Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 996: The emperor, you are still a knife.

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The palace is strictly guarded, but that is for others, there is basically no place in the world where Feng Yu wants to go and can't go. There is room for cheating on that side. She can say that it is unobstructed, including a big living person with Xuantian Tian. That is just to add more care, no other difficulty.

Both of them are people with particularly high vigilance, especially Xuantian, with internal strength, very good ear power, and strong night vision. Especially, he is more familiar with the palace, so walking, even He came to command Feng Yu.

When the two arrived in the scope of the Moon Palace, they found a corner to appear. Xuantian Ming quickly pointed out several directions to her, and then whispered: "There are people in those places, not the female guards of the Moon Palace. But from another power."

At this moment, there are other forces in this palace. It can only be the Eight Emperors or Yuan Shuzheng. Feng Yu’s eyebrows are tightened, so strict defense, what exactly is the Eight Emperors doing? Do you still want to control Tianwu Emperor, until one day the time is ripe, do you directly seek power?

She no longer stayed, took Xuantian Ming into the space, and then said: "Let's go to the palace to see the mother's shackles, I always feel that it is thanks tonight, if I wait for some time, I am afraid that it is also in the cold palace. Not safe."

Xuan Tianmu was deeply impressed by this, followed by Feng Yuxi and poured a few rounds back and forth in the space. Finally, the two stood behind the screen of the Yunxiao Palace. Feng Yuqi took the initiative to bypass the screen and wanted to call Yunxiao, but found that this person was not on the bed.

He hurried back to Xuan Tian and shook his head. At this time, he heard the footsteps of the palace people outside the door, followed by the dialogue. There was a palace lady who asked the gatekeeper: "Isn't the girl still sleeping?"

The lady of the palace answered: "I haven't seen you."

Then he sighed and said: "I heard that I was sitting at the moon watching the stage from the squatting. I was too late to come back when I was squatting. I was really worried about the body of the girl."

The lady said: "There is such a thing in the palace, the goddess is not happy in the heart. Don't look at the emperor before I saw the emperor, although I have seen it now, I can go to the emperor to go out, but we have seen the empress for so many years. Do you understand? The goddess has the emperor in his heart, but he can't twist his own heart. The slaves thought that the emperor was really sincere to our goddess, but now it seems..." She paused and then said: "Speaking If you are disrespectful, you can't see it for more than 20 years. The emperor can think about it every day. But once you see it, it will be a long time, but it is just the same thing. The emperor is a man. The fish is hooked and he does not feed the bait. ”

"Oh, this is what you said in the Moon Palace. If you go out, you can't talk about it." The lesson of the palace, "In the end, it is the emperor, the master of the world, and now the harem has changed Yuan Shuzhen." If you still want your own head, you have to give this mouth a strict control. If you can't keep it, the words will be passed outside, and the little life will be gone."

"Oh, that's right." The voice of the palace lady began again. "The slaves are just for the sake of our mothers. If they go out, they will not talk about a word."

The two people in the room listened to such a dialogue, and their hearts were also uncomfortable. Although they simply do not believe that Tianwu Emperor will be such a person, do you believe it? Everything was done, and even from the mouth of Emperor Wu of Heaven, he said that he wanted to pass the throne to the Eight Emperors. Feng Yuxi has a question that has been lingering in his heart and dare not say, is this Tianwu, or Tianwu?

"Let's go to the platform." Xuantian smacked her, and looked worried: "From the squat, I started drinking, and I don't know what it is like now."

In fact, Yunxiao has a good amount of alcohol, and it is not a high-quality wine that she drinks. It is just plum wine. Although it has been drinking for a long time, it is not drunk. However, there was still some drunkenness. At least when Xuan Tianming and Feng Yuzhen stood in front of her, she asked awkwardly: "Who are you two? How come in?"

There are female guards hiding around Yunxiao, and she is always protected. The latter question women guards also want to ask, how did the nine princes and the nine kings come in? However, these female guards were all cultivated by Xuantian and Xuan Tianhua. It is the apprentice of his two men. It is normal for the master to be more powerful than the apprentice. Therefore, they only have to be less skilled in their own skills, and they have no idea what to do. It’s your own people who come in and out, how do they come in! Not in the way.

Feng Yuyu sat down in front of Yunxiao and sat down. He reached out and took the glass in his hand and put it on the ground. This said: "Mother, it is the temple of the nine and the aunt!"

Yunxiao likes to sit on the ground while drinking alcohol on Guanyuetai. This place has a ground dragon, which is similar to the geothermal energy of later generations. It is very warm. When I heard Feng Yu’s words, Yunxiao responded for a long time, until Feng Yu’s mouth stuffed something into her mouth. Sweet, she only took a while to wake up a little, recognize the two, but still not Explain the question: "How come you come in the middle of the night?"

Xuan Tian has turned a blind eye. "Of course, it is stolen. Nowadays, there are people in the palace everywhere. It is just outside the Han Palace, and there are no fewer than ten secret guards. In addition to this, there are also big teams. The Yulin army kept walking around, and the guards were strict."

"Hey!" Yunxiao sucked on the things in his mouth again. He wanted to express some opinions on the things of the Eight Emperors, but he was attracted by the sweet things in his mouth. She asked Feng Yuxi: "You give this What does the palace eat?"

Feng Yuxi said: "The mother-in-law is at ease, but it is just a candy for hangover. Hearing the palace said that the mother-in-law has been drinking from the squatting platform, and when she is over, she can’t drink any more. Think about the body."

Yunxiao nodded, did not continue this topic, but took the initiative to mention the things in today's palace, she said to the two: "I told you that this house of evil, these three days, evil is very powerful."

"Where does the mother say this?" Feng Yu asked Yun Yun, "but what did you see?"

Yunxiao thought for a moment and said: "The old man didn't come here today, but he came here yesterday. The spirit is not very good. He was eating well, eating and eating suddenly said a headache, holding his head on the ground. Two or three rolls, scared me to ask for a doctor. But after the doctor came, he was better, like a normal person. The strange thing is that he did not admit that he had just had a headache and rolled over, saying It is the palace that is teasing him. Who has the time to take this to tease him? You said, is this evil?"

"Sudden headache, then don't admit it?" Feng Yu's eyebrows wrinkled. "I'm afraid not to admit it. Is he forgetting himself? Or maybe...I don't know?" She shook her head, and Tao: "This is also my guess, there is no chance to blame the father of the present, saying that everything is speculation."

"You don't live in the palace." Xuantian opened his mouth and said to Yunxiao: "The seven brothers have already packed up, and I am here to pick you up tonight, you live in the seventh brother. For a while, we are also assured."

"Why?" Yunxiao raised his eyebrows. "Of course I want to go. No one is letting me go. Now I let me go out of the palace?" She was not convinced, and felt that if she left now, she would be afraid of Yuan Shuzhen. Joke, who is she afraid of in this palace? But think again, if you don't go? Will be said to fall out of favor, with her understanding of the palace, even if she did not step out of the moon palace gate before, but before it was before, now changed, it will be said that there is no face, because the moon palace has It’s almost like the cold palace. Or, she is not willing to be said, do you want to fight with Yuan Shuzhen? That's even worse. For the woman's big pile of old men to fight with people, it's not something she can do. So she turned and sneered, "Oh! The old man has a happy woman, and he will not wait to see the moon palace again. So, no matter if the palace is not in the palace, it is not so much for him now. It’s important. Ok, then the palace is gone. Anyway, this palace is enough.”

After a series of ideological struggles, Yunxiao finally nodded and went out with the two, but could not take her away so clearly. Feng Yuxi said: "The guards in the palace are strict, we still have to make some preparations. Auntie will send her mother to sleep and go to rest, wake up the wine, wait for us to arrange everything, and immediately take you out of the palace. Ok?"

Yunxiao nodded and said: "Then you can hurry up! This broken place is in the palace for a while."

"The mother is relieved." She smiled and said, and then went to bed with Xuan Tianming.

All the people in the Moon Palace are Xuan Tian Ming Xuan Tianhua, absolutely reliable. For the nine-night prince and Wang Hao who came to the palace in the middle of the night, people were surprised, but no one was surprised. Especially when I heard that they want to take the cloud out of the palace, it is everyone's approval. At this moment, the cloud is still going out to distract, so it’s not a good idea to go to the palace.

It is said that the mother-in-law went to bed to wake up, but Xuantian Ming directly used a mere drug to let Yunxiao sleep again. Feng Yuying stared at the residual powder in his hand and pumped his mouth. He knew that this was something that the ancients used to do. This made her think of the bad guys who took the flowers in the later generations. When they reached for a beat, they could take the children to take the initiative. They go, think about what should be the same effect.

Yunxiao fainted, she immediately put people in the space of the lounge, Xuan Tian Ming outside told the female guards to keep the secret, no one can let the cloud out of the palace to leak out, this is with Feng Yu He left in a hurry.

The women’s guards did not understand that when they left, they were obviously two people, but why did Yunxiao disappear? One by one, they could only sigh the secrets of the nine emperors’ martial arts, and then cautiously defended the moon palace, which had no master. stand up.

The two who left the Moon Palace did not go straight out of the palace, but instead turned their heads to the Zhaohe Temple. Xuantian is trying to see Tianwu with his own eyes. At this time, the old man should have not slept yet. He wants to see the mental state of the old man. And Feng Yuxi wants to take advantage of no one at night. She secretly gives Tianwu the pulse, at least to have a basic understanding of Tianwu's body, and everything is better.

The two walked in the palace and fled all over the eyeliner. They crossed the square in front of the Zhaohe Temple and came to the entrance of the Zhaohe Temple. At a glance, Zhang Yuanzheng was leaning against the pillar at the door. doze.

Xuan Tian Ming frowned, whispered: "In the past, Zhang Yuan was waiting for the father. No matter who the old man met, unless the little **** had something to do, he would not carry him. He will definitely be there. Even if the old man is asleep, Zhang Yuan will definitely play the cover and sleep under his dragon's couch. It is impossible to fight in the middle of the night." While talking to the temple, he looked dark. There is no palm candle, and there is a vaguely heard voice from a woman. It is very charming: "The emperor, you are still a knife! The courtiers have waited for so many years, and finally waited until today!"

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