Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 1045: Feng Yu's initiative, please

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At the beginning, people frequently toasted to the Eight Emperors Xuantian Mo, while all other emperors chose to turn a blind eye.

Xuan Tiange looked at this scene, and couldn’t say the awkwardness in her heart. She said to Feng Yuxi: "The ridiculousness of Huang Bobo this time, I have only heard of it before, my father is not saying much, so I It’s just a half-baked idea. But I didn’t expect that when I saw it today, Emperor Huang turned out to be like this. Auntie, you said that he is sick, is that disease cured?” After that, wait for Feng Yuyu. In response, she added another sentence: "It is useless to have a cure. If you do this, he will not return to the original."

Not only the mysterious songs, but all the son-in-law on this table are also the same thoughts. The big prince’s right side is sitting on the table, and the two princes’ sons are sitting at this table, watching the scene of this happening, only think It seems that Tianwu Emperor changed his personal, and it was no longer the lovely and hearty emperor of the past.

At this time, Feng Yuxi looked at Tianwu Emperor with a cold eye. Every move he made and every sentence he said and Yuan Shuzheng carefully looked at his eyes. He only thought that this old emperor did everything. It’s so normal and natural, just like he used to be like this, it’s not like being controlled by people. If you don't know what he used to be, no one would have thought that he was suddenly a person who had changed.

"If that Xuantian ink is really shameless, let the emperor give me a marriage, I want to do everything to kill him." Suddenly, Xuantian sang said such a sentence, Feng Yu Yu a glimpse, and then look at the opposite side, just to see Xuan Tianmo looking towards this side. The direction of the line of sight looks like it is watching Xuan Tiange, so that Xuantian song puts such a swearing. However, Feng Yuxi was keenly aware that the opposite side of the gaze was not looking at the Xuantian song, and... I thought about it.

She suddenly remembered that she had written a name on the post of Yuwangfu, and it was obvious that the palace intended to arrange for it to enter the palace. What purpose did it have? Feng Yu's two eyebrows smashed, and my heart was a little uneasy.

But at this moment, a boy suddenly appeared in front of her, clasping her arm hard, and shouted weakly: "Sister!"

She looked at her head and turned out to be Zirui. She was happy at once and quickly took the child to her front and kept looking left and right.

I want to let me get up too, pull the child Rui over and over and look at it and ask: "Zi Rui, are there people in the palace who bully you these days? Are you angry? Eat well? Sleep well? ?"

The heartfelt warmth and touch of Zirui’s heart, no matter how much gas he received in the palace, as long as he saw his sister and three sisters now, he felt that everything was worthwhile, and his suffering did not suffer. Because his sister cares about him like this, he is not alone.

The child shook his head and said to him, "Three sisters, rest assured that Zirui is not bullying."

In a word, it led the maid who was behind him to shout and sigh. The more she touched the child with Zi Rui, the more she could understand the maturity and sensibility of the child who was not in line with her age. How could she not be bullied? People have fallen into the ice lake, isn’t it a bully? But if he can, he chooses not to say it, just to make his sister feel at ease.

Feng Yuxi looked at the moon and looked at it with a smile. He said, "Go back to me, thank you to Dean, thank you for your care of Zirui. Please rest assured that this girl, take care of my brother, I will not treat you badly. ”

When Yue Rong heard this, he quickly waved: "No need to use it. This is the duty of being a slave. The slaves don't ask the king to repay."

On the other hand, the two emperors also laughed. She was the daughter-in-law of Shide, and often went to the palace of Deyi. She was familiar with the nature of the month. Now she said, "You can get the words of Yu Wang, You are stealing music! I am afraid that you will follow your mother's life for a lifetime, and you will not be grateful for the gratitude of Yu Wang."

Feng Yuxi does not say much, she is like this, and she has the grace of her, she will report the spring, and conversely, with her hatred, she must also let the other party pay a painful price . Just like the shackles of the murderers who fell into the water, hurting her brother, she wanted her life.

The Eight Emperors are the same, Feng Yu thinks, one day, the source of anti-drugs in the Emperor Wudi will find out the truth. At that time, she will let that day become the festival of the Eight Emperors and Yuan Shuzhen. It’s not good to stop!

With the arrival of Zirui, this table was a little more lively. People finally forgot the moment that Tianwu Emperor was angry with the Queen, and watched the song and dance for a while. But I don't want to, at the end of the song, Tian Wudi's head blocked the next batch of dancers to play, but coughed a bit, indicating that there is something to say.

People think that Tianwu Emperor has long said that there is something to be announced on the palace feast, so they erect their ears and make up their spirits. Even those who like to drink alcohol put the glasses down and waited. Tianwu Emperor announced the big news.

For the vast majority of people present, what they hoped was to hear the news of Emperor Wu of the Tianwu Emperor. As long as the Eight Emperors became the Prince of Dashun in good faith, their team would be completely correct. You can also breathe a little, no need to worry about how to push the Eight Emperors to that position. With the position of the prince, everything is straightforward, and they will wait for Tianwu to return to the west.

However, Tian Wudi once asked them to be disappointed, because the things he wanted to announce had nothing to do with the Prince, but he took the woman around him from the position of Shu Shu to the position of the noble. Although this has been a long time for the Eight Emperors, it did not directly seal him as a Prince, and people could not help but feel lost.

But then, Emperor Wu of Heaven promised again: "If you have a son, you will be the emperor and the emperor." At the same time, the emperor of the Eight Emperors is the Prince of the East Palace. Hey, never give up."

For a time, the crowd was awkward.

Want to be newly enrolled in Yuangui? This is easy to say, but it is actually difficult! Yuangui’s head is nothing, less than forty years old is not very old, plus the harem woman has always been well-adjusted, Tianwu Emperor is also fortunate, the chance of being pregnant is still quite big. But the body of Tianwu Emperor, this age, and the possibility of getting old?

People are skeptical about the fertility of Emperor Wu of the Tian Dynasty. At the same time, some people have thought more about it. The emperor has set such harsh conditions. Is it difficult to deliberately marry? Not like it! If it is intentional, then why does he want Jin Yuanshu to be a nobleman? This is not true!

For a time, people were puzzled.

For the new Yuan Guifei, she is very able to understand the mood of Tianwu Emperor at this time, because today's Emperor Wu of Heaven is very confident about his body. Today, he said in the noon that it was cold last night, but I didn't expect it to be overnight, which shows that my body is tough, just like twenty years ago. He even promised that the nobles said that, in March, you will be asked to re-encourage you, and then you will be the emperor, and our ink will be established as a prince by this happy event.

However, Emperor Wu of Heaven is confident in himself. Yuan Guifei knows his body condition and wants to let Tianwu Emperor be able to drum up the dragon again in this state. It is a dream. However, she did not worry about this matter, the old emperor is now controlled by her side, wanting the old emperor to make a decision, it is not her words. Besides, even if you must have a child, you don't have to be Emperor Wu of Heaven. As long as she has a happy stomach, her son's throne is at his fingertips.

Yuanguiyu thought this way, and the face was full of joy, and Xuan Tian Mo Qiqi stood up and bowed to Tianwu Emperor, a look of pride.

Feng Yuxi had long known that Tianwu Emperor would come here, and it was not unexpected that Yuan Shuzhen was promoted to Yuanguiyu. However, Tianwu Emperor wanted Yuangui to have a child and it was fresh. Her eyes turned, and an idea immediately struck up. Suddenly stood up and walked up to the temple. It was a very special ceremony. Then she said: "Congratulations to the father and the emperor, I help you, and Auntie is really happy for the father. At the same time, I also congratulate the noble lady, but also expect the maiden to once again give birth to the dragon, for the royal family."

Feng Yuxi suddenly came forward to say such a word, causing the audience to be a glimpse. Whether it is the Eight Emperors Party or the Nine Emperor Party, they are very embarrassed. However, the people of the Nine Emperors Party are very convinced of her. They believe that no matter what Wang Yuxi does, there must be a reason and a purpose here. It is impossible to congratulate the enemy with no reason.

For the Eight Emperors Party, they can't help but have doubts in their hearts. Could it be that this royal king has rebelled? Impossible, she has kissed Yu Wangcheng? Is it difficult to rebel with the royal king?

In some people's minds, the ideal is always too good. The nine emperors and the daughter-in-law rebellion and change to support the eight emperors? Can they actually think about this?

Tianwu Emperor looked at the phoenix feathers below, but there was a slight flaw, but he immediately adjusted the state. He immediately recognized Feng Yu, and also voluntarily called: "Old Nine Women and Children!"

Feng Yuxi respectfully said: "It is the daughter-in-law. The daughter-in-law feels that the father and the emperor have taken care of the aunt in the past. This time, seeing the father and the emperor can be so caring, the heart is very grateful, and I hear that the father wants it. If you have another one, you will take the initiative to ask for help. The father of the emperor is in the prime of life, and the body bones naturally have nothing to say, but the age of the noble lady is getting longer and it is not easy to want to have a baby. Therefore, the aunt is willing to be a noble woman. Conditioning the body to help the niece to have a long-term child. The father thinks, is it good?"

This is the case, the people who heard it are about to get out of the internal injuries. Is the emperor in the prime of life? It’s easy for the emperor’s body to want to have another child. Feng Yu, you said that you don’t even blink your eyes? Is it like this in the emperor? Have you seen a young man whose hair is white? Have you seen a young man who has gone to sixty?

But who can dare to refute this? It’s hard to stand up and say - Yu Wang, you are wrong, the emperor is not a strong man, it is old! The bones of the emperor are not good, and you will get sick if you have nothing! Isn't this special looking for death? What's more, let's take a look. Tianwu Emperor smiled because of Feng Yu's words. He was so happy that he didn't want to hear people say that he was young! The emperor loves to listen, what can they refute? It’s just what the royal king said... How do you feel more surprised when you listen? Is she going to adjust her body to Yuan Guifei? Shouldn't this be a weasel to give the chicken a New Year?

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