Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 982: Cousin, become a real woman of cousin

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Under the "more explanations and more chaos" of Zhukong Mountain, most of these ladies and ladies have withdrawn their own porridge sheds and walked away with the popular people. I haven’t walked yet, but I’m holding it with suspicion and I’m not sure.

I wish that Kongshan is not in a hurry to let everyone withdraw at once. Now this situation is the best result. It is not so awkward to withdraw.

Even so, the people who ate porridge in the north of the city suddenly lost more than half of them. When the sacred head of the royal palace came back, the situation was completely puzzled. She would like to ask what is going on in the empty mountain. It can be seen that Zhukongshan is also a bitter face, and he knows that it is also a question. Only after returning to the government, I reported the situation here with the Eight Emperors. In exchange for Xuantianmo, I called Zhukongshan to the study room for a good inquiry.

However, Xuantian Mo is also very good. After wishing that Kongshan came in, he did not immediately say the thing in the north of the city, but he was concerned about the side of Zhufu. Especially for that Liu, it is a bite a mother-in-law.

I wish the empty mountain sneer, only the cousin's play is really not good, if it is changed, when she does not know the truth, she will be touched by it, and then continue to help him to do things. But now it is different, she clearly understands what Liu’s death is all about, and knows that she is nothing before the Eight Emperor. He is only using one of her minds, and the promises she has promised. As long as Liu’s sleep with the housekeeper, it disappeared.

In the face of Xuantian ink, her face is not as good-looking as before, and she does not want to have an ignorant and moving face. I wish the empty mountain has no patience, just cold and cold: "Thank you for your concern under the Eighth Hall, the mother is not guilty. People, can't afford to call the aunt, and ask the Eighth Highness to stop calling like this, so as not to tarnish your reputation."

Xuan Tianmo stunned, and the eyebrows wrinkled in an instant. "What do you mean by this?"

I wish the empty mountain look up at him: "How do you understand what you want to do under your Eighth Temple? What do you mean by that?"

Seems to be aware of what, Xuantian ink stared at the eyes of Zhu Kongshan for a long time without words, but in my heart is a few thoughts. The change of the north of the city today is related to this gimmick, but what did this gimmick do?

"Just because of an unscrupulous woman, do you want to stand in the opposite position with the king?" Finally, he opened his mouth and said: "This king and Liu family are doing this, it is for your good. If not because You are in Beijing, if it is not because the king wants to keep you around, and promise you a future. That is the little 妾 of Liu’s wishing house, you are the king who is willing to take care of this stupid thing? It is also a niece of the Liu family, and the status of the two maidens in the palace is a world of difference. You must be sensible in the empty mountain, you have to know that having such a biological mother will ruin your life."

I finally admitted it! I wish the empty mountain to look at this hypocritical prince, and could not help but laugh. "Use me, but kill my mother, and then I want to thank you again? Eighth Highness, you dare to say that after I have such a thing." Will you give me the future you said?"

"Of course!" Xuantian Mo said that he was not blind. "The king said that he is you, that is, you can't change anyone. So, empty mountain, you don't need to have so many miscellaneous thoughts in your heart, just remember, Everything that my cousin has done is for you, for the sake of our future. Do you understand?" He said as he stepped forward and stretched out his hand and wished the empty mountain in his arms. He is not stupid. He wants to take hold of the woman's heart. It is impossible to persuade that it is impossible. There must be further means. Now that we have talked about the future of two people, then he must have some practical expressions. The Huaizhong people were once again tightened a bit, and they listened to Xuantian Mou: "The king has always been unsatisfactory, even though he has talked with his cousin about the future, he has never been able to give you a solid foundation. Knowing what women like to listen to, they can only talk about the actual thoughts in their hearts. The cousin is clear and elegant, which man will not be tempted when he meets? The king is also tempted, just did not tell you. Empty mountain, believe cousin, cousin This is all for you!"

Zhukongshan was taken by him in his arms, and his mind kept turning over. She was thinking, if it was before Liu’s accident, the Eight Emperors would have such a position on her, she must be very touched? After all, which woman is looking forward to being placed in the heart of the favorite, and the Eight Emperors inherit the royal lineage and appearance, how can she not be tempted? Yes, she did have been tempted, and even more than once secretly imagined that she would sing with the Eight Emperors, but now, all of this seems to her to be a well-planned play, she is in his eyes. In my heart, like a fool, let it be at his mercy, in order to achieve his great cause, even her mother can kill. Even if Liu is damned, it should not be the Eight Emperors and Liu Jia.

I wish the empty hills sigh, and there is a bitter smile on the face. It’s too late to come here! However, I also understand that it is not necessary to completely dismantle the Eight Emperors at this time. She can’t be trapped in the royal palace, killing Liu and using herself. The price of the Eight Emperors is not enough now. She has further The plan needs to be implemented, and it is not the best time to turn your face. This person is not the most valued, then she will let the emperor fame.

"Cousin." Whoever plays, I wish the empty mountain is no exception, a cousin, tears in my eyes, but also I see pity. "I'm sorry, it's not empty. The empty mountain thinks that my cousin doesn't like me. I don't have a bottom in my heart, so I have a little temper. Please don't blame me, don't blame me, don't be angry with me, okay?" She looked up Look at him, his face is very pitiful.

Xuantian ink subconsciously raised his hand to touch this face, so the logo, so delicate, so beautiful, if there is no Liu's trouble, he put this woman into the room, how good! However... Xuantian ink evokes the lips and reveals a few deep smiles. If you don't do it right, don't be a queen, it's okay to be a small person in the income room. In the future, if you enter the palace, you will be able to seal up a noble person and you will not be able to live with her.

He thought of this, it was a stoop, and he would wish to empty the mountain and hug it. He was so scared that he wished the empty mountain to scream, but he heard Xuantian Mo said: "Relief, stay with the king, be the woman of the king. One day, I will give you a rich life. "Being a nobleman is also rich!"

I wish the empty mountain heart is a little shocked, she understands what Xuantian ink means, and he stayed with him as a cousin, and was promised such a promise, now Xuantian ink put her in the house, this is very normal. But... "Isn't the cousin to make me a good place for Wang Zhengzhen?"

Xuantian ink nodded: "That is natural."

"But since it is right, it should be done according to the rules of righteousness. Right now... In the end, it is not fair."

"What are you worried about?" Xuantian ink said something, but his movements did not stop, and he walked directly into the room of his study. It was a small bedtime. When he was tired on weekdays, he rested there. Today, he is going to make this wishful woman a woman. Woman, that's it. Once you lose your body, you can't be obedient. "The big hire will come to Zhufu one day in the morning and evening. The glory for you will not be less. The king wants you to marry the Shengwangfu. You will have to join hands with the king one day. Into the palace. Empty mountain, the king is now going to give you a reassurance, rest assured to be the woman of the king, everything you want, the king will satisfy you."

After the words are finished, the person has already put the woman in the arms on the bed, and the charm of Xuantianmo male is released in a moment. Even if the other side of the heart thinks, the empty mountain is almost lost in this situation. .

But she is in the heart of the care, not really touched and confused by such love words, but she also understands that this robbery can not escape. Once I escaped, it means that I will face the Eight Emperors soon. Her life is hard to say, and the plan to tear the reputation of the Eight Emperors can only be interrupted. The enemy can’t report it, and he has also caught up with himself. This sale is not worthwhile. Although she knows that her final end will definitely be a dead end, but since she is dying, why not drag this hypocritical cousin into the water? At least she had to personally ruin all the achievements she had made for this cousin over the past few months.

I wish the empty mountain closed my eyes, and I have already made a decision in my heart. I said in the mouth: "Everything is listening to the cousin, the heart of the empty mountain... only a cousin."

Xuantianmo is very satisfied with her state, watching this woman lying on her bed, eyes closed and waiting for his own fortune, he is thinking, and surely women in the world are all the way, regardless of how pure the surface In the same phase, once they are on the bed, they are all lambs to be slaughtered.

He smirked and leaned down, his clothes quickly removed, and a pair of big hands clasped in front of Zhukongshan. He violently used force to tear off her robes. I wish the empty mountain only feels cold in front of you, you don’t have to look at it, you know that you have nothing to lose.

On this day, from the afternoon to the evening, from the evening to the late night, she could not go out from Xuan Tianmo's study. Her cousin asked her again and again, and she also said it over and over again. When it comes to the end, even Zhu Haishan is skeptical that her judgment is a mistake. Xuantian ink really likes her, really Want to give her the right place?

But when she was tired and faint and shallow, she felt that the man got up and got out of bed. She squinted at her eyes, but saw that the man was watching her sneering lips and sneer. That kind of laugh made her chill, and her heart couldn't stop.

Soon, the account was put down, and there was a slight noise outside, like Xuantian ink was wearing clothes. Not long after, the man went out of the screen, and some people came in from outside. I wish the empty mountain to listen to the next person and ask: "His Royal Highness, will Miss Zhang be moved to your hospital in the future?"

"No need." Xuantian ink's voice came coldly. "But it's just a plaything. How can she live in the king's yard. Staring at her in recent days, don't make any trouble."

The little cockroach should quit with a sigh, and the person who pretends to be on the bed will hate to hold the fists tightly.

Plaything? Xuantian ink, one day, I want you to be a joke in the whole capital!

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