Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 1000: Terrible thoughts

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Xuantian Mou was less than two years old than Xuantian Ming, and he was born with Xuan Tianhua. He is now born with his brothers, and all of them are almost in the right place. In addition to the old sixth of the text and the old seven of a singularity, even the very old five of the previous years had a marriage contract, but the position of the royal palace of his grand palace was always empty.

Boss has a child, and Xuan Feiyu is so big, which makes him feel a lot of emotion. He also arrived at the time when he was standing upright, but it was a few ups and downs. It seemed that no one was, and even several times he wanted to promote people, and Feng Yuzhen was stirred up. First, Fu Ya, then Zhu Yunshan... He is very shameless to put the things of Zhukong Mountain to Feng Yuxi, and stubbornly believes that his own dissatisfaction is caused by Feng Yu.

Then, since Feng Yuxi always stirs up his marriage, it’s better to smash Feng Yu’s calculations!

Together with this idea, Xuantianmo’s entire family has fallen into a crazy mood, as if a window has been opened, and the suffocation in his heart has disappeared all of a sudden, and the gloomy face has been sunny. It’s up.

I married Feng Yu! Yes, I smashed Feng Yu! Xuantian ink thinks that Li Wei doesn't care about the fact that Feng Yuxi has already married. She is trying to match her with the sixth, so why not make the same choice? Feng Yuxi is the Fushun of Dashun. Not only is it famous in the people, but it is also a good skill. The doctors do not say anything, and actually get what is called steel. Only such a woman can afford the future position!

Xuantian ink was happy in his heart, and he was very satisfied with the idea that he suddenly burst out under the stimulation of Xuan Feiyu. At the same time, he also calculated it in his heart. To let Feng Yuyi become his person, the first thing is to let Xuantian go. dead. "This is a difficult thing!" He whispered himself, then closed his eyes and thought about the plan in his heart, and when planning to re-enter the palace, he had to tell this story to his mother. Say.

These days, the harem is very lively, and Yuan Shuzhen’s favor seems to make these people see hope. So one by one, they all tried their best to go to the Zhaohe Temple, and then they went to the Qiankun Temple to send a variety of soups and tonics. They had been in the cold for more than 20 years and once again staged their performances.

However, Tianwu Emperor is only a heart-felt pet Yuan Shuyi, Zhaohe Temple, Qiankun Temple, in addition to Yuan Shuzhen, any woman can not get in, how the things in their hands come from How come back again, Tianwu Emperor did not touch it.

Gradually, people seem to understand that it is impossible to go directly to Tianwu Emperor. Today, the person who is in the knot is Yuan Shushu. The threshold of Yuan Shuzhen is too difficult to enter. There are too many people to go. It is often a room where people sit. You say a word, and you seem to be in contact with Yuan Shuzhen for half a day. If you really say it, it’s just a sentence and a sentence. Most of them are non-nutritious nonsense. After all, can't you walk behind the door in front of so many people?

Some people have changed their way, Yuan Shuzhen can't, is there not a Lily in this palace? She is not a sister, she said, just before the reset of Yuan Shuzhen, Li Wei has just reset, the emperor has promoted the sisters, and they must have mutual effects. What's more, as early as when Li Wei was reset, the relationship between her sister and her sister was somewhat slowed down. I heard that Yuan Shuzheng sent the money and sent the ticket, but he was close to the sister.

As a result, a large number of people fought to the head of Li Wei, and they squeezed a Changning Palace from day to night.

At the beginning, Li Wei received her curious attitude for two days, and slowly felt that it didn't mean anything. Plus, she was not the kind of fun-loving temper. So two days later, Changning Palace closed the door and thanked the guests.

When she was quiet, she had time to think about some things. From the sudden release of the Eight Emperors from the emperor, one pile of things was stuck in her heart, and there was a strangeness that could not be said.

Li Wei sent the next person, sitting alone on the sleeping bed, and groping for two small people from the bed. The little man was made of white cotton cloth, which was covered with needles, one with the name and birth of Xuantian, and the other with the name of Emperor Wu of Heaven.

She wants Xuan Tian to die, this is what Yuan Shuzhen reminded her, because only Xuan Tian is dead, Feng Yu can only marry again. The reason why she had a Tianwu Emperor, she did not want Tianwu Emperor to die soon, but hoped that he would be seriously ill. Therefore, the little man on Tianwudi’s little needle was obviously few, only seeking illness, not cursing.

When the original Emperor Wudi was born with a news of illness, she also felt that her curse was useful, and she was even more worried about the little man who cursed Xuantian’s death. He stayed there for two nights without stopping. Tie. It is a pity that after a few days, Xuantian was not doing anything. Tianwu Emperor had a change, but this change was not as she wished, but it turned out to be the most unwilling to see. When I saw that Emperor Zha Tian’s time was seeking Tianwu’s illness, he also asked Tianwu to change his mind and let her regain her favor after the reset. How did it become like this?

Li Wei still wants to understand what it is all about, and her eyes are staring at the little man in her hand, and suddenly she feels that it may be repaying. At the beginning, I wished the empty mountain to do good deeds, but the emperor gave her the gift of Yuan Shuzhen and let her regain her position. Nowadays, her curse of the martial arts is cursed by Tianwu, and the benefits are transferred to Yuan Shuzhen. Is it all that is all causal reincarnation? Should I still give her a niche?

With such a thought, Li Wei felt that it was logical, so the gods began to tie again, thinking that the repayment of Yuan Shuzheng was almost the same, it is time to be fulfilled. But she hesitated, but also did not tie Tianwu Emperor? If we follow this momentum, she will re-enter the words of Emperor Wudi. I am afraid that Tianwu’s body is getting worse and worse. It is easy to pass the throne to the Eight Emperors. This is not the result she wants to see.

Therefore, Li Wei changed his mind and only tied a small person to Xuantian, and took all the needles of the little man of Tianwu Emperor. He also took his name from the little one and prepared. Let the left child get out and burn it.

At this time, I heard the sound of the bed outside, and the voice of the left child was passed down. I was reprimanding a little girl--"I have told you that although we lived in Changning Palace, we can’t do anything too much. That is to save the good palace to blood Yan to give her just fine, what are you fighting for? Plainly add, can you commit? Blood Yan has something to do, then it is not good."

"But that was originally for our niece stew." The little palace girl was not convinced. "The slaves came back and took the sputum. When they went back, the people who saved the palace would have to take the blood stalks that they stewed. They are all If you have a favor, why not? Why do you have to grab someone else's stuff?"

The left child sighed, and the heart of this little palace girl is still short when she enters the palace. The mind of the people in the palace is that she can understand it with a little girl. So, she told the little palace girl: "The more people who are favored, the more they want to prove their status constantly, no matter what means. Just like the thing just now, you think that the blood swallow is ours, But the other party is the thing that wants to rob us, so that we can show how noble their masters are. OK, don't cry, then go to stew one. Now the head of the good palace is too much, let us be less irritated ""

When Li Wei listened to her heart in the house, it was not a taste. She simply called the left child to come in and asked: "Is it really bullying us at the end of the house?"

Zuoer was afraid of her thinking, and quickly explained: "It is definitely not only for these days. Almost all the palaces are in a general situation. After all, the Shusei maiden has just been reset, and the people under the head have been wronged for so long, and it is also possible to come up with the limelight. Understand. The maiden is the old man in the palace. This is a matter of heart and mind, and I don’t want to follow it."

Lily didn't say anything, she didn't care about what she was doing, she just thought about it. Now she and Yuan Shuzhen are standing on the opposite side again? One for the six emperors, one for the eight emperors, the throne is only one, in the end is still the enemy.

"It seems that the palace has to be a little girl." Li Yan also held the hand of Xuantian, and said to the left child: "You go to find the fabric, let's do another one."

Zuoer advised her: "Don't you do it? If you are found, what should you do? The most taboo of the emperor is the technique of doing sorcerer, the same mistake, and then no longer three, the goddess you have committed two Second, if there is another third time, it can be really..."

"Is it really life?" Lizzie sneered. "Not afraid. Left child, this thing is only you and I know. As long as you don't go out, this palace can't say it yourself." She looked away. The left child swept away and scared the left child.

"What is this done by the girl?" The left child was awkward. "The slaves went to the palace and followed the goddess. For so many years, have there been betrayal? The slaves are also said to be good for the goddess, but if the goddess insists on this, then the slaves help. "You are." She turned to the cabinet to find the fabric, and then wondered and asked: "Where are these tactics of the maidens? What is it really useful?" If it works, then it will be good, Wan Can you really put the six emperors on the emperor?

Li Wei said mysteriously: "This is the secret of the secret, and it was secretly learned at the maiden."

Due to the great turning point in the DPRK-China situation, Xuantian Ming Xuan Tianhua was very busy in recent days, and often could not see the shadow from morning till night. Feng Yuqi can also hear about the former dynasty. For example, those former Eight Emperors Party re-entered, and the son-in-law of the family turned to the Eight Emperors to tell the words of Zhu Kongshan at that time, and the Eight Emperors re-admitted them. For example, some neutral people in the past have chosen a part of the Eight Emperors to stand up. They all believe that the emperor has reached the next year, and his body is so bad. At this time, the son and son who are so favored will inherit in the future. Datong. For them, the nine emperors are already the last time for them.

The men are busy in the front, and the woman naturally has to be busy in the backyard. Therefore, Feng Yu shoulders the task of accompanying Yunxiao to relieve boredom...

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