Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 1040: Enshrined as a fairy, can not be smashed

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There was too much participation in the event of the palace banquet. Even in the year, she was killed by Fengshen and Fengziyu in Fengqi County. Tianwu Emperor also thought that she had a special occasion in the name of her shock. Exclusive to her palace feast. Although the palace feast had to make some unpleasant things, in general, the palace feast did not make her hate.

Just this time different! Feng Yuxi’s hate for this palace feast has reached a certain level, especially when she thinks that Emperor Wu of the Heavens will declare Li Yuanshu as a nobleman at the palace feast, and then immediately there will be a group of eight emperor party people who are flattering, she I feel upset.

If it is not awkward, if Tianwu Emperor is a "normal" emperor, if he has been smothered with the rain in the sixth house, then this is not a big deal. If you don’t want to twist, you don’t want to be emperor in Tianwu. The person who has been around him and in his heart is not Yuan Shuzhen. In addition, she knew that the old emperor was under control, but until now she still could not find a result. This series of events made Feng Yuxi feel a headache, and the palace feast was more and more repelled.

It can be rejected, and it is still going to go. At least she has to grasp the opportunity of this bright and honest contact with Emperor Wu of Heaven, instead of sneaking in the middle of the night to see the Living Spring Palace. She always had to look at it in person, how much the old emperor could make a noise, and this is also reflecting the extent to which Emperor Wu of Heaven was controlled.

I didn’t feel good about the palace banquet in my heart, and I didn’t bother to pay attention to it when I was wearing makeup. Fortunately, she is now Yu Wangxi, and she is dressed as the emperor of Wang Hao. Mrs. Zhou has already prepared for her, so she doesn’t have to worry about dressing up. It’s just that Mrs. Zhou said to her: “This year is your first year to participate in the palace banquet as Wang Hao. I am afraid that some individuals are staring at it. Wang Hao is going to be more careful in the palace.”

Feng Yu thought about it, but shook his head: "If the year is like before, maybe I will get a lot of attention. But this year, the fear is different, and people's attention will not be in me."

Today is Mrs. Zhou personally for her hair, it is said that it is a hair style made by Wang Hao, so that forgetting Sichuan and Huang Quan follow the school on the side. I heard Feng Yuxi say this, Mrs. Zhou’s hand was slightly stunned, followed by a sigh, and said: “It’s also true. Good days have passed like this, and I don’t know if the emperor’s head is out. What happened? In short, after Wang Hao entered the palace, everything was careful. Some things can be managed, and they can’t be managed. Let’s hide, there is no need to take anything to ourselves.”

Feng Yuxi knew that Mrs. Zhou was doing this for her, and she was grateful, and she nodded: "Reassured, I will."

Yu Wang’s clothes are purple that match Xuantian’s, but there are a lot of laces and gold and silver threads that girls should have in the details. When she and Xuan Tianming stand in one place, it looks like It’s the same as the couple’s dress, and I’m so envious of all the people in the royal palace, and I’m really a pair of people.

Mrs. Zhou even quietly wiped her tears. She remembered that when the Nine Emperor had just returned from the northwest, she was wearing a mask and was in a wheelchair, but she was in a hurry to get angry for a while. Speaking of it, thanks to the royal king, she did not understand why the nine emperors came back from the northwest and went to the heart of the marriage that they didn’t care about at all. They also went to such a heavy dowry. However, after so many years, step by step to today, Mrs. Zhou feels that the original dowry is still too light, so good Wang Hao, it is worth to hire all the world.

Feng Yuqi went to the palace car with Xuan Tianming, and Bai Ze, Huang Quan and Forgot Chuan were sitting at the gate of the palace. Xuantian meditation: "The original Chinese must have lived more in the first year of marriage. Unfortunately, the bad luck of the year is not good, and it can only be like this. The king always feels owed."

"Then I will make up later." Feng Yuxi said nothing about this. She told Xuantian: "If we follow the rules of ours, two people should go to travel after getting married. Do you know what tourism is? The place is far away to go to the mountains to play with the water, no one brings it, the two of us are sweet and sweet, and can enhance the marital relationship."

Xuan Tianming feels novelty about tourism, but his attention is still on Feng Yu's other sentence - "What is yours?"

Feng Yu smiled. "Don't tell you."

He rolled his eyes, but he stopped asking. This girl has a lot of secrets, and he needs to discover a little bit. As long as he knows that the heart of this girl is toward him, that is enough. What about the secrets of tying the little ones around? All add to the couple's taste.

When the palace bus went to the main road of the palace, it gradually became able to meet many vehicles that went to the palace. Xuantian as a male guest to enter from Deyang, and Feng Yuxi is to Ruimen. The palace car first sent Feng Yu to Ruimen, and then returned to Deyangmen. When he finally arrived in the area of ​​Ruimen, Bai Ze stopped the car and slammed the curtain with the people inside. "Our palace car is too big, it is difficult to go inside again, unless ... is blocked with the front The vehicle turned his face." He said while spreading his hand, and said: "In the past, I saw some people in the palace of the Royal Palace will give way, but now the time in the palace has changed, many people are not afraid of us. But the Highness Wang Hao, the subordinates feel that they really don't need to get used to their stinking problems, just follow our old rules, whip the way and kill one less!"

Xuan Tianming felt that this was very reasonable. He was preparing to nod. Feng Yuxi said, "Wait!" She was opening the curtains and looking out. She said, "Don’t be hard, I Just get off here." Finished, then pointed out the window and explained to Xuan Tianming: "I saw the Seven Brothers and I thought about it. They just got off the bus. I went with the thoughts. You rushed to Deyangmen. Go over there, save the road that I have to go back for a while. We are not trying to get into trouble at the gate of the palace today. This temper is going to be sent, and I will stay in the palace and say it again." She finished her body and started to care. Going down to the palace car, Huang Quan forgot to follow.

Xuan Tianming did not stop, only after Feng Yuqi got off the bus and ordered Bai Ze to turn around. Bai Ze asked: "Don't wait for Wang Hao?"

He shook his head. "No, when did you Wang Shuo bully?"

Bai Zeyi thought, too, that only Feng Yu was always bullying others. When was she bullied? Then I touched the nose and no longer argued. I drove the palace car and turned around. Xuan Tianhua’s palace car has gone slower. The reason is that he personally helped to get down from the palace car. He also specially tried to say a few words in the palace until he saw Feng Yu’s coming. Only then nodded at her, then returned to the palace car, and went to Deyangmen with the car behind Xuantian.

I want to hold forward the hand of Feng Yuxi, and yelled: "Second sister." The little face is red and the joy that can't be hidden in the eyes.

Feng Yuxi certainly understands what this girl is happy with. These days, she can get along very well with Xuan Tianhua. The relationship between the two has made great progress. Xiaotoutou has been obsessed with Xuan Tianhua since he was ten years old. This kind of progress is good for the sake of contention, but it is a good thing.

She did not attack her, but only said to her: "People live this life, but in just a few decades, it is the most correct to pursue the happiness you want. Even if it is wrong, it is your own choice, no regrets. Just fine."

I want to nod and tell Feng Yu: "This is what the second sister said before, I always remember. The second sister is right, life is like this for decades, now I feel that the days are slow, but I look back. I have been working for so many years in a blink of an eye. I don't want to wait until the day I go to regret it, so now even if it is wrong, I don't care, at least I have tried and worked hard. If I have a brilliant life for 20 years, I would rather not be flat and tasteless for seventy years."

The two sisters spoke, and Feng Yu’s lingering glory, the anger of countless ladies and ladies all wanted to let the side squat. Someone even did not evade the loud voice: "Don't dare to touch the seven halls, don't look at what you are! The prostitute is only a prostitute. Is there any qualification for her to enter the palace? What is there? Qualifications are standing in one place with us. What qualifications are there for the Seventh Highness to send her here personally? Also help her get off the bus?"

A series of questions and unwillingness to say it, I wanted to hear it, I lowered my head, I didn’t want to make trouble, and I took Feng Yu’s back two steps. I shook my head to Feng Yu, and I didn’t want to show Feng Yu. Say what.

But this kind of concession, but those who are jealous are even more unscrupulous, and some people even think that Feng Yuxi also followed the way to hide because the palace has turned the situation, the emperor's favor has also turned the limelight, so this has always been The powerful royal king has not relied on it, and it is no longer like it used to be.

When they thought about it, their courage was big again. Someone immediately said: "I heard that Miss Feng San has now lived in the palace of the king! I really don't know how to be shameful, I don't have a marriage contract, I haven't reached the age of marriage. I actually lived in the house of the Seventh Highness. What is this?"

"Is it just living?" Someone was sour and sullen: "How could it be as simple as living in the palace of the king? I want to say that 80% is taking the initiative to climb and climb to the bed under the seven halls."

"Isn't that the scorpion? What is the difference between the cockroaches in the flower building? I didn't expect that the big peasant family like the former Feng family would have been such a daughter. It is really shameful!"

It’s hard to listen to a sentence, Feng Yu’s not in the first place, just looking at it. She wants to see the 14-year-old’s thoughts. After experiencing the family’s change and the independent life of Ji’an County, in dealing with this kind of thing, There have been no major advances.

At this time, the imagination was also ruined. She frowned and looked at the ladies who chewed the tongue. She said: "Since you are not carrying people, then I don't have to pretend that I can't hear. How do you guys? It doesn't matter if I pay attention to it. My status in my life is there. I don't need you to say that the world can see it. I only hope that when you say bad things, you can accumulate some morality for yourself. If the Seventh Highness is that It is a kind of woman who can easily live in the house and climb up to his bed. Then he is not worthy of looking at you like this, and I am not worthy of jealousy. You have to know that those who have just said something are not my phoenix, but you are offering the seven princes who are enshrined in the heart."

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