Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 888: Just because of your memory, it’s really the champion.

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In fact, before the arrest of people, Xuan Tian meditation is to leave Yao's to Feng Yu, as for this Feng Xiaoyuan, he directly gave up the matter. Unexpectedly, the one who died was Yao's, and the rest of the phoenix yuan, he did not have to go to the hand, a biological father, a mother, how to give the **** to leave one.

Originally, Feng Xiaoyuan was arranged to live in Shaping City, but Feng Qiyuan did not want to live there at that end, insisted on staying in the big camp, and took the initiative to bear a lot of work in the big camp. Sometimes the soldiers in the camp trained, he went to Shaping City to help the people of Shaping to do something, and even did things like writing recipes for the restaurant.

Some of the soldiers said in private, if the Mr. Feng did not do things so well in the past, the county owner will not wait to see him. what a pity! He himself blocked his own way, even if he turned his head back, it was too far from the shore, and he could not come at all.

Feng Haoyuan’s good deeds have not been done for too long. The sultry heat and the sun in the desert have caused him to get into the summer heat. During the day, he can hardly get out of the door and vomit. However, Songkang is particularly annoying to him. He insists on not giving diagnosis and treatment. Other military doctors naturally listen to Songkang, and no one cares more about Fengqiyuan. At most, he is given some herbal tea for summer heat, and does not give medication.

Feng Xiaoyuan also knew that he was very annoying. Plus he didn't have the mind to live. He didn't care about drugs. He even thanked the little man who was assigned to take care of him. Sometimes I feel a little better, he will pour dirt on his own, not bothering others.

It is difficult to get sick during the day and it will be a little better at night. Feng Xiaoyuan simply slept during the day and awake at night, but he couldn’t do anything. He could only sit on the bed of the camp, recalling the past and over again, recalling the years when the Fengfu people were still alive, and even speeding up his follow-up. Yao’s big marriage, when the still-born Empress Dowager sent gifts, how beautiful.

On the evening of the same day, Xuantian came to Feng Xiaoyuan’s account in the sky, and he still had two pots of wine in his hand. Feng Qiyuan did not know his intentions. When Xuan Tianming handed one of the pots of wine to him, he thought that he was going to send him the poisonous wine on the road. He could not help but smile: "Nine of His Royal Highness is not a temper." The poisonous wine is too concealed, and it is not the killing method that Jiu Dian is good at."

Xuantian lost his smile, pulled the chair down in his face and asked: "Then you talk about how the king should kill?"

Feng Yuyuan said: "It should be vigorous, like killing the season, give everyone a shock, instead of sneaking a pot of wine. To be honest, for the mistake I made, a pot of poisoned wine is really too It’s cheaper for me. I want to come to my Highness to leave some face for Auntie. I have never done a thing for her to be a father. When I die, I have to ask this daughter to help me keep my face. It’s really no face. Going down to the ancestors of the Feng family."

After that, it was very refreshing to put the mouth of the jug into his mouth, and he sipped a few mouthfuls. Then put the wine on the small table on the side, watching Xuantian whispering and laughing: "How long after the drink is effective?" Then the product, "It seems not immediate, then I want to come to the Nine Highness to have something to say to me. ”

Xuantian Ming listened to him without saying anything. He lifted the pot of wine in his hand and drank two. This is the way: "There is nothing special about it, that is, I can’t sleep at night, I want to find a drink. Two cups, I want to think about it, I have never had a drink with your future Yuezhang, and that’s it.”

Feng Yiyuan sighed, "Drink with me?" Then look at the jug that I have just drank. It seems to understand: "Is it wrong? I am not a poisonous wine?"

Xuantian Ming nodded: "You really know this king, if the king wants to kill you, there is no possibility of quietly solving it with a pot of poisoned wine. What's more, when you say that you are left to the aunt, the king will not Hands-on."

Feng Xiaoyuan blinked, but he did not feel the rest of his life. Instead, he shook his head in disappointment. "I thought it was too simple. I used to fight for life. Now I know that I wanted to die. It's not that easy." He grabbed the jug, slammed his neck and poured a few more mouthfuls. He is a literati, there is not much alcohol, a few mouthfuls of spirits, people are a little dizzy. I only felt that my eyes were sore and sore, and then I had a mouth, but I cried when I didn’t know why.

Xuan Tianming did not stop, nor did he feel bored. While drinking, he watched Feng Xiaoyuan cry until he cried almost. This said: "I knew why today, why should I be?"

Feng Qiyuan sucked his nose and sighed: "It is because I didn't think about it in the early years, so I did so many wrong things. Now I regret it, but it is too late, so many people are dead. What am I still alive? His Royal Highness, what do you say I am still alive?"

"But in the past, you were the one who wanted to die." Xuantian Tian snorted and poked the scars of Feng Yuyuan. "If it were not for the wife of the king, it would be in your hands." I have died more than once."

Feng Xiaoyuan nodded, and admitted to the mistakes he had made, "I sent people to kill them on the way back to Beijing. Later, Shen family shot several times, I did not stop; even when returning home to worship the ancestors Zizi and Shenyu jointly want to harm the aunt, I also hope that she is really burned to death..." He said while waving his hand. "Too many times, I can’t count how many backhands are moved in secret. But as His Highness said, Auntie has the ability, and I have not succeeded in it." He said that he took a mouth and tears fell, and then asked Xuantian: "His Royal Highness, You said that I really didn't have a brain? Now think about it, I don't know how to leave the dog and return it to a champion. Just rely on my brain, I can still get the champion? But whatever is smart, in After so many things, I should understand that the aunt is not moving. How can I not see it at the time? Still thinking about keeping the fish?"

Xuan Tianming strongly agrees with his statement: "Maybe the father's eyes were spent, and the wrong test papers were taken. Otherwise, it depends on your brain. It is really not a champion."

Feng Qiyuan is very funny, and I don’t know that after so many things, the temper really has a big change, or a couple of wines are drunk and can’t find the north, so I’m so bold that I’m holding the hand of Xuan Tianming and starting with others. Pulling home often. From the time he prepares for the exam, he always said that the champion was married to Yao, and then he said that he sent the aunt to pick up the aunt, and then the Fengjia people died one by one, and then watched the Feng family go down. Every link and detail has not been let go, and the memory is so good that even Xuan Tianming has to serve. He even said: "It is possible to get a character in your memory."

Feng Xiaoyuan did not pick him up, and continued to say that he even turned Feng Yuxi back to Beijing, Xuan Tianming and Xuan Tianhua in order to support Feng Yu, to the Fengfu several times, have said something The words are all backed up.

This confession is simply a memoir of his life, Feng Xingyuan and Fengjia Quanzu. Xuantian Ming also listened with gusto. After all, there is his wife’s participation, and it still exists as a face-faced person. It sounds like Very enjoyable.

Finally, Feng Xiaoyuan said that when Yao’s burial, he stopped and turned his head again. His wine woke up most of the time, and when he saw that he was extremely stunned on the ground, his hands were hugged in the knees of Xuantian, and he felt a little embarrassed. He wants to apologize to Xuantian, saying that he is too much to drink, but he feels that the apology is too pale, and there is no practical significance. Another mouth, but it is: "I am a dying person. The only thing I can ask now is that I can treat our aunts after the Nine Dukes. The Feng family did not give a little affection. I hope this loss can be married to her. After the palace, I will make it up. My daughter is not easy. I can live to her own life. I want to come and I will die later. She can be more relaxed."

He got up from the ground, his legs were not so good for a long time, and he almost fell. Xuantian helped him a hand, saying: "The king's own wife will naturally take good care of you. Do you have anything else... Do you want to say that you have other wills?" Later, I felt a little unhuman, and I changed my mouth temporarily.

Feng Xiaoyuan was not polite, and thought about it: "I still have a diverticulum and a three daughters alive. The diverticulum does not enter the genealogy. I can't talk about it. I am dead. She is naturally free." The three daughters have always had a good relationship with the aunt, and they don’t need to have any heart. There are two of her sisters, and they will never lose money. There is still a fourth daughter...” Feng Xiaoyuan paused. From groping out from the bottom of the pillow, I took out a letter written a few days ago and handed it to Xuantian: "This is the letter I wrote to the white pheasant. She is in Beijing, although she gave the five halls, the five halls. It’s good to treat her, but my heart is always unable to let go. My Highness should still remember the girl, her temper will follow Shen’s mother, Shen’s mother, and she has no brains, she will ignite, and she will be resentful at a young age. I don't know how to educate the child. If people don't listen to me, I hope that my Highness will give me this letter when I go back and forth to Beijing. It is a last slap on her father before she dies!"

After Feng Xiaoyuan finished these things, he saw Xuan Tianming take the letter, and this was relieved. The wine was completely dispersed, but the heat was attacked again. He stumbled to the bed and soon fell asleep.

Xuantian Ming called the outside of the soldiers to come in and help Feng Xiaoyuan go to the shoes and socks to cover the quilt, which left the camp. Facing the rising sun in the desert and welcoming the heat that followed, he opened the letter of Feng Qiyuan’s envelope without the letter, and saw the mortal person’s last daughter’s Admonish, all of them are to let the white 黛 do not do the right thing with Feng Yu. He warned the whitefly that only when he had a good relationship with Feng Yu, he could live peacefully. Now, nothing is happier than being alive.

Xuantian Tian sighed and sighed the letter to his arms. Feng Yiyuan’s wish was still willing to help him. Just look at the Fengfen who knows how to repent! After all, the Feng family is the root of Feng Yu, and he does not want to have one left in the end of the Feng family, but fortunately there is still the phoenix, and his wife is not too lonely.

After a long night of talks, Feng Xiaoyuan became even more ill...

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