Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 1004: Control of the brain

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Zhang Yuanjin is a slave, and this life is destined to think of the emperor. In fact, he did not stand on the side of the Nine Emperors, and did not help the cloud. In general, he is the party of the emperor. No matter what he says, he considers things from the emperor's starting point. Including the soft sedan that stopped Shu Shu today, it was also to say to Shu Shu: "The emperor has reached the age. In recent days, the body is really poor. Although the emperor does not say anything, the slaves waited for the emperor for so many years to see the emperor. Physical and mental exhaustion, even the doctors said that this is not the case with the dragon body. So the slaves are daring to ask for the lady, let the emperor rest! This night is too lucky, it is too much to eat."

This saying that Yuan Shuzhen especially does not like to listen, she sneaked a sigh: "What do you mean by saying that the palace is wrapped around the emperor, let the emperor overdraw the physical strength? Zhang Yuan, you are so bold! Do you not know this palace? The rules in the grace? When does this kind of thing get what we want to say? It’s not the emperor’s own meaning. If you talk to the palace like this, is it impossible for the palace to immediately turn back and not respect the emperor’s purpose?”

Zhang Yuan heard the helplessness in his heart, but he still said with a hard scalp: "If the goddess can turn back, the emperor will be able to deal with it."

"Let's relax!" Yuan Shuzhen was anxious. "You are just an eunuch. You dare to carry the emperor's haunted half-way back to the emperor. Is this in the palace, is it right for you to say?"

Such a big hat buckled on Zhang Yuantou, scared him to swear to swear: "The slave is not the meaning, the slave is only compassionate to the emperor's body, please ask the empress to understand the hardships of the minions!"

Understanding the difficulties? Yuan Shuzheng had long read that Zhang Yuan was not pleasing to the eye. There was no reason to clean up the dead eunuch. At this time, it was a matter of heart, so the eyes turned and the words turned: "But you are also good for the emperor. The palace can understand. The palace also hopes that the emperor can be good, his body is well-being, it is stronger than anything. If so, then the palace will return today! Evening dinner can not be used with the emperor, but also look at the father-in-law There is a lot of things in the emperor for the palace." After that, I immediately told the palace man to lift the sedan: "Tune the head, let's go back to the palace."

The **** who first went to ask Yuan Shuzhen to look at Zhang Yuan, did not say anything, directly signaled the palace to move back. On the other hand, Zhang Yuanzhen said with gratitude: "The slaves are sent to the Shu Niangniang! The slaves Xie Shuzheng is understanding." After that, once again, it was a sweat that was stunned.

It’s really hard to grab the emperor with Yuan Shuzhen’s hand! He got up and walked to the head of Zhaohe Temple. He was still thinking about how to look back with Emperor Wu of Heaven. I rushed back to the private house, which is a big taboo in the palace.

At the end of Yuan Shuzheng, the **** who sent the message followed her to send her back to the palace. On the road, she was somewhat dissatisfied and said: "The Shu Niang is really a good temper, and the father-in-law is too much. This kind of thing is not in order!" Although he is also an **** who is waiting for the emperor, but for many years Tianwu Emperor only favored Zhang Yuanyuan, and they are not very close to them. The eunuchs, such things, are incomplete, and most of them are also abnormal. Although Zhang Yuan did not take care of them too much, they are not satisfied, but they are very envious of Zhang Yuan’s favor. This is not, Yuan Shuzhen got a favor, these eunuchs who were unwilling to be around the Tianwu Emperor immediately turned the wind, plus Yuan Shuzhen and the Eight Emperors deliberately draw together, as today’s Wudi’s side, there are a group of people. The heart has been biased towards them.

Listening to this **** saying this, there was a sigh of Yuan Shuzhen from the sedan chair. She only listened to her: "Is there any way? He is the near-servant of the emperor, and the emperor is fond of him. The palace now says that If you don’t give the chapter a little bit of face, if you don’t give it a little bit of face, he will say something in front of the emperor, and it’s very likely that the palace will fall out of favor again. Hey.” Sighing, it sounds like a pain.

The **** outside said: "The maiden is now spoiled, and the slaves are squinting. These days, the emperor is not too cold and hot for the chapter. Especially when the maiden is there, the emperor simply does not let him close, showing the goddess in The influence of the emperor's heart is much deeper than that of the chapter. So the goddess does not have to worry about those, so it is time to think about today's events. If you go back to the Cunshan Palace, I am afraid that it will become a laughing house in the future!"

The palace lady who followed the **** with the soft sedan asked: "The father-in-law thinks, what should we do?"

The **** said: "This time it is a bad thing, but if you think about it from another angle, maybe it is a good thing? Zhang Yuan is so obsessed with the emperor, the goddess wants to remove him?"

Yuexiu looked at the **** and glanced at the lips. "It’s not as good as the father-in-law gave her a girl an idea!" When she heard that Yuan Shuzhen said that she would return, she thought of the mind of her own master. This time, it was not a casual decision. It is even more impossible to return in vain. This time, Zhang Yuan was afraid that he would have to suffer.

On this day's dinner, Emperor Wu of Heaven used it very uncomfortably. Even when he was half eaten, he fell off the tableware and said that he would not use it anymore.

Zhang Yuan carefully accompanied him on the side and kept persuading him: "The emperor will eat a little more, eat too little today, and be hungry at night."

"How can you eat it!" Tianwu Emperor glared at him: "Zhang Yuan! You will ask you, why is Yuan Shuzhen not coming to the court? You know that Shu Shu will not come, can you eat without swallowing?"

Zhang Yuan’s heart is screaming: I have never had this problem before! Can still be on the road: "Shu Yu Niang is not very good today, and again, the maiden is also compassionate, you have been lucky for seven days, the iron body can not stand it! The emperor looks at the bitter heart of the girl Be sure to take care of yourself. Only if you take care of yourself, can you be with the goddess and beauty, and for a long time?"

"Fart!" Tianwu was so angry that he slammed the table. "What is the body of the cockroach? What happened for seven days? It’s okay in seventy days! Go and scream at Shu!"

"Emperor!" Zhang Yuanzhen cried on the ground. "What happened to you in the emperor? You used to be like this! You can't scare the minions. The slaves have been waiting for you for so many years, never seen you like this. Over the emperor, think about Dashun Jiangshan, or else... you can’t really eat, and the slaves will accompany you to the Moon Palace?”

"Monthly Han Palace?" When he heard these three words, Tianwu suddenly fell into a groan. He asked the following sentence: "Where is the Moon Palace? Why are you so familiar with this name?"

Zhang Yuan’s heart was shocked and he quickly said: “What happened to you in the emperor? How could you forget the moon cold palace? The moon cold palace is the residence of Yunxiao Niangniang! The Yunxiao Niangniang is the person on your apex. Is the birth mother of His Royal Highness!"

Zhang Yuan’s hearing of Tianwu’s incompetence caused a dizziness, and there seemed to be something biting in his head and it hurt. He held his head in his hands and shook his body. He kept chanting: "Clouds? Clouds?" It seems that I want to think of something, even some fragments have already entered his mind, flashing, Sometimes clear, sometimes vague, but very short, not even a piece, which makes Tianwu very painful.

These days, whenever he is alone, he always feels lost. He always feels that he has forgotten something, even when he is in the DPRK, facing those sons, especially when facing the Nine Emperors. My heart is always very uncomfortable. But all this, when the appearance of Yuan Shuzhen, instantly disappeared. Let him think that as long as Yuan Shuzhen stayed with him, he would be fine with everything, his heart was comfortable and his body was strong. He is thinking, since some people can make themselves good, why not be more with people who can make themselves good? Still thinking about what those are doing?

Therefore, he was even more fond of Yuan Shuzhen, and even went to the point where he did not want to see the Nine Emperors again.

Today, Zhang Yuan suddenly mentioned the cold palace, and his uncomfortable strength came up again. Even today, it is stronger than usual, so that he suddenly has an impulse to find out. He wants to understand those flashes from time to time. What does the fragment of the past represent? What has he forgotten?

Zhang Yuan looked at him like this, worried and looking forward to it. Worried is that he is afraid that he will have a terrible headache. What is expected, what if he can think of it? Will it change back to the former Emperor Wu of Heaven? Can the strange atmosphere in this palace be lifted?

It is a pity that things can't always follow his wishes. In the moment when Emperor Wu of Heaven tried to recall the most crucial moment, there was suddenly a palace man rushing to report: "The emperor, there is an accident at the Shoushan Palace! Yuan Shuzheng she... she The cantilever beam is dead!"

"What?" This sentence instantly brought Tianwu Emperor back to reality, just like the "Yuan Shuzhen" three words have magical power, which can make people instantly return to the soul.

Tian Wudi is scared, and Yuan Shuzhen is self-defeating? No! He must not lose Yuan Shuzhen, which means that he will be in pain forever. What's more, at this moment, suddenly a strong signal was formed in his mind, and the signal told him that Yuan Shuzhen is his favorite person, and the Eight Emperors are his favorite son. Yuan Shuzhen is his life. It is absolutely impossible to let yourself die.

"Swing up! Go to the Palace of Goodness!" Tianwu Emperor suddenly got better again, and took a group of people and hurried to the Palace of Goodness.

Zhang Yuan looked at all of this, and he sighed in his heart. He said that today is still a failure. He failed to pull the emperor back from the edge of the disorder. The three characters of Yuehan Palace are compared with Yuan Shuzhen today. Light. I just don’t know if it will be in front of Tianwu Emperor, will this all be better? As he followed the Cunshan Palace, he thought about finding a time to go to the moon palace, and asked the cloud to come out and save Tianwu.

In the Cunshan Palace, the Manchu Palace is crying, and some people are screaming: "Odd! Mother!"

When Tianwu arrived, he heard such a crying leg and it was soft. He came down from the dragonfly and almost rushed into the main hall with the run. He went to Yuan Shu’s couch and saw the person on the couch squinting. It was only a little weak, and I was relieved.

"Love! What is this for you?" He strode forward and sat down on Yuan Shu's bed. "You don't come to see you, but you are looking for death in the palace? You talk to you, who is it?" Bullying you?"

Yuan Shuzheng met Tianwu, and he cried when he wowed. She saw her holding the hand of Emperor Wu of Heaven, a pair of eyes with resentment, and directly directed to Zhang Yuan...

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