Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 993: What exactly does this mean?

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Under this knife, Feng Yuyu stood up directly from the chair, and half of the body went out to the window. She was scared that Xuantian song thought she would jump off the building and quickly took the person from behind. [Super good looking novel]. Wщw. Update is fast. 679 novel, .□.≠o

Just listen to Feng Yuxi said: "It is Zhang Yuan! Actually Zhang Yuan!" She heard the familiar voice, it is the little **** Zhang Yuan who is always with Tian Wudi. However, this **** is not in the palace to accompany the old emperor. At this time, it is a few meanings to go to the execution ground to call the knife to stay. Are you in the last second of the rescue?

The supervisor, Xu Jingyuan, also wondered if this was a few meanings. As a member of the old seven-nine team, he really wanted to rush the eight princes, but did not expect that the last moment, the task will soon be reached. However, it suddenly took a spoiler, but it was Zhang Yuan.

Xu Jingyuan only felt that one of the first two was big, and Zhang Yuan was the near-serving **** of Emperor Wu of Heaven, but everything he participated in expressed the emperor’s personal involvement. Intuition tells him that this eight emperor is afraid that he will not be able to.

In the thoughts, Zhang Yuan’s horse has arrived. He refused to go down from the horse and looked at the eight emperors who were still alive. The eyebrows were wrinkled. It’s not like being lucky that this person is not dead. "Is it too early?" Not only did he frown, he looked up at the sun and glanced at the sundial on his side, okay! It’s just right, why didn’t he take another step! If it is a step slower, the Eight Emperors have been desecrated, how good.

Zhang Yuan reluctantly sighed and raised the sacred hand in his hand, rushing to Xu Jingyuan: "The emperor has a purpose, and the case of the Eight Emperors is re-examined. Now Xu Daren is immediately sent back to the palace, and the emperor must personally summon."

Xu Jingyuan took a quick step from the stage of supervision and went to Zhang Yuan’s incomprehensible question: “Yuan Gonggong, what is going on in the end? How do you have to re-examine this part? Have you already tried it clearly? ”

Zhang Yuan shook his head helplessly. "The family is also a mind with Xu Daren, but this is indeed the imperial purpose." He looked at Xu Jingyuan, and immediately came down and came closer: "These days are eight The emperor’s business, the emperor is not a tea, the people are thinning a big circle. The night before that Liu Cai 'female' came, the emperor did not know how to meet, the two said the meeting, the original There is nothing, but I don’t know why, the emperor suddenly changed his mind, and he just drove the minions out of this sacred purpose. Xu Daren, everything went into the palace to see the emperor and say it again! Now you ask the family, the family also said Not clear."

Xu Jingyuan took the sacred decree and stared at the ‘Jade’ seal on the top. The heart was very complicated. [Super good-looking novels] At this time, the eight emperors Xuantian Mo heard the conversation between the two, knowing that Zhang Yuan’s imperial edict was to save his imperial edict. He could not help but laugh. “I saw it! I have already said After, I lost, and you won't win! As long as I don't die, there will be 10,000 kinds of possibilities! Xu Jingyuan, go back and tell your master, the next person who is taken to the execution ground, maybe he is him! Hahahaha !"

He laughed so madly that he had the glory of the rest of his life.

On the second floor of the tea house, Feng Yu’s double fists were held, and a silver tooth was almost crushed by him. "Does this ‘get’ not kill him? Why is this?”

No one can answer her why, because no one understands, no one can understand. Xuan Tiange also stood in the window for a long time. At this time, he could only say one sentence: "Auntie, your premonition is really accurate!"

Fengtian ‘Jade’’s thoughts are more delicate. At this time, I’ve pulled the corner of Feng Yu’s clothes and whispered: “Auntie, look, is that Zhang Yuan looking for someone? Who are you looking for?”

A few people looked down and saw that Zhang Yuanzheng looked around and looked like he was looking for it. And Xu Jingyuan had already followed the meaning of the sacred purpose, and returned the eight emperors back to the prisoner car, and slowly went in the direction of the palace.

All the people who came to observe the punishment were very motivated. Most of them were from the poor people in the north of the city. They were all eager to see the death of the Eight Emperors to comfort the dead souls. It was about to happen, but I didn’t expect to kill a sacred decree. People really want to ask Zhang Yuan about what this is all about. The person who can be Zhang Yuan’s identity, although he is physically and mentally low-lying, has the most direct connection with the palace, and there are many people who want to ask questions. After a few minutes, no one took the lead, and no one dared to ask.

Someone spontaneously followed the prisoner car and wanted to know the final result of the incident. Gradually, there were fewer people at the end of the execution, and soon there was only Zhang Yuan and the cleaning official. Zhang Yuan was still looking around. Finally, when he looked up, he and Feng Yu's gaze were right. He saw him squatting and waved at Feng Yu, and signaled them down.

Feng Yuxi came out of the tea house with a few sisters. Zhang Yuan quickly greeted him and looked at the people who were not around. He just took a step closer to suppressing the voice and said to her: "Wang Hao, the palace is afraid of an accident. ”

"What happened?" Feng Yu was shocked. He didn't understand Zhang Yuan's words. "What can be done in the palace?" The Eight Emperors have been detained, and it is difficult for him to have any remaining party to go to the palace. Threatening the Emperor Wu of Heaven? That's impossible! Xuan Tianming and Xuantianhua have already made preparations for all things. The ‘doors’ of the parties’ palaces will never be able to put in suspicious people, and there is absolutely no possibility that there will be a party of the Eight Emperors in the palace. Of course, in addition to his mother-in-law, Liu Cai, a woman, can be a woman, what can she do?

Zhang Yuan's 'color' is very worried. He said to Feng Yuxi: "There have been many people, and the slaves did not dare to say anything to Xu Daren. In fact, the emperor fell ill from last night, or suddenly became ill. The Zhaohe Temple declared the doctor, did not detect the abnormal disease, only said that the emperor was rushing to attack the heart and need to rest. They analyzed that it was because the emperor on the Eight Emperors got on fire, but there is no way to do it. Only the 'drugs' that can be relieved are used first. But the minions always feel that things are not that simple..."

When he said this, Feng Yuyi waved his hand to stop his words, and then turned to Xuan Tiange and said, "I am going to the palace right now, are you going?"

"Go!" Xuantian sang, "Since the emperor is ill, then I must go to the palace to see."

She expressed her attitude. The Fengtian ‘Jade’ and Ren Xifeng immediately said that they had to go home first and talk to their father at home. This matter can be big or small. As a general and a right-hand, their father cannot but know.

Feng Yu nodded and said: "That line, I will sit in your palace car! Far Gonggong, you are together, tell us something on the road." This arrangement arranged her, she turned back to the Forgotten Road: "You quickly return to the palace to pick me up the 'medicine' box." Then he took off his waist card and handed it to Forgot: "If you don't catch up with us, take my waist card and enter yourself." Palace, look for me at the head of Zhaohe Temple. Xuantian should have already got a letter to the palace, let us not delay, and immediately go."

Several people said that they acted in action and immediately separated. Feng Yuqi took Zhang Yuan and Huang Quan on the palace car of Xuantian Tian, ​​and rushed all the way to the direction of the palace. Zhang Yuan also said his analysis to them in the car: "I want to say that the emperor got angry because of the eight emperors. That is certain. But I have only learned from the emperor for so many years, he is not getting angry. As for the ups and downs. If you retire 10,000 steps, even if you are sick, you will not be able to get such a sacred purpose at this festival."

"Why did the emperor decree in the end?" Xuantian Tian asked with an eyebrow. "You just said that the emperor met Liu Cai's 'female'? But what did Liu Cai's 'female' ask for?"

Zhang Yuan shook his head. "The emperor has seen Liu Cai 'female'. I didn't want to see it, but later I thought that Liu Cai 'female' would soon have no son, and she felt sympathy. This was the side. At that time, the slaves were also present. Liu Cai 'female' is asking the emperor to give the eight emperors another chance. After being rejected by the emperor, she just cried, and nothing else was surprising. But at noon today, he is not very good. Suddenly, like a konjac, I suddenly sat up from the dragon couch, and I grabbed the slave, and said, Xiaoyuanzi, go to the purpose, let the punishment department release people! You can’t kill your son, you can’t let The old eight is so dead, he is the son of aunt!" He learned the way of Emperor Wu of Heaven, and his voice was full of emotions. "At that time, the slaves were confused. How can they say that they have to be released at this time? The feelings of the emperor and the eight emperors are not so deep! The performance of the emperor... or like a slave, like a konjac In general, the neck of the slave is asking for the purpose. The slave can't do it, the emperor has to go, and this is what happened today."

"So, this decision is suddenly between the father and the emperor?" Feng Yuxi heard some 'doors', "and you said that before the next will, he is like a demon, that is, consciousness Not very awake, at least different from the state on weekdays?"

Zhang Yuan nodded: "This is what it means. When the words are disrespectful, when the slaves hear the emperor say this, the heart thinks, is the emperor crazy? Or is the dream been stunned by dreams? This is not his A common style!"

Indeed, Tianwu has always been doing things neat and arbitrarily, even if it is somewhat indecisive in dealing with the disputes between the sons, it is not enough to make such a thing today. "The things are not always the demon, the father is afraid that not only is it so sick, there must be something else in the head."

Zhang Yuan was anxious to sweat on his head. "Wang Hao, the cat is not greasy, the slave is a small eunuch, and the 'get' does not understand. The slave is to know that the emperor's body will not have anything?" Followed by Emperor Wu of Heaven, although there was the old **** of Yuwangfu at that time, but he was a master and apprentice, and the old **** took him at that time. Zhang Yuan is not afraid of anything. The most feared thing in this life is what happened to Emperor Wu of Heaven. If the old emperor is gone, how can he live? When I thought of it, I was so anxious to cry.

Xuantian songs have to raise the 'legs' and swear at him: "What are you crying? If something is going to solve the problem, what is the use of crying?" After that, look at Feng Yu, "Auntie, what do you think of this?" ”

Feng Yuqi shook his head. "I don't know. I don't know yet. Everything has to wait until I see the father and the emperor. I can only draw conclusions. It's just that this is not easy. The Eight Emperors are in danger. If they get back, I am afraid that it is not good for us."

"I am really worried about the uncle's illness." Xuantian song is also anxious to scream, and keeps chanting: "God bless, must make the emperor good, but never go out!"

Feng Yu slammed his eyes slightly, and there was a bad premonition in his heart.


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