Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 1006: Selfish, all for her

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Yao Xian wants to go to the palace to see the emperor, which is naturally unquestionable for Xuan Tianming and Xuan Tianhua. They have done a lot of ideas about the changes in Tianwu, but before they were actually identified, all were empty talks. But for Yao Xianneng, he can't enter the palace, but he doesn't dare to make an absolute ticket.

Xuantian said: "The atmosphere in the palace is very different now, let alone the grandfather, even the king and the seventh brother can not walk in the palace. Can you send the grandfather into it, you can only try to say it."

Yao Xian nodded. "I don't get in the way. If you can't do it, you will come to the dark. The old emperor is not afraid of Yuan Shuzhen. You can't get rid of the two people. There is always a chance to be close." He was not at all polite. I directly thought of the way to faint people. "But I heard the changes in the emperor's emperor. I have a guess in my heart." Yao Xian pondered for a while, and no one bothered him until he decided to say it. This is another way: "Yes."

"Hey?" Xuantian Ming Xuan Tianhua both open at the same time, and then listen to Xuantian meditation: "Wuhan? Is that kind of a small person to write the name and the birth of the eight characters and then needle?" He is in this regard I don’t understand very well. I only know that there was a witchcraft in the palace. Emperor Tianwu was very angry.

But what Yao Xian said is different from what he said. He did not agree with the method of the little man. He even said: "There is no basis for that kind of thing. It is basically equivalent to the superstition. It is people. My own psychological suggestion. I don't think that it is a little person to leave the old man, and then write the name and the birth of the character, and then use the needle to tie it, it can really have a certain impact on the person being treated. Of course, the world Nothing is great, it doesn't mean that things that I don't believe don't exist at all, but what I said today is really not the kind." Yao Xian told them: "There is a real embarrassment in this world, it is true. Existence, it is a mysterious object that has been carefully cultivated by a special type of person and has been carefully cultivated for many years. It can be large or small, generally animals, such as snakes, crickets, etc. Generally two are a pair. One is acting on the person being shackled, and the other is staying at the side of the person who is being used to control the person who has been detained. The person who is shackled under this control, behaves abnormally, temperament Big change is the most basic change, more Heavy, will also make killings and other acts under the command of the operator. Do not think that this is an alarmist, these are real. Of course, there are very few species of plants, but animals or plants, It can only be raised and planted by women, and men cannot raise them."

Yao Xian’s words gave a new direction for the demise of Emperor Wu of Heaven. This direction was never thought of by Xuantian Ming Xuan Tianhua, but Feng Yuxi had this speculation. However, she did not dare to assert that she always wanted to wait for Yao Xian to come back and discuss with him. Unexpectedly, after Yao Xian came back to hear about it, she actually thought of going with her.

Feng Yuxi said to several people: "As far as I know, 蛊 一般 is generally in the hands of a group of people living in the southwestern region, but the southwestern part I mentioned is not the same as the Dashun map, so now I am also I didn’t know what it came from. But I know one thing. When Lu Ping’s Miss Lu Ping jumped into the water to save my aunt, her face was hurt by a poisonous insect. It is said that the bug is a cockroach. Now that her face is intact, I think, ask her about this matter, and maybe ask for some clues."

Xuan Tianhua listened for a while and said: "There is a prevalence of scorpion in southern Xinjiang. If I remember it, then the ancient Shu Kingdom will have people who are proficient in martyrdom." He said while asking Xuan Tianming, "You attacked the south." When you were in the world, have you ever encountered such a thing?"

Xuantian shook his head, "No. But this evil thing should not be made by all the ancient monks. If it does exist, it should be in the royal family. We did not attack the ancient Kyoto, so there is no Over contact."

Feng Yu also said: "It is true that once this kind of thing exists, the center of rights will definitely control it. It is impossible for everyone to have it. If you really know that you are in the royal family of the ancient Shu Kingdom, then you have been stationed in the south for many years. The old eight of the world can be too suspected."

"The most profitable person is him. Even if he is not under him, he will be related to him." Xuantian said, "There was a sorcerer’s sorrow in the palace, although this is not the case, but that The singer is Li Wei, and the relationship between Li Wei and Yuan Shuzhen, this thing will always make people think together."

In this regard, Xuan Tianhua also felt that there is some truth. He said: "All the time, we have paid attention to Yuan Shuzhen and Lao Ba, but I forgot that there is still a Lily in the Changning Palace. Check it out, check it out thoroughly!" He said to Yao Xian: "We will find a way to arrange Mr. Yao to enter the palace tomorrow, and then explore the attitude of the palace."

Several people discussed it for a while, and Yao Xian left his mind and left. After all, he is old, and he is very tired from Xiaozhou to Beijing.

Feng Yu looked at the background of Yao Xian's departure, and his nose was sour. Xuantian sneaked into her and advised: "You don't always say that when people get older, they are natural laws. Who can't ask for it? So, look at it, at least the grandfather is still tough."

She nodded, didn't say anything, but her heart was sour and sorrowful that Xuan Tianming couldn't understand. Yao Xian is not only a grandfather for Feng Yuxi, it is the pro-grandfather of her previous life, her only connection with the world. If Yao Xian is there, she will feel that she has the right to rely on and feel that she is not isolated in this world. That sense of belonging is something that Xuantian can't give, but she can't say that some secrets can only be in my heart for a lifetime.

"Nothing." She shook her head and smiled and changed the subject: "Seven brothers use lunch in the house, and we haven't talked together for a few days. I have been there in the morning, and she has a good head." ”

Xuan Tianhua nodded and said: "Okay." It is still the past that the cloud is light and windy, but now she can hear it, but she can always hear the faint helplessness and fatigue in the voice.

Feng Yu thinks, such a big smooth, is Xuan Tianhua not happy? He should never be caught in such a situation. He was a person who should be born out of the world, but he was thrown into the darkest and secular power center of a country. I was afraid that for Xuan Tianhua, he was born in the royal family. The most desperate thing in this life.

Three people, a jug of wine, no one drinks too much, one person and one small hand, take it in the hands and taste it, but also taste their own taste.

Feng Yuxi said to the two people: "I have asked the Six Brothers about the sorcerer's affairs of Li Wei. The Six Brothers said that Li Wei would not have any witches at all. Those are all noisy. Do you think it is credible? ”

Xuan Tianming nodded: "Reliable. Regardless of Li Wei, the sixth brother is credible. But what I say is credible, but only for the sixth brother, but it does not mean that the six brothers really understand him. Mother. So, this thing still needs to be checked as the seventh brother said."

"Good." Feng Yuxi took the initiative to take this matter down. "In the palace of Li Wei, I went to search."

Xuan Tianhua listened to her words, and for a moment of doubts, Feng Yuxi could see that he had several times to ask himself how to search, how can he do it quietly, but he swallowed it. go back. Xuan Tianhua is not a gossip in the end. Although he knows that Feng Yuxi has some secrets, he does not say anything. If he is ignorant, it is the best mode of getting along with him. But he told Xuantian: "In any case, the situation has reached the point where it is today, and we must do the worst. If there is such a day... you have to take the aunt, leave the capital, or even leave the big Shun. Not everything can be recovered smoothly. Once it breaks down, there is no need to catch everything in this incident."

Xuan Tianhua's words let Feng Yu's birth a moment of embarrassment, which means that in the moment when the crisis is irreparable, don't think about the common troubles, to abandon the country, abandon the homeland, and go high? Such selfishness was actually said from the mouth of Xuan Tianhua, which surprised her.

When I look at Xuan Tianhua again, I can see a little hidden danger in his eyes. Even when the other side looks at her, the feeling of worry is more obvious. She suddenly realized that Xuan Tianhua said this, all for her.

She hastily rushed over and overwhelmed, but she still couldn’t help but ask: "What about you?"

Xuan Tianhua faintly said: "I am also leaving, I am not alone, always guarding the mother." He spoke, looking at Xuantian, and his eyes flowed out of his brother's kindness. He said: "When you are a child, you protect my aunt, and my mother-in-law will protect myself, believe in the seventh brother."

"I believe in you." Xuan Tianming opened his mouth again, and some words were stopped. Xuan Tianhua also raised his hand and interrupted what he was going to say. Xuan Tian Ming sighed and said: "I can actually take care of all of you."

"Seven brothers can also." Xuan Tianhua took a sip of sake, saying that the clouds are light and windy. "My mother has raised me for more than 20 years, and always give me a chance to repay. I am different from you." ”

"But I have never regarded you as an outsider." Xuantian confessed, "No matter from childhood or now, for me, we are the same mother."

"I understand." Xuantian Tian smiled faintly. "So, give me the mother-in-law, and rest assured."

Xuan Tian Ming sip a sip of wine and sighed, "I rest assured." Then he took Feng Yu and said: "If there is such a day, I will go with the aunt to the west, what about you?"

Xuan Tianhua said: "East to the east, there is no shore, there are islands in the sea, and the name is Ren Xian. I took the mother to see what Renxian Island looks like. If the mother-in-law likes it, I I built a paradise for her on Renxian Island. If the mother-in-law doesn't like it, we will go to you. You will slap the mountain to her, let her build a cottage, and take the mountain as the king. Can it be good?"

When I said something, I said three people. It’s a good idea to take the mountain as the king.

Feng Yu’s life is somewhat embarrassing. She and Xuantian Ming strive to say: “Can we go with the seventh brother and the mother-in-law? I also want to go out to sea. I also want to go to life on the island. The island is king, let's occupy an island!"

Xuan Tianming laughed, and Xuan Tianhua couldn't help but laugh. He said: "Auntie, you don't know what kind of surprise you have left in the west of Dashun!"

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