Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 1051: Can you give her happiness?

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Outside the Deyang Gate, Wu Lizhen did not know where he got the news that Feng Zhaolian was going to leave the palace today. He actually took the carriage and picked it up. When Feng Zhaolian saw this black pear, it was big. Sometimes he even thought about selling this woman, but unfortunately he could not get it.

Because Feng Zhaolian lived in the palace for some time, Wu Lizhen did not see him for a long time, and even missed it, and a direct gust of wind rushed over. Feng Zhaolian hid behind, but was pushed forward by Xuan Tianming. The two men slammed together and the black pears shrank under the arms of Feng Zhaolian. It looked like It was the same as Feng Zhaolian hugged.

The seven emperors Xuan Tianhua smiled and said: "Lian Wang has accompanied by a beautiful woman, how can I afford the king of the king to afford the lotus king?" After that, he said to Wu Lijun: "Wang Hao will help the lotus king soon." Carriage, cold outside, he is too little to dye the cold, but it is not good."

Feng Zhaolian wants to tell Xuan Tianhua that he really doesn't feel cold at all. The coldness of this Dashun Kyoto is as warm as a thousand for a thousand weeks, and he can wear a little less. But the black pear is wrapped around him, and it’s hard to take him to the side of the carriage of Lianfu. The driver is also a group with the black pear. When he is busy, he is stunned. Go up and stuff it into the compartment. When the carriage left, Wu Lizhen squatted down to Xuan Tianming and bowed down, thanking him without words.

It was not until Feng Zhaolian’s carriage was far away, Feng Yuxi’s eyes cast a doubtful eye on Xuantian, and Xuan Tianming told her: “Where should he go from where he came, I secretly sent him to him today. The news of going out of the palace was notified to Lianfu, which is a good thing."

Feng Yu slammed his thumb at Xuan Tian Ming and expressed his approval.

People went out of their palaces and went to their own palace cars and carriages. I wanted to follow the seven emperors on the palace car of the king's palace. On the way, Xuan Tianhua looked at her pale face, her head was slightly low, and she said nothing at all. She finally sighed slightly: "Don't think too much, The destiny of a person is not something that others can say. You see, even if the father is married, you can escape smoothly, and all of this is because you have done good deeds from the front. So, what saved you today is not Other people, but yourself."

I want to see this and look up at him. For a moment, she would like to ask Xuan Tianhua if she wants to marry herself. But when I got to the lips, I felt that I had too much extravagance, and even some of them were in the way. Once upon a time, when she had no intersection with Xuan Tianhua, she was only satisfied that she could see him from afar. Now, when she lives in the palace of the king, she thinks that she can say a few words every day, and then she thinks that it is better to have more chances to get along. Now, I want to ask people if they want to marry her. Isn't this what it is? The current situation is much better than before. What is her urgency?

The face of Xiaotoutou was red and red, and he bowed his head and said nothing.

Xuan Tianhua actually understands what he wants to think about, but he is just like her, knowing that the people in front of him are very good, but they always can’t wave the shadow of another person, accepting the imagination in vain, afraid of the end. I will not be able to have her one day.

The outside is snowing, the palace car is moving very slowly on the road. It is finally a section of the road that has passed many people. The road ahead is much smoother. The driver is preparing to raise the whip, but he does not want to, the palace car is suddenly Stopped between.

The car suddenly stopped, and the people inside were not clear. So I didn't wait to ask questions, but I heard someone shouting out loudly: "Seven brothers, can't stop, stop your car but want to ask a few words from people around you." words."

I want to take a look, it is the voice of Xuantian.

"Feng thinks." Xuantian said loudly: "I will ask you, are you still back to Ji'an County?"

The sound drifted down the wind and poured into the ear. I want to say: "Back, my mother is still there, Ji'an County is my home, Beijing is not."

"Okay." Xuantian said again: "Then I will accompany you, call me when you leave, let us all the way."

I thought it was a tight-fitting eyebrow, and I replied firmly: "If you insist on this, I can’t stop it, but I will jump off the cliff on the way to Ji’an County, and you will take a pass for me. Let's go!"

When the words were exported, Xuan Tianhua first frowned and stared at the girl, with a little blame in her eyes.

If there is no response from the outside, then I think that the person has already left. When I am ready to breathe a sigh of relief, I hear the voice of Xuantian’s voice rise again, but I ask Xiang Xuanhuahua: "Seven brothers, you can Give her happiness?" The voice was filled with deep despair and despair.

Xuan Tianhua looked at the room, but said very seriously: "Happiness is what you fight for. You can't expect others to give it. If you are a smart girl, you should learn how to fight for your happiness." With Xuan Tianyi too many cycles, prompted the coachman: "Go! Go back to the government."

The driver took a sorrow for Xuantian, then took a car and went around. Until the palace car has gone far away, I have not heard the words of Xuantian. Imagine that the person should have gone back? So secretly drove the curtains of the car, but saw the snow, the figure is still riding on the horse, the eyes are delivered to her side, even if it is so far away, she can still feel the thick out of the gaze The parting and despair color.

She put the curtain down and sat down, not to look. Xuan Tianhua said: "I am afraid of this, it is difficult to see you again."

"That's not to see!" I want to ask him, "His Highness, if you have someone in your heart, but you know that she doesn't like you, then, will you still bother?"

Xuan Tianhua blinked and shook his head. "No."

"So," she said with a bitter smile. "He is your brother, older than you, and this truth will not be understood."

Indeed, this Tao Xuantian understands that even when he was still in the Jade Temple, he had already said a word that was broken and broken. Can go out of the palace gate, watching this wind and snow, but involuntarily caught up with Xuan Tianhua's palace car, is to want to be a final fight. He even thought about it, no matter who he wants to have, or who he has, as long as the girl is willing to return to Ji’an County, he will definitely go back and stay with her all the time. He will not be convinced. Moonlight.

However, now he does not think so. He saw the determination of the destiny, saw the firmness of the desire, and also knew that he had already lost in this game. He is the four emperors of Dashun, and he is a man of the top, and the man’s husband should be able to afford it. If you didn't put it down in the palace, you should let go after this road chase.

Xuan Tianqi looked up and looked at the snow falling from the sky. Many of them fell directly into his eyes, and the ice was cool, just like his heart. The entourage said to him: "Master, come back! This snow is getting bigger and bigger."

Xuantian nodded, didn't say anything, and went to the direction of Ping Wang. Just after a long journey, I remembered another thing. He said to the follower: "I just said in the palace, I said that I no longer want the identity of this emperor. Pingwang House does not want to live anymore. The father seems to have promised. He is a bit old-fashioned now, but those who have kept the book have been remembering this matter, let's go back and pack up and move out early! Save yourself being rushed, and it's quite a faceless."

The follower said: "But the master, do not live in Pingwang, where can we go? According to the subordinates, the emperor was also in the air. You can’t go back to the old man with him. I really don’t give my son a place to live.”

"I don't want to live anymore." Xuantian said, "Not only a Pingwangfu, this capital city does not want to stay any longer. You listen to me, go back to clean up and pack, and send the people in the middle and the middle, we press Originally planned to start on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, go to ... to Ji'an County."

The snow is slippery and the vehicles are slow. Feng Yu and Xuan Tianming are sitting in the palace car, with Zi Rui around. This child is the empress of the queen to let Feng Yuqi bring out the palace. In the words of the empress, the emperor and Yuan Guifei have not taken care of anything else. The eight emperors are not so good, you take the opportunity. Rui took it out, and if he turned back to the emperor, if he asked, he would own the palace. Although the palace has lost the power of the past in the palace, but the owner sent away a child, the emperor has an idea in his heart, and he will not take the palace. What's more, this queen is not a queen, but it is just a bait. This palace is not as good as taking advantage of this bait, and then help you.

Feng Yu took advantage of Zi Rui and sighed in his heart. He originally wanted to steal Zi Rui from tomorrow night, and then gave him a hat. But now that she can bring Zirui out with great brilliance, she certainly won't let Zirui stay in the palace for another night. After all, it is too risky. As for the old eight, she suddenly felt that the needle went well, and some people should suffer some crimes, and this sin, let it accompany the Emperor Wu of Heaven, and attack together!

"Tomorrow, I will go to the palace to give Yuangui a diagnosis." She calmly told Xuan Tianming, "You can rest assured that I will not let the poisonous poison invade myself. If I want to explore the Zen Palace again, I always feel that the problem is still Out there, but only did not find the root pulse last time." She finished, and then tightened the side of the child, not waiting for Xuan Tianxiao to answer, followed by another sentence: "Xuan Tianming, if All this has been done. If I say that I am tired, then, when you get to the throne, you will want it?"

Xuantian meditation did not think, directly shook her head and told her: "Don't! I have never been an ambitious person, but I have always resisted responsibility on my shoulders, and my heart is filled with Li Min. Once this responsibility is not there, the emperor It’s just for me, but it’s just dust.” He spoke and reached out to hold her little hand in his hand. The hands were much tenderer than when they first met, and they were no longer as rough as they were when they lived in Xiping Village. The hand is tender, but the heart is a lot old, and even the eyes are covered with the eyes, let him look distressed. "Big brother governs the country, the country is rich; the second brother governs the country, the country is stable; the six brothers rule the country, the country Confucianism. You see, there are so many excellent emperors in Dashun, the emperor, who can't sit? Oh, the seven brothers can't, he is afraid I don’t like the palace more than you, I don’t like the capital. We are not saying it. When he goes to the sea with the clouds, go to Renxian Island, we go west, I will take you to another Dashun has a completely different life."

The two people's hands are tightly held together, and Xuan Tianming's words are even more exciting when Zi Rui listens. Huang Quan forgets the Sichuan and thinks that the future is infinitely beautiful. But only Feng Yu and Xuan Tianming understand that they are looking at the future, but at least in front of them, the future is dull.

At the end of this road, where is it?

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