brother of Blade Ming find him?

Of the two Realm King Realm masters of the Blade Demon clan who appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng, one of them was the eldest brother Blade Yunlong.

As for the other person, it was naturally that of Renyu, and it was with Zhengyiyu that Renyunlong could find Qin Shaofeng so quickly.

No way, who told the Demon Cloud to swallow the compass refined by Jianyu, leaving the Demon Cloud with an aura that could be felt by Jianyu!

If the Moyun successfully evolves to a five-star smart flying boat, the remaining aura can be directly wiped out.

But unfortunately, I don't know if it was Qin Shaofeng's bad luck or too bad luck. When the Moyun was about to evolve and the last breath of the compass was wiped out, he was promptly sensed by Renyu to the specific location.

Then, there is no need to say more, as soon as he found Qin Shaofeng's location, Ren Yunlong couldn't bear it, and immediately shot.

With this shot, when Qin Shaofeng appeared, Ren Yunlong knew in his heart that the human being in front of him was the murderer of his brother, Ren Ming.

There is no reason, Ren Yunlong just relied solely on the feeling in his heart, so he decided.

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