Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 886: Master told me to look down on my highness.

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Yao’s accidental death, although it was not Xuantian’s original intention, but he also frowned for the coffin for a while, and scared the soldiers around him, and Feng Xiaoyuan was watching. There was not much fear, but Ling Tian and the official who killed Yao were scared to pee their pants, for fear that the nine emperors would kill them on the spot.

However, Xuan Tianming did not choose to kill him at this time. He ordered Yao to open the coffin and personally confirmed the identity of the deceased. He immediately ordered to re-prepare the valuable coffin and buried it on the third day. I returned to my home in a temporary residence in Shaping City.

But anyone can see that the nine emperors are not good-looking, but they are afraid that they are not good. When Feng Xiaoyuan saw everyone standing in the same place and watched the nine emperors leave, then no one had any idea. He went to take the initiative and said to the soldiers: "Now I should send people to the coffin shop first, and follow the instructions of His Royal Highness. Buy the best coffin. At the same time - "He looks at Ji Lingtian, and he also has hatred in his eyes. "Put these two people, look good, and never make any mistakes. Can you understand this? Just can't let them Ok, but I can't let them die, they die easily, they are too cheap." He paused and said: "As for me... Yao is my wife, this funeral will let me follow it!" You can rest assured that I will not run. Besides, this is Shaping City. It is the site of His Royal Highness. I just want to run and run away."

The soldiers think that he is quite reasonable. Plus, this road is really honest. They don’t dare to ask the Nine Emperors again. It’s better to follow what he said. Ask General He Gan.

People immediately acted, bought coffins to buy coffins, chose the cemetery for the cemetery, and closed the season of the season. But in fact, everything is easy to do, but the choice of the cemetery is really a bit embarrassing.

Here is the desert, there are all kinds of sand everywhere, where is there a place to be buried? It is suitable for excavation along the water source in the city, but that river is the river of life of the people of Shaping City. It is always bad to bury the coffin on the side, plus Songkang said, no one can guarantee that the body will be buried for a long time. What kind of change is very deadly if the rot is too polluted by the water source.

The soldiers couldn't help but asked He Gan if he couldn't come up with an idea. In the end, he could only hope to see Feng Xiaoyuan. After Feng Yiyuan fell from the position of Zuo Yuxiang, he never did anything serious, even if he was a former left-handed with Yao’s Fuya three-person, and listened to Ji Lingtian’s left-phase, he said the truth. Did not find too much feeling of the past. Now, for Yao’s funeral, he seems to have returned to the country a few years ago, and he returned to the original glory of Feng’s family. Everything is done by him. The following people will do things that they don’t understand. He came to ask for it.

Feng Yuyuan took the initiative to take care of the cemetery. He visited several people in Shaping City and sincerely asked people about how the Shaping City people were buried. In fact, it is reasonable to say that Yao’s body should be transported back to Beijing. After all, it is the root of Yao’s family. However, the conditions are not allowed, the southern boundary is too hot, and the work of two days has already rotted, and then it is feared that the coffin will not be able to walk out of Luotianfu and will be completely destroyed. The burial on the spot is the safest. After a few years, if Yao’s family is willing, it’s okay to send someone to move.

The people of Shaping City told him that there was a small green belt in the east of the city. People did not build a city there, but they were dedicated to burying the people. However, Yao is a foreigner. It is reasonable to say that it should not be placed there. The prefects of Shaping City will not agree to outsiders to go to the place to bury. After all, the place is too small, if it is arbitrarily buried, it is easy to cause the land to be insufficient. When Shapingcheng himself is buried, it is not good. Therefore, for many years, every household in the city has to go to the official residence to record the case, and the magistrate has opened a note to allow it to be buried in the oasis.

However, the people also said: "Now Shaping has returned to Dashun, and the ancient rituals do not need to care. As long as the nine princes of Dashun answered, there is no problem."

Feng Xiaoyuan knows that Xuantian will definitely answer, and he asks no questions. He directly takes the soldiers to take him to the oasis and take a look. Choose a good place, dig the grave, and engrave the tombstone. . When he was engraving the tombstone, Feng Xiaoyuan personally went to ask Xuantian, asking him to take an idea of ​​how to write this inscription, and in whose name.

Xuantian is also unambiguous, even when it is expressed: "Nature is to stand in the name of the king and the monk." Think again, and said: "Add Zirui."

Feng Xiaoyuan gave him a gift, did not say anything, and retired. Xuan Tianming was sitting in the hall of the temporary house in Shaping City. At his side, Song Kang was also a drumstick. Xuan Tianming said very helplessly: "Can you change the place to drum up these things? Isn't there your own room?"

Song Kang answered very well: "President said before leaving, let me look at my Highness."

Xuan Tian is speechless. Looking at it? Such a view? Feng Yuxi means that this Songkang is always optimistic about his health? How does this guy resemble a thief? However, he is too lazy to follow his plan. In general, Songkang is not annoying. This person is an idiot, and he is immersed in medicine. Even if they are in the same room, there may be no communication in one day. Every busy one, not interfere with each other. In addition, nearly half of the 100,000-strong army is still unbearable to the heat, and sudden situations always occur. Xuantian is always asking him about the soldiers.

However, after Feng Xiaoyuan left, Song Kang said something. He stared at the back of Feng Xiaoyuan and looked at it for a while. He said: "Is this person taking a good medicine? The whole person is normal. ""

Xuantian Tian Leng said: "Some people just don't turn back to Huang Quan. They have to let him see what is real death. He will be willing to change his mind. If he used to treat Yao in the past, wait for the aunt, why should the Feng family fall? Now it’s coming."

Songkang sucked his nose and also echoed: "Yes! There is such a good daughter as my master. He doesn't want to recognize the wild. He doesn't know what his brain is doing. It's better to cut it for him one day. Have a good look?"

Xuan Tianming did not discuss it with him anymore. This Song Kangman’s brain was cut open to cut that one, and it was said that he was learning from his wife and children. It’s really... abnormal!

Songkang naturally does not know that Xuan Tianming is highly appreciative of him. He turned his head and continued to study those medicines.

Soon, the days of Yao’s burial were here. In the morning, everyone got up early, including Xuantian, who replaced the purple robe and wore a white dress.

Almost no one has seen the clothes worn by the nine emperors in white colors. In people's minds, white clothes seem to be the representative of the Seventh Highness, but now they look at the nine temples and wear them on the body, but they also feel very good, with a trace of sorrow in the evil spirits. The gas field is very unique.

The funeral of Yao’s can be said to be handled by Feng Yiyuan. Xuan Tian’s meditation is that Yao’s wife is Feng Yu’s mother, but the relationship between the mother and the daughter is also there. The act is also there, and he can command the thick burial to be Ende, and he will not be bothered.

Fortunately, Feng Xiaoyuan was very serious about this matter. He also took a few minutes and the love for Yao. The funeral was really grand. In the past few days, he also took a mourning hall. Every night he would squat. I guarded Yao’s spirit and burned paper money one by one. So that the day of burial, Feng Xiaoyuan's two eyes are black, and the whole child has no spirit at all.

The coffin was transported from the west by the west, and the fine Nanmu, He Gan and Xifang two thought they were the apprentices of Feng Yuxi, took the initiative to take up the task of lifting, and lifted the front two corners. The latter two corners were handed over to Song Kang and Bai Ze, who had been following Xuan Tianming.

Feng Xiaoyuan took the coffin and walked in front of him. He also carried a basket in his hand. From time to time, he grabbed a piece of paper money from the inside and raised it to the sky, but he did not speak.

Xuantian Ming also walked along the side of the coffin, walking silently, watching the strange eyes of the people in Shaping City, thinking that when Feng Yu was here, would he blame him? Although Yao was not killed by him, he did die because of one of his orders. In this matter, he really needs a certain responsibility.

Ji Lingtian and the official official were held, and even Mrs. Jiang, who was with Mr. Ji Lingtian, was taken to Shaping City. He walked around Ji Lingtian with his army. He had already cried without an image. From time to time, he asked the people around him: "The Nine Emperors are Not killing us?"

The gentleman around me snorted and was not at all polite: "How? Your husband and wife have the ability to collude with the Eight Emperors to drum up a fake county owner. I didn't expect to pay for it one day. When I really want to destroy the Nine, how can I lose my bones?"

When Jiang heard this, he would be embarrassed. If someone was behind him, her whole child would sit on the ground like a mud. Even now, this is also extremely embarrassing. Ji Lingtian met his wife in such a heart, but there is no way, just like the soldier said, as long as he recognized that Fu Ya is the owner of Ji’an County, he should have thought of it. Japan has to pay a painful price for this. It was just too optimistic. I didn’t expect the army of the Nine Emperors to be so brave. Without the help of the 300,000-strong army in Biannan, I even won the first city of Gulin, which is afraid of being the Eight Emperors far away from Beijing. I can't think of it!

He sighed, and he said sorry to his wife about 10,000 words, and then remembered the words "destroy the nine races" and began to mourn for the family.

The oasis in the east of Shaping City soon arrived. The tomb of the Fengjing Yuan was very good. The back of the tree is the source of water. When people stand here, they feel refreshed and the heat in the desert. The gas actually went halfway.

Xuan Tianming did not know that Feng Yuyuan had such a skill, and nodded with satisfaction, but did not say anything. In his view, this Feng Qi Yuan is doing more remedies, and he can't make up for the heart he lost. He can't make up for the unfairness of his family's daughter-in-law in those years. Think about him. Just bite your teeth.

As the Romans do, Yao’s funeral Feng Qiyuan invited a local Feng Shui from Shaping to help the host, and the etiquette was very formal.

Before entering the shackles, Xuan Tian made a statement: "Lanzhou Zhizhou Ji Lingtian, together with the murderer, killed and sacrificed Mrs. Yao in the dead!"

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