Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 984: Where did you get up and where to fall?

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Within three days, the same rumor was scattered in the streets of Jingcheng Street: the city’s charity was not made by the Eight Emperors. The Eight Emperors did not have a penny from beginning to end, but they took a good reputation and were uncompromising. hypocrite!

The rumor only said so much, the word does not mention the empty mountain, when this word passed to the ears of Xuantian ink, Xuantian ink has been smashed in the study for a hundred years. Then I hurried to find Zhukongshan to ask, but I wished the empty mountain but also anxiously said to him: "This thing is about to discuss with the cousin! Now on the north side of the city, all the official homes that have been together with porridge have already When I first withdrew, I thought it was because their money was not enough to support them. If they left, they would leave. If they did good deeds, they would always be willing to volunteer. They would not be strong. Later, I found that more and more people are going, and my heart is strange. In recent days, I have been walking around, and I have inquired about the real reasons for the official’s withdrawal of the porridge shed, but I did not expect it to be because of my cousin."

"Because this king?" Xuantian ink does not understand, "Why are they leaving to stay with the king?"

"Oh!" I wish the empty mountain pretending to be anxious. "How can the cousin not understand it? The official has been using the silver to follow the porridge with me. The royal family has never given a compensation for them. However, the good reputation still makes us occupy this head. Two days a day, and for a long time, how can these people not grieve? Under my questioning, there is more than one person who told me that the Eight Emperors are too stingy and too overbearing. The work of paying for the money thinks about them, but when it comes to good, it never touches their side. They followed the rice for so long, but they didn’t get a little practical advantage, and they didn’t rise in one official position. So I can't keep going."

Xuan Tianmo looked angry and said, "If you do such a thing, you want to promote the official position? They dream!" Then think about the rumors in the street, don't ask, naturally it is from those official homes. He had long thought that the people in the small official position could not rely on it. Although there were daughters in the palace who were bullied by the clouds, they had not appeared for decades, but most of them were the ranks of the nobles, which could not be a big event. And those who are in the position, those who are in the position of one or two official positions, he can not get caught up, this is his biggest shortcoming. "Everyone has withdrawn?" Xuantian ink asked the empty mountain.

I wish the empty mountain nod. "There is nothing left."

"Well." He pondered for a while, then said: "After five days, the king personally went to the north of the city, and at the same time brought the winter clothes prepared by the mother-in-law, and then you arrange it."

I wish the joy of the empty mountain pass, and quickly nodded: "Empty mountain remembers, cousin rest assured, everything in the north of the city will be arranged." Finished, and looked at Xuantian ink, rosy on the face, "Cousin tonight Is it here?"

Xuan Tianmo waved his hand. "I have something tonight, you should rest early!" Then he turned and left.

Until he walked out of the yard, I wished the empty mountain a sigh of relief. Xiaoyu helped her to sit back in the chair and worried about the truth: "Miss, what if we do what was found by the Eighth Hall? Will he..."

"Will you kill us?" She sneered. "Of course it will kill, and it will make me die very badly." During the conversation, I clearly felt Xiaoyu stunned. She quickly and comfortably said: "You can rest assured that I have Arranged for you, before I have an accident on this side, I will arrange for you to leave the capital." Saying, he reached out and took out fifty or two silver tickets. "You take it well, I will still go before leaving." Give you one hundred and two, and you will also prepare some broken silver for you to use on the road. You have these money on your body, enough to find a place to stay away from Beijing and Pengzhou to live a good life. In addition, your sales contract will also be together. Return it to you, you will be free in the future, wherever you want to go."

When Xiaoyu heard this, his heart could not help but be excited. At the same time, he was grateful for the empty mountain. She knelt down and said: "Miss, slave is your jealousy, willing to serve the lady for the rest of my life, life and death!"

Life and death? I wish you a sneer in the heart of the empty mountain. There is nothing in life and death in this world. Although Xiaoyu is loyal, it is impossible to die with the main family. Of course, she did not intend to really let this gimmick live a life, can not be with the master and honor the common people, what is the use? But now is not the time to turn her face, she still has a lot of things to do this gimmick to help complete, but also to prevent her from going back to the Eight Emperors. However, five days later, after five days, as long as the Eight Emperors took the clothing of the Yuangui people to the north of the city, everything was over.

The rumors in Beijing are still spreading, and the Eight Emperors gradually became estranged from the officials who attached themselves. At the end of the city, under the guise of the temple, the poor people all know that the porridge rice they have eaten is the money that Mrs. Zhu’s one has, and it has nothing to do with the Eight Emperors. And those who participated in the porridge, they came here, is directed at the Eight Emperors, the reason why they left, but also because of the Eight Emperors. Because the Eight Emperors had promised that they would give money, but the results were not written, so those people were withdrawn.

The gimmick of the Shengwangfu, which is next to the Zhukong Mountain, is very puzzled. This is where the argument came from. The Ming Dynasty’s royal family has made a lot of money. How can it become a rumor in these rumors? She asked doubtfully about the empty mountain. What is going on, I wish the empty mountain just shook her head and said that she was not clear, and told her: "The cousin is also checking, I hope to find out the truth!"

In front of the people, Zhukongshan kept telling people that these rice grains were bought by Shengwangfu, but people should bear it on the surface, but they are saying in the back: "Miss Zhu Jia is really pitiful, if not When the Eight Emperors said good things, they would be beaten back to the Shengwang Palace. Hey, such a good girl, how can it be so bitter?"

The middle of the wind in Beijing is changing. It’s normal to see it in Feng Yu’s eyes. She even sneered at it. She only said: “I thought they could keep this winter, but they didn’t expect it. So soon I have to withdraw from the table."

Huang Quan said: "In the view of the slaves, it is good to disperse early, or not to listen to the praises of the eight emperors throughout the day, and the nausea is disgusting."

Feng Yu laughed at her: "You can't bear it. If you hate it, don't be disgusting. Let's not lose a piece of meat. If you don't eat a lot of food, you can boast it. Remember, it is often held higher. People, the more they fall, the more they fall. I want to see, I wish that the empty mountain can make this thing happen, and how should the old eight go."

Forgetting Sichuan and Huang Quan did not think about it. She asked Feng Yuxi: "Miss, if the Eight Emperors are going to have another accident, will the emperor severely punish? The so many things before, the jade mine, and the enemy in the south, have been given by the Eight Emperors. Covering the past, slaves, the emperor's attitude is also one eye closed, then this time? If the emperor is still that attitude, we can be white."

This worry has also been Feng Yuxi, in the contest with the Eight Emperors, she has been passive in this side, the other side is the deduction of her and then to unbutton, see the move. The attitude of Emperor Wu of Heaven is indeed like that of Forgetting Sichuan. If the previous matter is strictly investigated, she does not believe that she can't find out, so the big sin, she does not believe that Lao Ba can be as arrogant as today.

But the emperor will not be strict, and give the old eight the opportunity to continue to develop. She also saw it early. This old Tianwu Emperor is now ready to sit and watch the tiger fight, just want to see what the two tigers fight, and finally which one can climb to the top. This is a cruel game. She is unwilling to play with her, but she is helpless. Xuantian is in the position of the emperor, and she can’t retreat. In this world, Xuantian Ming wants to guard, she can only stay with her. One day I will see the difference, she should come up with the fighting spirit against the Feng family.

Feng Yuxi gave himself a boost, and then he said: "And look at it, there is a wishing mountain, and the old eight is afraid that it will not be a few days. Cheng is also his cousin, defeating himself. The cousin, this is also a report, where to climb and where to fall."

A few days later, the Eight Emperor Xuan Tianmo sat in the palace car, carrying a fleet of ten carriages, heading north of the city. Zhu Kongshan has long told the people in the north of the city to tell everyone that today the Eight Emperors will come here to visit everyone, and also brought the new cotton coats made by the palace and the palace ladies in the palace. And repeatedly stressed: "This time it is really Yuangui people out of their own money, just to let everyone put on a new winter coat, the nobles spent a few nights in the palace did not sleep!"

These words have long been infiltrated into the ruins of the temple, let us believe that under the pressure of the recent rumors in Beijing, the Eight Emperors finally want to do something real. She also told us that this is also a good thing, and it is always good for the people to get benefits.

When she got her words, we also told people that this was really the power of the Yuangui and the Eight Emperors, so people followed and believed that they were waiting for the arrival of the Eight Emperors.

Xuantian ink came to the north of the city on this day. Not only did he bring a new winter coat, but also brought food for several big cars, and brought the chefs of Shengwangfu. The scene gave the people cooking and cooking, and also made new ones. The tableware, personally for the poor, toss a day, is very lively.

The people ate a good meal and got new clothes. For a time, they had offset the belly of the Eight Emperors in the past few days. Some people even deeply blamed themselves and felt that they were wrong.

Until the sky became darker, Xuan Tianmo took the person away. When he left, he said something to the people, but he promised to people: "As long as Shengwangfu can afford to eat, it will not I will watch you go hungry."

After Xuantianmo left, I wished the empty mountain to leave behind, and said to the people who had received the new winter clothes. "It’s going to be in Laba, these days are very cold. If you get new clothes, don’t keep them. Everyone. Wear it all, and never freeze at night."

People nodded again and again, especially those who lived in the temple, these days are really cold enough, even if the charcoal pots in the temple can not solve the practical problems. So people put on the newly-worn winter clothes and prepared to wrap them at night. At least psychologically, the new clothes must be warmer than the old ones. At least cotton is new and thicker.

Zhukongshan saw people wearing them, and they smiled on the face. They kept saying: "Everyone likes it, Yuangui is not too busy. The Eight Emperors look down on the poor people in the north of the city today. It’s not easy to come here personally."

When the words were finished, the hearts of the people sneered. Think again, no, today, all eight days, the Eight Emperors did not show a slight smile.

People passed this winter night with a complicated mood. I thought that with the new clothes, it would be warmer, but I didn’t expect that the next day, there was a bad news in the north of the city - nearly one-third of the poor, hey, in this night It was frozen to death!

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