Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 1008: Take a plan and get into one

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Listening to Lu Ping’s initiative to mention his face, Feng Yu’s cockroaches simply asked along the line – “How is your face?”

Lu Ping looked at her, and her hands kept rubbing on her face. After a while, she said: "There was a locust in it. Any prescription is not good. As for why it is fine, I don't know. It was a nighttime thing, and the wound was still awkward before going to bed. When I woke up, I recovered to the original. I heard that the person who raised the locust died, and this scorpion poison naturally faded away from me. It sounds amazing. is not it?"

"Yes." Feng Yu nodded and had to admit, "It is really amazing. You know who was the one who gave you the kneeling? But the seven princesses of the ancient Shu State?" Think about the palace feast, South The people in the world also belonged to the seven princesses of the ancient Shu Kingdom, and they seemed to be moving closer to the Lu family.

But Lu Ping said: "It should not be her. If the seven princesses of the ancient Shu State are dead, there will be news from such a big event. You will go to the south to fight, not to hear the ancients. Is there a funeral in the royal family of Laos?" She pondered for a while, then said: "The seven princesses, the golden leaves and the leaves, don't look like a person who raises a donkey. If I didn't make a mistake, the locust is what she brought. Wrong, but it was raised by others. She is a princess and a princess of the ancient Shu Kingdom. It is normal to have one or two teachers behind it."

Feng Yu looked at her and suddenly asked: "Do you know very well?"

Lu Ping is a wise man. After listening to Feng Yuxi’s question, she immediately guessed the purpose of her coming today. “Is Wang Hao want to know about Shu Shu?” She spread her hand. “Unfortunately, I want to let you down. I am My understanding of the cockroaches begins with the bug on the face, but I don’t know much about it. I only know that most of the cockroaches are bugs and snakes. If you want to solve the problem, there are only two ways. It is the nurturing person who personally solves the problem, and the other is to raise the scorpion to die, and the other's sorcerer's sorcerer will naturally solve it. However, there are exceptions, such as death sorrow, that is, the kind of no solution, that is to solve anyway. There is also one that is accompanied by the death of the nurturing person, and the person who has been shackled also follows the death. This sputum is mostly applied to the heart and lungs, and my life is good, the locust is only on the face."

Lu Ping said all the knowledge she knew about cockroaches in one breath, and then sincerely said to Feng Yu: "Wang Hao has great grace in me, but whenever I know, I know everything." But it’s really hard to find out more about it. When Lu’s face was aware of the locusts, he thought about a lot of ways. He even went to the seven princesses of the ancient Shu State. Unfortunately, things didn’t happen. Later, Lu Jia and the Eight Emperors turned their faces, and they were also disconnected from the ancient Shu. If you want to inquire about this kind of thing, it will be even more difficult. Fortunately, my face is already good, Lu The family is no longer attached to this, so until now, I know so much about the embarrassing thing."

Feng Yuxi knows that she is telling the truth. She did not report too much hope to find too much valuable news here in Lu Ping. It is good to hear these. She nodded and said to Lu Ping: "Thank you."

Lu Ping hurryed: "Nothing to help, Wang Hao does not have to thank me." It is also smart to ask Feng Yuxi why he inquired about the embarrassing thing, just said: "I really hope that I can help Wang Hao, but unfortunately limited ability. ”

Feng Yuxi knows that she does have limited ability and she does not stay in this house. As for directly inquiring about the anecdote, she was not afraid that Lu Ping would tell this out because she believed that Lu Ping was a smart person and would not say it.

When he left the government, Lu Ping personally sent it, and Mrs. Lu’s wife Ge’s was also around. Ge's seemingly wants to stay phoenix feathers for a while, and he tries his best to look at Lu Ping, but Lu Ping seems to have never understood it. He sent Feng Yu to the palace car.

Until Feng Yu's palace car is far away, Ge's hate iron is not a steel tunnel: "Guests are not easy to come to the door, why don't you stay more? This is almost noon, if you can stay for lunch, let's go home with Yu Wangfu The relationship is not close to a lot!" After that, I also took a step back and shook my nose, obviously not waiting for the kind of aroma of Lu Ping.

Lu Ping looked at Ge, and her eyes looked incomprehensible. She said, "Which people are Wang Hao, or the county owner, what kind of hospitality do we have? A lunch is easy, and the mother knows how to entertain Wang Hao’s lunch. What is the rule? Is it ready to get it?"

In a word, the Ge Ge is also blocked. Yes! Entertaining Wang Hao can't be casual, unless the relationship is particularly good. However, the relationship between Lu's family and Feng Yuxi is obviously not particularly good, and even the good is not good. At best, it is a somewhat enemies who have slowly eased the relationship. When she thought of this relationship, she felt very embarrassed, but she was not willing to be counted by Lu Ping, and she chased again: "At least you should accompany her to the outside to go around, eat something in the restaurant. I can listen." It is said that Yu Wangfu and the sisters who have made good friends on weekdays often go out to eat. How can you not get in that circle? Pinger, you are not too small, you should think about it for your family."

Lu Ping frowned and stood in the same place. The more she looked at Ge's appearance, the more disgusting she felt. From small to large, she knew that she was very beautiful when she remembered it. She even saw that Lu’s family used one daughter after another as a **** to realize her own plan. From Lu Yao to Lu Yan, I lost a daughter and even the only son got in. Even so, does Lu’s family refuse to give up? She asked Ge: "Is it necessary to wait until all the children in Lu's family have lost their lives, and you will be willing to stop? You can't live well, do you have to climb the privilege? The father is already left-handed. What else does he want?" ”

"What is your name?" Ge's heart was on his mind, and he wanted to tell Lu Ping a meal, but Lu Ping's words just stabbed her nerve. Lu family once tried to miss a daughter, including her biological daughter! Ge's thought, is it wrong to start? If Lu is not good at this utilitarian, her Yaner will not die...

Ge's was somewhat out of order. Lu Ping had no intention to talk to her. She turned and left. Before leaving, she threw a sentence: "I even want to accompany Wang Hao to dinner, and people don't want to see. You are my aunt, away from me. I have to hold my nose a little closer, let alone the royal king!"

Returning from Lu Fu, Xuantian Ming also returned to the government. She told him about the embarrassing things he had heard from Lu Ping. When he finished, the two men sighed at each other. The news from Lu Ping said that it does not have much value. To save the Emperor Wu of Heaven, it is still up to them to rely on themselves.

Feng Yuzhen talked with Xuan Tianming about his plan: "I will go to the palace tonight, go to myself, mainly to the Li Ning Changning Palace to check it. Of course, Yuan Shuzhen also has to check if time I have to go and see it together. These two people always have the biggest suspicion, and they have to check it out sooner or later."

"I will go with you." Xuantian did not trust her to enter the palace.

Feng Yuxi shook his head: "Nothing, big, I will hide in the space, no one can find me. Yesterday, you said that the father and the emperor changed the near eunuch, but you can find Zhang Yuan. where?"

Xuantian nodded, "No need to check, the head of the palace has been spread. Zhang Yuan was framed by that Yuan Shuzhen, the old man hit his 30 boards, and will be thrown into the sin slaves to serve in two days. I guess. The body of the little **** is afraid that he can't afford this toss. If you can see him in the palace, give me some medicine! Don't let him be too sinful."

"Is the father Huang Lianzhang far to fight?" She could hardly believe it. The long-term **** of Zhang Yuan and the Emperor Wu of the past have been so good that people can’t hate to doubt whether these two people are bent. She never thought that Tianwu would one day even be able to punish even Zhang Yuan, or Yuan Shuzhen. I couldn't help but feel a bit angry. She said: "Yuan Shuzhen is not only going to monopolize the harem, it seems that he has already begun to pave the way for his son to succeed." Look, the palace will soon be large-scale. When you change, those who are unsightly and inconvenient for Yuan Shuzhen and the Eight Emperors will be eliminated one by one."

"Yes." Xuantian said: "So our actions must be speeded up. Before they can do it, they can save one. Another..." He was worried. "The rescue of others is not the ultimate goal. The ultimate goal is To temporarily control the speed of development of Yuan Shuzhen and Lao Ba, lest they should eradicate people, the next step is to start with the old man. After all, the old eight wants to succeed, and the old man is still alive.

Both of them are aware of this crisis, and not only the two of them, almost everyone understands the next plan of the Eight Emperors. The "Loyalist Party" and the people of the Nine Emperors Party can now say that they are rushing to grab the time, and they are doing a tug-of-war with the Eight Emperors, so that the palace can be changed as late as possible, so that they can be in this period of time. Think of ways to turn things around.

Xuan Tianming said to Feng Yuxi: "I have not been able to send the grandfather into the palace. The palace has been banned. Except for the courtiers of the early dynasty, no one else can enter or leave the palace, including you." He said: It’s you now, I’m afraid that it’s impossible to go to the palace in a bright and beautiful way.”

"No one raised a protest?" She did not understand, "Tiange? Can Tiange enter the palace? There is Feiyu. He came back from Xiaozhou in advance and can go to the palace to see his grandfather?"

Xuantian shook his head. "No. The protest is not without mentioning, but it is useless. This palace is under the old man. On the surface, it has nothing to do with Lao Ba. The emperor opened his mouth and the lower court officials could not talk to him. Besides, just Don't let the idlers wait for the palace, what can they say? As for Tiange and Feiyu, they can't enter the palace. These are royal family affairs, and outsiders can't talk."

"In this way, the situation of the father is too dangerous." Feng Yuxi is very worried, "Yuan Shuzhen always dominates the father, I want to go to the hospital is difficult, really can't, can only sit in the hall Listening to the room, when did they fall asleep, when will I touch it again?" She said that she had turned her eyes straight, how could a daughter-in-law sit in the house and listen to her husband's public house? "But it." She waved her hand. "Let's go to the palace to look at it at night, I hope I can find some eyebrows."

They also have no other way, Xuantian Ming also hopes to pin in the night of Feng Yuying, whether it is Li Lan or Yuan Shuzhen, but when it comes to finding eyebrows, it is better than a little breakthrough.

Finally, the black wind was high, and a petite black figure appeared in the direction of the palace. However, this night, no one had thought of what Feng Yuxi saw in the palace...

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